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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. WOW!!! It seems like I have a ton of catching up to do! Where to start first......

    LadyAshton, thanks for posting all of those Tracy clips! :) I haven't watched the most recent ones but I will as soon as I get home! I did watch the Tracy and Paul on their honeymoon clip and can I just say I have to agree with TL and Lainey, it was very hard to watch that scene and not cringe. I hated seeing her get on her knees and beg forgivness to that a**hole Paul. But did anybody else notice the slight bit of tounge action or was it just me? Plus exactly how long are Paul's legs, they were like the length of Jane's entire body! :)

    Hooked as soon as I get a chance I will read your new fic! I can't wait! :D

    Ms.Q, I thought your little vids about Tracy's wardrobe were hilarious! :lol: How much fun would it be to make a vid on just the clothes she has worn on more than one occasion through out the years! I think I might have just given myself an idea! haha



  2. How crazy is this?!?!?! Ms.Q, as I was reading your recaps from today's show, I was listening to my Yahoo launch cast plus and the song that was playing was "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton. I am now crying and getting my keyboard all wet. :( I can't believe they didn't even let him die on camera, but off screen. grrrrrrrrr

  3. MinervaFan, I read your ficlet and of course I loved it! It would be great if Tracy in fact did share a scene with Michael, but the writers aren't that smart. <_<

    Oh, and may I please SMACK all these people who criticize Tracy as being a bad mother? I'm loving so much how worried she is about The Stooges. It's so Tracy--her maternal instinct kicks in the minute a relationship is even possible for one of her kids. And guess what, Lulu? Look at Ned and Dillon for a minute. No man you ever date will be worthy of you, as far as Tracy is concerned. She's the protective Papa, not Luke. I want to hug Mama Bear right now, even though I think Papa Bear is correct in saying they need to back off. Lulu is just oppositional enough to start dating all three just to show Tracy she can't keep her from dating any of them.

    I agree with you MF, its great seeing Tracy protective of Lulu. Did anybody else notice in yesterdays episode that when Luke was talking with Lulu about the "spud salad" that he referred to Tracy as her stepmother, not monster or witch, but mother. I think even Luke realizes that their marriage is more real than ever.

    ETA: Page 266!!!! :)

  4. Moving to a down: This link has photos of Alan's memorial, which takes place at the Q mansion. OT, but Monica's hair looks lovely. Tracy's in some of the pictures...

    1) Tracy/Edward and Robin/Patrick

    2) Tracy/Luke; Tracy's got a hand on her face, Luke's got a hand on her back *cries*

    3) Ned/Dillon/Alice/Tracy/Edward/Skye/Lorenzo *laughing at how Lo looks* Also, I FLOVE Skye's hair.

    4) Edward/Tracy sitting; I FLOVE Tracy's hair here; her hand is by her face, he has her hand *cries again*

    5) Edward/Alice/Dillon/Tracy/Ned all looking surprised; they're looking at Monica.

    Ms.Q, I was just going to post this exact same link, from SoapZone. Your right the pics are sad and I totally got teary eyed looking at them. :( It also looks like (if you go to the next page) that Lulu is at the Spencer house recovering and then the next pic she is dressed to go to the funeral.

    OT: but it lookes like Jane cut her hair again, cuz it looks really short in these pics, even shorter than it does now. Or maybe its because she is wearing the fur collar and I can't quite tell how long or short it is. ;)

    MinervaFan, I read your little ficlet this morning and it was wonderful!!! I will read the others later tonight when I get home, I can't wait! :)

  5. I found some spoilers, they seem pretty accurate:

    They are in no particular order






    -Luke and Tracy scheme to steal Alan's estate

    -The Quartermaine dysfunction oddly enough, helps Emily cope with the loss of her father

    -Skye and Lorenzo's appearance at the funeral causes problems

    -Dillon steals Alan's letter and discovers who Alan names as Rick's killer

    -Dillon, Lulu, and Spinelli dig up dirt on Scotty

    -Edward prevents Tracy from lashing out at Sonny and Carly

    -Alan left everything to Emily. Luke and Tracy plan to steal the will and do a little editing

