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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. I just wanted to let you all know that Hella Good has still not posted yesterday's clips. I will give them another day to do so but if they don't I might just go to Izzy or Cazigirl.

    Hooked, I floved reading all those scans!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to upload them. :) Also, thanks for the Tracy spoiler, small as it was.

  2. WooHoo! I have my job back!!!

    I will say this about Tracy/Jane's hair and then I'm done obsessing, for now. ;) It takes a long time to grow out hair that has been cut so short and so dramatically. It looks to me like she is in fact trying to grow it out but it needs to be cut in such a way that it still looks good and will grow without looking raggedy (is that a word?) If you watch the clips she is trying to keep the length in the back but she need to still keep the face shorter. Yes, her hair looks like it did back in 2005 during the "take a bus storyline" but if you remember it wasn't long until it was longer again, it was less than 6 months.

    Ok, i'm done ranting! I will post today's clips as soon as they are up at Hella Good.

  3. 12 more days! I need to PM you my cell! Oh, and just so you know...you are someone from my online writing group I am involved with--I can't blow my secret Tracy addiction cover ya know! It is sort of an online writing group huh?

    Maybe we can meet for coffee or a drink or something! Do you ever go to BI?

    Secret writing group, got ya covered! I only seem to go to BI around Christmas time but it's not that far from where I live. But if you want to see where DK lives then thats Laguna Beach.

  4. Well i'm glad to read that there are more people out there (besides us Tracy fans) not happy about Genie returning. I personally don't care since it will most definately be a figment of Lulu's imagination, it's just stunt casting and other soaps do it all the time. I'm actually kinda happy tptb are doing it because GH seems to be the only soap not doing it.

    Hooked, how many more days till your in the OC??? hahahah :P

  5. Wow, and no insider called this? :lol: I wonder if this is why Tracy was left out of Lulu's breakdown story... Not that I totally blame GH. I mean it does make more sense to include Laura instead of Tracy... Though, I am wondering if she is just magically going to come out of catatonia or what? Maybe a multi-day dream? 'Cause really, if you bring her out of catatonia, she's would have to find out Luke is married to Tracy, and I don't see happening without Luke on the canvas.

    Yeah i'm thinking that her return is going to be a dream for Lulu. I really can't see them bringing her back for a "short visit" (not short term basis) and not follow up with what happened in 2007, plus let's not forget that the drug that she was given was a one time shot thing. It would make perfect sense that Laura appear to Lulu in her time of need. I'm guessing her short visit will be a few episodes and thats it.

  6. Since I haven't really been watching GH.. someone tell me: who KNOWS about Lulu stabbing Logan?

    Does Spinelli know? Does Jason know? Did Jason drive the getaway car?

    Does Nadine know? Does Nikolas know? Does Lucky Know?

    Muchas Gracias,


    To answer your questions Lainey...at the moment the only people who know that Lulu stabbed Logan are Maxie and Johnny. I believe that Spinelli and Jason will eventually find out but as of now, no. Johnny took the blame for killing Logan when Claudia walked into the house and saw his dead body and she, thinking that Johnny really did do it, is helping him get rid of the evidence ie. dumping his body in front of Nikolas' clinic, fixing the front door Logan broke through and getting rid of the blood staned carpet. Nadine witnessed a car dumping Logan's body and told the police the first 3 letters on the plate but Claudia and Johnny had on fake plates. The whole time Lulu is freaking out about what she did to Logan and wants to call the police but Maxie, Johnny and Claudia want her to keep her big fat mouth shut. I hope that helps, I have been watching the show but only because things at the office have been really slow and I am bored out of mind. :blink:

  7. Ms.Q, loved The Missing Scenes! :lol:

    I don't know about anybody else but tonight is the AFI lifetime achievement award for Warren Beatty and his old girlfriend DIane Keaton is giving a small speech! I'm sure You Tube will have her clip posted by tomorrow, for those who want to see.

  8. I just wanted to wish everyone an early......

    HAPPY 4th OF JULY!

    I am going out of town this weekend and will not be near a computer.

    Remos, you are killing me with your stories, you are doing a fantastic job!

    Ms.Q, so glad you are still writing Oh, Baby!

