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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Per SOS for next week:

    Matt flirts with Maxie, who claims she wants nothing to do with him on Monday, April 6.

    Carly inadvertently intercepts Jerry’s phone call to Jax on Tuesday, April 7.

    Claudia clashes with Olivia on Wednesday, April 8.

    Tracy tells Ethan she suspects he has a hidden agenda on Thursday, April 9.

    Johnny devastates Lulu with his confession on Friday, April 10.

  2. From SOS:

    COMING SOON: Week of 4/06…

    Jason threatens to kill Ric if he’s withholding information. Patrick fears Robin’s brush with death was no accident. Carly struggles with how to proceed with Michael. Carly is determined to find a way to get Michael back. Patrick’s upset when Robin finds comfort in Jason’s arms. Lulu tries to turn Matt’s flirtation with Maxie to her advantage. Olivia tangles with Claudia. Patrick and Robin can’t seem to connect. Claudia is desperate to have Sonny’s baby. Jason pulls some strings with Bernie for Sam and Spinelli when she hits a road block regarding her PI license. Claudia spins a tale for Sonny. Maxie vows to get even with Lulu. An impulsive Nikolas pulls Rebecca in to a kiss. Ric throws Claudia to the wolves. Lulu and Johnny call it quits. Tracy wants to find out more about Ethan.

    Not sure about these but here....GOS :mellow:

    Just a couple pieces of information

    Ethan will not be Luke's son. He will be related to Holly and it will be some time before his full relationship to her will be revealed but be assured he's not Luke's son. A romance will start to build between Lulu and Ethan how far it goes is not determined. And it is not known at this point if Johnny and Lulu will be done for good.

    Rebecca is revealed to be working for Helena. Helena is holding something over Rebecca to force her hand. Her plan is to exert revenge on Nikolas and destroy him while gaining control of the Cassadine fortune. She's not interested in Spencer for a very particular reason. She already has guardianship of Nikolas's child and it's not Spencer.

    Then there are these...GOS ;)

    TPTB are expecting a lot of backlash from L&L fans when it is revealed that Ethan is Luke and Holly's son. Expect the story to be extremely complicated with a lot of anvils inserted into it so there won't be much shock when the actual secret comes out.

    Essentially, Luke will have cheated on Laura.

    SORASed Michael will be the frontburner story for a very long time. Expect a lot of drama, heart break, and of course, sex to happen as a result. Main characters will be Sonny, Claudia, Carly, Jason, Robin, Patrick, and to a lesser extent the Q's.

    Helena's return had been written and rewritten with extreme caution. TPTB are hoping this fan favorite will please audiences. Basically, Helena and Rebecca are acquaintances. Main characters will be Luke, Nikolas, Lucky, Elizabeth, and Tracy.

  3. Edit:

    What was with the Jacket today, I mean don't get me wrong was happy to see her on at all but I was really nice at the front and then there was like feathers or scaley things on the back???

    Am I the only one who reconized that jacket?? It's really really old, I think the last time Tracy wore it was in 2003, if i'm not mistaken it also happens to be the jacket that she wore in the old opening back when they played the Faces of the Heart theme.

    Found it!


  4. I'm here, sorry I haven't been around much but I have been pretty busy here at work, and I have little to no free time to post. Plus the fact that Tracy has not been on in over a week leaves me with little to talk about! LOL Unless bitching about work is something you all want to read? Doubt it!

    Glad to hear that Tracy was on today and I will have clips up as soon as I can, but it seems to me like there is going to be some follow up tomorrow, so I will put the scenes together.

    Also, I have been working on a vid but I seem to be at an impass and cannot finish it, is there anybody out there who maybe wants to pick up where I seem to fall off??? I have this really really awesome song and the vid is about the Toxic Ball storyline, it is in no way a Tracy or Lacy vid, more of an ensemble vid but I can't seem to get past the half way mark. If anybody is interested please let me know!

  5. Nex I would think it is probably W or TH. I hope you have a great vacation. Where ya headed? We haven't booked our trip there for the summer. Things are so up in the air now with everything.

    Thanks! I'm going to DisneyWorld with my family for my grandfather's 70th birthday. It's also a family reunion as my brother is out of the Navy and it will be the first time we were all together in over nine years.

  6. Quick question, do we know what day's Tracy is expected to be on this week??

    I only ask because I think I forgot to mention that I am going on vacation on Wednesday the 11th and will be back the following Wednesday and will not have clips until Thursday the 19th. If someone can let me know of the days she is on while I am gone I will have them up as soon as I come back. :)

  7. Here is the soapnet preview for March

    Speaking of Ethan, he (and Luke) learn that Tracy Quartermaine is nobody's fool. But what's with that picture of those GH characters he's carrying around?

    Um is this suppose to be something that Luke didn't already know?!?!? Of course Tracy is nobody's fool, Luke has told Ethan that many times. Some 'preview' for March! <_<

  8. Some idiot would always pull the fire alarm first period, in the dead of winter. Seriously, 10 degrees out and no coat! This happened like 3 times in one week once! I finally would jump out of the line and run to my locker to get my coat. How stupid can you be?! At least wait until spring!

    I had the same problem at my school too!! In fact, there was a solid month where some kids pulled the alarm almost every single period, it got so bad that the school and fire department installed this purple/blue ink that sprayed out and who ever pulled the alarm would be covered in the stuff so they would know who did it, and the stuff stained too! The walls had to be re-painted and the floors stayed purple.

  9. GOODNESS! It's quiet here today! What is going on with everyone?!?!

    MF, how are you doing? long time no talk! :)

    Ms.Q, loved the pic of Tracy with her old flippy hair over the new pic, by the way Tracy still has on her wedding ring! That is usually still a good sign! :D

    Hooked, thanks for the rehashed spoilers! :rolleyes: I gives us something to look forward to this week!

    As for clips this week, I am guessing that Thursday and Friday are going to be the same day so the two days clips will be combined.

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