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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. ILTQ I just read all your posts and everybody elses at SoapZone and I can't wait to get home to watch!! It sounds pretty amazing and I do feel for the Luke and Laura fans it seems like they are all seeing red.








    Apparently Luke pitys Laura and that is why he is remarring her but he wants to stay married to Tracy. :huh:

  2. Edward suffers a heart attack. Tracy press charges. Luke is arrested for bigamy. Luke leaves town (week of November 27th). I believe they all came from different "scoopsters," but the 2nd and 3rd one seem to match. Heh.

    So how reliable are these Spoilers? Because they seem a bit far fetched to me. ;) I just can't see Tracy pressing charges against Luke for Bigamy. Not unless he really does something to pi$$ her off and even then I still can't see it.

  3. Enter Tracy with a drink in hand: "Oops. That could be a problem. In case it slipped your mind with all this excitement, you are married. To me." (give/take some words).

    So wait, she says this out loud for everybody to hear?!?! I thought TV Guide says that she will keep her marriage to Luke a secret? I feel so bad for her. :(

    BTW I loved your photos of Tracy in her Halloween Costumes Ms.Q!!

    **waves to Regency**

  4. I just got abc.com's Hotsheet and here is what is planned for next week:

    Luke accepts Laura's marriage proposal, but Tracy throws a wrench into Luke's plans. Luke wants Tracy to keep their marriage a secret so that he can go through with the ceremony with Laura. But will Tracy go along with it?

    I guess the good news is that she will, for sure, be on next week! :P

  5. Somebody over at SoapZone did a Spencer recap and here it is:

    read at your own risk!

    Eeep. And, who should interrupt this painful moment, but Tracy Quartermaine, followed closely by Nikolas. Tracy wants to know where her husband is. She's clearly on the warpath. Laura Spencer turns around, and Tracy is shaken to the core, but manages to contain the shattering in her eyes. My, Jane Eliot is a good actor. Laura says sweetly "Tracy Quartermaine!" and then "I'm sorry, you were looking for your husband?"

    Tracy doesn't spill the beans. She quickly excuses herself and leans against a pillar, her mind reeling, but the only evidence is in the purse of her lips and the darkening of her eyes.

    Bobbie has to go answer her pager (but really sneaks off to go call Luke). Robin and Nikolas swarm Laura. She says that she wants ONE day where she can reconnect with her friends and family, before checking back into Shadybrook. She says she has money, from the black bag of emergency cash in the bottom of the closet of the Spencer house. "Some things never change," Laura adds. They relent, and Laura leaves, Nikolas close behind.

    That's the end of the hospital part. Dude, they couldn't give Bobbie/Laura more than a two minute scene?

    We go back to the Spencer house, where Luke is trying to explain to Leslie the importance of keeping the truth from Laura. He says he thought the truth would help her four years ago, and he isn't making that mistake again. Funny how Luke seesaws between the truth being a great thing, and the truth being a deadly and a dangerous thing. Then he gets Bobbie's phone call. Now Luke flips into a higher gear of crisis mode. His focus is so narrow, its scary. He warns Bobbie to keep certain things to herself, and Bobbie tells her that Laura still doesn't know there is a "second Mrs. Luke Spencer."

    Luke then calls Nikolas (and cue this viewer laughing hysterically that Luke Spencer has Nikolas Cassadine's cell phone number), but Nikolas doesn't pick up. Luke leaves, leaving Leslie to comfort Lulu. Lulu melts into her embrace, this third parent that in many ways has been her only parent.

    So back to Luke. He's at the Haunted Star, looking for Laura. (Why he chose the Haunted Star, I have no idea. Laura would have no reason to know of the club's existence.) And who pops out, but Tracy. Luke begs "Not now" but she firmly says "NOW." Tracy's eyes are pools of hard hurt. She starts to ask Luke something, but then sees that he took his wedding ring off and accuses "Well, that answers that question!" Luke says that she can take care of herself, and should do so, because right now, protecting his first wife's sanity is more important than protecting his second wife's feelings. Luke always did have a way with words.

