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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. I know I am early to post this but here are today's clips! Trudy at Hella Good posted them super early and she also edited the Q's and the teens together, so since I didn't want any of the teen stuff, I re-edited the clips to include just the Q's. When I get home tonight I will download and edit yesterdays clips, but for now here are today's:



    Credit goes to Trudy at Hella Good, edited by me!

  2. TracyLuv, thanks so much for posting detailed recaps of today's show, I really appreciate it! I just wish that Lulu and Tracy had some kind of a conversation where the word "thank you" was used somewhere in there. Lulu should be thanking Tracy for helping her dad take her mom and Tracy should thank Lulu for posting her bail.
  3. Thanks for posting the recaps Tracyluv, I have been looking everywhere for some details with no luck! So thanks!

    hooked, glad your son got home from his trip safe and sound.

    I have to say it is really sad that there are only four Quartermaine's left on the show. :( We need to get Ned and Emily back in that house, and we also need BrookeLynn to come back and "bond" with her other family. The Q's are dropping like flies and I don't like it!

  4. As far as I caould tell Tracy was on and was arrested but I can't get specifics because it seems every message board that has a live thread is just doing a brief overview, if a live thread at all! :( Hella Good has not had a live thread in two days and abc.com and SOC are just brief overviews. :angry:

    I do think she is going to be on tomorrow, right?? Lulu has to bail her out of jail since the Q's aren't going to help her.

    I also read at SZ that Scott (Dillon) has taped his final scene, according to Lindze's website, which means he will be leaving Tracy soon. Boo!

  5. I really liked today's show too. I felt so bad for Tracy when Luke called Laura "angel" and later when she almost lost it when yelling at Alan, I wanted to give her a big hug. :( Boo! to Alan for making her almost cry. I do have some bad news, according to Shazzer at GHVT she no longer is going going to be posting daily clips, so it looks like we only have Hella Good to download now. Unless anybody knows of another place to download daily clips....anybody?? If anyone knows please let me know. :)

    Anyhoo, here are todays clips:


    Clips provided by Shazzer, edited by me!

  6. Tracyluv, can I just say that I LOVE your new banner!!! I love all the kisses! :)

    MinervaFan, I just finished reading your "SpAcy" fic and it was great! :D

    LadyAshton, I can't wait to go home and download your clip, I can't wait to see it! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    WooHoo, I just realized that this was my 300th post, Hooked you got me beat by over 200 posts!! haha!

  7. Edit...Nex...do you Thursday and Friday's dowloaded from GHVT? Hellagood only has the whole show. If you do...do you know what segments they were?

    Don't worry I promised I would post these and here they are........clips of yesterdays and Thursday's show. I had to wait until GHVT had posted their Thursday clips so I could fix the Hella Good clips.



    6-7-07 Credit goes to Geena and the last scene to Shazzer from GHVT


    6-8-07 Credit goes to Geena

  8. Hey guys I just I would let you know that Hella Good has posted ALL of the bigger Media Net pics!!! You can find them if you click on to General Hospital Discussion, then click on GH Spoilers and Speculation. Tracy is wearing a new jacket, I believe, and her hair has good color (it looks a little redder) and "oomph". Also in one of the pics she looks like she is about to cry. :(

  9. Is our girl on today? I need a fix BIG TIME!! Yesterday's epi didn't cut it for me, even with the "sweetheart". Yes, btw, the jacket from yesterday looked like the one where Tracy was telling Luke that Lulu needed him "The MISSION didn't end when she had her abortion, it BEGAN"... I think those were the words she used anyway.

    From what I can gather at Hella Good, Tracy was on today and today was the day the Luke promised to always come home to her!!!!!!!!!! I also read that she offered to help Luke get Laura away and they kissed! Sorry I can't give more info but thats all I have for now!