    Hooked, what is it 3 weeks and 2 days till you are in the OC? I'm sure you are counting down the days! haha

    Everybody be safe and have a fun filled weekend! Be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen! B)

  9. Remos, here are the clips you wanted of Luke and Robert talking after Laura wakes up.


    Now I need some help, as I was looking for the clips that remos asked for I realized that I somehow lost the clip where Tracy sees Laura at GH. I know I had it because I used it in the LnL/T vid I made 2 years ago. If anybody has that clip it would be most appreciated. :D

    As for the possible spoiler about Tracy enlisting Sam for help in finding Luke, I have heard that spoiler before, so I guess it could be true.

  10. Nex--were the clips from 6/14 (I think the two lusam tracy scenes on the clips from 6/16 you posted?). There is nothing from last week yet I missed right?

    Hey, remember I am coming to Calif end of July!! We need to meet for a cinnamon bun or something or coffee on Balboa or at Fashion Island!

    I keep meaning to download the 6/20 clips but I kept having trouble with the time it takes to upload at home, I will do that today on my lunch hour since my boss is on vacation this week! hahahaha

    I have not forgotten that you will be in town next month!! Plans will be made. :D

  11. Hmm, the scenes I have right before Laura wakes up just include Tracy asking Robert what Luke is up to and Luke removing his ring. Maybe nex has it? I know she did a LuNacy and LnL video.

    remos, if what Ms.Q posted isn't what you were looking for let me know and I can see what I have. Unfortunately for me 2006 isn't my most organized clip year, ;) it could take me some time but it won't be a problem if you need it.I've got just about everything Tracy from 06-now.

  12. Ms.Q, thanks so much for posting that Inside Edition clip, it was sooo funny. Also, great job with the vid, I really liked it.

    As for last weeks clips, while I was at home playing hookie from work I downloaded last Thursday's clips and for some reason while downloading Friday's clips the program got very slow, it was going to take me over 4 hours to download it, so I decided to wait. So, hopefully tonight it will be working better and they will be up later tonight.

  13. OMG ! Thank you so much Ms.Q, for posting that You Tube link and to Addie for putting it up! I totally teared up at my desk while watching it.

    A big thank you again to Ms.Q, for posting today's recaps. I have to say, I don't know if it is the slow day I am having here at work or not but I actually enjoyed the entire episode. I even thought Jason and Sonny were likeable and for me, that NEVER happens. It was nice to see the lighter side of GH instead of the killing and mob war stuff. I was actually laughing out loud during some of the show. :lol:


    Hope everybody has a great weekend!

  14. Ms.Q, thanks for posting that Tracy was on today and will be on again tomorrow! :) I think I will post the two days clips together, since her stint today couldn't have been more than a minute long. Also I will be going out of town this weekend starting tomorrow so I hopefully will have the clips up by Tuesday.
  15. Thanks! And you should definitely make a video!!! You can use the song that TL suggested; the one called Tracy from the 1960s, I believe. It's so perfect for LuNacy! Oh, nex! Question for you, as I know you take special note of these things. I was watching some clips of the vow renewal (reminds self not to think of the ridiculous dress - shudder). Well, I watched some scenes before she got all "dressed up" and some scenes after. I don't know if I or anyone else mentioned this at the time, but do you think she had hair extensions of some kind? Her hair wasn't super long, and I don't think they could have made it look as high as it was without extensions...Just wondering. :)

    Yeah, Jane/Tracy definately had a hair piece because her hair was just a bit longer than it is now to have an up-do like that.


    As promised here are Friday's clips.


    Credit goes to Trudy, edited by me.

  16. And as a mother of four who desperately want to visit, how does one 'unexpectedly' find themselves at Disneyland past midnight?

    Well for me it's quite easy, first, I have a season pass and second, I live 10 minutes away. My friends and I decided last minute to go after work. They close at midnight now that it's summer and Main St. closes at 1am, so we all decided to ride Space Mountain one more time before closing and it was way past mindight when we finally left. :) That's how I unexpectedly found myself there last night.

  17. Ms.Q, I loved your new vid! It was so fun, it makes me want to make a vid too! :)

    Remos, I am so loving your story!!

    halee, I did see that Diane was going to be at Warren's AFI tribute, it's kind of cool and weird that she will be there considering she used to date him, but it seems like she is friends with all her ex-es. I have every intention to watch, if only for her. :D

    As for this past Friday's clips, I know I said I would have them posted by yesterday night, but I unexpendedly found myself at Disneyland last night and got home past midnight, so I will try my best to have them up today.

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