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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Wow. This was a good LuNacy day.

    Luke, once again, told Tracy that he was in love with her.

    And Hallelujah!! *Finally* Luke has gone public with his love for Tracy, and he said it to the ex-wife's son of all people!

    The best part of all...<after some words about the ex, that was once in a...blah blah>... he said that the love he has with Tracy is once in a lifetime, too!!

    I agree QueenTracy, I think that as Luke was saying those words about Tracy to Nikolas that he himself was coming to the realization that he meant them. That his love of Tracy is also once in a lifetime.

  2. I just wanted to let you all know that I was not home last night and didn't get a chance to download yesterdays clips, but I should be home tonight and will work on them then. I promise I will have them up!!! :)

    remos, thanks for the recap of today's Luke and Patrick scene. I'm sure LnL fans are going crazy, but what can you do? hehe

  3. Hey guys...just checking...did Nex post the clips from last week? I know she was taking a poll about whether to put them all together or not. I remember seeing maybe Wed. posted.

    No hurry, but just wanted to make sure I didn't miss them!

    No hooked, you didn't miss last weeks clips, I was just about to post that I decided to make Wed-Fri's clips all in one file, but since Monday is a continuation of last week I was going to add them all together. I will post last Tuesday's 5 second clip and the rest of the weeks clips tomorrow after they are posted. :)

  4. Thanks for letting us know who was and wasn't nominated for the Daytime Emmys hooked.

    I have to say that while I do think a few other actors (besides Jane) were robbed of a nomination; that this might be the catalyst to some changes at GH. General Hospital only got 1 acting nomination ONE!!! That needs to be a big smack upside the head for TPTB they need to realize that their show is tanking. I am looking at this as a positive because really I didn't think GH deserved any nominations, especially from the un-fab four Sonny, Jason, Carly and Sam/Liz. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a turnaround at GH. Beacuse lets be honest, GH is still abc's top rated show and it will be the last to ever get canned, AMC and OLTL will be first.

    Okay, enough ranting. :P

  5. Thanks for the heads up on Tracy being on today remos, even if she is window dressing.

    I need an opinion.....I was thinking about just adding all of her scenes for the week in one large clip instead of each clip being about a minute each. Let me know what you all think and I will do what the majority says. :)

  6. Hi all! Sorry I haven't been around but my grandparents are in town and I have been playing tour guide for the past few days and will be for the next two weeks! I literally have spent the first hour of my work day trying to catch up with all of the posts! :) I have no idea where to begin....

    Ms.Q, I loved the new vid and the new chapter of Oh Baby, look forward to more.

    Remos, I loved your new additions to Confessions.

    Hooked, thanks for posting any and all spoilers and speculations about our girl/couple. Also, for posting the You Tube link to that Tracy/Monica clip, I have never seen it before and always wanted to.

    I'm sure I have missed something to comment on but I have to get back to work. Happy Monday!

  7. Yeah my office is pretty cool like that, even the President/Owner of my Company said that she was the most well behaved dog he has ever seen. She just follows me around the office (without a leash) and when I'm at my desk she sleeps in the chair next to me. Everybody just loves her. We have not been to Fashion Island, yet! I'm sure she will come with me when I go shopping there.

    I take it Tracy was not on today? :(

  8. Nex, that is so exciting that you got the dog! It sounds adorable. Lulu is a cute name for a poodle. And my kitty's name is Chloe! :D

    Thanks! I'll have to post a photo as soon as I take some. :)

    On a clip note; Hella Good posted yesterday's show at 10am this morning so when I get home tonight I will edit them and post them here. Speaking of Hella Good, if any of you belong and want to play a game the GH Couples Game has started fresh again and Luke and Tracy only have 5 points!

    Oh and Hooked she is a total Fashion Island dog!

  9. I just want you all to know that today's clips have yet to be posted at Hella Good so you all might have to wail till tomorrow.

    BTW: We got our dog, she is a toy puddle, she has pink ears and tail and has her nails polished pink too. Her name when we got her was Salty, but my roommate and I decided on Lulu. No she is not named after Shrewlu but we wanted a french name and she seemed to respond to Lulu and not Chloe.

  10. Today's recap...


    Scenes 4,5,6 & 7 Nex

    Kisses - 2

    "Spanky" - 2 (One a complete "Spanky Buns")

    Rings - His still on, hers still off

    Thanks remos, I'm looking forward to seeing today's show. Today's clips will be posted either really late tonight to tomorrow morning because after work my roommate and I are going to a shelter to look at adopting a poodle, although I'm about 95% positive that we will be going home with it. So I will be busy tonight, but they will be up! :D

  11. Hmm... yeah.... the Diva's only comment was "isn't she cold?" At least she had a coat on yesterday.

    I was thinking the same thing yesterday, how I was not distracted by her outfit because her jacket was buttoned up. At least she had the tact to so when visiting a 12 year old boy with a hole in his head at the hospital. Sarah can be really good, they just need to not show off how "sexy" she is, we get it.

  12. Remos, I read both of your stories this morning and floved them!

    Ms.Q, loved the new vid!!!

    Thanks to everybody who has been posting spoilers or speculations as to what will be happening between LuNacy. There needs to be a follow up scene to last weeks Thursday, technically its still the same day right?!?

    Hooked, I did my part and voted at SID this morning.

  13. I wanted to start off with saying that I loved your new vid, Ms.Q!!

    Here is a excerpt of the interview that Tony did with Entertainment Weekly about GH celebrating it's 45th anniversary.....

    For the 31 weeks on GH throughout the year, Geary also can’t complain. Although most of the vets have since been written off the show or have very little to do on-screen, Geary has had Jane Elliot (Tracy) left to play with—which seems to make the loss less of a blow. “Well, I've been very, very lucky in the last five years or so to be able to work with Jane, because I've been a huge fan of her for my entire career in soaps. She and I are both the same age, and I think she was on the show a year before I was. She also came and went and did other shows. But because I have this compadre, this colleague who shares my history and my history with the show, I haven't felt as isolated.... So I've been really fortunate to be able to grow and mature without resentment because it is difficult when you were the focus of the show and having great story all the time to be back-burnered and sort of moved over into the more supporting category, unless you have someone as spectacular as Jane to work with. And that has been really a saving grace for me in the last few years. Plus, you know I've been on the show long enough to demand a lot of time off, so that also helps. [Laughs]”

    Just thought I would post this again, to make us remember how happy Tony is working with Jane. :)

    And a big thanks to everyone who has posted spoilers. :D

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