  10. YAY!! This site is back up and running, I was going crazy yesterday!

    Here is the link to yesterdays show, Geena from Hella Good edited the clips and she combined the Spencers and the teens together. Unfortunately last night I edited out all of the teen clips but I wasn't sure when this site would be up and running, so I didn't download them to megaupload. :( If anybody wants to wait until tonight for just the Spencers I can post them later, (lainey)just let me know.

    Anyhoo, here is the link:


    Credit goes to Hella Good edited by Geena.

    Hooked I have to agree with MinervaFan and knh about what Tracy said to Lulu about Scott looking sympathetic to the judge. She meant if everybody ganged up Scott to defend Lulu then that would look bad in the judges eyes for giving custody to Nikolas. I also noticed that Tracy called Lulu 'sweetheart' something that she only calls Dillon, and she said it with such ease. :)

    Deb...the other thing is...if you buy a blow dryer...buy a diffuser attachment...they are cheap, but if you blow your hair when you get it cut shorter, that gives it more wave and body too

    I agree with hooked if you buy a blow dryer first buy an ionic one and buy a diffuser attachment, it will definately help with body.

    **pops back in with spoilers**

    According to SOW

    Can't Miss - Weds June 13 - Scott has Tracy arrested.

    Week of June 18

    Tracy seals her own fate

    and according to SON, the week of the 1th, I'm sure we all know this but...

    After hearing the judge's ruling regarding Laura's guardianship, Luke and Tracy come up with a plan to keep Laura from Scott. Scott has an unexpected surprise waiting for him when he arrives at Shadybrook to see Laura. Lulu, Lucky, and Nikolas share their goodbyes with their mother before Luke whisks her away to parts unknown. Since Luke has left town, Tracy insists Lulu return to live at the Quartermaine Mansion. The Q's put their animosity aside and defend Tracy when Scott comes looking for answers about Laura's disappearance. Alan warns Tracy that Edward is up to something. Scott brings kidnapping charges against Tracy. Tracy confronts the Q family after they don't help to bail her out of jail. Lulu comes to Tracy's rescue and posts her bail. Alan warns Tracy again to keep her eye on Edward.

  11. Okay, Hooked and TL, would I be able to pull this look off, and would it require massive amounts of upkeep? Because I would prefer to look like stylist-assisted Rosie, rather than hanging-out-at-Dodger-Stadium Rosie.


    I can answer this question for you!!!!!!!!! First, I loved that hairstyle on Rosie and I can totally see you with that hair cut. Here is how you can do it yourself without a stylist. It might take some time and practice but once you get the hang of it, it shouldn't take too much time. You should only need two things, smoothing fluid and velcro curlers (medium to large). Don't laugh but velcro curlers will give your hair body! What you will need to do is after washing your hair blowdry it until its almost dry, then you will put the smoothing fluid in and then the curlers. Let them stay in your hair while you get dressed and do whatever you do in the morning, drink coffee, watch the news, eat breakfast, or put makeup on. By the time you finish getting ready your hair should be dry, if not use the blow dryer. Take out the curlers and run your fingers through your hair, and it should look fine. You can also add more smoothing fluid if you feel you need it. The hardest part will be putting in the curlers, but once you have it down it really shouldn't take too much time.

    I know this because I have had that hairstyle and thats what I used to do and it totally worked for me. The best smoothing fluid I have ever used is by Aveda, its in a small blue bottle and it costs like $20 but it lasted me over a year, it also makes your hair shiney and not looking like you have glue in your hair. Hope that helps.

