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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Sure!

    My birthday is August 9

    Well Happy belated Birthday alanmonicaforever!!! Oh and welcome to the Lovefest, I think I forgot to say that. :)

    I have one quick question about Laura and her waking up but nobody wanting to tell Lulu. Are we 100% positive that all that happens isn't a figment of Lulu's imagination?? I mean who is to say that Laura cofronting Scotty (if that really happens) isn't all in her head. Genie has said that she isn't working with anybody else except for Julie so it is possible that this is all a dream playing out in Lulu 's head. Especially given the fact that Luke is still out of the country and will be for at least another few weeks.

  2. There is so much to catch up on, I don't know where to start.

    Angel, your story is rockin'!

    Hooked and remos, thanks for all the rumors and spoilers!

    Lisa Q and Ms. Q, loved both of your vids and I made comments on You Tube!!

    Yay! Tracy will be on three days next week!! :)

  3. Thanks Hooked, for the spoilers, lacking as they may be. <_<

    Remos, I spent the morning reading your new chapters and they are great.

    Now it's my turn......

    If Hugo Napier came back and we got Tracy/Luke/Larry triangle who do you want Tracy to choose Luke Or Larry?

    Would you rather have Lacy have a storyline together or Tracy and Luke to have separate storylines?

    Would you rather see more bonding between Tralu or Trucky?

    Would you rather see a Tracy/Sam/Maxie friendship or Tracy/Alexis/Diane/Kate? Let's leave Kate out of the picture

  4. Here are mine:

    Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

    Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke

    Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

    Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage

    Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs

    Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

    Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

    Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom (I wish we could see their bedroom)

    Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life

    Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis

    Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane

    Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

    Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

    Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

    Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

    Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids

    Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

    Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him)

    Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke Spencer

    Tracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

  5. I can answer some of your questions.....

    Can someone please update me on the following:

    -Any Tracy since 7/30?

    Yes and here is the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6G1VLCSP

    -Is Lulu in the nuthouse? Is she seeing 'ghosts' yet? No, she is not in the nut house yet, yes she is seeing Logan's ghost

    -Have they moved genie's dates so she is on with tony? Her start date has been moved up one day she will be seen on the 25th instead of the 26th. Also they are saying she might be on in November but things are mixed

    -When is Tony's return date? Not sure

    -Any Dax since 7/30?? If no Dax, what's happening with Diane? Not sure, she was on for a sceond yesterday and I read she was on today, thats all I know.

  6. Hooked, you beat me to it! I was just about to post the same spoiler about Luke and Tracy's relationship being rocky. I'm with you, Lacy being happy does equal no story, everybody knows that in soap world happiness is the black hole for a relationship.

    angel2devil, I like what you have written so far, I can't wait to see where you take it. :D

  7. Well here is a real present for NEX!

    Tracy is on tomorrow!

    She tries to talk LuLu down and deal with her guilt over Logan and fear of turning into her mother. LuLu doesnt respond to Tracy.

    Tracy or the Qs are not on next week at all! Bummer!

    ^^^^Really!?! She is on tomorrow? Thanks! Oh, and thanks for all the Ned spoilers I wish they would all come true.

    Ms.Q, I liked the wrap up of Oh, Baby.

  8. I AM PISSED!!! :angry::angry::angry:

    I just received an email from abc.com about next weeks spoilers and I read this article about GF's return........

    So we've just picked ourselves off the ground ... because we fainted (though we had great accessories on, keeping in true soap opera fashion) from sheer, unbridled excitement. Genie Francis is coming back to "General Hospital" as Laura Spencer! THE Laura Spencer. Of Luke and Laura fame.

    In case you have been vacationing on Pluto for the last two decades, you know that Luke (Anthony Geary) and Laura were the biggest thing since sliced bread back in the day. Their wedding was watched by more people than any other daytime television broadcast EVER. Elizabeth Taylor even showed up (in a turban, natch) to curse them. Genie was last seen on the show in 2006, when Laura came out of her catatonic state (the reason the character exited in 2002) thanks to a new medicine. Too bad the medicine didn't have a permanent effect: She slipped back into a vegetative state, but not before remarrying her true love, Luke. So Luke was married to Tracy at the time, but it was the symbolic gesture of it that counted.

    So what's the deal? Why is Laura coming back? First, because Laura Spencer is awesome. Second ... well, we don't want to spoil anything too much, but let's just say that Laura's love for her daughter, Lulu (Julie Marie Berman) is more powerful than science, medicine, earth, wind, and fire (which is a great band, BTW).

    But what will she do when she finds out Luke is married to uber-wicked Tracy (Jane Elliot)?

    So many questions! Regardless, look for Genie to first air on August 26.

    Exuse me!?!?! :angry: But uber-wicked seems pretty harsh and downright nasty, considering how nice Tracy has been to ungrateful Looloo, it just ticks me off.

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