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j swift

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Posts posted by j swift

  1. 1 hour ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    I imagine the women will hold onto the secret until next Xmas where someone like Dean will stumble across the actual truth (throughout the year) and use it to taunt Linda.

    Don't forget, Dean is in the pub at the time of the murder, so it is very likely that he'll know the truth and use it against Linda.

    1 hour ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Personally, I just hope they have Linda and Denise come clean that they attacked the two men to save their friends and move on.

    I think the next part of the story is how long "the six" can stay together.  I imagine the next year will be filled with plots to motivate the women to turn on each other.

    1 hour ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    It should be a running joke in "Walford" that the people expect doom and gloom on Xmas. They should all fear Xmas instead of eagerly awaiting it. 

    Certainly, it should the last day on which anyone should plan a wedding.  I mean, it is reasonable that in their universe they don't know when Super Soap Week episodes will air, but they should tell each other that a Christmas wedding is a recipe for disaster. 

  2. On 12/22/2023 at 2:22 PM, Xanthe said:

    they promoted Gillian Spencer and added Sam Hall, which makes it seem as if if they were holding out for someone specific they didn't get them.

    It is interesting to think of Sam Hall as a staff writer, because he brought such a specific tone to OLTL that mirrored his work on Dark Shadows. I can't imagine him trying to write for another head writer's vision.  And a pairing with Gillian Spencer feels out of left field.  But, at this moment, I can't recall the difference between when Rachel was blind and when she had amnesia. 

    However, (on a related note), I wonder if I were watching each day  in real time, if I would've felt that Mac's undercover wooing of Rachel while she was blind felt unmotivated given their recent history.  I know we were supposed to think of Mac and Rachel as "endgame", but prior to her accident, do others think that the proper groundwork was laid for Mac to go to such extremes to try to win her back?

    In other words, I'm happy that they got back together.  But was the pairing at that moment in the early 1980s just due to fate, or was it established during Rachel's time with nu-Steve that Mac still pinned for her?

  3. Merry Christmas @AbcNbc247 & @carolineg and thank you for reminding this year how fun it can be to watch and discuss a soap!

    That being said, this Paulina story is odd.  Hyperthyroidism has got to be one of the weirdest choices as a social issues story, or attempt to educate the audience.  And, it was over as soon as it began.

    Can we talk about the budget for Ava's Christmas gift?  I know Harris is a cop without a credit rating, but I didn't know they put $10 gold chains in a jewelry box.  Every gift begins with Kaye, but no thank you.

    Eric took Jude out again.  That baby is going to get sick from all of this exposure!  And how in the name of global warming are they eating breakfast outside in December?

    Umm, EJ has a bunch of hitpeople on speed dial, and he can't air drop one to his brother?  And why would Stefan suddenly confide in EJ after firing him at his wedding?  I like the Stefan and Chad crime fighting duo that was  teased last week, and I hope we get back to them as partners. 

    And when did Nicole start therapy?  She kidnapped the baby two days ago, and yesterday she was on vacation.  So, does she mean that she made an appointment?  And, I know Marlena's the only game in town, but that is a bad choice for a therapist.

    Lastly, I am going to repeat this every time they try it, but deriving humor from Leo being unhoused is gauche to the n'th degree.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jonathan said:

    I've been re-watching 1980s episodes and can't help but feel disappointed that Mark Dalton's character didn't stick around after 1989. It would have been beneficial for Erica to have another non-child relative. Mark LaMura's performance was truly impressive.

    We also wouldn't have needed multiple engineered children for Erica if Mark's potential kids could have played the same role more organically. 

  5. Ironically, I had completely forgotten why Stephanie and Alex broke up until I was reminded about the phone thing.  Meanwhile, that was like their second date.  It makes Chad's jealousy seem more like an excuse to not commit to the relationship.

    If the actor who portrayed Colin passed by me on the street, I wouldn't be able to recall him at all.

    The list serves as evidence of the multitude of storylines that unfold in DAYS within a year. Whether for better or worse, one can hardly accuse the show of being stagnant, as it consistently experiences a whirlwind of events.

  6. 7.8/10 (I let ChatGPT write my review today, since that might be the next headwriter 😉)

    Today, DAYS really clocked in with Peacock cross-promotion, no one does “Netflix and chill” in Salem.

    Have we ever explored the Horton house's basement? It's a treasure trove of divorced or deceased ornaments. I wonder if Jennifer has her own dedicated box, featuring the likes of Glenn, Emilio, Colin, Peter Blake, and Patrick Lockhart. Do Linda or Trish have an ornament too? It's tempting to envision a special event titled “Beyond Salem: Search for the Lost Ornaments of Christmas.”

