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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Just a quick heads up, I am downloading yesterday's clips this very moment and will post them sometime this afternoon.

    As for the SOD spoilers, I am Floving them!!!!! Especially the part about Kin and Genie exiting TOGETHER on Nov. 10th, that means only two and a half weeks from her first day on screen till she is gone!!!!!! YAY!

  2. Looks like I have my hands full with Tracy being on almost every day this week........not that i am complaining!! I've got Friday's clips, enjoy!


    Clips provided by Trudy, edited by me.

    Also, Ms.Q I see that Hooked posted the links to the clips you were asking for but you wanted the exact dates, I don't know if you know this already but I put the date in the title when I save them, so the date should be there, if not let me know and I will get them for you.

  3. Wicked!!!!!! DA BEST.

    Tell me, when you were watching, did you imagine Elphalba was Tracy. Glinda was Laura and Fiyero was Luke??? (To me Wicked is all about Tracy-Luke-Laura. I'm sick. I know. And remember who Fiyero ends up with!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe! LOVE that show!)

    ^^^Yes, I totally was thinking about it when I was watching!! hahahaha!

    Anyhoo, here are yesterday's clips!


    Credit goes to Trudy, edited by me.

  4. I have my job back!!! YAY!! The days in a row of Tracy and she is not sitting in the background as window dressing, but saying actual words!!! I'm happy and it's Friday and the power went out in my office for three hours and my boss took us all out to lunch! It's a good day!!!

    Thanks for all the spoilers and link to the media net pics Hooked!!

  5. Lots of rumors today...

    GF on contract, MW out

    Then NLG, MW out

    NLG, KMc, MW out

    Four actors out on GH

    NLG, MW, SR and JE


    That sounds like a lot of poopoo to me! While it wouldn't be the end of GH if SR and MW left, I some how doubt NLG and JE are on that list.

  6. EDIT: I just noticed, my grandma has the exact bowl as the one in the picture. She has the little ones and a big one. They've been in the house for as long as I can remember. Just thought I'd let everyone know... haha...

    OMG! I had the same bowls in my house growing up, but we only used them if we were eating a salad, they were out special salad bowls! hahaha!

  7. Hey Nex!

    Monday for TQ next week.

    ^^^Thanks, and that seems to be about it. :( Anyhoo, thanks for posting the possible spoilers, it has been one long summer without Tony or Jane. But hopefully with him taking his vacation all at once we will have him on our screen through the holidays into the New Year and Valentine's Day. :P

  8. Thanks for posting the new promo hooked, I have to say it wasn't that bad. The fact that they took the time to show Tracy along with Luke and Laura at least makes me believe that she is not a throw away figure in their story, that she and her feelings are being considered. I just hope that tptb are maybe trying to focus on love and relationships instead of the mob.

    **fingers crossed**

  9. Today lulu was telling laura that she just woke up when she needed her most and that nobody had seen her except her, etc..and then a doctor walked in and said "laura...oh sorry to interupt and lulu looked surprise...he was there to consult on the case" So she is real.

    Now this is what ticks me off, when Laura first came "out of it" she said to Lulu that Luke and the boys knew but didn't want to upset Lulu. Now all of a sudden the only person who does know is Lulu. It's amazing just how stupid the writers think we are, even a casual viewer like me, knows what happened and how, the fact that they are changing the story is just dumb. They could have had a real good thing if it was all in Lulu's head, she could of gone off to another facility (Julie can go on her honeymoon) and Laura could "leave" without upsetting the crazy diehard L&L fans.

  10. Hooked, i'm glad you are doing ok and thanks for the spoilers! Sorry for the late responce but I was playing hookie from work yesterday.

    So I take it that with no more Tracy for the week I can put together all of last weeks trial clips and make them one file.

    Lisa Q, I watched your vid and thought it was sweet.

    Ms.Q, your was great as well.

    knh, I have that clip you want of Luke and Tracy when he is in the hospital, if you can wait until tonight I can post it for you.

  11. Okay, show's now over... I'm not sure what to tell you about clips, Nex. She doesn't have much but what she does have is notable.

    Thanks remos, maybe I will just wait until Friday and add all her scenes together, if she has any more scenes. That reminds me that I have to add last weeks 5 second clip to Tuesdays. I'll do all of that at the end of the week.

    Halee, thank you so much for that clip of Luke and Tracy's first ever kiss, I have looked and asked everywhere and nobody had it, so thank you! :D

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