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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. [!@#$%^&*]--one last post from GHH2 which sucks as it means Tracy and Luke were in a fight!

    6/11 Sam shows Lucky a puzzling email from Dr. Von "Skeemerman".

    We learn Tracy took off with all of Luke's cash, after their fight.

    In Spencer-speak, marbles hide jewels... Lucky understands Luke's message

    As much as I hate that the writers decided to make the reason Tracy left Luke while on the run is because she and Luke got into a fight. I have to wonder if that reason is true and not a cover (something we were all hoping for).

    If you remember when Luke was asking Sam if he looked good enough to win his wife back, he told Sam that he had a hard time "pulling the wool over her eyes" and when Sam asked if that was what he planned on doing, he didn't respond. He basically said the same thing to Lucky when he told him he was going to do whatever it takes to get his wife back, including lying to her face. Then he also told Tracy "to her face" when she asked about the Z's and if he was going to leave them to manage their own affairs, he said he would get out as soon as he could.

    I bet Tracy found out that he had no intention of leaving the mob so she took off with his money, well actually, the Z's money, leaving him high and dry. That is the only reason I can think of for their fight.

  2. Happy Birthday MinervaFan!!!

    Hope you are having a great day!

    Ms.Q, I loved the new vid, great job!!

    Remos, yay for getting the front page of tonygrary.net!! :) My only question is if they are such a Jane fan why can't they spell her name right, it's Elliot not Elliott, I don't know why that drives me crazy but it does. :blink: I will like to point that the only link to a Luke and Tracy vid on that page is to my vid Accidentally In Love from like a million years ago.

  3. Thanks for the recaps remos. So I take it the reason Tracy is back early is because she didn't like being on the run with Luke?? Are we suppose to believe that Tracy stomped off in a huff and now she and Luke are not speaking to one another??? Seems silly to me, I bet when he gets back we'll learn it was a front.

  4. Thanks hooked!

    Anyone have April 29th's clips? I think that was the episode where Tracy was behind a plant on the HS. She was in the red blouse.

    Did I not post that day's clips!?! I will go through my album tonight when I get home and see. If I don't have them, I will get them!

    Thanks for posting the article hooked, I am so loving the Lacy love! :D

    remos, I am still loving your story!

  5. Happy Monday everybody, Tracy will be back on our tv's tomorrow!!

    I have a small spoiler from SoapZone, it's nothing new but worded a bit differently.


    Tracy comes back from seeing the world with Luke…and straight into the devil’s lair, as she gets a load of his daughter and Johnny pursuing their biological imperative.


    Lucky and Sam hunt Luke down. He was last seen in Mexico.

  6. Just wanted to pop my head in and say hello! I hope everybody had a great Memorial Day, I myself spent the long weekend in bed sick as a dog, but hey, it could have been worse, the weather could have been spectacular but it wasn't. We had freakish tornados, yes I said tornados, rain, wind and hail so it was better to stay inside. :)

    Remos, I spend the better half of my morning reading your story and I LOVE it!!

    Hooked, thanks for posting all those spoilers/possible spoilers.

    Better get back to work!! :D

  7. Thanks for the recaps remos and Ms.Q. I just finished watching today's clips and I love how Luke and Tracy both had their eyes closed while they were dancing and didn't even notice after Trevor turned on the lights. I can think of a million ways to use that too short dance in some vids!

  8. I'll try my best hooked, not to get too rusty in my clip editing abilities with the lack of Tracy on our screens for the next eight weeks. I know eight weeks feels like forever, but seriously with the summer coming I have to be honest, I'm simply not on my computer that much. I am too busy going out and about to be hanging over a hot computer all night, not when it's 90 degrees outside, and I'm too cheap to turn on the air conditioner. My only computer time will probably be while I'm at work in my freezing office.

  9. Awww. Jane going with TG to Amersterdam. Why do I love that SO much? Cute.

    I couldn't agree more! That is so cute that they are going together.

    Thanks for posting the article hooked and thanks to Ms.Q for posting Natalia's farewell article. I like how John Ingle added that little jab about the Quartermaine's......."And now, like a lot of the Q's she's gone... What a loss for us!"

  10. Okay, I'm new in here- but please tell me they werent serious about today! Thats what all the talk was about??

    Welcome mtgro!!!

    I'm with you, it sounds like we might have been jipped, unless the rumors about them being on the rest of the week are true. **keeps fingers crossed**

    I'm going to post yesterday's and today's clips tonight! I will be home!! The family has left the state!

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