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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Just watched on You Tube and am annoyed that the flowers Luke brought to Tracy were taken from the room accross the hall. Why is there always this twinge of insincerity with Luke when it comes to Tracy?!?!? If they are trying to go with funny, its not. :mad:

  2. But here is the thing with the spoiler, Just as Tracy begins to reconsider Luke splits town with her money. the money we are talking about here is the $15 million Luke stole and put in Tracy's account. So if we really want to split hairs the money Tracy has had for the past 5 years is because of Luke. Therefore, he is intitled to it. (yes I know it is stolen Cassadine money, but you know what I mean)

  3. Helena might not have sent tracy medicine in the dungeon, but I think she sent a hair cutter--Looks like JE got a hair cut in captivity! LOL

    It's funny you say that, I noticed it last week, her hair looked recently colored too, like her scalp was really dark from the coloring. Her makeup was re-done as well. If you notice her eye makeup and hair when they are saying their vows it's pretty dark then when she pops up after Luke says that he wants to marry her for real, it's much lighter.

  4. Luke is Felix as far as I can see. But it should be interesting to see what Lucky does for Luke before he leaves.

    Wouldn't it be the other way around?? I can see Luke as a pig, like Oscar who likes to smoke cigars and plays poker and Lucky as Felix the super neat and clean guy?? It could make for some funny television!

  5. Okay, here it is....


    (getting down on his knees in front of her) Tracy Angelica Quartermaine-Spencer, you have transformed my life. Not just with the bank accounts and the mansion and the corporate jets - I mean all that's nice, but none of that could keep me here, with you if I didn't want to be. It's you darlin'... it's you. Your humour, your intelligence, your feistiness and your huge heart which you always try to keep hidden. You make my life worthwhile. It's because of you that I give a damn. I love you with all my heart. My Spanky. My Sweetheart. My Wife.


    Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, I have always taken great pride in being the difficult one - hard to handle, hard to please. But you are the challenge of my life - you outdo me every time. You know me better than anyone. You know my heart, you even know that it beats faster when you walk into a room. You're worth the trouble. I love you with all my heart. You are my beloved Husband.

    Awwww, thats so sweet!!

  6. I wonder what he will ask her to do when be blackmails her? Sleep with him? Marry him? And we know he knows quite a few secrets with Spanky. You ain't getting away from him.

    The only thing I can think of that he can blackmail her with, is the changing of Alans will. So this could be a fun path for these two!

    Can someone give me the dates that they have been on the past 2 weeks? I should have some free time this week to get the clips up.

  7. SOW

    Luke is gonna freak!

    Yeah he is!

    I just watched today's episode on YT and I have to say that while TPTB are giving short snippets of Luke and Tracy they do seem to be trying to incorporate more then just 3 stories in one episode. I mean, todays episode had Scrubs, Sonny (of course), BK and Lulu, Lucky, Jason & Michael, Skye & Jax, and Johnny. Thats a lot of different characters in one day.

  8. Did anybody see this weird spoiler from SoapZone???

    Brook Lynn takes Carly up on her job offer, because she’s strapped for cash, credit card companies and the government are after her for fraud, and there’s nowhere else to shack up after her own grandma evicted her.

    Tell me, how does grandma evict her if she is trapped in a cellar?? This is why spoilers are crap! haha!

  9. HOLY CRAP!!!! There are so many contradicting spoilers that I don't know if I can believe ANY of them. I think I perfer to stay spoiler free and see where the story takes me because if I get to thinking too much I would think that they were leaving the show all together!! haha!

    I will admit that I am watching more of the show as a whole the past few weeks, I am trying my best to keep an open mind, with a bunch of soaps getting cancelled right and left I will keep my mouth shut on all the stuff that I hate. And enjoy GH for what it is.

  10. I'm all caught up with GH clipping so if anyone needs recent clips, let me know

    That would be me!! I was just about to post if anybody had the dates Tracy has been on in the past 2 weeks so I could clip and edit them, but if you already got them, I won't mind taking them. :)

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