    The confusion surrounding Tate's school situation persists. Wasn't he expelled? How is his return being facilitated, and why was he initially unpopular? Will Brady be reimbursed for the tuition? More scenes with the trio are crucial to establishing a solid familial chemistry. The impact of the impending Theresa plot twist hinges on their relationship having more than just four brief scenes together.

    Maggie appears oblivious as suspicions about Konstantin circulate. It's surprising that even Julie, known for questionable judgment in character assessment (remember Everett), isn't falling for his charms.

    For those skeptical of the show, how can one not be moved by the final flashback and the heartfelt in-memory card? Such sentimental and nostalgic moments are quintessential soap opera fare, evoking a lump in the throat.


  7. And the 1988 Frames (Jason and Sharlene) made sure to remind the audience of Rachel's past.

    I was recently watching one of Rachel's scenes at the farm when she wanted to buy it for Jamie, and it was fun to see her be able to throw a bit of shade. 

    It is probably a reflection of the poor writing in general at a later date, but it's confusing upon Evan's return that he only targets Iris for revenge, and Rachel is just collateral damage.

  8. 5.6/10

    John, sweetie, honey, baby, it has been almost 40 years, it is time to move on.  Besides, he knows that he's Forrest Alamain the adoptive heir to Alamania, what else does he have to know at this point?  In fact, I wonder why he never changed his name to Forrest, it is so much cooler that John. 

    Steve/Patch is foreshadowing hard that he's got a secret about John.  And I would bet that Konstantin's next move is to blackmail Steve in order to get him off of his back.

    It is kind of funny that after all those times that Chanel stared into Johnny's eyes, she noticed one of them was glass.

    Finally, props to Jackée Harry, she's really one of the few that can play wacky high jinks and melodrama.  This tumor story is so sad, and she's acting her tush off to make me feel empathic.

  9. 23 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I find Tripp/Wendy so boring and I like both characters

    Yeah, I don't like Mike-Hortonification of Tripp that came when he lost his rebellious characteristics and just became a symp.  But, I think every show can use one romantic couple to just play out those fantasies of eating apples together that you get delivered from ubereats.

  10. I was referencing the story during Asa's wedding to Samantha and Bo's subsequent romance with Delilah.  Vicky was always present, but she wasn't the leading lady as much as she was when we re-visit Nicky/Vicky or go off to Eterna.

    Furthermore, I would argue that even during the hey day of Tina and Cord, Vicky takes a supporting role in that she didn't drive the plot as much as react to Tina's shenanigans.  She was on-screen often, and most of the story was related to her and her family.  Yet, I place her in a supporting category because those plots were not told from her perspective.

  11. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I don't get why John/Steve/the ISA aren't working with Jada and the police on the kidnapping.  You'd think they fill Jada in on their own rogue investigation.

     I don't get why the entire Salem PD and the ISA is focused on a kidnapping that was quickly resolved rather than the drugs that are being shipped throughout the town!

    9 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Tripp and Wendy were sweet today but yeah, it’s time for some good conflict for the two of them. Something better than her possibly moving back to China.

    Rather than conflict between them, I'd like to see them work together on solving the mystery of who killed Li, using their combined tech and medical knowledge.

    Time is nuts on DAYS, Christmas is tomorrow, but Jude was born three days ago on the day after Nicole's wedding which was right after Halloween.  Maybe that's how Xander already knows that Bella has failed, despite Theresa agreeing to work there two weeks ago?

    And Andrew took the ISA jet to tell Theresa a line that he could have said on the phone?  Their universe's taxes are being wasted.

  12. Honestly, nostalgia aside, what would be the reason to expand the Hortons in 2024? @Liberty City

    On 12/18/2023 at 7:33 AM, Liberty City said:

    Well, if Drucker were smart

    I hope you take this quip with the harmless humor that I intend, but I hardly think it is an appropriate assessment of a producer's intelligence if they agree with the opinions of those of us on a fan message board.

    For example, Mike Horton's story feels like it has been exhausted, and I don't hear a clamor for a Rourke Critchlow renaissance after his last visit to Salem.  Besides, it doesn't feel politically correct for Kayla to have to step aside as Chief of Staff for Mike because he's a privileged male nepo-baby.  Jack Devereaux is objectionable for the same reason that other reformed rapists are unpopular within a modern context.  We've got a consensus that Melissa, Sandy, and Jessica are not characters who are fondly remembered.  So, why does it feel “smart” to resurrect these characters, simply because they represent the first decade of the show?

    I respect your fandom for classic soaps, but I don't think revisiting the past attracts new viewers, and it is bound to disappoint those who remember the good ol' days.  As a guy who streams it daily, I would much rather see more diverse characters telling stories about modern romance than go backward to an image of a family that represents what sold soap in 1965.


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