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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. How weird is this....I turned my computer on and this was on Yahoo's homepage:

    James Franco to guest star on `General Hospital'

    NEW YORK – James Franco will guest star on ABC's "General Hospital" for a lengthy story arc this fall.

    The "Pineapple Express" and "Spider-Man" actor will play a mystery person who comes to the soap opera's town of Port Charles. The recurring role will begin Nov. 20 — to coincide with November sweeps — and will last about two months.

    Executive producer Jill Farren Phelps says it's "an honor that an actor of Franco's caliber would choose to spend some of his valuable time in Port Charles."

    The 31-year-old Franco will star as Allen Ginsberg next year in the film "Howl."

  2. Why does it look like JE is wearing some hospital bracelet thingy? Is she? Or was I just spinning too much at rehearsals tonight?

    I don't think it's a hospital bracelet but more like a re-entry bracelet, like when you go to a club, so you can get back in without having to wait back in the original line.

  3. I watched ATWT yesterday and it was soooo good to see Stuart! He looked so cute with his hair all slicked back like a mobbie! Lynn Herring looks so fabulous--she has the same rockin body she had years ago when she would end up in her underwear at the nurse's ball.

    It was cute--the first thing Stuart's character said to hers was "You know I always love working with you." Lynn doesn't miss a beat in her new part. She is very lucy-like and scheming as Audrey. I've never ever watched ATWT but I'm recording it while these two are on and FFing the rest.

    Now, I am going to have to watch to see them together!

  4. I just saw a juicy little tidbit - of course accuracy is always a question.

    Apparently Susan Lucci was on Regis and Kelly today (I don't watch it so I can't confirm) and she said the trip to Africa was at her request and AMC said they would incorporate it into Erica's story. The extension of that is that it's Africa where TG was "taping" over the summer and the reason NP was there was because that's were Ethan finds Luke. Again don't know for accuracy but there you have it.

    That could be interesting! Susan was on Regis and Kelly but I left for work before she was on. Kelly did say this in the beginning chat, that AMC was moving their studio from NYC to Los Angeles, I wonder what that means for the show. Will all the actors move to LA too?? Can you imagine having to do that for your job?

  5. I just scanned through yesterday's episode of GH and the Tracy scenes were pathetic, they lasted all of a minute and a half, I am not going to even edit and post them as it was NOT worth it. Basically they went like this.....

    Michael, Carly and Sonny are in the Q livingroom after thratening some guy at the counrty club, Tracy walks in tells Sonny that just beacuse Michael is living here that he cannot have free access to the Q mansion, to which Sonny threatens to tell Monica how she is acting and she backs down and leaves(41 seconds). After Sonny and Carly go Michael gets his keys to leave as well, Tracy walks in and tells him there are ground rules; no leaving the house without telling someone. Also, she received a call from the guy that Sonny threatened at the club and he was worried that his wifes horse will be found with his head cut off in his bed, and asks him what happened, Michael says some crap line like it's how a Corinthos gets things done. That was it! :mad:

  6. You know, you gotta love GH and the stupidness of the writers, a temporary license?!?!? Who the hell ever heard of such a thing, that a mother can just waltz into the DMV and request one for her child?

    BTW, as of last night there is still nothing new posted at Hella Good for GH clips!

  7. So, Hella Good has still not updated their daily clips, the most recent day is June 24th, and with the holiday weekend I will be out of town, so hopefully by next week clips will be up and I will be able to post them.


    HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!

  8. Thanks for the recaps remos!

    Was today the last day Ric is going to be on our screen??

    Also, while I like the idea of Michael moving in with the Q's it does bother me that since he has a bit of an anger problem that Carly would let him move in with the (let's be honest, here) elderly Quartermaines. I swear if he goes after any one of them or hurts them, there is going to be hell to pay!!!

  9. Thanks for the recaps remos.

    Hooked, have fun on your trip!! :)

    The spoiler about Luke coming back a changed man could possibly be true, think about it, he tells his wife over and over that he isn't going anywhere and is NOT leaving her for anybody and he then he just up and leaves and nobody thinks anything of it. That's gotta hurt! He could have been in a ditch somewhere having had another heart attack and nobody would be the wiser, they are all so used to him up and leaving that they don't seem to care, maybe he will realize that he can't keep doing that?

    As for clips from the 10th and 17th I will have them up tonight!! I swear!!

  10. Question: I am behind on downloading clips, but can someone tell me the date of the "I'm so mad I could kill you" scene was and if that's been posted? Thanks.

    I did post the clips from that scene, maybe if you go back a few pages it will be there, with the new Megaupload I no longer have to provide my email address and have it sent to me, to upload so I don't have the link off hand.

    I liked your vid Ms.Q, even though I had to watch it on mute so nobody at the office would hear! :)

  11. AdelaideCate007, might I suggest cbs.com to watch As the World Turns, they like abc.com post full episodes and you can watch Lynn there, just be sure not to wait too long to watch because just like abc they only keep them up for a short amount of time before they are gone.

    As for the confusion about Ethan and Rebecca, I think there have been some major re-writes to the show and now Teethan and NuEmily are working to get the Q and Cassadine money, what Emily would have been entitled to had she not died. Holly is gone and we are to believe her this time when she said that Ethan and Luke were father and son, we don't know 100% for sure yet, but they did take another DNA test to find out. BTW it was a at-home DNA test, so we'll see probably after Tony gets back from his LONG vacation what the results will be.

  12. I found this over on SZ - their 'news' and opinions section...

    If that wasn’t enough, Jane Elliot (Tracy) walks in, argues with Luke, and the look in her eyes when he yells that if she doesn’t know by now why he’s still married to her… it made mine water up. That was the best part of GH in the past month. It’s called character acting, people, try it sometime.

    That was the best scene so far this year, in my opinion!! :D

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