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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. 13 minutes ago, danfling said:

    According to the Wikipedia, the O'Neill family (all except Pete) was introduced by Sam Hall and Peggy O'Shea.


    Pete was introduced solely by Peggy O'Shea.


    Mr. and Mrs. Corrington were there for such a short time, I am not sure if they introduced any character (except maybe Alex Crown/Coronel and Rob).

    Thanks danfling  

  2. Just now, DRW50 said:


    Thanks. The Dan who popped up a few years later in the Alison Perkins story seemed younger.


    I've seen little of the San Carlos story. I wonder if it was any good.

    There's not much of the SC story. What little there is i found boring. The story ends with Jenny  being kidnapped on location. OLTL had a revolving door of Dan Wolek's:lol:

  3. 10 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Thanks for finding that. 


    I loved Marco's lines about Llanview (the small town with a big city crime rate). I wonder if Gerald Anthony ad-libbed that. 


    Who was the man with Cassie and who was the guy trying to get Dorian to push him with Cassie? Was that guy supposed to be a creep? 

    The guy with Cassie was Dan Wolek. At time Dan was a newspaper reporter. The blonde guy with Dorian was Simon Warfield who was part of the San Carlos story.  Simon was the son of the President of San Carlos. The story was about a quarter billion dollars worth of jewels which had been stolen from the government of San Carlos. I'm pretty sure this episode takes place right after the conclusion of that story. 

    I didn't expect to see Joy and Connie O'Neil in this episode.
    I always thought the Corrington's created the O'Neil clan.
    This episode had to have been written by Hall & Slesar.  I love Marco's witty lines too. Dan was 
    SORAS too much.

  4. I didn't see Scott's suicide coming. He was a dud character. But i still felt sorry for him. Lew/Luke whatever his name is is hot. Very curious to see when Lew/Luke becomes Eleanor's boy toy. The Dancy's were a fascinating family. Nola has become my favorite Dancy. 

  5. On 9/8/2018 at 11:12 AM, MichaelGL said:

    Despite Margaret DePriest's faults as a writer, I can honestly say the show is pretty entertaining now(IMO it hasn't been this way since the height of the Pollacks tenure). I love how the Dancy storyline is involving much of the cast. 


    On 9/8/2018 at 12:19 PM, Soaplovers said:


    I'm with you, I wonder what changed with Depriest because her later stints differed quite a bit from this one.


    In the latest uploads, we got mention of Jason Aldrich..so it looks like the ground work is being laid out for his return.


    I wonder had depriest stayed if the Dancys would have remained..or if they were meant to only be around as a unit till the Joan Dancy story resolved.

    I agree with you guys. The tailend of DePriest's run is really good. I always found her work to be a mixed bag. I love how Joan's death engulfed the whole town. I hate seeing how Matt, the Dancy's and even Stacy are suffering. Thanks to Paul. But it makes for riveting soapy drama. When Stacy was singing Amazing Grace a camera man was coughing:o

  6. 3 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    By the time of the 1985 episodes I've been watching, Erica was determined to turn it back into that.

    I'm digging into the '81 episodes, and it's interesting to see the show in a time of transition. In the first one from August 18, only Kate and later Charles are characters who'd been around since the early 70s. No more Linc, Kelly, Nick, Phil, Tara, Anne, etc. I wonder what the initial reaction to the Cortlandts was as their introduction coincided with the fading out of so many characters who'd created the show's identity in its first decade. I know Cliff/Nina were huge, but by this year, people had to be tired of watching them fight against outward obstacles, especially Palmer.

    I didn't realize how important Betsy Kennicott was (or how important they wanted her to be).

    Mark La Mura continues to prove to be AMC's most handsome actor and one of its most charismatic. I ain't mad at that one scene of him shirtless digging in the refrigerator. Uncle Mark had cakes.

    Dorothy Lyman never missed a beat as Opal, but wow, I never thought I'd ever see her and Jenny first showing up. Now I see what they always meant by Opal being less comedic and more villainous in the beginning. Early Jesse with Frank and Aunt Bess is also a treat that I never thought I'd see any time soon. I'm three episodes in, and Opal and Jenny just pulled up at Foxy's. Great stuff.

