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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. 6 hours ago, adrnyc said:

    Lau was the reason I started watching AW.  I had watched AMC since around 5 or 6 years old (Grandma would pick me up from school and I'd be at her house until the late afternoon) and had a major crush on Greg/Lau.  So when I discovered he was on AW, I started watching that, too. He'll always be my favorite Jamie because he was my first. I never really warmed to Todd although I got used to him over time. Lau may have put on some weight when he was Jamie but he was still sexy as hell!  I was a super big Lisa/Jamie fan and didn't like how they storyline played out as a kid. As an adult, I can see that with Jamie falling for all of Vicky's machinations, Lisa was better off getting the hell out of Bay City!!

    Larry Lau was also the reason i started watching AW. I found him hot. I didn't mind that he was a bit chunky.  Jamie & Lisa were boring. But i did love when Vicki went after Jamie.  LL and AH had chemistry. Having seen the 2 previous Jamie's youtube. I like them better. LL and RT Jamie's were uptight, bland and self righteous.


    1 hour ago, adrnyc said:

    Yes - Lisa at the end...it was clear they either didn't know what to do with her or her contract was up and either she was leaving or they knew they wanted to get rid of her. 


    I agree it was super strange timing for her to leave just as Felicia was celebrating the big 4-0.  And then, just to have some sort of storyline with which to break away from the 40th birthday/Jason murder, they has some weird Lisa-might-randomly-hook-up-with-Matt-before-leaving-town thing. Re-watching it as an adult I was just all ????????

    Lisa leaving Bay City on the eve of her auntie Felicia's big 40th B-Day bash was strange. I just saw those clips recently. Lisa is offered a job in England. She has to start right away. Lisa should've been around during Felicia's murder trial. Besides Matt falling for Lisa. Adam also developed feelings for Lisa. But it was quickly dropped. This was a few months before Matt's crush.

  2. Amanda & Sam had potential. But it was quickly squandered. With in a year they were married with a kid. Adding Evan and Olivia into the mix was a great idea. But it was all badly executed. Poor Amanda was stuck with badly recast Sam's for years. Matt Crane imbued Matt Cory with charisma.  Rachel's kids deserved better.

  3. Coronation Street: 10 big predictions for the new Iain MacLeod era


    What will the show's new producer have in store for us?

    Coronation Street, Ken Barlow, David Platt, Carla Connor, Michelle Connor

    Coronation Street is rarely out of the headlines at the moment, but press speculation has gone into overdrive this week following the big news that current Emmerdale producer Iain MacLeod will be taking over as the show's top boss in June.

    Iain is succeeding Kate Oates in the role and already there's plenty of speculation in the papers over what he might have planned for the nation's favourite soap.


    While Iain won't take office or make any firm decisions for another month or so, that doesn't mean we can't make some predictions about what he may have in store for his era. Based purely on the evidence, of course.

    1. Avoiding an axing spree?

    David Platt introduces Emma to Gail and Bethany in Coronation Street

    Every time a new producer takes over one of the big soaps, the papers eagerly put out a story about how the cast are supposedly quaking in their boots as they anxiously expect their P45s. Iain's had his first taste of this already, with wild speculation that he could be set to ditch some of Corrie's younger stars.

    But could all this just be tabloid tittle-tattle? Let's not forget that when Iain took over from Kate Oates on Emmerdale in 2016, there was no major clear-out of big names. Instead, he worked with what he had in the existing cast and introduced some new faces too.

    Based on this, Corrie's current stars can possibly breathe a sigh of relief that Iain doesn't have too much of a reputation as a mad axeman. At least not yet, anyway!

    2. Not trying to transform the show into something else

    Shona Ramsey joins the Platts for a barbecue in Coronation Street

    Corrie fans won't have to worry too much about the new boss coming on board and not knowing anything about what makes the show work. Iain has actually been at Corrie before, joining the Weatherfield show in 2006 as a researcher.

    Iain quickly rose through the ranks to become story associate and story editor. He stuck with the show until 2014, when he became a producer on Channel 4's Hollyoaks (so you could say he's a big of a soap veteran).

    Iain's first stint working on the cobbles saw him overseeing storylines like Jack Duckworth's death, the 50th anniversary tram crash, Carla's rape and Kirsty's abuse of Tyrone. During this time, he worked under the reign of four different producers so should – in theory – have a sound knowledge of what makes good Corrie.

