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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. I just watched today's show and there was two things that nobody mentioned that I can't believe!!! The first, was the comment Tracy made to Luke, she said "you are so lucky to have me" and he said "don't I know it". awwwwww The second thing is.....please don't tell me it was only me who noticed it, but I think we got some sort of a theme song when they were talking. It wasn't like anything I have ever heard before on GH, it started and ended with their scene and their scenes only.

  2. While I still have yet to see today's episode, because I am still at work. ;) I do get Luke telling Tracy that she makes him "almost happy". Both Luke and Tracy are not happy people, so for Luke to say almost happy is a big deal. If the shoe were on the other foot I believe that Tracy would say the same thing to Luke.

  3. Thanks for the spoilers hooked, looks like I will be busy posting clips if Jane really is on for 14 episodes this month.

    An update on yesterdays clips, so far neither Hella Good or Favorite-Moments has posted them, so as soon as they do I will bring them over here. If there is anybody who knows where else I can get daily GH clips by all means let me know. Thanks!

    As far as yesterdays show goes, I thought it was pretty good (Lacy I mean). The only problem I had was Natalia, I really felt bad for her because her acting was so poor, I mean her voice as she was speaking was so monotone, there was no emotion, I felt bad because as much as I don't want another Q killed off, NL really isn't that good, and I don't think I am going to miss her. :(

  4. Colette, I know what your saying I just wish Luke threw an ILY in the conversation but there is nothing that can be done now. ;) Also I did read a small spoiler for next week

    Tracy is the one who has Edwards heart medication for Luke

    For those of you who have to wait until 10pm tonight to see todays episode on Soapnet, someone has already posted todays show on You Tube so I will post them until I can get my hands on some downloadable clips!

    For now enjoy!


    Part 1


    Part 2 (there is 2 clips of them so wait, these are the best scenes)


    Part 3


    Part 4

    Everybody have a great weekend!!!

  5. It seems to me like everybody is missing clips from last month. I realize its because I was out of town haha but if someone can give me an episode count with the dates Tracy was on I will be more than happy to find, post and edit the clips needed.

    Does anybody else think that today might be Luke or Tracys day to do the intro? I mean everyone else has had their chance to ask the question "What would do for love?" It only makes sense that today would be their day, Luke could be leaving the person he loves (Tracy) in the care of somebody he hates (Scotty) or Tracy can convince Luke to leave her, so he can find his children. Just a thought!

    Woohoo this is my 400th post! :)

  6. TL, hooked and BSG I am soo jealous that you all got the chance to meet in NYC, I knew I should have waited an extra week before making my trip to NY. haha!

    Of course the lack of enthusiasm on the board today can only mean one thing, that Tracy was not on. :( Which means we will have to wait yet another day for Tracy to maybe show up on our screen. *fingers crossed*

    I got to thinking what would you like to hear Luke tell Tracy when he is supposedly pouring his heart to her??

  7. I'M BAAAAAACK!!!!


    Back from my trip and I see I have at least ten pages to read up on. I scanned as much as I could this morning before going through my emails and the tons of papers on my desk.

    Can anybody tell me what days Tracy was on while I was gone so I can download them???

    I did get a chance to download and watch your vids Ms.Q and they were both great! I have to ask, did you get a new version of Windows Media Maker? I noticed that you used some applications that I know I don't have on mine WMM??

    MinervaFan and Lainey, I read both of your stories and I loved them both!

    Gotta go back to work!!! :( :(

  8. I was thinking of you today Nex while I was on the elliptical machine watching CNN and the southern calif. fires. Hoping it wasn't too bad where you were. I hope you have a great trip to NYC...too bad we are just missing each other by a week there. Are you going for fun or work?

    Yeah the fires are pretty close but I guess its good that I live so close to the airport because no matter what happens, officials won't the fire reach 'John Wayne' airport.

    I am going to NY to visit my family, my entire family lives there, and yeah its crazy that I will be in NYC exactly one week before you guys. :(

  9. Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving tomorrow afternoon for New York and will not be able to post clips, so if infact Tracy is on this week somebody else will have to do the job. :) Otherwise you will have to wait until I get back, which is on Halloween, to see the clips.

    Also, about Luke's "health crisis" it occured to me that Guza is saying that while there will be drama, there will also be some black humor involved in the storyline and it makes me wonder if they are taking a que from the movie

    Something's Gotta Give

    , I only bring it up because I saw the movie twice over the weekend on TBS. You know Luke suffers from a funny heart attack, while in the hospital it would be dramatic, but him recovering at the Q's could make for some really funny scenes......just a thought!

    MinervaFan, so sorry to hear about your fall.

    Hooked, can you send some of that rain my way? The fires here are so bad that you can't even breathe. Believe it or not but the sky is actually red!

  10. knh, to answer your question about all the times Tracy has told Luke she loves him, well first she said it three times. The first, as you know was when she was yelling at him she said "I love you Luke and that is a rare emotion for me" the second time she said it, it was technically the same day (at least they were in the same clothes even though it was days later and the rest of the cast had changed their clothes) They were at the Metro Court having drinks at the bar and while she didn't actually say I love you what she said was "I never should have fallen in love with you". And of course there was the other days "I love you just the way you are". I hope that helps jog your memory. :D

    Hooked, have a fun trip!

  11. I love thunderstorms too Colette, its the one thing we don't have here is California, in fact, aside from last weeks rain, it hasn't rained on a regular basis in over 18 months.

    So, if Luke has a heart attack at this ball, and they're on the middle of an island (Spoon Island, right?), it's not going to be easy for paramedics to get there. Well, Monica should be there, and she's a cardiologist! And Robin and Emily will be there...But if Emily

    is getting murdered somewhere or about to be getting murdered

    , she might not be around --

    I have a question wasn't there some kind of rumor of Luke

    fantasizing about himself and Laura dancing at Wyendem's

    (sp?)?? I thought I read that here but I could be wrong.

    But wouldn't it be great if maybe he can fantasize about that while he is having his heart attack and unconscious, but while he is dreaming of the two of them dancing he keeps flashing to Tracy, they would first start as very short flashes and slowly they keep getting longer until the entire dream becomes all about him and Tracy. Wouldn't that be nice!

  12. :D :D :D I have today's clips!!!!! :D :D :D All 1 min and 33 seconds of it!

    But I have to tell you guys that I heard this rumor over at Hella Good that Favorite-Moments.net has shut down. :( I don't know if this is true or not but if anybody still wanted yesterdays clips WITH the sound delay I can post them, but I thought I would ask first before I edit them.


    Clips provided by Geena, edited by me!

    Hooked, I was hoping that Nik's letter opener would slice open Carly's neck or at least cut it a little, you know just long enough to keep her in the hospital (off screen) for at least a month, or at the very least make her scream/talk a little lower.

  13. Thanks Ms.Q and Colette for today's recaps! I can't wait to go home and watch!

    Unfortunately as of now 2:15 pm EST Favorite-Moments.net has yet to post yesterdays clips and I don't know when they will. I promise as soon as they are up I will post them here, but I don't want to use Hella Goods because of the sound delay.

  14. Ok so I downloaded todays whole episode from Hella Good, I began to edit it, and I realized that the sound didn't match the actors mouth, so if and when Favorite-Moments.net posts todays clips I will edit them and bring them here, but for now i'm sorry to have to say that we are going to have to wait. :(

    I did get to watch todays episode and while it could have been better, it wasn't all that bad. I did notice that when Lulu was pushing Luke out of Logan's door she did say that she would see him when she got home, I realize that while she does live with Jason she considers the Q's home, i'm just sayin'. hehe :D

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