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j swift

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Posts posted by j swift

  1. Remind me, why has Nikolas been arrested? 

    He didn't kill Esme.  Spencer willingly handed him his son.  I don't think it is illegal to allow people to think you're dead, if you didn't fraudulently stage your own death.  I know he kidnapped Esme while she was pregnant, but she can't testify now, so that's a moot point. 

    So, is he going to jail for kidnapping Ace?  Who is going to testify against him in that trial?

    Also, while I agree that the nickname is cool, Agent Jagger is a mouthful to say.

  2. 10 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    And, wasn’t Marlena able to break through John’s mind control and get rid of it for good?

    image.png image.pngApparently, in the DAYS universe, there's no proactive mind control treatment.  She could cure The Pawn and Robo-John, but that's not insurance against future tarot card attacks.  I think the writers are playing to the actor's strengths whenever they write John with a blank gaze. 😉


    It is clear to me that Konstantin and Victor were at odds over Xander's mother.  Given Xander and Konstantin's exchange last week and the dialogue about Scots vs. Greeks.  I predict she will somehow reappear and resolve the issue of Victor's will.  Most likely at either Xander and Sarah's wedding, or Alex and Theresa's wedding. 


  3. 13 hours ago, Franko said:

    I just realized that the 30th anniversary of Winter Heat nearly went by unacknowledged. In retrospect, it is kind of a pity that Days didn't get one or two more primetime specials in the '90s. Maybe they shouldn't have aired alongside the Soap Opera Digest Awards?

    I think the best indictment of DAYS currently is that nothing sticks.  They write themselves out of every death, marriage, and prison sentence.   Meanwhile, the events of 30 years ago still resonate. 

  4. I read today that subsequent episodes with jump back and forth through time.  For example, we'll get an episode on the Black and White Ball, which will showcase more of Demi Moore's Ann Woodward.  And it becomes more fictionalized by conjuring up past stories about CZ Guest (which I'll have to wait and see if I appreciate that angle).

    It is fascinating how it became a PR war.  It wasn't enough to shun him, Slim Keith talks about wanting everyone to know that Truman was persona non grata.  Maybe the Swans won by having their revenge becoming the common narrative?  Capote was well into his addiction in the early 1970s, so to say that he drank more because he couldn't talk to Babe Paley, rather than because he was in an abusive relationship, seems a little trite and reductive. 

    In the movie Capote, there's an intriguing narrative about how he played up his lack of masculinity to be perceived as less of a threat, and then got the murderers and townsfolk to spill all of their stories.  I identified with this because it is the same strategy that I use every time that I have to deal with a mechanic or a plumber.  But, there's a moment when one of the murderers underestimates Truman's intellect and he snaps.  I can't help but think that the same was true of the Swans.  He talked with them about all of their gowns and jewels, but once he got the story, he was ready to move on to the next big thing, which was the new jet set disco scene.  And the Swans felt as betrayed as the Clutters of In Cold Blood, but they just had more access to the media. 

    3 hours ago, Vee said:

    I have no interest in this series

    Always a pleasure to read your willingness to critique a work of media that you've never consumed. 😉

    3 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Dominick Dunne wrote the Ann Woodward story to great effect in his novel, and subsequent miniseries, the Two Mrs. Grenvilles, in case anyone wants to follow up on that case more.

    There's also a Capote roman à clef, that runs through many of Dunne's books, and he gets a fun retribution in An Inconvenient Woman.

    3 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Diane Lane and Naomi Watts are given the most to do and both of them take great care with their performances.

    I thought Diane Lane was a little too stilted, but Naomi Watts was engaging.  I'm holding my final opinion until we get the Slim-focused episode.

  5. For me, Lois requires a great deal of suspension of disbelief.  For example, last week, her main story was that she was over involved in Brook Lyn's (one L or 2?) wedding planning.  Causing BLQ to complain about how Lois is so overbearing.  Meanwhile, for the past few years we've seen Brook involved in a baby switch and numerous other big life events and Lois was nowhere to be found.  So, they're telling us that she is a helicopter Mom, but we've never seen evidence of this until the past few months. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Point to where and when any of us said Jagger Cates should come back, particularly in the form of a blond frontiersman guest player on The Walking Dead.

