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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. 5 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:

    Wait...help me out.  


    I am trying to not be graphic here, but Jenn is getting her buzz by soaking a tampon in a bottle of booze and then inserting it?  You can actually become intoxicated that way?  Someone please explain this to me!


    Uncle Daddy and his whipping session with his boy toy cannot be washed from my brain.  


    Desna is in for a rude awakening with Gregory.  


    I like Zlata, but she's becoming too cartoonish for me.  Gonna need them to reel this in a bit.


    Virginia and Dean is a head scratcher for me.  It's not entertaining and it just doesn't make sense long term. V needs a man who doesn't treat her like a slut?  There are plenty of men and they need not be mentally challenged.  I don't buy this and I'd like for this story to go away stat!  

    It was just a matter of time before Ann's anger at Des got the better of her!

    I have no idea if it's true. But i have heard that you could get drunk doing that. This weeks show felt silly and all over the place. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, P.J. said:

    I actually liked the McColl kids. Diana was a great troublemaker, and I loved Kim Johnston Ulrich. Kirk was kinda forgettably bland, and Brian stuck around for years. Mark Pinter is actually the first guy I remember in a towel (from his run on GL.)

    I wish ATWT would've cast a good looking sliver fox to play Whit. Diana is my favorite McColl. Kirky was cute. Brian was very bland. I found Whit boring. He should've been a fun villain.

  3. 13 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I remember clips of this performance posted on the WLS blog but has the complete episode been posted?  This episode has a lot of music. They must've had a deal with Jermaine Jackson or something, lol.

    It looks as though they're leading up to Whit's murder. He's already got Jay and Steve angry with him.  From what I've read, this was sometime in the first week of August, 1984.



    This episode had a little bit of everything. Fun, romance, suspense and lots of great music. I hope more of 1984 pops up.  I'm dying to see Lucinda's early appearances. Interesting to see that the seeds to Bob & Kim's reconciliation germinating.  The more i see of Maggie, Frank, Diana,Marcy and Jay the more i like them. In the last scene with Whit and Craig they even used Giorgio Moroder /Midnight Express music.  Love the special closing credits. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    The show was awful the last year and half...the only thing good about it was this......and yet they killed him off at the end.



    The unapologetic Reid was a breath of fresh. Reid even made that twink Luke interesting. I even liked his friendship with an overused Katie. Reid was a bright spot during ATWT dreary last months. 


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