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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. I hope you guys can be patient with me, but I will have today's clips posted tomorrow morning. I am downloading them at this very moment, but it will take at least a half an hour and I am leaving work now. So when I come in tomorrow I will edit them and post them. If you cannot wait Hella Good has the entire show up on their message board.

  2. EDIT: OT, this is ridiculous. WHY DO I HAVE TO FILL OUT RETIREMENT PAPERS?! And all the stuff about beneficiaries? I mean, granted if I died, the $$$ should go to someone...But all this primary beneficiaries, alternate beneficiaries...I feel so old!!!

    ^^^Honey, welcome to my world!!! That is what I do for a living and trust me you want to start saving for that retirement NOW! You are now offically a grown up! haha

    Remos and Ms.Q, thanks for the recaps! Also a thanks to hooked for posting the screencaps of Scotty and Tracy and for the spoilers.

    As of now it looks like the clips will be up later this evening because nobody has them posted yet.

  3. 12/11: Poor Tracy! I had to start it. :)

    I already gave my 2 cents over at SOC but I will say it again. The way Tracy was standing all by herself looking out the window made me sad. I wanted so badly to give Tracy a hug. The whole Spencer clan sitting there being supportive of one another while Tracy looked on, was not making me happy. Even Skye was there although I don't know why, she was only his girlfriend for like a year and that ended over two years ago. :angry:

    On a smalll happier note......Luke telling Tracy of his plans for a second honeymoon or a trip to a casino, I thought were very sweet and him telling her "see i'm making plans, i'm not going anywhere" were great.

    Anyhoo, here are today's clips. I hope you all enjoy them!


    Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me.

  4. Happy Monday Everybody!

    There are exactly 15 shopping days left until Christmas, and I haven't even started my shopping!!

    Here are today's clips:



    Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me.

    I added both of Lukes scenes with Sonny and Lucky because it seemed to make the story complete. So just know thats its not just all Lacy.

    Hooked, I'm with you! The spoilers seem very confusing. How can Luke be having his surgery tomorrow, going to Hell on Wednesday and then not be on again till Christmas?!?!? I don't get it! ;)

    Remos and Ms.Q, thanks for the recaps!!

  5. How much do you guys love me!!! I'm just kidding, but I will say that I literally did nothing after my meeting today except download and edit yesterdays and todays clips, so you all better enjoy them! hehe

    Yesterday's clips 12-6-07


    Clips provided by Izzy, edited by me

    Today's clips 12-7-07


    Clips provided by Izzy, edited by me

    Have a great weekend!!!!

    ETA: Page 500, do I get anything for that!!!!!! hahahaha

  6. Goodness, I'm sick from work one day and I have like three pages to catch up on, at least five stories to read, a promo to watch and a new video to download. Thats a lot to do in a few hours. I will say that I will try my best to get yesterdays clips up. Unfortunately I have a meeting to go to and it will be a few hours before I can do so, not to mention all the work I now need to catch up on.

    I will be back hopefully with clips. :)

    **waves to MinervaFan**

  7. From SoapDish (not a spoiler): Natty fans, she said she wants to do an event with Becky, Kim, Kelly, Laura, Nancy, & Jane. She said if they can ever get there schedules worked out they are going to do it.

    Thanks Ms.Q, all I have to say is if Jane is going to do a fan event, I am SO there. And I will not go by myself, so someone from this thread is going to have to fly out here and come with me, I have a pull out couch. hehe!

  8. Happy Friday everybody!!!!

    I wanted to first start off with Remos, I loved your new story!!! MinervaFan, I also enjoyed yours, I laughed out loud at my desk here at work.