  12. Ok I am going totally off topic here, but I have the funniest story to tell, and I thought you all might need a good laugh. :)

    You first need to know that my roomate Heather, has two cats, one named Toby who is a big scardy cat, and the other Mickey is a big fatty (18 lbs. to be exact). Well, last night they were playing as usual, when Mickey ran into my room with Toby chasing him because he had a Wal-Mart bag attached to his body. I have no idea how the bag got stuck on him, but it did. Anyhoo, as Toby came running into my room, because he couldn't get the bag off of him, Mickey got all scared and ran right through my bedroom window taking the screen and some of my shades with him. He went flying through the window and landed two stories down into the neighbors yard. As I ran through the apartment screeming for Heather that her cat went through my window and landed downstairs in the neighbors yard, I began to laugh/cry in a panic thinking the cat was dead. He's fine, but I spent most of the night and this morning laughing to my self, infact I am laughing so hard right now as I write this story I need to wipe the tears out of my eyes and blow my nose. :D

    **Ok calms down, breathe**

    Back to topic, Tracy is going to be on and we are offically half way through the work week. YAY!

  13. While I will admit that I have yet to see today's show or better yet tomorrows previews, because I am still at work, I did get a chance to see the previews on abc.com. To give you a hand hooked, on the outfit Tracy is wearing, it is the suit she wore when she told Luke (just before he left town, again, after Lulu had her abortion) she didn't care where he was going or what he was doing, but that he needed to be there for his daughter. I used that clip in my Lacy promo vid I made a few months back. Thats why its fresh in my memory. hehe! As for her hair it looks a bit flat but the part in her hair is more off to the side and not straight down the middle, if that makes sense. I personally like it more off to the side instead of down the middle.

    Also there is a spoiler on SON for the week of the 18th, its nothing that we all don't already know, its very vague and I am not going to white/black it out, but here it is:

    A ghost sighting causes alarm and the white coats are called.

  14. Hi all, I would have been in here earlier but the power went off at my work and after three hours by boss FINALLY said "go home" whick my friends and I took as "go shopping." hehe! :) I did see that Tracy was not on today :( but to be honest I half expected her not to be on, oh well. There is always next week.

    I do know that according to TV Guide she is suppose to be on June 12 and 13:

    I whited them out because I do know how to do that! :D


    Tracy insists that Lulu move back into the mansion.


    Alan's ghost appears to Tracy

    Everybody have a great weekend!!! I can't say that I will be around because I am going to be busy but I will try to poke my head in when I have a second.

    Oh and MinervaFan, your 'postcard' from Ms.Q was cute!

  15. I have two confirmed, but small, spoilers for our girl. They come from SON (I cannot do that whole black out thing so here it goes)

    For next week:

    Tracy and Luke come up with a plan of their own.

    PreVUE Week of June 11:

    Wednesday: Is Tracy placing her trust in the right person?

  16. Ok I'l say it, I didn't want to, but it seems I have to.........

    there was no Tracy today. :(

    I can't say if she will be on tomorrow or not, but lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

    MinervaFan, thanks for the Soap Opera Digest link! I gave my opinion last week, I'm not sure if you can do it more than once, but I'll try again today!

    Here is the link for yesterdays Spencer scenes:


    Credit goes to Geena at Hella Good, she also edited them!

  17. OFF TOPIC QUESTION: So, I'm bringing a cell phone to Mexico. I won't be able to make calls ('cause I don't have an interational plan), but will the alarm clock still work on it? I don't know if it's going to pick up the "time" or whatever from those tower thingies...I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm just wondering if that's going to be suitable for an alarm clock, or if I'm going to have to bring a real one.

    To answer your question Staci, your alarm clock on your cell phone should work. The time change should be picked up when you turn your phone back on after you arrive in Mexico. The only problem you might have is getting hit with roaming charges. BTW, thanks for posting yesterdays clips I was getting ready to do it last night but it was really late and thought I would do it first thing in the morning. I'm in the process of downloading your vid, I'll give you feedback later, but I know I will love it! Oh, and love your banners!

    Off to read the final chapters of Waiting Room!!!!!

  18. I'm Back!!!! Burn to a crisp and sore as hell, but let me just say that after three summers of trying my best to just stand up on a wake board the fourth time was the charm. I can now stand up for a whole minute before slapping my face on the water.