    When he joined Emmerdale in 2016, Iain also stressed that he wasn't going to tinker with a winning formula, so it's likely he'll take a similar approach to Corrie. Speaking at the time, he said: "When I got the job, I did look up the Emmerdalehashtag on Twitter and there was quite a lot of people going, 'I'm never watching Emmerdale again – he's going to ruin it'. But I'm absolutely not going to change it into something viewers don't recognise."

    3. More gritty storylines?

    Billy Mayhew begs Lee for methadone in Coronation Street

    Some fans have wondered whether the departure of Kate Oates could mean an end to darker storylines on the cobbles, but this seems unlikely. First of all, Corrie has pulled in some of its highest ratings in years under the current leadership and ITV yesterday made a glowing tribute to Kate for delivering "a herculean achievement in this box-set era".


    As a commercial network, ratings will always be a key consideration for ITV and it'd be counter-productive to mess too much with an approach that's paid dividends for them over the past couple of years, with Corrie often 2 million viewers ahead of its arch-rival EastEnders in consolidated figures.

    Iain's time at Emmerdale has also seen some hard-hitting storylines, including Ross Barton's acid attack, Rhona Goskirk's rape and the recent revelation of Charity Dingle's teenage abuse, so he's certainly not shy to explore difficult issues.

    Of course, the perfect blend of Corrie is balancing the light and shade, so we wouldn't be too surprised if Iain keeps some of the recent backlash over the show being "too dark" in mind. His trickiest task will no doubt be closely monitoring the show's tone and trying to keep everyone happy.

    4. Experimentation?


    During his time in charge at Emmerdale, Iain has pushed the boundaries with a handful of special episodes which broke away from the usual rigid formula. Ashley Thomas's dementia storyline led to an episode told entirely from his point of view, while another one-off edition gave us a glimpse of Cain Dingle's troubled childhood.


    The acclaimed Emmerdale motorway pile-up episodes also showed us the same day from the perspective of different characters, while last year's 'Who Killed Emma Barton?' whodunit made use of flashbacks as part of the storytelling. And who could forget Robert's Sugden's Groundhog Day-inspired coma dream?

    It's worth pointing out that Emmerdale gets away with thinking outside the box more than Corrie does, as there's slightly less scrutiny on the show. But you never know – perhaps Iain might be tempted to try his hand at producing a special episode on the cobbles too?

    5. Characters being nice to each other

    David Platt introduces Emma to Gail and Bethany in Coronation Street

    Could Iain be the producer who finally resolves the long-running feud between Eileen and Gail, or gets Tracy Barlow to say a kind word or two? Don't rule it out. In one of his first interviews for Emmerdale in 2016, Iain revealed that he'd been encouraging the writers to include more heartwarming moments of friendship in their scripts.

    Speaking at the time, he explained: "What I've found myself saying to a lot of writers and directors since I've got here is that I like people being nice to one another. I love Paddy and Marlon, and that kind of bromance stuff. Awkward, male-friendship bromances, I love.

    "I do find myself giving a lot of notes saying: 'These two people should be nice to each other here. Why can't they give each other a hug or why can't they say a reassuring thing?' It doesn't all have to be punches and slaps and crashes and explosions, as much as I love all of that. Sometimes it's nice when you go: 'Aww, that's the sweetest thing I've seen all day and I'm really glad I watched tonight.'"

    6. Straight-talking with the cast

    Emmerdale producer Iain Macleod at the British Soap Awards in 2016

    While he may not be an axe-wielding boss, Iain does have a reputation for straight-talking – both in interviews and with his own cast. In one of his first Emmerdale chats with the press, he admitted that some of the show's stars had been up to his office fearing for their jobs after his appointment.

    Speaking at the time, Iain admitted: "I've always been honest with people, really: 'This is my view in terms of your character, this is my honest opinion of your current performance, these are my notes for you in terms of what you need to do more of or less of', or indeed stay exactly as you are in some cases. I'm trying to be quite straightforward, really.

    "I've been around the industry long enough to know that generally, if not exclusively, you get the best out of people if you tell them the truth."