    I wanted to share this with you guys it comes from that person Marlena Delacroisxs' blog, its about Lunacy: :)

    In my last column, I blasted the plotting of General Hospital’s Black and White Ball as schlocky and superficial. The overall main story was presumably done by the head writer. That doesn’t mean all of the scriptwriting for the month was awful; it takes a lot of different associate writers to write the scripts for a whole month of a daytime soap. There actually were some decently written scenes, one of which I will examine in depth later. It’s this kind of good work, done by dialogue writers, which makes bad soaps a lot more watchable.

    What also often helps to make bad soap storytelling better is the very hard and creative work of actors who must bring the scenes to life. Here’s an examination of the three performances and one standout scene during the Black and White Ball which really elevated the awful overall plotting.

    Anthony Geary and Jane Elliott (Luke and Tracy Quartermaine Spencer ). What a treat for you young ones who weren’t around to see either of these actors in the late 70s and 80s when their originally villainous characters first became legends. The many many scenes leading up to and following Luke’s heart attack at the Ball. at Wyndemere offered a rare chance to see how dynamic, talented and creative they were.

    We always thought Luke and Tracy’s was a marriage of convenience, but during these scenes of sudden illness, the pair displayed the deep and marvelously mature love that had somehow grown between them. ”You dragged me out of the past (with Laura, et. al) and propelled me into my future,” Luke confessed to Tracy.” Wowsa! Their scenes together were so unexpectedly and richly romantic!

    Question: Was the development of the real deep love displayed by Luke and Tracy in the wake of his heart attack in the script or did the actors invent it? Elliot has always been a sharply intelligent actress. Geary is notorious for writing his own lines. Calling Tracy “wife” in all the dialogue sounds both Shakespearean and Geary-ian to me!

    What made the Luke and Tracy scenes all the richer was the fact that we the audience have closely walked down 30 years worth of separate paths with these characters. And here they are sharing a love that is even sweeter since we’ve watched them as separate characters, both rogues, struggle and suffer all these years. I reveled in the Spencers’ depth of emotion. Middle-aged love is never portrayed on daytime anymore! It takes actors of great intelligence to understand and realistically communicate this kind of mature emotion. Brava! Who would have ever predicted that Geary and Elliot would become the Lunts of daytime television? (For you young’uns who may not know: The legendary husband and wife acting team of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne were renowned to be among the finest stage actors of the first half of the 20th century).

    Here is the link. http://marlenadelacroix.com/

  9. Lainey and hooked, I am with you guys in that I thought it was tacky that there were love scenes in Emily's montage, but I also think that it was suppose to be Nikolas who was thinking about her and not the family as a whole. (does that make any sense?) What also annyoed me was that they used the same song for Lilia's funeral montage too, was that because they were trying to compare her to Lila or are they just too cheep to "buy" a different song?? ;) I didn't like it!

    I almost forgot to mention this, did anybody else notice the look on my Ned's face when he was walking away from the church with the family, he was biting his lower lip as if he was about to break down and start crying?? :( I love him soo much and miss him soo much! Ok i'm done ranting!

  10. While I don't have downloadable clips at the moment, I can provide links to You Tube, Cazigirl already has them posted. Ms.Q I agree with you that it looked like Tracy was going for a group hug but then just put her other arm around Ned, and the scene was way too short. Her scene with Luke at the end totally rocked!!! It also looked to me like Luke was taking what she said to heart since he got back into bed and had this look on his face like was listening to her.



    Part 1


    Part 2


    Part 3


    Part 4


    Part 5


    Part 6

    Remos, I also enjoyed your story, you should write more! :D

  11. I come bearing gifts........todays clips! I gotta say Jane looked as good as she acted today. I loved the outfit, the hair and the makeup. I even liked Lulu's hair, lots of girls here in CA wear their hair like that so I am used to seeing hair done up like that. Jane's 35 second (I counted) speech to Monica was awesome she totally had me tearing up, more so than anyone else did today.


    Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me.*

    **You should all know that it's not just Tony and Jane's performance that I clipped together. I have almost all of the funeral, I did edit out Jason and Sonny talking, I edited out GQ because I just don't really care about them, Lainey and Kelly, Carjax, and I had to edit out Kate telling Sonny how Emily's death is not his fault, because it totally is.

