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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. LOL at Nancy's twitter...

    NancyLeeGrahn Sat next 2 Maurice in soap courtroom all day while he drew giant penises & boobs on my legal pad. Just another day at the office

    ^^^That's too funny!! My only question is, why is Alexis sitting next to Sonny, is she defending him??

  2. Tracy was on for one scene today with Ethan/Mike.

    Damn!! And I missed it? I actually watched yesterday's episode but the first 20 minutes were the local news talking about the severe weather we have been having. I guess I will have to wait till Hella Good has it posted. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Hey Nex

    Yes I think the LF has pretty much dried up! LOL

    I didn't even remember it was JE's birthday yesterday til reminded.

    HOLY CRAP!! We have dried up!!! To forget Jane's birthday is bad! I need to pop in here more often and comment or post, what I really need to do is get back into making vids, I was on You Tube last night when I realized that the last vid I posted was over a year ago.

  4. Nex Darling, I see you there.

    When you do clips could you do a lightened one for me - if you have time SVP??? I really want to keep a copy of this one.

    No problem!! Sounds like today was a good day, I can't wait to get home and watch, who ever invented DVR is a god!!!!

  5. She was on Monday the 7th. I have the clips downloaded and can post them later if you want...I haven't edited yet, but if you are bored and want to....cazi has them up I know for sure.

    I have the kareoke stuff edited and can post later (12/2)

    Thanks hooked, I can do it! I have internet and DVR, so I can go back to my "job". :)

  6. New medianet pics for xmas week Xmas kiss! (I think this is at the Spencer house as there are others there) There is also one of L&T at the Haunted Star




    Thanks for the pics Hooked!! Does anybody know if they were on last week, or if Tracy was? I thought there was a MediaNet pic of her at the Haunted Star?

  7. Someone over at soc posted this link that show the spencer family portrait. Tg je tc bh np jmb

    check out je/tg touching hands. :wub:

    I am just going to say this, but HOLY [!@#$%^&*]!!!!!! I cannot believe that there is FINALLY going to be an offical Spence family portrait. Thanks for making my weekend!!!

  8. Ok all! I am leaving tonight to go to New York for Thanksgiving. I just want to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING since I will have little to no access to the internet (God help me). Everybody have a happy and safe holiday, I will "see" you all when I get back on the 2nd.

  9. That coat has been used since 2003

    Okay because the post is so slow I want everyone to post there favourite scene with that teal jacket.

    I will even go first


    Luke steals a plane to rescue laura

    How about when she left Dillon with the Quartermaine's??? That was my fav.

  10. Seriously, it has been so slow here that the last post is from Thursday!?!?!? haha!

    Well I know I have an excuse, I have moved into my own place and have been very busy packing, moving, and unpacking. As for clips, I know I have been really bad but my internet at my apartment was being stupid and it wasn't until 2 days before I moved (of course) that it started to work properly. Now that I have moved, I will be getting the internet hooked up, but I am leaving to go to New York for Thanksgiving and will have it installed after I get back, which will be December 3rd, so if it is possible for anybody to post clips until I can that will be great!

  11. haha good one Nex I totally agree with you.

    Hey are you going to clip the party once or should I?




    Actually I meant both the Helana and the Party clips


    I will have them up as soon as Hella Good does, as of now the most recent clips are from last Friday! :)

    Glad to hear lacy was on today, an unexpected surprise!

  12. Genie interview...


    she is still saying GH hasn't contacted her. Hmmmm Not sure I believe that one.

    Genie sings!?!?! Who knew! Now, I am going to be a bit mean here but the thought of Luke and Laura riding off into the sunset together makes me cringe, so much so that I found a clip from one of my favorite movies that expresses exactly how I fel about these two:


    Scroll to scene 7.50, that's how they make me feel! Haha!

  13. You know, I'm actually okay with how Tracy has been shown of late. Tony gets his summers, Jane gets her summers, I get my summer and then come fall we're off to the races.

    ^^^I feel the same way you do.....as much as I hate Luke and Tracy off the canvas in the summer, it allows me to have a summer myself. :)

    As for last weeks clips, I will try and have them up tonight, I was having some internet problems at home and I think *fingers crossed* that everything is up and working.

  14. I agree with those who say the kiss looked "lemony" LOL

    Why can't they have a real kiss without all the hijinks?? *Sigh*

    I'm excited to have JJ back, I loved looking at GV's gorgeous face, but JJ is Lucky for me.

    Tony and JJ are great together, can't wait to see them in action.