    -It hits the fan when Alan's will is read

    Funeral Attendees

    Carly and Sonny

    Nikolas and Emily

    Luke and Bobbie

    The Q family

    Robin and Patrick





    Elizabeth and Lucky

    Ned gives a moving and emotional eulogy

    He leads Alan's memorial

    Wally airs for 3 days

  6. OK I just spent the last 15 minutes writing this big long post and my stupid work computer decides to lose internet connection! grrrrrrrrrr

    It went something like this (lets see what I remember):

    Thank you Ms.Q for posting the missing Tracy clip. I can't believe I missed it but it was late and I was tired.

    I don't know if anybody mentioned this or not but Tracey from j-eonline posted a bunch of new articles and pics of Jane. :)

    I was going to post last night that after watching yesterdays show that it looked to me like Tracy was refering to Lulu as her 'daughter' but hooked took the words right out of my mouth.

    MinervaFan, I hope you are feeling better!

    Ms.Q, I downloaded your vids last night and all I can say is, it looks like you have been a busy girl. Three vids, WOW! I especially loved the "Listen to Your Heart" vid. ::cough:: You Tube ::cough:: I might even PM you for some clips that you used that I know I don't have. hehe

    As for the new spoiler about Tracy being the one who killed Rick Webber. All I can say is "what a bunch of crap," there is no way that Tracy is the culprit. First Tracy didn't come back to town until 2003 and when she came back she was broke, therefore she was not blackmailing Alan. Which refers to the conversation between Tracy and Edward about "keeping it in the family" was all talk. Not to mention the look on Tracy's face when Monica said that she and Rick had started up with their affair when he came back to town, she was shocked......and had no idea.

    OK I think that was all of it!

  7. I'm hearing nothing but good things about our girl, from other message boards!!! :D :D :D Of course she is rockin' her scenes with Alan, but to hear all the praise coming from people, other than here is great! I can't wait to get home!

    Ms.Q, I loved your new chapters of Oh Baby! And thanks for posting the vid "She's Everything" I thought I had that, but I guessed wrong. So thanks! :)

    Oh, and I agree 100% with everybody about yesterdays hug, it was way better than a kiss! The fact that HE hugged HER was just icing on the cake!

  8. Ok, once again, its late and I can't sleep. :( So I decided to be productive, here are todays clips edited of just the Quartermaine's:


    Credit goes to Shazzer

    I don't want to get into the new spoilers, because they will only make me mad. I will discuss them tomorrow after I have been to every GH message board and website so I can get a clear answer as to what they are saying, and to see just how true they are. :)

    Good night all!!

  9. Edit: Um, I have another spoiler. It's from SoapKing/Ryan. And the good news is LUKE AND TRACY ARE TEAMING UP (on Wednesday, March 7th, the day after Alan's funeral *sniff*). The bad news is that they're teaming up to get their hands on Alan's money.

    OK, Ms.Q, calm down! *breathe in, breathe out* I have a feeling the reason they are teaming up to get Alan's money is because in his Will he leaves Skye money and more importantly ELQ stock. With both Luke and Tracy mad at Skye i'm sure that is the reason why Luke is going to help her. Feel better??

    I think I am more worried for the spoiler that has Monica and Tracy fighting over Alan's funeral plans. :( I hope it leads to a good heart to heart. Maybe this is when they decide to team up and take Skye down.

  10. Small spoiler below:






    I was watching Good Morning America this morning and they were doing a segment on Germs, and they went to the set of General Hospital to "test" for germs. The segment was called Who is germer men or women? They went to Spinelli's dressing room, Laura Wright's dressing room and Mark Teshner's (sp?) office (he is the casting director). Anyway, they showed 2 very short clips of them filming and one of them was Tracy standing at the foot of Lulu's hospital bed talking to her. They only showed about two seconds of it, but that means at least there is an upcoming scene between the two. Oh and BTW Bradford's phone was the germiest, it had fecal germs on it, yuck! And Laura Wright smokes they showed her fridge and inside was a pack of cigarettes, who know! Anyhoo, thats all. :)

  11. The way I saw it... Tracy seemed concerned that Dillon took part in trying to prove Alan killed Rick. After Tracy mentioned Lulu's name, Edward made comments about how strong she was and that she would get through the hostage thing. Tracy seemed to not be listening to him but she seemed deep in thought. She turned around and started the convo about the loyalty of the family. From this I gathered that she was trying to figure out a reason why Dillon would be disloyal to the family. From that I thought Tracy concluded that Dillon is in love with Lulu and that may be why he was disloyal.