  12. Here are today's clips,


    Credit goes to Izz, edited by me.

    I have to say Jane was really good today, the way she spoke to Lucky about being sorry for Emily, her voice was totally cracking and the look she gave to Lucky when she suggested he needed to be alone was awesome! She can say more with one look than most can say with actual words. I did feel bad for her when Monica snapped at her, but that was to be expected. Also, did anybody notice how tall Jane looked compared to Leslie?

  13. Thank you so much remos and Ms.Q for the recaps! I have to say I was worried I was reading the live thread over at SoapZone and the people there were just reeming Tracy out for yelling at Lucky, and I got worried it was going to be bad, but you guys put my worry to rest, thank you.

    hooked, I am soo glad to hear that Wally and Nancy were going to be in some scenes together, I still do love my Nexis!

    I should have todays clips up soon, I just finished downloading them at Favorite-Moments.net.

  14. I just wanted to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Here are yesterdays and todays clips,


    11-20-07 Credit goes to Trudy at Hella Good, edited by me.


    11-21-07 Trudy again.

    Also, the clips above are not of just Lacy but of the Q's, Nikolas, and other clips I wanted to keep. Can I also say how much I loved that end scene of Tracy in Lukes hospital bed. Did anybody notice that while Luke had his arm around Tracy and Tracy had her hand on Lukes face that at the same time they were also holding hands?!?!? How sweet was that!! I love love love it!!!

    And incase there is anybody who wants todays entire Thanksgiving episode, because lets face it, with no Sonny, Kate, Jason or Sam it was a pretty good episode. Here is the link.


  15. Thanks for the recaps IluvAandM and Colette, I can't wait to watch! Also to answer your question hooked yes today was the day that Jason told Monica and Skye told Edward. I read on a few other message boards that Edward was heartbreaking, I know I am going to cry like a baby when I watch. :(

  16. First I have to ask again, since my tape broke and I have to retape the episodes, which shows was Tracy on this week? Monday, Tuesday, and today, or was she on Wednesday, too? Can anyone help with that?

    Here are today's clips:


    Credit goes to Geena at Hella Good, edited by me!

    ILTQ, here are Monday and Tuesdays episodes:


    11-12-07 Lukes heart attack


    11-13-07 Tracy in momma bear mode

  17. As for others on other boards getting bored with Luke and Tracy lately.... I'm getting a little bored watching them be in that room myself. But I am also tired of seeing Sonny and Kate in that room, and seeing the kids in the stable. Thanks god they are getting out of that joint on Monday.

    I just got a chance to watch on You Tube and I have to say I thought they were pretty good. Logan did do a stupid thing today, when he said "Emily Quartermaine is dead", like there is more than one Emily at that ball, but I have to ask where the heck did Scotty go, its like he disappeared?? I did like that as Luke and Tracy were falling down to the ground that she was yelling in pain too, that they didn't forget that she is just as hurt.

    As for other boards getting tired of Lacy, well I think its just SoapZone because I was reading the recaps on the live thread over at SOC and everybody there liked them today. I think it just depends on the board, most at SoapZone were more unhappy because today is Luke and Laura's wedding anniversary and they are all just butt hurt.

  18. First let me say......HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY REGENCY! I'm so sorry I didn't say it yesterday but I was swamped at work and meant to post when I got home, but I ended up going out.

    Hooked, I thought of you last night, I went out to dinner and a movie with some friends at Fashion Island. Its been ages since I was last there. Also, thanks for the spoilers.

    Speaking of spoilers, the one about

    Luke disappearing

    could simply mean he disappears from where ever he is suppose to be, I haven't read anything about Tony going on his annual vacation on any website and usually the mags will make a small blurb about his upcoming time off, so it could just be a short plot point in his upcoming.

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