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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. The reason I love Tracy is simple...........she is who she is and makes no appolgies for it!

    Ms.Q, i'm sure I have the July 11th episode, but could you tell me what the scene was about? I think it was each of them talking to Dillion and Lulu but I just want to be sure.

    Oh, and if I didn't say it before, Keith, I loved the pictures from your birthday party! You looked like you were having so much fun! :)

  2. Oh, guess what guys? [/little kid] The "She's a Lady" video has been started. Featuring: Tracy, Luke, Robert, Coleman, and Jax. I'm so hung up on the transitions though. It's all so fast: Well she's all you'd ever want [transition] She's the kind they'd like to flaunt [transition] and take to dinner [transition] Well, she always knows her place [transition] She's got style, she's got grace, [transition] she's a winner. To nex, kenna, smirks, and anyone else I forgot who makes vids (I skipped MinervaFan since she's not here), any ideas?

    So I take it you are working on your own "She's a Lady" video and you need help woth the transitions? Why don't you play around with it until you find something you like, try going back and fourth on the Bow Tie Horizontal & Vertical or the Fan In & Fan Out transition. For some reason I can't seem to stay away from the Fade transition (I'm addicted :))


    Ms.Q, I don't know whats up with Jim Quartermaine over at SoapZone, he always seems to be commenting on Tracy in the negative. :angry: He seems to adore every other member of the Q. family except Tracy. To be honest I usually just skip over his messages, I also think that is why almost nobody ever replies to his posts. hehe

  4. Ms.Q, as far as I can tell from reading Soapzone's love post Tracy was not on today, sorry. :(

    MinervaFan, I just wanted to say that I loved your little fic "Small Token"

    Regency, I loved both "We Gather Together" and "The Die Lands"

    This is a bit off topic, but this morning as I was getting ready for work, I had Soapnet on and I saw a commercial for the Spencers, I thought it was funny because it was a cartoon similar to South Park but the characters heads were pictures pasted on their bodies. It went something like this.....back in 1981 Luke married Laura and they had two childern together Lucky and Lulu and then Laura introduced Nikolas as her long lost love child. Now Luke is married to Tracy Quartermaine, Laura is in a mental instituition, Lucky is addicted to drugs and Lulu is in college. I just thought I would share this bit of info because they included Jane as a "Spencer."

    knh I can't believe that Christmas is exactly 3 weeks away, :o thanks for pointing it out!! I guess this means I better get started on my Christmas shopping.

  5. Here is other article posted in this weeks SID:

    Are Luke and Tracy over?

    I'll skip the first part (beacuse its all ablut Laura) :P

    Although Laura is forever "gone," clearing the way for him (Luke) and Tracy to resume their inconventional marriage, the question is, will they?

    Tracy understands that no woman can complete with Laura for Luke's love, but that dosen't mean she likes or accepts it. The drunken depression he fell into after Laura slipped backed into her own mind was a rude awakening for Tracy. Not that he got another taste of Laura, will he want to dine on Tracy?

    "We tend to forget, because Luke and Laura, that Luke and Tracy, in their way, have an incredibly strong connection," says Guza. "Luke and Tracy are in love in a very real sense. So what is this going to mean for Tracy? Luke is very much an equal for Tracy. Laura's return very much forced Luke and Tracy to confront what they have... or don't have."

    Jane Elliot tends to agree. "It's very painful for her," she says. "Luke and Tracy have expressed their love for each other. But Tony and I were talking about how, the truth is, it's possible t love two people. It's possible to love two dogs, it's possible to love two kids, and it is possible to love two women. He feels for Tracy as well as for Laura in a completely different way."

    Not that that is any comfort to a heartbroken Tracy, who is very clear about her feelings. Elliot explaines, "Tracy is more aware than ever of how much she values her relationship with him."

  6. I thought we all might need a little Pick-Me-Up. :D Here is the full article of Jane's SID Gold Star:

    Never make the mistake of calling General Hospital's Tracy a kind woman. Trust us, she will break you in half for doing so. And yet, during the episodes in which the queen of mean found out that Luke's ex-wife had not only returned but set her sights on reclaiming the title of Mrs. Spencer, Tracy's icy heart... well, we're not going to say it melted, but there were definite signs of thawage. We saw it, even if Tracy did everything in her power to prevent Luke from doing so.

    Behind The Roar

    News of Luke's plan to walk down the aisle with Laura came as a major shock to his current wife, but she opted to camouflage any pain she might be feeling behind a strong drink and a fierce facade. Even Luke's attempt to soothe the savage beast by swearing that their marrage suited him just fine did nothing to ease the pain which she may not have openly expressed but was obvious to anyone looking for it. Upon closer examination, it became clear that Tracy wasn't feeling rage or resentment but rather an actual fear of losing the man she regularly claimed to despise.

    But she wasn't about to let Luke walk blindly into the land of happily ever after he imagined sharing with Laura. When Luke declared that he and Laura are magic, Tracy stroked his face and said quietly, "Magic is illusion. And my sweet husband, you need to consider what's going to happen when reality sets in."

    The Final Blow

    The situation went from bad to worse when Luke announced that he hoped to hold the ceremony in the Quartermaine garden! As Tracy raged at the indignation of having to watch her husband marry another woman under her own roof, Luke tried to pacify his wife. "I love you, Tracy," he said sincerely. But at that moment, she couldn't hear his words and instead closed her eyes as if internally humming a tune to shut them out. Being a realist, there was no was that Tracy could deny the fact that Luke loved-and always would love-his precious Laura.

