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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Today was good... sick Tracy was making me want to cry. And she and Lulu are so cute. And I agree, none of them are as sick as she is. JE should be allowed to play near-death more often.

    Let's not forget she was also being selfless!! I hope but i'm sure it won't happen, that those who were affected by the toxin have problems with their breathing. There could be so many potential stories if they decide to actually follow-up with this story.

  2. Interesting interesting! Thanks for the recaps, I was reading the Live Post at SoapZone and there was no mention of Tracy anywhere, so I just assumed she was not on today!

    I think I am going to combine yesterday's and today's clips since they will not add up to more than 15 minutes.

  3. Those have been called false - except the part about Tracy bailing Luke/Ethan out. I don't know why because they certainly haven't done anything yet that would require them being arrested.

    Maybe it has something to do with them being up to their old tricks on the 16th?

  4. Just finished watching today's episode on You Tube, and I am so embarrassed by what I saw, today's episode is why Soap operas are like the black sheep of entertainment. Watching Jax simply kick in the doors to GH, seeing the hospital catch fire without the use of a sprinkler system, seeing Kate care nothing about getting out of the hospital but more concerned for Sonny and that damn DVD, Liz seeing Emily errr Rebecca and all of a sudden she cannot speak to tell Nikolas that she saw her too, after the first explosion seeing Lucky and Ephiany looking up at nothing by the entrance pointing to where the fire is, and of course Trevor waving a plastic container that has a unstable toxic ball in it as if the vapors couldn't get out. I swear at one point all I heard was Jason and faux Emily coughing and all I saw was smoke, nothing else.

    I realize being a soap fan you have to take the good with the bad; but today was a prime example as to why this genre is dwindling in the ratings. :angry:

  5. Exactly. Two very different sets of spoilers have been put out about how Tracy is being saved. I'll believe it when I see it. And I seriously can't believe they wouldn't have Luke involved at some point before it's all over - that would be a historic first.

    Thank you! That's exactly how I feel, I will wait and see with my own two eyes!!

  6. Exactly how accurate are these spoilers?!?! I only ask because how can Lulu refuse to leave Tracy's side if they are the first to be rescued?? I don't see how that would make sense? Plus we have been hearing for a long time now that Ethan and Luke rescue Lulu and Tracy and now all of a sudden, they are never going to the hospital? Something does not seem right?

  7. Line of the Day - Trevor asks AZ how he knows Sonny wants to kill him. AZ says "He's chasing after me with a big frigging gun, Trevor. How smart do I have to be?"

    ^^^Ok, that quote is so funny because I can totally see in my head Anthony saying it!

    So the OR when kaboom today and Luke still does not know that his wife and children are inside?? What's going on with this, how long is it going to take for him to find out??


    1. Confrontation with Laura (Tracy and Luke keep each other interested, etc)

    2. Tracy and Lulu (Tracy telling Lulu how she is the woman for Luke now.)

    3. Luke and Tracy (They talk in the hospital Lounge after Luke fakes a heart attack)


    1. Tracy smashes Luke in the knee with an I.V. pole ("Campbells Select", Laced Valentines Candy, Tracy roughly wheels Luke out to take him to Mercy Hosp)

    2. Tracy goes on a rampage and the Q's want Luke to return to the mansion.

    3. "@$$ Slap Day" (Ernesto, Tracy searching for Luke's contraban, Luke gets a visit from his "famlia", "show him your moves mama")


    1. New Year's Eve

    2. Luke and Tracy leave town together

    3. Luke and Tracy dance together


    1. Tracy's speech to Lulu about how she is the woman for Luke now.

    2. Tracy's speech to Johnny about how she doesn't want Lulu to end up like Laura (in a catatonic state).

    3. Tracy's speech to Laura about how she and Luke keep each other interested, etc.


    1. "Collar/leash - mama/kneeling"

    2. Luke Slaps Tracy's @$$ in his hosp bed.

    3. "Remember the time we broke the hammock in the boathouse"


    1. New Year's Eve

    2. Opening of Haunted Star - "Collar-Leash/kneeling" scene

    3. Luke and Tracy leave town together.


    1. Kiss on New Year's Eve

    2. Kiss before Luke smokes his cigar in the hospital

    3. Kiss before Luke and Tracy leave town together


    1. "Do I have to put you on a collar? ... And a leash?" - "Oh Mama, you want me kneeling?" (Opening of Haunted Star)

    2. "Here's to men! ... falling off the face of the earth"

    3. "Judging from the toxic glow on the horizon, I'd say we are over LA"


    1. Tracy's expression during "I don't do generous" to Laura.

    2. Tracy's "swizzle" expression after Luke suggests they face a challenge of a "different sort wink.gif"

    3. Tracy's expression before she enters the elevator to go after Monica


    1. Spankster

    2. Petunia

    3. Wife


    1. New Year's Eve

    2. Opening of the Haunted Star

    3. Sopping wet


    1. Brown leather jacket

    2. Salmon (pink, peach, whatever) that ties in front

    3. Yellow Jacket


    1. Jane laughing dressed as Frau

    2. Jane laughing after Tony pulled a rubber glove from her booty on "IV pole day"

    3. Jane laughing at the "Campbells Healthy Select" line from Tony on "IV pole day"

  9. Once she was down, I was okay with the short squeals, and I was okay with her being out of breath in the beginning. That all sounded fine... But that middle portion just made me shake my head (and laugh)... My mom said it reminded her of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vFVnTMwt3w :lol: IMO, it would have been better for Tracy to collapse quietly, like Kate or Claudia. If she is in and out of it tomorrow, I hope she does a better job. I mean, I love her as actress still, and I know not everyone's perfect, but what I saw today was just "No."