    Is this between John E. Dunn leaving the role of Tad and MEK showing up? Everything I've seen of JED means that his Tad would be younger than Kim Delaney's Jenny, but he's supposed to be older, buttttt doesn't MEK show up in the following year? How long was he missing from Pine Valley?

    Also great to see Tudi Wiggins as Sarah Kingsley - yet another character I thought I'd never see. These episodes are awesome!

    No disrespect to the late Harriet Hall, but she sucked.

    Sorry for my habit of saying so much when I binge classic AMC, but I have so many thoughts and observations lol Alan Dysert was so cute and clean-cut, stereotypical early 80s.

    I've been watching AMC from 1988. By then Cliff & Nina feel really played out. They don't feel played out in 1981 They still have a freshness to them.. Never knew Sean was after Nina. But it makes sense. Since Nina was a wealthy heiress. And Sean does go after Cecily 7 yrs later. I recently saw an episode from 1988 with Huey the sleazy manager of Foxy's. I was very surprise to see Huey running Foxy's in 1981. That's great continuity.  I had no idea Sean and Daisy were lovers. Tempo always came across as Pine Valley's version of Time magazine. When Brooke was running it.  I'm dying to see scenes between Tudi Wiggins and Susan Lucci. I'm loving seeing Dorothy Lyman as Opal. And the late Kay Campbell as Kate Martin. The stuff with Devon/Betsy/Wally is BORING. I'm loving seeing the very beginning of Jessie and Jenny friendship.

  7. 3 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    When was Tempo first introduced? I'm planning to dig into these tonight and tomorrow, but I already see a Tempo cover in one of the thumbnail shots.

    I had no idea that Tempo was once a gossip rag. Even Tempo had a shady past:lol:.

  8. 46 minutes ago, Mitch said:



    I wish that Carmen was written gothic, but that was too subtle for Rauch.  I wanted the storyline (which they were headed too ) where Van takes over the Alex role of kicking Alan's ass at Spaulding...I would have killed Matt off and Van goes back to her cold steel. Carmen attempts to ingratiate herself with Van but no go.  Danny goes back to the mob as an undercover agent for Mike Bauer to end it...Chelle not knowing this leaves him but then discovers she is preggers. Bill offers to marry her and claim the kid to protect him from Danny..I would have made Bill gay and trying to cover it up from Billy and Van and himself. Van is so excited to have Mo's daughter as her dil that she goes overboard and they can't tell her. The only people who know would be Claire and Aunt Meta who would go along with the ruse to protect Chelle. Carmen suspects the truth and she and Van are at loggerheads all the time. Then Danny seeing Chelle married hooks up with that goofy Mae Mercy (I would have written her differently ) who is really Stacey Reardon undercover..

    This is way better than most of the stories from that era.

  9. 13 minutes ago, danfling said:

    The Tina character in the 1970s (played by Andrea Evans) was very different from the one that returned to Llanview (played first by Keli Mulroney and then again by Ms. Evans).


    Weren't there three actors cast as Paul Cramer?   One was a temporary substitute.   I loved the character when David Tom was playing Paul.


    Finally, what happened to Marcie?  Did she die or did she go to prison?

    Brock Cuchna (2003–04) 
    David Tom (2004–05) 
    Shane McRae (2004)

     Michael tells Marcie about an exciting job offer at a hospital and they decide to leave Llanview and start over. Waiting for a cab to pick them up on June 17, 2009, they are overjoyed when a home test reveals that Marcie is pregnant

  10. 4 minutes ago, JarrodMFiresofLove said:


    I think you can stop using the word assertion. It's clear you don't respect a differing opinion. A message board is not meant to be a place where everyone sees things the same way. And this is not a thread created to necessarily appreciate certain performers or characters. This one didn't work for me and I was glad she didn't last. We can share different opinions on this and we can also stop a discussion where you seem to be cross-examining a person whose opinion you don't like. I won't be replying directly to you anymore. Take care.

    Thanks. I love the Esensten-Harmon Brown years. This was all must-see for me.

    Esensten/Harmon-Brown were ok. I always found mid 90's late 90's GL wonky. I was spoiled by far better HW's.

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