    The closest that I could find was when in August 2022 you said, "Sabato could've been a decent return to the main show once upon a time..."  But, my point was that I appreciate that it is difficult to predict how this group will respond to the various twists and turns.  I meant no harm, as I assumed you welcomed dissenting opinions.


  7. On another note, what a weird ending for Adam. 

    Not one of my favorites, but the abrupt end to storytelling  has become far too common on GH.  Austin, Brennen, and now Adam had a big crescendo, and then they were rushed off-screen.  The Adam plot is particularly remarkable, because he is still going to live in Port Charles, we're just not going to see him again.  I mean, Austin's dead and Brennen is in jail, but Adam is still living down the hall in the dorm, he just won't talk to his friends anymore.

    I get that nobody is mourning the loss, I am simply remarking on the trend in storytelling that I hope will be fixed by the next set of writers.

  8. 13 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    For sake of discussion, outside of law enforcement, which Dante, Chase, and Jordan cover what boxes does Jagger tick off that Jax doesn't?

    That's fair.  I always forget about Chase and the fact that he's a cop.  Jordan has Mac's old job, and Dante has a federal enforcement past.  Although none of them have solved Austin's murder.

    So, I guess I'm just happy that Carly has someone new (maybe?sort of? kind of?)

    Also, I assume that I am the only one lighting a candle for the return of Dr. Matt Hunter.

  9. I think they were heavily suggesting that Jagger is a new romantic interest for Carly.  And his past dislike of Sonny will create further story potential.  Plus, as I've mentioned, they need a Mac, law enforcement replacement to solve all the mysteries.  So, he ticks a lot of boxes that Jax would not provide.  And, I'm happy to have Drew get someone as a target of his animosity.

    This group never fails to surprise. It seems like so many discussions are about bringing back past characters.  Then, when they do, there is pushback.  The surprising reactions keep me entertained in this discussion.

  10. I just finished the first two episodes.  Is anyone else watching and wish to discuss?

    I found Tom Hollander to be an engaging Truman, although it is hard to watch and not be distracted by the superior portrayals from other films and theatrical productions.  Philip Seymour Hoffman being my favorite and Robert Morse being my least favorite.

    Chloë Sevigny as CZ Guest and Naomi Watts as Babe Paley were the standouts for me.  The sets and costumes are grand.  I went to La Cote Basque the first time that I ever went to Manhattan with my mother, which should have been a sign to her; and it was.  They recreated it perfectly.  As well as The Paley's legendary apartment and its upholstered walls.  The hair is divine, and the costumes didn't seem dated or funny, but chic and enviable. 

    Calista Flockhart doesn't get much to say in the first two episodes, and while she certainly looks the part of what Tom Wolfe called the 'social x-rays', her line delivery is completely unnatural.  Similarly, Diane Lane has to repeat over and over about the importance of female friendship, but it seems like exposition without any insight into the character or why she values these other women.

    The idea that Capote betrayed his friends in order to get out of a financial hole dug by liquor and poor romantic choices feels like well trodden territory.  It might be that I've consumed too much information about this story before.  I've read the memoirs, magazine articles, and watched the movies.  So, I was hoping for a new take on the story.  It all feels a little homophobic to portray Truman as this sycophant who was longing to feel accepted by the types of women who rejected him in the past.  As if, his life was sad, and theirs was just the facade of happiness.  But, I wanted Jon Robin Baitz to find a unique perspective.  For example, I liked the version of Tru which suggested that it was all a con, he never liked them and was always planning to write an exposé.  I've come to think that Truman projected his self-hatred about his addiction onto Babe.  She burdened him with her secrets, but never tried to help him stop drinking.  It was no wonder that when the chips were down, he felt as if he couldn't depend on her.  Which is why all the commentary in the script about the closeness of the women rings false.

    Also, I don't think that the exile from society was as much of a tragedy as it is portrayed.  Within years, he fell in the with the new society at Studio 54, and left those old gals in the dust.  There's little evidence that he was as hurt by his ousting as has been assumed.  And, I believe he was would have found the new scene much more appealing and liberating.

    All in all, it made me want to wear and chunky scarf and smoke cigarettes.  But that would just make me sick to my stomach and be as disappointing as this series so far.

  11. 1 hour ago, Aragorn said:

    I am afraid that the new writers will abandon the Molly character. She might be tainted by HP's controversy and killed off.