    OMG! Ms.Q, that clip was sooo funny, that I almost got in trouble here at work because I couldn't stop laughing, my boss asked me what was wrong and I couldn't control myself.

    I do know what you mean about the way Tracy went down, it was kinda funny and I was trying to be objective. But how come Edward had sneakers and Tracy gets slippers? I think the wardrobe department made a booboo when dressing him.

  10. Double post, but I got BIG PICS. :D Thanks SoapOperaSource!

    Wardrobe Commentary: Even Tracy's hospital gown is freakin' long sleeves!!! I know it's cold, but Monica and Liz's sleeves don't come all the way down to their wrists. Oy!

    Damn! You beat me to it Ms.Q, I was just about to post the pics! I will say this about the wardrobe for Monica and Tracy....Monica was brought in and treated at the beginning of the outbreak before the realization that the poison was airborne, where as it is possible that Tracy collapsed and was immediately treated. But did anybody else notice her skin, she has awesome skin she looks just like she did in that episode of the Mod Squad that Halee posted a few weeks back, she even has the exact hairstyle all that is missing is the glasses! haha!

  11. I just thought I would post this because it made me happy. It's from Soap Opera Source and it's about Tony's new deal to stay on at GH.

    General Hospital fans have been curious to know if long time GH veteran Anthony Geary would re-sign a new deal with the show. They don't have to wonder any longer. According to reports from Soap Opera Digest, Geary has indeed inked a new deal with General Hospital and he will continue to portray fan favorite Luke Spencer.

    Geary joined the ABC soap in 1978 as Bobbie Spencer's (Jackie Zeman) brother, Luke. At the time, Bobbie was in need of a distraction for her rival Laura Vining (Genie Francis), who was going to marry the man Bobbie was in love with, Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner). Once Luke arrived in Port Charles and he encountered Laura Vining, the rest as they say is history. The two garnered a huge following as the pop culture super couple Luke and Laura, and their wedding in 1981 had over 30 million people drawn to their television sets to watch the romantic event.

    In 1998, their son Lucky was presumed dead and instead of bringing Luke and Laura closer, it was a tragic event that pushed them further and further apart. In 2000 when Lucky returned home after being held captive by Helena Cassadine, Luke and Laura decided instead of reuniting it would be best if they divorced. In 2002, after re-living her own nightmare, Laura slipped into a catatonic state and it was a struggle for Luke who still loved his angel and didn't want to let go. In November of 2006, Laura was given a miracle drug and came out of her catatonic state for a short time. Long enough for her and Luke to remarry in a mock wedding Luke had set up. At the time Luke was already married to Tracy Quartermaine, but to make Laura's last days filled with happiness, he planned the mock wedding with Tracy's blessing. Laura remains in a catatonic state to this day, and Luke has found love again with Tracy Quartermaine. Their relationship is rocky at best, but share a love that cannot be denied.

    After 31 years on General Hospital, Geary will remain on the show and continue to portray the character he has made a household name.

    Also, here is some re-wording of spoilers that we already know of from SoapZone.

    Tracy finds herself unable to go anywhere. And then, she finds herself dropping like a stone.

    Edward’s true feelings emerge about Tracy, when he’s forced to confront her possible death.

  12. Her hair looks great. Get over the oomph, Ms. Q, I don't think we're going to see it again for a very long time. JE obviously likes this and it's styled very sassy on her today.

    You know what's funny, on the other boards SoapZone, SoapCentral and Hella Good everybody seems to love her hair. I find it funny that we, the REAL TQ fans, hate it! hehe!

  13. Sc. 5 - Sonny talks to Claudia about reminders of Michael at the hosptial, his great-grandfather Edward and his grandmother Monica, both of whom believe Sonny stoled Michael from them.

    I love Sonny's selective memory! He acts as if what he did to AJ and effectively to the Quartermaines was nothing, he took that boy from his father and never let him see or visit his grandparents. They never got a chance to know Michael and he never got to know them.

    I hate the fact that the writers had vilified the Quartermaine's over the years; acting as if a child being in their presence is going to cause the child harm. Lois did it with Brooke, Alexis with Kristina and Carly with Michael. What happened to Michael (getting shot) and his horrible behavior (buying a gun and shooting Kate) were a direct result of Sonny's lifestyle and yet, he is considered a "good and loving" father!

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