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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Woo! You get 2 seconds of Tracy today! (in a flashback) Hey, it's something, right?

    Tracy bails him out later, but learns why he really wants to save Lulu.

    Ok I think I am confused by this spoiler? Why would Luke need a real reason to save Lulu? ;) She is his daughter, what other reason could there be? She is in danger and he wants go into hero mode and save his 'princess'.

    What was the flashback regarding?!?!?!?

    hookedongh, I know I have somewhere in my files the clips from 5/19/05 and 5/20/05, I will see what I can get up. Also, like Ms.Q, I use Windows Movie Maker to make vids!

  2. Hookedongh, here is what I could muster:

    I can't tell you who the credit goes to because I don't know for sure. Anyhoo....enjoy!!!


    6/27/05 Skye, Luke, Tracy & Coleman pt. 1


    6/28/05 Skye, Luke, Tracy & Coleman pt. 2


    Tracy, Dillion & Ned PC Fire


    5/3/05 Lacy & Helena

    2/15/06 Tracy, Luke & Dillion during the epidemic:

    I believe this is in order :)






    3/10/06 Lacy Fantasy


    5/18/06 Tracy arrives on the islands


    5/19/06 Happy Anniversary

  3. 1) The ones when Tracy and Luke are talking after Lulu's abortion about how they would never want to be 18 again and how she was stand up throughout the whole thing. 2) Also, the one when Tracy was trying to convince lulu not to have the abortion and told her about her own abortion. 3) Also, the Tracy/Luke haunted star where he asks her to be the hostess for his opening night and lulu is there and they are laughing at how tracy dresses, etc. 4) The kiss scene where luke asks her to run away with him 5) any old tracy/ned scenes 6) any old tracy/coleman scenes 7) epidemic scenes with dillon

    I know I have all of those clips, when I get home I will post what I can.

    Any word if Tracy will be on today????

  4. MinervaFan, here is Friday's 1-12-07 clips:


    Credit goes to Schazzer from GHVT edited by me

    Hookedongh, if there are any clips that you want or need, please don't hesitate to ask. I have done my fair of asking and begging when I first came to this board. I have made it my mission to get my hands on as many Tracy clips that I can. If you want to PM me by all means please do so.

    ETA: page 232

  5. MInervaFan, I'm with you, I might have never watched Bold & the Beautiful but I sure knew who Sally Spectra was. She will be missed.

    Also, and I quote: "When Luke returns, there will be some more Tracy/Luke to look forward to. He'll comfort her after Alan's death a bit. Jane Elliot fans will probably be happy about that piece of news."

    While this spoiler makes me happy, I would rather it not happen at all if it means losing Stuart Damon.

  6. Dude, we have two Tracy episodes this week? I know about Tuesday. What's the other?

    OK, Even though SoapZone didn't mention it, Hella Good did. Tracy WAS on today!!!! :D Do you know what this means?..........she would have been on six days in a row! AND she is in tomorrow's spoilers! That makes seven. HOLY COW!

  7. First, I want to apologize for my extremely brief appearance in the breakroom last night, the damn Santa Ana winds knocked out both my satellite and my wireless connection. :angry: The good news is that I started to clean up all my GH clips and began to organize them. :)

    Rumor #6: Saving the best for last, but will it happen?

    LuNacy made the list for the GH couples set for 2007. When asked for more specifics, the insider revealed that their marriage will be consummated. ***

    OK Ms.Q, where did you see this??? What 2007 list did LuNacy make?? Is is from a reliable source?? Please, please, please say its true!!!

    Regency and MinervaFan I wish the same things both for Jane and Tracy, I couldn't have said it better!!

    Oh and according to TV Guide Tracy is suppose to be on tomorrow. Also, did anybody else notice that our girl made it in the promo for this week! She is wearing the dark blue jacket she wore back when she tried to stop Dillion from talking to the press about his inability to put on a condom properly.

  8. So...There is TRACY WORSHIPPING all over the place. It is truly amazing. And So. Very. Beautiful. *wipes tear* I just wish she had more to do. Maybe tomorrow will be better?

    I have to admit, it is nice seeing all the Tracy worship. I've been lurking to three different message boards and there is nothing but praise for Tracy everybody sees to love her putting Sam in her place. I would love to see Tracy put the smackdown to Sam - old school style.

    IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!! Tracy is going to be on every-single-day this week. :D She is in the spoilers for tomorrows episode, so she IS going to grace us with her presence.

  9. In all seriousness, i hope the revitalised Skye goes head to head with the wonderful Tracy. Jane Elliot deserves THE BEST acting partner money can buy and for my money, its Robin C.