    After watching that scene three times I have come to the conclusion that Tracy was just talking "hypothetical" with Edward about Alan killing Rick. I DON 'T think she had anything to do with his death, because the surprised look on her face when Edward mentioned that Monica and Rick had taken up with their affair. :blink: Her jaw had dropped to the floor!! She had no clue that they were a 'item' again.

    Oh, and here are yesterdays clips of just the Quartermaine's:


    Credit goes to Shazzer

  12. MinervaFan, I have yet to edit all of this week's scenes, but I'm working on it. I'm sure nex or I will get them up soon.

    Its late and I am still up <_< I have spent the entire day on my computer editing and cleaning up all my GH clips. Who would have thought, over eight hours on my computer and I haven't made a dent. ;)

    MinevaFan, here is Thursday and Friday's clips, I put both days together because I actually wanted to keep the entire episodes intact.


    Credit goes to both Shazzer and Geena.

    Ms.Q, can I just say how much I love your vid. :D:D:D I must have watched it ten times today. You really should post your videos on You Tube for everyone to see..........really!

    Welcome daysfan, come in and join in the party, we love newcomers!!! Were a very cool bunch! B)

    Welcome back Keith, glad to see you haven't forgot about us.

  13. The spoiler that said that Tracy finds out the real reason Luke wants to save Lulu? Ms.Q? I think I get it. They got it backwards, a simple case of dyslexia. ;) I think the real spoiler was suppose to be "Luke finds out the real reason why Tracy is going to bail him out of jail." Now, I have yet to watch todays show but from what I can tell, she bailed him out with the condition that he speak to Skye about what is going on at the Metro Court, because if there was anybody that Skye would talk to, besides Lorenzo, it would be Luke.

    It's just my opinion but I do think I might be right, anybody else have a theory??

  14. Hey thanks for the new spoilers Ms.Q, now lets see just how good of a job Luke does with his little girl. I'm guessing that these spoilers are before Alan dies because Lulu has a ONS with that nu-guy Logan, right?

    I also had a question does anybody know when the "in real time" part of the show ends?

    I CAN'T WAIT to see Jane and Robin head to head, i adore them so!

    I can't wait either MarlandRulez!!!! This is going to be so much fun to watch!

  15. Goodness, I'm sick in bed all weekend and look what I miss.......two and a half pages in this thread and an update on a fic! WOW!! So, I spent the morning catching up on what I missed and here it goes:

    MinervaFan, I love the addition of a triangle in your COH fic, keep it up!! :)

    Ms.Q, thanks for posting the clips from You Tube and for all those spoilers. I really wouldn't panic about Alan's death being only about Jason and Lulu, while it may have something to do with them, I really believe that the writers wouldn't slap the fans accross the face by making his death all them and not about his family.

    Also, the spoiler about Tracy unloading on Lulu on her part Alan's death, I doubt that what ever plays out, it will only last two minutes and all will be forgiven in the end. Lulu will start to cry about how sorry she is and she never meant for him to get hurt, and in the end Tracy will know that its not her fault. Maybe we will get another 'real' moment between these two. *maybe* I am going to stay positive!!!! Remember we also have the spoilers about Luke and Tracy growing closer, and if Tracy is mad at Lulu, it will never happen. I am standing firm in the belief that Lacy is going to become a real couple this year!!!

    ILTQ, How much am I loving this spoiler:

    Tracy and Monica join forces against Skye.

