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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Nex--I sent in a question and asked if this is the case, then why is Tracy still wearing the same teal jacket she has been wearing for the past four years and how come so much of her wardrobe is seen again and again--sometimes only a month or two apart.


    I sure hope that they respond to your question, I would love to have a list for them of every time Tracy has worn the same shirt with every date she wore it. I think even they might be surprised just how often her wardrobe is recycled.

  2. Recaps, Tuesday May 5


    Vets: Luke, Tracy

    Kisses: none

    Appearance: same silver skirt and light-rose paisley jacket

    Thanks remos!! So today is still the same GH day a week later!?!?! I think I am all mixed up, can anybody tell me when Tracy first appeared with the silver skirt?? I had downloaded and edited last Thursday's (the 30th) episode but thought I missed a day somewhere. I will add today's show to last weeks, since they are all the same day.

  3. I like NP. I like the accent and the haircut and the way he works with JE, TG and JMB. I think he's fun to watch. I also think GH is a little too quick with their comparison comments - everyone has got to be the next XXX. Why can't they just be good in their own right? BTW I wouldn't put much stock in other board's opinions of him as an actor, outside of the accent - which we who grew up around it have no problem - Ethan is also getting much of the heat for the whole "Luke never cheated on ewcbo" crap. Yada, yada... don't care. But NP and TG are certainly taking the heat on that one.

    I'm glad you like NP, really I do. I just can't stand him, watching him on my computer screen makes my blood boil. I hate him so much that I actually can't stand Lacy when they are on with him. I barely watch and what I do watch I bypass just so I don't have to see him. Maybe that's just me, to each his own. :)

  4. I am about to say something mean, but I don't care. I think all these articles calling NP the new Tony Geary is crap! I'm sure that the shows are paying the mags to post these lame articles and "fan letters" praising him and his acting abilities. I have been to a bunch of different websites and I can't seem to come accross a whole lot of people who actually like him. His acting is bad, his hair is even worse, and he looks like a skeze (is that even a real word?) I just can't stop staring at his buttery teeth everytime he opens is mouth.

    I remember when Scott Clifton started in 2003 they compared him to Tony because of his unconventional soap look, he was their "it" guy for a while. But as Guza has a short attention span that quickly changed and he became a supporter for Spinelli, then Logan and now surprise surprise it's NP. I can't get into his character at all and hopefully he will fall to the wasteside soon enough. ::end of rant::

  5. oh man.. where is cazigirl?!?! She hasn't uploaded GH yet. She has spoiled me!

    i'm traveling for work. DEAD tired.

    Back in hotel room...

    DYING to catch up on today (and that great jacket!)...

    But cazi isn't up yet.. and i can't find any epis from today on YouTube. Anywhere else I can look NOW!?!?!

    I don't think i get soap opera network where i am.. and i don't want to wait until 10 even if i do!

    I want to watch, nap and eat... wahhhhhh

    Cazigirl wrote on her page that today was her birthday and she was taking a break from uploading, she said she will have them up in the morning.

  6. Hey Nex, could you do me a huge favor? When you are editing last weeks clips, could you post or send me just the Thursday the 23rd clip. My computer totally bit the dust and I didn't have that date saved to my external hard drive yet. I would really appreciate it, if it's not too much trouble. Thanx!

    Do you want the whole episode or just the Tracy clips, because I am going to put all the Tracy clips together from last week and this week since they are all the same day. Let me know! :)

  7. Hey guys, I just realized that I haven't posted last weeks clips. I downloaded them over the weekend but never edited them, I will do that tonight. Oh, just a heads up, while you can watch GH for free on abc.com, you cannot download the episodes to your computer. :(

  8. Thanks for posting the Media Net pics Hooked, but I have to say that Emma is wearing one weird and not natural looking hair weave. It kinda reminds me of Kristen Storms when she has that hair in, I think there is a reason why she only wears it for a couple of days then takes it out.

