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j swift

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Posts posted by j swift

  1. 11 hours ago, Mona Kane Croft said:

    I've always heard the character was based on Lin Bolen, but is there any evidence in the movie (or the dialogue) that it is true?  I haven't seen the film.


  2. 4/10

    First, I don't like it when DAYS sets up a cliffhanger, like Xander on Friday, and then there's no payoff on Monday.

    Second, the amount of action that they tell us about rather than show us, like Lucas breaking out of prison, has become bizarre.  At least, have Harris drag in the laundry bin into the room and let Lucas pop out.

    But, I'm still intrigued by Everett's backstory.  I hope he just cheated on Jada with Stephanie, and it is not anything more nefarious than that.  Because I enjoy the potential of The Spectator as a workplace (even if they do silly things like sponsor treasure hunts).  And, I would not like it if he was written into a corner as a drug kingpin, or some big baddie.

    Lastly, I know he has many detractors, and there are times when he makes me cringe, but I get the appeal of RSW.  He is sexy and charismatic, and it is believable that women would be instantly smitten with him.

  3. 9 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I’m interested in the cliffhanger with Xander too. I didn’t see it coming lol it could be something pretty good. 

    It was a good old-fashioned cliffhanger.  Especially now that the Sarah conflict is resolved, so it didn't seem like there was a lot for them to do but raise a baby.  However, it made me wonder who could have that kind of hold over Xander to demand that he eliminate a threat.  I thought Xander was doing well with The Spectator, but I am unclear if he sold the whole thing to Chad, or if he still has an interest?  Because I am unaware of any source that could control him financially at this point.

    9 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    wtf is geocaching?

    It's a GPS based treasure hunt.  Rather than standard clues, you give the participant coordinates to find by GPS.  I assume we'll see a lot of characters with their phones up in air tracking down the game's treasures.  And I would also guess that's how Everett and Jada will cross paths.  It will probably all take place in the square (under the possible dome).   

    Also, totally against character, I am willing to suspend my disbelief that Jada and Stephanie just found out today that they both lived in Seattle.  But, I like that Everett's ring that he wanted to gift Stephanie  is going to play a role in the story. 


    My prediction is that he fell into a coma after he was mugged for the ring, which plays some role either in the drug story or The Pawn story.


  4. 26 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    When you think about it it's such a complicated and convoluted plan.  Ryan was hoping his 16 or 17 year old daughter-

    1. Could catch Spencer's eye and hit it off with him

    2. Get serious enough to commit to her and take her back to Port Charles

    3. Then get close enough to Nik to have him sleep with

    4. Get pregnant.

    I supposed she succeeded but a master mind like Ryan could have figured out an easier plan to just get Ava back lol

    And ironically, two minutes after Ryan finally got to see Ave, he was shot dead.

  5. 2 hours ago, Aragorn said:

    Ryan sent Esme to Spencer's boarding school in France to seduce and manipulate him. Esme's mission from Ryan was to infiltrate the Cassadine family and destroy the Nava marriage by whatever means necessary so that Ryan could get back Ava.

    Ryan told Ava these things right before he died.

    Thanks, I forget that Esme knew that her father was Ryan prior to her arrival in Port Charles.

  6. 3/10

    I'm conflicted about Nicole and Alex asking Maggie's advice on sobriety.  Yes, she's been in the program for a long time, but wouldn't Kayla or Marlena provide more appropriate advice.  Eric's dialogue about DUI was not very natural.  And Theresa breaking the rosary was very James Reilly (although I guess we know he can't be a scab...).

    Also, why doesn't Jada want to question Theresa about where she bought her drugs?

    And EJ's much more devoted to Holly than Johnny.  I know Holly's in a crisis, but EJ and Johnny haven't spoken in weeks.

  7. 1 hour ago, aim4thestars said:

    I thought they only ate strawberries and whipped cream 

    Yes, when this whole discussion arose yesterday, I wondered if props recycled the whipped cream for Johnny and Chanel's recent romp?

    As the kids say, not to yuck someone's yum, but whipped cream in the bedroom is not sexy to me.  Because I imagine it doesn't smell good in the morning.  Then you have to wash the sheets. Yadda Yadda...

  8. 2.7/10 - points for copious shots of Johnny's ba dunka dunk

    So, Theresa is high as a kite, but somehow Jada knows (a) it is ecstasy and not some other drug (b) she hasn't overdosed, although she's been sober for years, and (c) the drugs are not tainted like Holly's.