    7. Testing the much-loved couples

    EMBARGO 21/3 Sally is honest with Tim in Coronation Street

    Soaps can't all be sweetness and light and Iain's time on Emmerdale saw him introduce break-up plots for popular couples like Robert and Aaron and Cain and Moira. Of course, both pairings found their way back together in the end – but Iain stood his ground over the decision to break their relationships apart before building them back up again.

    "My personal view on soap couples generally is that happy couples tend not to get much screen time," he explained. "The couples who are best are the ones with inbuilt conflict and the ones who make mistakes, make up, break up and hurt each other and have passionate make-up sex."

    8. Not being afraid to kill characters off


    While Iain didn't carry out a big Emmerdale cast cull upon joining the show in 2016, he wasn't shy when it came to creating death storylines for cast members who wanted to leave. Emma Barton, Finn Barton and Chrissie White were among those killed off when the actors in question handed in their notice.

    Reflecting on Emma Barton's exit last year, Iain laughed: "I've given away a bit of a trade secret here, but as soon as an actor says, 'I think I want to leave at the end of my contract', even as they're talking, my brain is going, 'How are they going to leave? Is it going to be a death?'"


    Hmm, if any cast members are getting itchy feet but want the door left open, this might not be the best era to leave in.

    9. Kicking off with a bang?


    Although Iain starts working at Coronation Street in June, the show firms up its storylines several months in advance, so it's unlikely we'll see his work hit our screens until the autumn.

    That does, of course, coincide with ITV's annual Super Soap Week, which traditionally sees Corrie and Emmerdale deliver high-stakes, edge-of-your-seat storylines just as the evenings are starting to get darker. Could this mean Iain will have to make his mark early by coming up with a shock stunt?

    10. Keeping one eye on the 60th anniversary?


    This is just speculation, but if Iain sticks around as producer for a while, there's every chance that he could be the top boss in charge when Corrie celebrates its 60th anniversary in December 2020. Even if he only does a two-year stint like Kate Oates, it's likely that some vague plans will already be in place for the anniversary by June 2020.

    So, could Iain have a role to play in crafting Corrie's historic milestone? If so, he's got plenty of time to get his thinking cap on over how to top that tram crash...


  4. 5 hours ago, adrnyc said:

    Another World scholars, please advise:


    I see that there is quite a bit of '79/'80/'81 of Another World on the internet. Is this a period that is worth my checking out? Right now I'm watching the late 80's and, although I've read all of the Soaps and Serials novelizations, and therefore have a good idea of the show during the 60's/70's, I don't know much about this period. 


    If it is considered a decent time of the show, and anyone has any recommendations as to where I should try to jump in (if at all) , I would appreciate any suggestions. I'm really missing Mac now that he has passed and would love to see some of his older material. Thanks!

    Rachel & Janice final battle on location in St Croix was awesome. Rachel and Janice falling in slow motion into the pool as Rachel kills Janice was riveting. Mac discovering during Rachel's trial that he wasn't Matthew's father was heart breaking. That would be the best of 1980. Everything else is boring.  Susan Keith and Nancy Frangione are a joy to watch as bad girl Cecile. The adversarial work place relationship between Cecile and Pat is good. Blaine's involvement with Jordan Scott resulting in his murder was good. Blaine being prosecuted by Jordan's killer was a good twist. Jamie and Sandy switching places to evaded pimpstress  IIsa Fredricks goons. Resulting in the hostage situation at the Cory Cabin. As well as Mac's shooting.. The rest of 1981 was dreadful. AW badly recast Alice twice. Steve Frame resurrection was awful. There's some good stuff amidst all the dreck. Mac was heavily featured during this time period. Vivian and Iris held hostage by Jeff Stone in 1979 is a must see. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, victorlord75 said:

    I liked it when Colton paired up with Olivia Jerome, and how that pissed off just about everyone in town.


    The pairing of Colton & Olivia was a stroke of genius. I just love that late 80's era of GH

  6. I miss the days when the ladies worn huge earrings. I loved when they answered the phone and had to take an earring off. I miss the days when soaps had nice sets. When they had good writing, acting, extra's and music🎵. I also loved when most of towns folk gathered in one place over some incident. Days gone by days we will never see again😢

  7. 35 minutes ago, adrnyc said:

    I missed a lot of the middle Luke/Noah stuff. I was touring for parts of 2005/6 (this was before you could easily catch up with your soaps online) and didn't see a lot of it ATWT. When I came back in 2006, Luke was gay and hiding it. I saw the stuff with Kevin, saw the serial killer storyline, missed the Daniel Hugh-Kelly segment, and then was touring again and saw a day or two with Lau. I've had the hots for him since I was a little boy watching All My Children so I was so disappointed that I missed that storyline. Now it sounds as if I should be glad of it. 