    That just puts a big ol' grin on my face, I can't wait to see what they do to her. :D *itch is goin' down!!!!

    OK I'm done!

  16. Luke acted exactly like I expected him to ask. I did not expect groveling or apologies. That would have been 100% OOC. And IMHO, Tracy acted exactly in character. She was guarded, but curious. She held her emotions (except for the bitterness) very close to her vest (until the end, when he was already out of the room and couldn't see her face). She didn't let him off the hook, and didn't fling herself into his arms when he made his "I like being Mr. Tracy" speech.

    FINALLY!!!!!! I was going crazy yesterday, I don't think I realized how much I come to SON until it was down. MinervaFan, I was going to say something similar about Wednesday's performance, but you put it so eloquently and I have to say I agree with you 100%. Luke was being Luke he doesn’t do apologies, he didn't apologize to either of his kids for taking off for parts unknown, so why would he apologize to his wife.

    BTW, she was stunning yesterday, when she came close to losing it as Luke left, but swallowed her tears back. I actually felt my heart skip.

    I agree Tracy looked damn fine, and I wanted to jump through my television and give her a hug.

    TGIF!! and Tracy is going to be on today! YAY

  17. Hey Ms.Q, thanks for posting the spoilers, while they are sad because of SD leaving, :( they also sound a bit exciting at the same time. I do have one question.......exactly what does this mean? ;)

    Tracy’s words belie the love she feels for Alan.

    I ask because I am a dork and I'm not sure what it means, I think the word is believe, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it means.

    As for Tracy wearing a fur collar during this months sweeps, again. I have a theory; I think Jane likes to wear it, its the only explaination. During sweeps its usually winter, (Feb. and Nov.) and for Tracy to wear a jacket on top of the jacket (that she normally wears) just seems a bit excessive. Plus I'm sure its hotter to be wearing two jackets instead of one with a fur collar. I don't know, its just a thought.

    Anyhoo, YAY to Lacy being on our screen today!!!!!!

  18. I read the recaps at GHFF. There's a Tracy/Luke scene in the previews for tomorrow!

    OMG, if that is true then I am a happy girl!!!!! :D

    Ms.Q, I am so happy for you that you finally had a Lacy dream, they have been invading my dreams for quite some time now. I also wanted to say how much I loved your "For Your Consideration" vid. Oh and I loved the positivity dust you sprinkled on us, I think we all could use some of it.

    MinervaFan, I hope you fell better, drink lots of liquids. :)

  19. Happy Monday everybody!!!! :( I know its only Monday but the good news is that Luke is coming back to town and that is something to look forward to. I realize that there aren't any real Tracy spoliers for the week, but I am going to stay positive. Sorry I'm kinda in a good mood.

    MinervaFan, I can't believe I haven't said this before but I am really loving your "Change of Habit" fic. I just finished part 5 this morning and I can't wait for more.

  20. Nex, thanks for posting this--I voted for Stuart, Jane, and LuNacy. (Tony Geary won't get my vote until he comes back from vacation, Mr. Vacation-Taking-Guy.....:()

    OMG!!!! I do the same thing everyday! :) One time at work and one time when I get home!! I usually play around with the males, sometimes I vote for TR, WK, TG, or TK, but now I have been voting for SD, its not a sympathy vote, I just want my voice heard!!

  21. hookedongh, Thanks for the tip, I saw those YouTube videos/clips of Tracy's reaction to Lila's death, although I would like have the clips for myself. Since I have seen those already, I am actually looking for the eulogy clips with Tracy.

    OK I know I have the all the clips surrounding Lila's death! When I get home I will try my best to remember and I will post them. Lets just hope I remember before Grey's Anatomy starts! :)

    MinervaFan, I think its a great to actually schedule a weekly chat.

    hookedongh, Have a great time at your grandmother's 93rd Birthday!!!

    Also, I thought I would insert the link for Soaps In Depth's poll section, I know SD has made it to the Top 5 and Alan & Monica have made it in the Top 10, but I think Lacy could use a boost. :) We need to knock the Un-fab four of that list! hehe


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