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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. While I don't have today's clips......yet. I thought I would share these classic JE clips from her days on Days of Our Lives:


    Angelica in Labor


    Angelica gives birth


    Angelica gives birth pt 2

    Ignore the links.......i'm such a dork they aren't of JE they are of some chick who looks like her (who replaced her). I was on You Tube and saw these links on the side of the screen and assumed it was Jane but it wasn't, sorry!

    BTW this person has lots of DOOL clips with JE, incase you wanted to see more!

  2. I cannot wait to watch you guys!!!! :D:D:D

    But I have one question for anybody who has seen today's show. I know that they were in three scenes but does anybody know what segments they were in?? I only ask so I don't waste my time downloading from whatever website has the clips posted first, of course this is like the first time Favorite-Moments.net didn't have the clips posted immediately after the show aired, so now I have to wait in anticipation...........just my luck! ;)

  3. knh and Ms.Q I have to agree with you on her hair it looks better than it did a few weeks ago, the style seemed a bit 'breezyer' (is that a word??) today. The jacket was much better today because it is form fitted instead of the usual oversized ones she usually wears and I liked the orange/red color with the brown slacks. (you were right Stace it was the same jacket she wore when Skye brought Lila Rae home)

    What I don't get is how Alan is suppose to be Tracy's conscience and yet he notices that Alice has been cleaning the boat house more often, how is Tracy's conscience suppose to know that? :huh: Whatever! The last scene was the only thing that got me, why oh why did the writers make it seem like she is sleeping with the illegals (Sebastion was deported) who are massaging her? I don't like it! As Ms.Q pointed out it made the whole renuion less romantic! :angry:

    Anyhoo, here are today's clips courtesy of Favorite-Moments.net, enjoy!


    Clips provided by Izzy edited by me!

    I don't know how I feel about the previews for tomorrow yet, I guess I will just have to wait and see.

  4. I just wanted to say.....


    to us all!

    For four months Tony/Luke has been off our screen and our favorite couple has been put on hold, and we made it. I know for a fact that if it was any other actor the fans would be going crazy. So I am giving us all a pat on the back. :)

  5. TRACY/LACY IS IN THE PREVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My only question is the clip they used, she has her hand covering her mouth and she looks like she wasn't wearing any clothes?!?!?! She is looks like she is looking up at him while in bed or something and he is bending down over her and says "long time, no see."

    I can't wait till tomorrow!!!!

  6. Wow SeanM, you really did your homework on all of TG's vacations, good job. I for one don't care if and when he goes on vacations just why do they have to be soooooo long and can't they pre-tape some episodes like they do when Steve or Maurice go on vacation?? It does not seem fair. ;) As for him going away again during the holiday's I just want him to be there for Christmas and New Year's, I want Lacy celebrating together, is that too much to ask for?!?!?!? Let him disappear for a couple of weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas just as long as Luke gives Tracy a gift on Christmas and is there to kiss her at midnight on New Year's!

    Ms.Q, I'm so sorry about your teeth, I know how you feel. :( Good luck with getting the rest of the things on your list done! I have a request for you, don't laugh, but do you think you could post a link to my video Dizzy, it seems as though I have deleted off my hard drive and I don't have it saved on a disc, pretty please. :P

    Happy Thanksgiving remos!! Hey I have a question for you, if you know, do you know if you can walk accross the Rainbow Bridge into Canada, or can you only go via car or bus??

  7. I just realized that I forgot to say Happy Birthday to TL and since technically it is still October 2, at least here on the west coast it is.............so:


    I hope you had a great day and unfortunately I will be in NYC on October 28 & 29 and will sadly be back here in November. :(

  8. Happy Hump Day!

    Here are yesterday's clips, sorry for the delay but Hella Good didn't post them till this morning and it has been crazy busy here at work so I spent my lunch hour downloading and editing.


    Credit goes to Geena, edited by me!

    Hooked, I will read your story as soon as I get a chance. I can't wait!

    One week until Luke comes back, and until we get a Lunacy scene. :D :D According to the spoilers Tracy is going to be the one to fill Luke in on all that he has missed so that at least gurantees the two of them in a scene together.

  9. Ms.Q and Colette, you guys crack me up!

    Ms.Q, I know exactly what jacket you are talking about and it was OK, not the best, but I like brown and Jane looks good in it. As for the Will change episode Colette, you are right it was a different jacket it had more sparkle in it, but it was also kinda brown behind all the gold.

    **waves to lluvAandM**

  10. Yay, Tracy was on today, good it gives me something to look forward to when I get home!!!! :D :D

    Thanks Colette for the recaps!

    Did I mention that I am going back to NY to visit my family in exactly three weeks, and I am spending the night in NYC, MinervaFan as great as NYC is, I think even a hillbilly can enjoy the big City! :)

  11. Ms.Q, I have to ask where you got that picture for your avatar? I don't think I have ever seen that pic before. The two you have on your banner I've seen because those are the pics all the mags used and the only other picture I have seen are of the two of them kissing, the one that BSG uses as her avatar. So I have to ask where you got that picture from?

    Tracy cares more about Lulu's welfare than Luke does, and not in that manipulative, using way she has with her own sons. It's like she's looking at a mirror to her own past, seeing herself at Lulu's age, and is desperately trying to stop the train wreck she sees coming with such bone-crushing clarity. And of course, Lulu is as snarky and ungrateful for her love and concern as Tracy would have been at that age, which only makes it worse. It's like Tracy's watching history repeat itself, only from a much saner vantage point, and she's completely helpless to stop it as it grinds on to its inevitable conclusion.