  9. Sc. 6 - Luke says he doesn't know. Tracy points out that given Ethan's age he would have been conceived while he was married to the other Mrs. Spencer. Luke says fidelity has never been a passion of his. Tracy then tells Luke about the picture she found and Luke raises his voice asking why she didn't tell him. Then Luke starts to ponder saying that picture obviously means something to him. Tracy snarls her lip and says "Da". Luke looks at her again and asks if she has a theory. In slight exasperation Tracy says it's obvious Holly is his mother and either Luke or Robert is his father.

    Oooooooooh!!!! The hardcore LnL's are going to be pissed! LOL

  10. hehehe.. confirmation today that Luke screwed around on Laura. WE all knew it, but now the world knows. HA!

    Whose birth certificate did Hells Bells leave town with? Is that Ethan's we think? When Holly had a baby 20some years ago, Hells got a hold of the birth certificate... but was never 100% sure who daddy was. So, she saved certificate... and now she's going to torture Luke with possible fatherhood?


    Well I did see the year 1965 on the paper so I doubt it is Ethan's birth certificate, maybe Helena has another kid??

    Anyhoo, here are last weeks clips as promised:


    Credit goes to Trudy, edited by me.

  11. Hella Good posted last weeks clips up this morning, so I will try my best to have them up tonight.

    Also, I got this from the GH News and Gossip page from SoapZone, take what you will from it.....

    Holly returns to town to set the record (of Ethan’s paternity) straight. Luke has talked himself into believing Ethan is his long-lost bastard son. Holly’s truth will negatively affect Luke’s relationship with Tracy. There is a question of whether Ethan is the spawn of Luke or Robert Scorpio, or…?

  12. SOD--has Helena's last day as 4/21--that stinks--only one week! :angry:

    She made some remark to Nik today that his mother was doing well in France--like she is keeping tabs on her. I think she told Alexis to use collagen for anti=aging!

    Boo! Helena is only back for a week? That stinks!

    It was so fun watching the Cassadines in action yesterday, I miss them all so much! Helena was on her game yesterday she totally threatened Rebecca (which I loved) and Alexis and Hells were bantering back an forth (loved it!). Watching Natalia with the C's yesterday was painful to watch, I hate to say it but she is way out of her league, she really cannot act to save her life, I cannot believe she has an Emmy.

    As for clips, I will have them up this weekend!

  13. What a fabulous TQ week! I have always loved TraLu and it's actually beating Lunacy for me right now. And of course my two favorites, Tracy and Spinelli, in the same room together is awesome! Remos, thanks for the recaps. I like to watch the scenes all in a row, thanks to Nex! I can't believe she's been on so much. And of course I'm going away next week, right when it's getting good!

    I will have last weeks clips up tonight, I downloaded them all last night but it was getting really late and had to go to bed, but they are about 90% edited I just need to make the small edits and transitions and all will be done.

  14. Thanks Remos. Wow three days of a row with like 5-7 segments. Some sort of modern day record!

    Here is the deal for tomorrow..not sure cause that one preview said 4/10 was Tracy investigates Ethan further, but that might be pushed or something to next week. Here's hoping for four days in a row...

    Thanks remos!

    As for clips, I will wait until tomorrow to see if it is a new day in GH, and then combine all clips from the week!

  15. Thanks for the recaps Remos!

    I will have clips up soon!

    I have been around; just not as much as I used to be. I have been very busy at work, my best friend and co-worker (who by the way got me my job) was let go from my company and now I am taking on more work due to her absence.

    And I will be honest I really really hate Ethan and his whole storyline, he actually makes me not want to watch Lacy when they are all on together! I can't stand the way he talks, looks, and acts. I don't know if I am going through a "I hate GH" phase but I can't get involved in any of the stories that are going on right now and I don't care. I know for a fact that if it wasn't for Lacy I would not be watching GH anymore but at the moment I am being a butthead about the show.

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