    I don't see much evidence to support those concerns.  They've already gone through the trouble of recasting twice.  There seems to be a focus on Alexis's family with the Gregory storyline.  And the surrogacy seems like it is going to be a long term plot.

    I could see them getting rid of Molly three years from now, but that could be said for any character.  In the short term, there seems to be a commitment to the character and her family. 

  12. 4.3/10

    I like that Maggie gets to be a bit sassier than Alice.  Although, Alice demonstrated some sass toward Bo while he was dating Billie when Hope first reappeared, and she enjoyed seeing Julie taken down a peg when she was being too highfaluting, she was generally benevolent.   I pump my fist whenever Maggie reminds Alex or Xander that she is not easily conned.  I appreciate that she prioritized Sarah over Konstantin.  And, overall, I enjoy that she's not a pushover, which is a consistent part of her character.  And, that what's made her attractive to everyone, from Neil to Victor.  Many people, from Linda to Bonnie, have underestimated Maggie due to her rural upbringing, but they've never succeeded against her. 

    Overall, I think they've once again done a poor job with pacing the story by having Theresa head over heels for Alex for the past six months.  But, after spending one week with Brady (and his aforementioned 90s R&B beard) in the police interrogation room, she is suddenly back in love with him.

    Have Theresa and Sloan had any interactions?  Or Theresa and Ava?  The three of them need some gal time to hash out their respective issues, now that Nicole is out of the picture.  Days always feels a bit claustrophobic to me when they don't change up scene partners now and then.  Theresa's got potential, she could design Chanel's wedding gown, or commensurate with Ava.  She's just got to get out more often.


  13. I have to go with some actor's mythical tales about fans.

    1.  I don't believe anyone ever threw fruit at ATWT Eileen Fulton in a grocery store.

    2. I don't think anyone ever asked OLTL Roger Howarth to rape them.

    3. I don't believe anyone ever made a bet with their family for a steak dinner that was resolved by a letter to Soap Opera Digest.


  14. I disagree with the consensus that nothing is happening.  I'm not attuned to the credits, so I don't notice too much of a change, as I doubt the average viewer could tell who wrote a certain script.

    Paulina has cancer.  Johnny got engaged.  The Pawn story has shifted Konstantin into a more mysterious guy.

    We've also gotten much character exploration from Everett, Chad, and Stephanie that I've appreciated.  The common criticism that Days is too plot driven certainly does not apply currently.  And, if you're a fan of adults talking about mature issues like drugs, commitment, and loss, this would be the place to find that type of dialogue. 

    Something is always happening in Salem.  The population is in constant upheaval.  It is just the pacing and inscrutable character motives that annoy me at times. 

  15. Question(s) of the day: Why does Alex need to tell Brady that Theresa is focusing on her work?  Don't Brady and Theresa work in the same office?

    Also, Xander's out there just telling anyone that someone called him asking him to kill people?

    Lastly, why does hair and makeup insist on trimming Brady's beard like he is a reject from the 90s pop group Color Me Badd?


  16. 18 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Something about Leo being OBSESSED with Everett and Stephanie creeped me out more than usual.   Leo needs to go out a find the real gossip and not bother grown people about their boring relationship.


    The Mayor, (who we're told is Salem's version of Sam Walton), has a daughter who is engaged to the twin brother of her former lover.  That's a story that has some appeal!

  17. 3.8/10

    I liked the Ava and Wendy scenes because it helped define their relationship.

    But, that scene and the Everett/Leo scene were so annoying because of how they chop up conversations.  Characters get approximately two lines of dialogue, then they cut, and come back for two more lines.  I'm not a content expert, but it feels like on streaming the audience can tolerate longer scenes.

    Is it possible that Stefan knows about Johnny's engagement before EJ?  And isn't it a bit tacky to get married whilst your stepmother and sister are in an Italian hospital?

    They're really playing the “what time of day is it in Salem” game with Kayla getting home from the hospital while everyone is still in bed.  But, what Chief of Staff works overnight shifts?

    8 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Third, Leo isn't being catty and gossip-y and fun-he's been downright creepy. 

    Fourth, are Stephanie and Everett famous enough in Salem to have gossip written about them in the newspaper?

    Headline: Former coma patient and lady who still lives with her parents might be canoodeling?

    Also, just last week, Everett threatened to quit because Chad squashed a story for personal reasons.  Isn't he doing the same thing with Leo?

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