    Jane Elliot is one of the best actresses working in television-daytime or primetime-and is able to make Tracy, whom we should despise, a character we empathize with at the most unexpected of moments. Paired with Anthony Geary's Luke, she positively sparkles. Best of all, like a diamond, she is able to shine without Tracy ever losing the razorsharp edge which makes her who she is. Ironically, while it is Luke and Laura who are considered the classic couple, Elliot's Tracy is, in reality, a far better match for Luke. And don't think for a moment that Tracy doesn't know it!

    Also, here is a small spoiler from WUBS, it was updated today 11/30/06







    **Tracy wallows in self-pity but still has a razor-sharp plan when it comes to ELQ!

    I don't know what this means but its something!

  7. nex and I were in the breakroom earlier before I got kicked off. By the time I got back in, she was gone, so I decided to PM her to let her know what happened. In the PM, I also mentioned that I didn't want to come off selfish/like a child, but that my birthday is Sunday, and that I didn't want to announce it to the thread. Now, I realize most of us already know each other's birthdays, but I sort of mentioned it to her as "back-up." Gah. I'm so stupid. Anyway, there was some misinterpretation (or my message was unclear, which is probably more likely, since I haven't been able to think straight), and so, this was the result. I apologize to everyone, especially nex.

    Now I must confess, I read Ms.Q's PM just as I was going home from work. I didn't read it carefully, I just scanned the post. I have her birthday posted on my home computer, so I thought I missed it especially because I was sick this past weekend and didn't go on line the whole weekend. So now I feel like a big dork, who can't read. ;) ::hangs head in shame::

  8. And "I'm done" didn't mean she was done with the relationship, imho. It meant she was done watching him wallow and trying to convince him to be a man. He knew what he had to do, and she wasn't going to waste anymore time listening to him whine.

    MinervaFan, I have to agree with you on that. When Tracy said "I'm done" she wasn't speaking of their relationship it was all about Luke and his wallowing. Quartermaines don't wallow and they don't tolerate in others. And as for Tracy proping Lulu, that was more about what Tracy secretly wants Edward to say to her. She had every right to say that to Luke because if anybody understands Lulu it's Tracy. Now the fact that Lulu is still calling her step-monster makes me furious but thats a whole other topic. grrrrrr :angry:

    YIPPIE for Ms.Q on her 1000th post! and for the Oh, Baby updates! They were great! :D

  9. Goodness, i'm sick for a few days and look at all thats happened!!

    Deb, CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding, I'm so happy for you and Fey. :D

    Ms.Q, I loved your fic missing scenes with Ned and Tracy!

    Here is a small spoiler from SoapZone:

    to be taken with a grain of salt





    Tracy gets in Luke’s face, determined to coerce this man to deal with his own culpability.

    I am having a good feeling about today because this morning as I was getting ready for work, Soapnet was re-airing Jane's appearance on Soaptalk from this past summer, and after that there were two episodes back to back of Soapography with Scott Clifton and Wally Kurth (Tracy's boys). I am taking this as a good sign! :)

    Oh and MF, I loved your fic Touch, it was great!

    **Welcome Keaton**

  10. I'll be honest, I don't know what to make of anything anymore. ;) I agree yesterdays show was a bit of a disappointment but it happened and there is nothing we can do about it. I have to keep telling myself it could have been much worse, I really thought Luke was going to rip into Tracy and he didn't. But what I did notice was him calling Laura "wife" if i'm not mistaken that was the first time he has called her that since she has been back. I am trying to think positive because just as he said it he dropped the ax and appoligized for hurting her. Thas all I can think of now!!!

    Let me clarify that I am still on the Lunacy bus, I have not fallen off.

  11. Is anyone else worried about the whole "lashing out/apologizing" and "breaking down in Edward's arms" thing today? Cuz I am. Still riding the LuNacy bus, but his apology better be DAMN STRAIGHT BETTER than his lashing out, if you know what I mean.

    You know what, I am going to go out on a limb and say "I am excited about todays show." There is nothing to worry about because we all know that whatever the writers have Luke and Tracy say to each other, Tony and Jane are going to ROCK it!!! This confrontation between them might also work to our advantage because it might show some sympathy toward Tracy. We are just going to have to wait and see!


    from SoapZone

    *Luke can barely take the impending heartbreak of losing Laura yet again, and takes his angst out on his safe harbor, Tracy. Just as soon as he’s cross with her, he’s kind, remorseful even.

    *Tracy waits until the coast is clear of Luke, and collapses in emotional anguish before her sympathetic father Edward.

  13. Oh my gosh!! I must have watched that clip 10 times, and every time I watch it, I feel even worse for our girl. :( Plus I read that while Genie and Tony were on The View this morning, Rosie made fun of Tracy's name. :angry:

    I can also see why that might have wanted a stunt double for Jane, it looks like she fell prety hard.

    BTW Look what I got:

    its Emilys nightmare of Helena and Tracy as witches!!!!!!!



  14. Ok guys, this is it!!! Lets just keep our fingers crossed that its a good week for Lacy fans! I know everybody is worried but we all know that whatever the writers give Jane to do she WILL rock it!!! And that is something to look forward to. So put on a happy face! :)

    BTW: who the heck is this guy Spinelli and why is he listed in the spoilers 3 times this week? It does not seem fair to me!

  15. Well my friends it looks like most of you were right: :angry:

    Spoiler below from SOW:










    "Emphasis on romance and nostalgia," adds Anthony Geary (Luke). The ceremony proceeds, despite a few, er, hitches: a drunken outburst by Tracy and a visit from their least favorite Cassadine. "Helena is lurking," says TG, adding that the Cassadine queen "makes herself known to Laura and drops the first hint that Laura's happiness is a temporary situation."

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