    I have a ton of catching up to do, but let me see if I can cover my basis:

    MinervaFan, I loved both your stories the LuNacy and TrAsh one. :)

    Ms.Q, Loved your vid, banners, and WOW to your organizational skills when it comes to all the Tracy clips from the past three years!! Also, I voted for Tracy this morning at Hella Good. :D I also got you PM and thanks.

    Hooked, thanks for finding that Lacy story and posting it, it was pretty good. Also like Ms.Q, said go to Hella Good and vote for our girl she needs help!

    I thinks that it but I'm sure I missing something.

    I see Luke and Tracy were on today! :) I can't wait to go home and watch while doing all my laundry from this past weekend.

  19. So by Luke telling Tracy to switch clothes with Laura, were they trying to imply they are the same size?


    Not only are they not, their body types aren't even the same. I know it's just a silly plot point, but Jane is smaller than Genie. Even plot point moments should make sense, or else it destroys the scene. I can see someone putting on clothes that are too big, but too small?

    Well since Laura is wearing a hospital gown, it really doesn't matter what size she is, but the real question is how were they going to get Laura in Tracy's clothes!!! Now that would have been funny! :D

    To all:

    Have a fun and safe Memorial Day!!!

  20. MinervaFan and Lainey, here are today's clips. I am going out of town tomorrow so if Luke and Tracy are on either tomorrow or Monday I will not be able to edit and post them until tuesday.


    Credit goes to Geena at Hella Good, edited by me!

    ILTQ, I went to SID late last night to vote in the instant poll, it was still up, and Lacy was still the winner by almost 250+ votes, so I am assuming that they won!!! :D :D :D

    Also, for anybody who belongs to Hella Good, our girl needs our help in the "games" section. The GH Character game part 4 Tracy is in third place :) just behind Lucky and Sam, she needs more votes people!!!

    Everybody has been talking about the possible blooper, Tracy's hair, her new shirt, and Alan......but nobody mentioned the fact that when Luke and Tracy were at Shadybrook, just before they walked into Laura's room Luke said "when we get in there, you switch clothes blah blah blah, that means the plan was for Tracy to get undressed in front of Luke. I can't believe nobody mentioned it!! hahahaha!

    OK, I'm off to finish packing, night.

    Oh I forgot to mention that the clips is of all the Q's and their scenes Skye, Edward, and Monica. Enjoy!

  21. And OT again, but ugh...I have to go buy sandals and possibly exchange some luggage my dad bought for me. He got me this bright purple suitcase. BRIGHT PUPRLE! It's so I know it's mine. :rolleyes: Gah. I hate shopping.

    Ms.Q, I am so excited for you and your upcoming trip, you are going to have so much fun! And think with Tony going on vacation through all of summer, you might not miss too much Tracy because she will probably not be on. :( But don't worry I will have all Tracy clips on my computer so whatever you miss I will post when you get back.

    As for having to buy sandals, might I suggest a pair of Rainbows or Reefs. They really are the most comfortable, even if they are a bit pricy, they are totally worth it. Everybody here in Cali has a pair of each! As for the luggage, I swear you should keep it. I have hot pink suitcases, and your dad is right it makes it so much easier to find when its going around the escalator thing. Plus I can always see my luggage get on the plane with me, :) when the guys are throwing it on the plane, because it is so bright. Something that distinctive is a lot harder to steal. hehe!

  22. Who said they would love me forever if today's scenes were posted??? Knh, was it you?!??! Just kidding, anyhoo here is today's clips. There is a minute of Jax and Sonny but I wanted that scene so, tuff. hehe!



    Clips provided by Shazzer edited by me.

    Ms.Q, thanks for posting Friday's clips, its funny I was up really really late downloading the show and I edited it, but I must have been so tired that I forgot to post it, because I would have bet my life that I did. Oh well, thanks for doing it.

    Hooked, I really enjoyed your short story, keep up the great writing!!!

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