    So Tracy is unwilling to let any of this go. And why should she? She asks Luke, what does he think is going to happen, when Laura finds out he is married to her?

    And, cue Laura's entrance. Stay tuned for tomorrow. Laura, Luke, and Tracy are in the previews.

    Oh, also, Lucky was on with Ric, and more with Elizabeth, but I found it too dull to watch. (And STILL NOT IMPRESSED WITH GV).

    The highlight of today was the Laura/Leslie stuff. And it has been much, much too long since we had Leslie, Luke, and Lulu in the same room together. And Jane Eliot is a superb, understated actress.

  6. I have to be very, very honest here. I'm thrilled about this. But I'm also sad for Luke, Lulu, Lucky, Leslie, and Bobbie. I mean, how agonizing must that be, to get her back for such a brief time? She's so integral to their lives and so much a part of them all. Getting her back, just for a month, is almost more cruel than if they hadn't gotten her at all.

    I know I'm in a minority here, but I like Genie Francis. And I'm starting to like Laura, too. Not as a partner for Luke, because the girl is just TOO dang weak for him. But as a mom and a friend to those people who know her, I think Laura is wonderful. And if I didn't think she was an obstacle to MY GIRL's happiness, I'd be all for Laura/GF staying on the show. She brings out a lightness in the Spencers that's been missing for a long time. I like her.

    You are not in the minorty, I also like Genie Francis and you are right that she brings out a lightness that the Spencer's have been missing for a long long time. (4years to be exact)

    Am I the only one that thinks that having L&L get remarried in the Quartermaine's garden is a little bit tackey, even for Luke. Something about the whole situation does not seem right to me. ;) I don't care who you are, you do not have a wedding in the garden of your current/ex wifes house! WTF was Guza thinking!?!?!

    On a happier note, it seems like Jane might get some good material to work with. :) And it seems like they are not going to portray her as evil or mean, but more understanding and caring, especially if she knows that Laura's return is temporary and wants Luke to tell her kids, and that makes me happy.

  7. Hi all, hope everybody had a Happy Haloween!!! Ms.Q, I just read that spoiler over at SZ and I can't figure it out either. ;) Guza says that Tracy is not pleased that Luke is going to remarry Laura and then he laughs!?!? Whats that all about?

    There is also this spoiler:







    Luke/Laura - 25 years after their First I do's L&L will tie the knot again " Tracy will not be pleased when she hears that Luke intends remarry(laughs). And there is also an event that occurs simultaneously with the wedding. It will be mob related, so people who had not been tainted by mob influence will Be"

    From what I read on the live post at SZ I think Carly and Jax will be getting married that day so maybe that is the other event that is mob related?

    **waves to Lainey**

  8. But I'm sooooo happy that it's not Evil!Tracy coming out.

    I was more worried about that and to tell you the truth, even though I miss Scheming!Tracy, I'll take this version of Tracy over no Tracy at all cause JE just rocks it, PERIOD.

    The woman could do almost anything and I would watch.

    I agree with you 100% I do think this Tracy is going to rock!! I think she is going to be sensitive toward Laura and her feelings toward Luke. I think we Lacy fans are going to get some good angst scenes out if this. :)

    Did anybody else notice that Robin told Luke that LSD-49 or whatever it is called can only be used once, so I guess that means that if she was going to come out of it again, it will have to be something else that triggers her mind. My thinking is that its going to be a long, long time before she comes out of it again. And while I do like Genie as an actor, I have to agree with MinervaFan that I just don't see Luke and Laura for all the greatness that everybody else seems to see. To me they just seem like two actors who love to work together and not two characters who are in love with each other. Luke has put Laura so high on a pedestal that nobody can touch her, not even him. My biggest hope of all hopes it that Laura will set Luke free, free to be happy with someone else, (ie Lacy) he needs closure, and so do all the L&L fans.

  9. Oh, nex, I'm becoming convinced that the photo isn't from the early 80s anymore. She looks young, but not 80s young. And while the hair is similar to her GL days, I want to say the photo was taken a little before her 2003 return. But who knows?