    You know, for me, it's not weather JJ or GV play Lucky, it is how he is written. I like GV, he is a decent actor and easy on the eyes, but the way he has been written for the past few years has been horrible. I can only wonder how Lucky will be written once JJ takes over, if they all of a sudden change his attitude and character, that is where my problem will be. Because it means that they could have written for GV but just perferred not to.

  15. AS small as these are, there is some mention of Tracy in this article with Constance Towers:

    Helena Cassadine returns to Port Charles greatly humbled this week. Constance Towers diagnoses what's ailing the queen of mean.

    SOW: Welcome back. once again!

    CT: Oh, I'm always glad to be back.

    SOW: So this time there is a new Cassadine threat?

    CT: That would be Valentin. I thought that Tony Geary was going to start singing "My Funny Valentine." He didn't do it, but he was threatening to (laughs)!

    SOW: Nikolas certainly isn't singing a happy tune when he has his grandmother admitted to GH to deal with the poison in her system. Does she fear the end is near?

    CT: Well, she knows the end [would have been] near if she had stayed in Greece, because the fear is that Valentin will kill any Cassadine, and any Spencer that crosses his path. If she goes back to Greece, he will kill her. Nikolas, who has no love lost for his grandmother — but she loves him more than anyone in the world — brought her back out of the kindness of his heart, but also because he feels that she has information about Valentin to help fight him when he finally comes.

    SOW: Even Helena is afraid of this monster?

    CT: That's right, and she's not afraid of anyone! He is a man who is seeking revenge. She keeps trying to warn everybody that this terrible, malevolent character is going to seek revenge, and they have never met anyone as dangerous as he is. She warns Luke; she can't get Tracy to listen to her. She tells Alexis, "Don't forget you are a Cassadine, too. He's going to come after you."

    SOW: What is Valentin after?

    CT: He's seeking revenge on anyone who caused a Cassadine to suffer, so that's why he's after the Spencers.

    SOW: Given her history in Port Charles, does Helena expect good care at GH?

    CT: Yes, because the Cassadines have put a lot of money into the hospital. Nikolas is the largest single benefactor of the hospital, so she really is very secure she will get good care. I guess the care at General Hospital is the best in the world, so that's why she went there (laughs).

    SOW: She certainly Is known to the staff.

    CT: I don't know if it has occurred to Helena that people on the staff — Elizabeth and Rebecca — hate her so much that they might poison her in the hospital, too! Helena is lying there, and everybody comes into her room: Lucky, Elizabeth,

    Nikolas, Luke and Tracy. She certainly has found her voice, because I felt like I had two days of soliloquies!

    SOW: How does she use that voice?

    CT: Helena has many issues to settle with Elizabeth; that's been an ongoing, longtime thing. Becky is just terrific. The scenes with her go back a little bit in history, because Elizabeth and Nikolas were together once before, and Helena poisoned her years ago on her yacht. Then it turned out to be a ruse, that she hadn't poisoned her, but was testing Nikolas at the time. So Helena has never liked Elizabeth and was always very skeptical of her angelic persona. Helena feels at last that she has found her out, she is not as angelic as everybody else thinks she is.

    SOW: She knows about Elizabeth sleeping with her grandson?

    CT: Yes. She has spies everywhere who report to her.

    SOW: So she tells Lucky?

    CT: She's cryptic with Lucky She doesn't actually tell him, but she lets Elizabeth know that *she* knows, and she lets Nikolas know that she knows.

    SOW: What is it like working with Tony Geary again?

    CT: Oh, he's so wonderful. It takes about one minute to get back in that rhythm. Whatever you give him, he responds and gives it back to you twofold. He's really an actor's dream to work with.

    SOW: Are you looking forward to working with Jonathan Jackson as Lucky once again?

    CT: Oh, absolutely! That will be great fun. Jonathan was wonderful. When I first came on the show, it was when Helena took Lucky captive. That's when she started the brainwashing process with him, with Jonathan.

    SOW: You're bridging back to Jonathan from the outgoing Greg Vaughan.

    CT: Yes, and I adore [Vaughan]. He's wonderful to work with. I worked with all of the Luckys, as a matter of fact. They were all very interesting boys.

    SOW: Helena still has an interesting relationship with Lucky.

    CT: Lucky hates Helena because she really ruined his life. They have never erased that fact that she planted a code in Lucky's head. If she ever decides to, she could use it and could get him back in her control.

    SOW: Do you think that will happen?

    CT: Oh, I hope so, because I think that's kind of wonderful.

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