    How does Jada know this information? 

    Also, is it romantic to realize that your teenaged stepsister's OD means that you have to appreciate every moment and propose with a high school graduation ring?  Doesn't Johnny or Chanel still have the ring from their first wedding, or is that considered tasteless?  And does this prove that Johnny never graduated from college?

  9. I'm not a legal scholar (but I play one on TV haha), but this Esme cliffhanger made no sense.

    What does she have to lose by going to the police?  Nobody can prove that she got her memory back simply because she called him “Spence”.  She couldn't really be prosecuted a second time for her past crimes.  And, she could get child support from Nikolas. At the very least, she should expect a pay-out to keep quiet. 

    Instinctively, it doesn't feel like Nikolas will keep Ace long term.  But, it is a unique solution to make Esme a viable antagonist while getting rid of her obligation to a baby.

  10. 6 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    The Ace twins' mom to Adam Huss on twitter:


    Lana Clay @theclaybros
    My husband and I were just talking about how Joey instantly knew you were a good person and immediately trusted you. Not everyone has that quality. We appreciate you treating our sons with such love, and it certainly shows on the screen ❤️

    There's an amusing irony to a parent tweeting, 'thank you for being so lovely when you pretended to kidnap our infant son, we really appreciate it'

  11. 3.2/10 - too much distracting nonsense

    Does Steve Burton bring the same leather jacket from job to job, or is it like Batman and there's a whole room of them?  He is so wooden as an actor.  It is even more noticeable in scenes with Tamara Braun who is such a live wire. 

    The entire Tate thing makes no sense.  He hasn't been convicted of anything.  He was only charged with obstruction.  And now he's off to a teen rehab? 

    Once, again, has Theresa moved into the interrogation room because she hasn't been home since New Year's Eve?  And why is the transfer happening at night after dinner?  And why wasn't The Bistro open for dinner?  And did John say more than two words for the entire episode?

  12. On the one hand, I liked that Chanel and Jada were given the opportunity to discuss racism from their perspective.  So often we see racism and homophobia stories that are only about becoming empowered in the face of being victimized.  However, both women talked about enduring issues that aren't simply resolved by punishing a single evil or ignorant person.

    Yet, I think what rings hollow about today's script is that they only seem to discuss race once a year. 

  13. 7.3/10

    I thought today's script was interesting with the Bayard Rustin and DEI references, it seemed au currant and not as if it was written six months ago.  Although, I don't know why they chose not to show Jada getting profiled at the store (except for the lack of a set). 

    Jada & Chanel have often been paired lately, and it is also a good example of how the show is changing.  Up until last week, I had never considered what their relationship was like because they shared so few scenes.  It is sort of like Marlena and Nicole, I can't recall any animosity between the two before Nicole started therapy with Marlena.  Historically, Marlena kept out of Sami's life in so many ways.  Either she was absent, or just waged her finger.  But, I don't think of Marlena as being Sami (or Eric)'s confident.  So I struggle to remind myself if Nicole has ever been the subject of Marlena's rancor. 

    Jada and Chanel's discussion of race was a little clunky.  But, we get the point that they wanted to make.  I thought it was also an interesting choice not to mention intersectionality because of the economic disparity between the two women and their families. 

    Finally, Everett is Jewish? And Johnny referenced Roman as his grandfather?  That was news to me (not that they are related, but that Johnny recalled their bond despite mostly being established as a Demira).

  14. A maudlin thought, but it is remarkable that Bill and Susan never had children. 

    However, it is a trip to think about if David would've SORASed so soon if Julie had gotten pregnant in the mid70s.  It might've changed the course of history in Salem. 

  15. Tom Shales annual review of Kathie Lee Gifford's' Christmas Specials were legendary.


    Kathie Lee Gifford sings songs like she's mad at them. What did they ever do to her? Maybe she was frightened by a song as a child. And by Christmas, too, because each year on television she wreaks a bit more revenge.

    Also RIP Alec Musser aka Del Henry #2



  16. 43 minutes ago, SamandWillowFan said:

    She wasn’t sexually repressed when she was sleeping with Ryan while married to Adam.


    Yes, but I am referencing her high school years when if you looked up uptight preppy in the dictionary you would see her picture

    Untitled.jpgFor example, it would be a stretch to believe that this girl would grow up to be Jamie Luner's character.

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