    See, i'm not going crazy!

    Thank goodness this board has reopened!!!!

  10. WTF! LUKE TOOK OFF HIS WEDDING RING!!!!!!!!!grrrrrrr

    Ok, the gloves are off and the vaseline is on!!!!!!

    Here is another tidbit:


    Against All Odds

    Laura awakens from her catatonic state and she learns she lost 4 years of her life. She is shocked to see LuLu all grown up and she learns all about her childrens' lives, minus the ugly truth they keep from her. Robert becomes suspicious when he thinks Luke is keeping something from him about Laura. When Luke goes to visit Laura at Shadybrook, he finds her missing. Laura shocks Lesley when she encounters her mother, and then Bobbie and Tracy. Nikolas prevents Tracy from telling Laura about her marriage to Luke. Luke goes racing off to find Laura in the hopes of finding her before she remembers something that could trigger another breakdown. Tracy is furious with Luke because he didn't tell her about the experimental drug for Laura. Later, Tracy and Luke are found together by Laura. Laura begins to ask questions and Luke explains all to her, as much as he believes she can handle. They head out on a road trip to Beecher's Corners where Laura asks Luke one more important question.

  11. This is according to Soap Opera Weekly:

    Hope this makes some of you guys happy :D






    SOW (GH)


    Luke and Laura go back to where it all started - Beechers Corners - this week on GH after Luke's secret is exposed.

    The adventure begins when Laura sneaks out of Shadybrook to get answers about the missing four years of her life.

    "Laura thinks she had a car accident and that's what put her into this state," sets up Genie Francis. "Everybody says, 'Yeah, yeah.' But nobody will answer her questions about what kind of car accident - or what injuries she had."

    So what's a girl to do? "In true Laura fashion, she strikes out on her own to find out what is going on," chimes in Assoc. HW Elizabeth Korte. "She returns to the Spencer house and has a wonderful talk with Lesley. Then she heads to the hospital, where she sees Bobbie and Tracy. Tracy doesn't spill the beans about being married to Luke, but Tracy is aghast that Luke has not told her about Laura waking up."

    Tracy heads to The Haunted Star, and rips into Luke for keeping that secret from her. When Laura walks in and finds them together, she begs Luke to tell all.

    "Luke manages to reinforce Laura's belief that she was in a car accident," says Korte. "He explains that Tracy is his partner in The Haunted Star, but doesn't say anything about being married to her." Yet.

    Next, Laura talks Luke into taking a trip to Beechers Corners, where "they wind up having a good talk," previews Korte. "Laura wants to know what it's been like for Luke. He talks about his struggle to go on without her. Laura says, 'You don't have to go on without me now.' They reconnect."

    Finally, Laura asks Luke to tell her the truth about a very important question. "It's pivotal," teases Korte. "Something that will drive her whole return."

  12. Ms.Q, I am going to go out on a limb and say that the first headshot is either from late 2003 when Jane first came back to the show and had those blonde highlights (after her hair grew out a bit), or its from....now, at this very moment. It's possible that she had highlights put in and the hair and make-up people decided to try something different with her hair and let dry naturally. I don't know its just a guess. :rolleyes: You need to tell us when that photo was taken!!!!!
  13. MInervaFan, I know what you me about OLTL. The other day I was eating lunch at a restaurant and One Live was on. Everytime I looked up Dorian was on the screen, and I have to admit that I was jealous because she had to have been on more than five minutes that day and Jane never gets that much air time. :( It made me angry that they can respect Robin and Jane gets nodda! Anyhoo, i'm cranky and I needed to vent!

  14. JE'T ADORE: Jane Elliot Total Admiration: D____ (can't remember; divine?) O____ (still can't remember) Refined! Extraordinary! Deb, help us! It's really awesome everyone, I swear! LOL.

    How about Divine! or maybe Diva!, Outrageous! Refined! and Extraordinary!

    Oh, and if I forgot:

    WELCOME TracyLuv

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