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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. The LF was down yesterday, Nex. I emailed the recaps to you.

    Tracy came in (nice blue jacket yesterday) and knew immediately that Luke/Ethan were up to something again (it was taking a DNA test that they had to mail). The basics anyway is that Tracy was snippy at Ethan, Ethan said he liked her better in the early days, and Luke asked Tracy when she was going to lighten up on Ethan. Tracy redirected and asked when Luke skipped town this time, was he taking Ethan or was she having to take care of Ethan too (like Lulu)? And that's were they left it.

    Thanks! I got your email but it only mentioned Luke and Ethan so I assumed Tracy wasn't on.

  2. Again, the dialogue should indicate what's really happening. They are doing their LuNacy dance as far as dealing with Ethan, but they certainly aren't on the outs because of any interest on Luke's part in Holly. They obviously are still sleeping together, as evidenced by that Endorphin line yesterday.

    Did I miss something? I thought Tracy wasn't on yesterday?

  3. This is the best I can do for now.....here are today's clips sommone posted on You Tube.


    I do have good news, Hella Good has updated all of last weeks clips, so I should have them up tonight! :D

    Edit: Ok, I just finished watching the scene ^^^and i'm not going to lie, while what was coming out of their mouths was kinda rubbish, what was on their faces and their voices was pretty good. Jane/Tracy was trying really hard to keep her emotions in check and not cry while yelling to Luke (and vice versia), and I can honestly say from personnel experience that that is really hard to do, so for that, they get props!

  4. Here are some Luke spoilers, if anybody cares......

    Does anyone think Rebecca will end up pregnant?


    She's not getting pregnant. NOt this summer anyway. She and EThan are co-conspirators and have some kind of relationship. A little more than sex, a little less than deep abiding love. They do care about each other. I think.

    Ethan wants out of the con. He's got family in PC now and would like to hang around and get to know them. Rebecca says they've worked too hard and things have progressed perfectly and he promised he would do this for her. He's hesitant and then Luke disappears.

    Everyone says, oh well, that's Luke. He just leaves. Ethan is really hurt because he thought his father would hang around to get to know him. Then he's all gung ho to go forward with the con. They continue with what they are doing. A few weeks from now Helena turns up, tells Ethan she knows he's working with Rebecca and that there's a change in plans and that he has Luke, and that they are going to do thing sher way now.

    A few weeks. I thought Helena kidnaps Luke next week?


    She does but she doesn't tell Ethan right away that she has Luke. Ethan is ready to drop the con but he's torn between his new family and Rebecca who wants to continue the scam. Next week, Helena grabs Luke. No one knows what happened to him. Just that he disappeared which is his normal summer activity. That really pisses Ethan off because he thought dad would stay around for him. So eh's ready to go forward withthe scam then. They continue on for a couple of weeks and get things pretty much where they want them and then Helena pops in and tells Ethan that now that they have things set-up she's taking over their little plot and they have to do what she says because she has Luke.

  5. Hey guys, I am so sorry for the LONG delay on clips, but something is up with Hella Good and I finally broke down and went to Favorite-Moments to download the rest. So here are clips from May 21st and May 22nd, clips from the 21st are from Hella Good and the 22nd belong to Favorite-Moments.


    Clips from last week the 28th and 29th I can't seem to find on Izzy's site, so I will do some more digging to get them. :D

  6. Such lovely dialogue today....I am so over Lunacy. Yeah he just loves Tracy so much!

    Luke: There was a time in my life when i would have done it in a heartbeat. But hell, who am i kidding? I still might if she walks out here and makes the offer.

    Nice! He makes me want to throw up! I am so over Luke's double talk!! In one breath Tracy can be his greatest challenge and who is the reason he comes back to PC for, and in the next he would easily go off on an adventure with Holly if she asked him to?!?!?! You know I saw this at SoapZone and I think they might be right.........Holly > Tracy > Laura, at least for the moment! <_<

  7. Hey has anyone posted last week clips??


    I posted the beginning of last weeks clips a few days ago. I have not posted last Thursday and Friday because Hella Good has not put up anything new since last Thursday and I wanted to edit them together since it is the same day in GH. Maybe this weekend everything will be up, either that or I am going to have to go to Something-More and the video quality isn't as good.