    I'll be honest, soft - squishy Skye was getting on my last nerve. I like it better when she is snarkey and the writers are bringing her back to her former glory. THANK GODNESS!!! Now if they just bring back the rivalry between Tracy and Skye I will be a happy girl. :D

  10. I just saw a mention of Tracy on SZ--something about whether or not she'll side with the kids. Is she on?

    You know I just read that and someone also said that Tracy called Spinelli spumoni.....so it seems to me like she is on??

    EDIT: According to Hella Good Tracy was on today! :) 2 days in a row! yay

  11. First off I wanted to start out by saying "Welcome to The TQ Lovefest" pinkpopsicle glad to see you here! :)

    If you could bring in a new costar for Jane, who would it be people?

    If I could pick who I would want to bring in as a new costar for Jane, all I could say is that I would want that person to be a woman. Tracy has no friends and I think she needs a girlfriend to talk to. How about Julia Barr from AMC? After 30 years on that show they gave her the pink slip, and Julia and Jane are close in age, are they not??

    Ms.Q and TracyLuv, I'm glad you liked the vid and TL I probably will be putting it on You Tube. Speaking of You Tube look what I found, its a clip of Alan and Tracy from 1993, they are discussing/arguing about Ned and Monica having an afair:


    **waves to Keith and MinervaFan**

  12. Sorry for the short post earlier but I was off to a meeting and was really excited to announce that Tracy was on. :)

    Ms.Q, I loved your new video it almost makes me scared to post the one I made last night. It's a little something something I threw together last night. The lyrics have nothing to do with anything but I love the chorus so here it is:


    feedback is welcomed :unsure:

    knh, all I can say is WOW that picture of Jane was awesome. You are a very talented artist, I can barely draw a stick figure, but your picture was really really great.

    If there are spoilers for Tracy on Thursday and Friday of this week, and she was already on today, does this actually mean that she is on a total of three days this week?!?!? Things are starting to look up for our girl!

    ETA: Page 222

  13. Second of all (hint, this is the "nice surprise"), there are rumors that NED is making a comeback to GH. If the spoilers are accurate, Ned is called into ELQ to keep the peace between Edward/Tracy and Tracy/Sam. He will also be spending time with Alexis. nex, are you reading? NEXIS!!!

    Oh Ms.Q, I really really really hope you are right. I miss Nexis and Ned, if he comes back it will give me something to look forward to besides just Tracy. :D (not that Tracy isn't enough) If the writers were really smart they would bring Ned back full time, its like they forgot how many years Ned ran ELQ, successfully, I might add.

  14. Finally, WHERE IS nex? I'm kind of worried. She popped in after Christmas and then disappeared. That's not like her. nex, if you're reading, come in and say hello. :)

    HAPPY NEW belated YEARS!!!

    I'm Here!!!! Sorry to worry you Ms.Q, but as soon as I came home from my trip to New York I came back to work for two days and then I went to Tahoe to ring in the New Years. I am back now and I will be on a full time basis until the next trip. :) (which I hope is months from now cuz i'm tired)

    Ms.Q, just so you know I read the updates of Oh Baby last week and I thought they were great. I also loved your "All I Want for Christmas" and "Who Says You Can't Go Home" vids. As soon as I get home tonight I promise to watch your new vid and give you feedback.

    MinervaFan, loved your New Years Eve ficlet! :D

    Now back to work. :(

  15. Before I leave, I just wanted to wish everybody a:

    :P:PMerry Christmas!


    Happy Holidays!


    Thanks Ms.Q, I will really really try to peek my head in to see if there is any action, my grandparents have the worlds oldest computer with dial up :( If I don't get too frustrated I will stop by to 'see' everybody, but I can't promise miracles. Well, its getting late and I need to finish packing, yuck! See ya'll soon!

  16. Ms.Q, you have just made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEXIS puts a big smile on my face :) Also, I loved your "for Good" video, I just watched it this morning. Now, I have a little favor to ask, since I am going out of town tomorrow and will not be back until Dec. 27th, do you think you will be able to post any of the Tracy/Nexis clips for me? Pretty pretty please? :D

    Can I just say how relieved I am that there is a Tracy spoiler floating around out there. I was really beginning to worry. I haven't watched a single episode since she was last on the screen. I did however catch the last 10 minutes of yesterdays show this morning while getting ready for work, and Lulu/Dillion/Spinelli were all on and discussing Laura's murder case. When Lulu asked the question who else would want to murder Rick Webber they cut to Monica talking to Patrick. Now I wonder if that means that Monica is a possible suspect or the actual killer? It could be fun to see how this all plays out, maybe give the Q's an actual storyline?

  17. ((crickets chirp))

    Whoa, is it dead in here or what? I'm guessing no Tracy today, what else is new. ;) They should have just written her off with Luke or something instead of having her just disappear.

    Ms.Q, like the new avatar :) awwww Tracy and her boys! And your wlecome for the clips.

    **waves to Regency**

    ETA: Page 209!

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