    MinervaFan, I liked your analysis of Tracy and Lulu, you were totally on spot!

    Seven more days till Tony is back on our screen!!!!

  12. It seems like its been FOREVER since I was here, actually it was Monday, but still thats almost a week! Sorry I haven't been around but I have been busy with work and when I get home I don't have the energy to turn on my computer.

    I am in the process of getting ready to buy a new computer which means putting all of my Tracy clips onto CD's so I can eventually get rid of my current laptop. So I can't even make any vids until I actually buy the computer, and I am being a total butthead about going to Best Buy. I swear as soon as I buy my new toy I will be around more. :D

    Mrs Q read the new Oh Baby chapters... I love them so much. As much as I am getting anxious to see how it all ends, I so don'twant it to. when it's over I'm going to be begging you to write a sequal or some kind of continuation cuz I love it

    Ms.Q, I feel the same way that knh does. If you were to finish the story then I would probably beg you to write a sequal too, so however long it takes you to finish the story, or not, I will not complain. Also, good luck with the dentist!

    Deb, I just finished reading Choke and thought it was great.

    OK I gotta get back to work, have a great Friday everybody!!!!!

  13. Hooked, I have to agree with you that seeing Tracy on today was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, that also means that she probably won't be on for the rest of the week. :( Edward on the other hand was on my last nerve, I know its classic Quartermaines to bicker, but when they are on the same side trying to get the same thing, they always supported each other. To have Edward make not one, but two snide comments in front of Lulu about Tracy was giving her all the more reason to stay away.

    I will agree with him when he called Lulu an "ungrateful girl" because she is, I cannot believe her attitude! When I was 19 I was living on my own, working two jobs all the while in college full time and she is just an ungrateful brat. Its one thing to act like that at 15 or 16 but Lulu is an adult and should start acting like one if she wishes to be treated like one. Ok, my Lulu rant is over.

    Here are today's clips, the quality did not seem that bad from Favorite-Moments.net so I got them there, enjoy!


    Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me!

    Oh one more thing, according to abc.com Luke will be back on our screen on Wednesday October 10.

  14. Hi all,

    While I don't have any scoops or spoilers for you I do have this small tidbit for you, this is according to SOD. Apparently there was a section called Making The Grade, GH got a 3/5 stars, which if you ask me seems a bit high, but whatever, read this:

    Heart Monitor: Revenge sex (Sam/Lucky), forced sex (Jax/Irina), drug-fueled sex (Skate) or wagered sex (Maxie/Logan) doesn't equate to love in the afternoon. Scrubs are imploding, but LL3 have the potential to be the next hot couple, with the decades of Baldwin/Spencer feuding behind them. Midlife squabblers Tracy and Luke remain the show's most endearing duo. 2/5 stars.

    Hopefully this will remind TPTB that Luke and Tracy are a couple the viewers seem to like and they won't screw with them. Also I have noticed that there are no rumors for you know who returning anytime soon, and thats good news for me. :)

  15. Ok guys I can honestly say that I have been working on todays errrr yesterdays clips since almost 1pm this afternoon, its now 4:45pm. I didn't know what the problem was it took about an hour to download the entire episode, not to mention to cut and paste and to upload to Megaupload. This is what I found out after I finished, Trudy used some kind of setting that made the picture full size when you watch it on Windows Media Player. I think you guys are not going to like it because it makes the screen stop but here it is. I will be posting clips from Favorite-Moments.net later tonight for my own use, so if anybody wants them instead please let me know.

    Here they are:


    Credit goes to Trudy and Hella Good, edited by me.

  16. I just wanted to let you all know that so far, neither Hella Good or Favorite-Moments.net have yet to post yesterdays clips. As soon as one of them does I will post them here. Deb, I too can't wait to see the clips because my dumb head didn't set my VCR because I just thought I would see them online later. I guess I've learned my lesson. <_<

    Incase you guys just can't wait You Tube has the clips up:


    Part 1


    Part 2


    Part 3


    Part 4


    Part 5

  17. Ms.Q, you dreamt about me being in the breakroom last night. I guess I should take it as a sign that I am never there anymore. I promise when it starts getting colder I will be online more at night.

    I do have a bit of good news for everyone.........it seems like Tracy is in tomorrows preview. At least that was what I read. YAY!!! :D

  18. Ms.Q, thanks for posting that last clip. I read the recaps and nobody mentioned that last scene so its a good thing you were payig attention because I sure wasn't. haha!

    TracyLuv, I have to agree with you about Tracy using Luke as a reason for Lulu to not move in with Logan. Alan told her to use that to make her feel guilty and it didn't work. :rolleyes:

    Well i'm off, hope everybody has a great Saturday!

    **waves to hooked**

  19. Ok guys it seems like Hella Good isn't posting yesterdays's clips, well at least they haven't so far. So I had to go to Favorite-Moments.net and get them. I know the quality isn't the same but I guess beggars can't be choosers. :) Maybe if HG eventually posts them I will put them here but for now this will have to do.

    I also added the one short scene from today as well.


    Credit goes to Izzy at F-M.net edited by me.


    Colette, thanks for posting the recaps today!

  20. Ms.Q, I FLOVE the new bannar!!!! :D

    Hooked, I've see that promo and kept it in my favorites because it crack me up! And YAY I have my job back, I will post the clips tonight as soon as Hella Good puts them up. I would do it now using Something-More.net (actually its now called Favorite-Moments.net) but I believe it has been said that the quality is better at HG.

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