  8. So let's get this straight......Luke leaves town to help poor helpless Holly only to be duped by Helena?!?! Tracy then spends the next FOUR months thinking he took off after her?!?! I didn't think Tony was going to be gone for that long, it's going to be a LONG LONG summer, again! :angry:

    Seems to me like we are going to have LuNacy conflict when he gets back, just like we have had every year since they have been married. Can't the writers be more creative?!? I gurantee that when Luke gets back all will be revealed that Helena "had" him or whatever and some will understand, but Tracy will be fuming since he left in the first place to help Holly. He will then spend the next few months trying to win her back, same old same old. I swear to goodness there is no creativity in their paring! I think I might be done with them, if this is going to be another year of the same $h*#!

    BTW, just so everyone knows Hella Good has still yet to post last Friday's clips so I will have them as soon as I can get them. :)

  9. Happy Memorial Day!!!

    I hope everybody had a great holiday weekend! I have some clips for you all. :D

    I decided to add the clip of Lacy and Ethan coming back on the plane from Singapore, so here is that.


    5-14&15-09 Lacy go to Singapore........and back :)


    5-18&19-09 Lacy talk with Holly

    The clips for the 21st and the 22nd are half edited, Hella Good has yet to post the 22nd so as soon as they are up I will have them edited.

  10. Hey Nex! Hope you are doing well! Thanks again for always loading the clips! If you are getting sick of it though, dont' feel obligated. You have been doing it for so long for us!!

    I am sure after the next two weeks you will have somewhat of a break! :)

    Oh yeah, I still have to do that don't I? LOL I was out of town this weekend so I will have last weeks clips up tonight, hopefully.

  11. RECAPS, Friday May 15th

    Sc. 7 - no Tracy; Luke back at the Haunted Star pouring himself a drink and Holly walks in asking why he isn't drinking Champagne - they have so much to celebrate, you might call it their own 'blessed event'. Luke looks enticed.

    Ewe! See this is the one thing about GH and soaps in general that I hate, and that is the 'unbeliveable'.......the way that a plane can go to and from Singapore in just a few hours. It is still the same afternoon as it has been all day in GH world and people can travel at the speed of light accross the counrty and be back in a flash. It reminds me of the time when Jax took Michael and Morgan to Disney World in an afternoon when it takes that long to get there, not to mention getting back.

  12. Nex, you are a goddess! Much appreciated, as always!

    Your welcome!

    Just so everybody else knows, Hella Good still hasen't posted anything new since 5/5/09. I don't know whats going on, but I will probably have to go to Something-More.net to download the clips but everyone be aware that the quality isn't as good as HG.

  13. P.S.

    Has anyone posted last weeks clips, you know coral jacket clips and teal jacket clips

    That's my fault!!! I downloaded and edited the clips, but I forgot to mega upload them. I will do that tonight. Also, just an FYI but Hella Good only had clips posted as far as 5/5/09 so the teal jacket clips have yet to be posted, as soon as they are I will have them up! :)

  14. Nex--so the clips we are missing are the clips from her wearing the pink jacket/grey skirt right? And then the teal jacket ones. I am so far behind on my viewing.

    Your behind on viewing, and i'm behind on editing! :P I will have them up this weekend, I promise!!

  15. I love Serial Drama!! She is always on the money when complaining about GH and I always agree with everything she says! :) :)

    I will say that the one good thing to come out of this stupid and hated Ethan storyline, is that it can't last long beacuse the Luke and Laura fans are going insane!!! We as Lacy fans don't have to do a thing, we will never have to lift a pen to paper and write how much we HATE Ethan, cuz those die hard LnL fans will do it for us. I don't expect him to last very long and thats a good thing.

    As for last weeks/this weeks clips I will put them together as soon as I get the chance, sorry I am being slow in posting them but my heart hasn't been in it lately, but I will have them up.

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