    I think the show handled the gay storylines as well as they could have. Michael Landon's daughter whose character name I can't come up with right now was so popular at the time and had the whole Perils-Of-Pauline thing going and I could see that they were trying to do the same thing to Luke. I could appreciate the fact that were letting the gay kid have just as many crazy storylines as they were doing to other characters - although I still didn't enjoy most of what I saw. It wasn't until Reid came on that I really became involved with Luke - loved Luke and Reid together!  Luke was a "Lily" character - I feel like you either enjoy that sort of thing or ya don't, you know?


    Edited to say: GWEN!!

    ATWT REALLY lucked out when they cast Eric Sheffer Stevens. ESS elevated the material he was given. Where Nuke were always a rather lackluster couple. LuRe were hot. ESS was the only bright spot during ATWT final days. Of course that hack had to kill Reid so that dullard Chris could get his heart. I really started to like Luke because of Reid. A real shame that they didn't get their happily ever after.  InexperiencedSmallDove-max-1mb.gif

  8. Justine came back disfigured  with one eye and a hook dressed as a nun.  AW at it's worse. The whole show was very dark and overwrought. I do love the new hospital set. You would never see that many extra's on today's remaining soaps.


  9. On 3/23/2018 at 6:19 AM, adrnyc said:

    Thanks so much for sharing that!! Wow - that video takes me back! I couldn't watch it all as I'm currently watching 1989 and it was just too strange to skip ahead like that. If I remember correctly, at this point, the wonderful Sharlene/Sharly story had been used to death and this was just rehashing the same storyline in a very tired manner. I fast forwarded through the rest of it. It was so strange seeing Grayson as Cass' brother. I never liked him in that role although I floved him as Dusty on ATWT. The Matt/Donna pairing I never got - although seeing him in a towel is never a bad thing!  This was the point of AW where I started to fade away. College was over and Swajeski was gone. From my perspective, only having started watching the show in 1987, this was when AW started going downhill. (I know that, for many others, the downhill spiral had started LONG before I even started watching!)

    I found Matt & Donna to be a great couple. One of the few highlights from that era. Your right the quality goes downhill after Swajeski left. But sadly things get a lot worse for AW. Once Jill Faren Phelps became EP. I liked Morgan but AW never knew what to do with him. 

  10. Michelle Fowler to leave EastEnders

    Updated / Monday, 19 Mar 2018 15:14
    Jenna Russell as Michelle Fowler
    Jenna Russell as Michelle Fowler

    Jenna Russell will depart from EastEnders as her character Michelle Fowler is being written out of the soap as part of a "mutual decision" between the actress and the production.

    Russell first appeared in the BBC One soap in December 2016, taking over the role of Michelle from Susan Tully, who originally played the character from 1985 until 1995.

    An EastEnders spokesperson said: "Jenna is a terrific actress who has loved her time on the show playing Michelle and it was a mutual decision to write the character out.

    "We wish Jenna all the best for the future."

    Rumours had been circulating that Russell would be leaving the show, with a source telling The Sun UK that producers had made the decision to write her out in order to focus more on the returning Slater family.


    "Bringing back an an old character always adds much needed nostalgia which fans love," they quote a source as saying.

    "But Michelle simply wasn't going anywhere and was deemed a bit of spare part. Jenna is an established actress in her own right and wouldn't want to be on the periphery."

    Hitting back at speculation she was axed from the soap, Russell tweeted: "Just for clarity, I wasn't 'axed' just fancied doing something else. Nothing else. Have a great day x #actorslife."   

    Jenna’s exit as Michelle is the latest in a number of big changes new producer John Yorke has made since taking the helm last year. 

    He also axed other long-standing characters Lauren and Abi Branning and Ben Mitchell, as well as bringing back old favourites like Masood Ahmed and Mel Owen. 

    This week will also see the return of Kat Slater, with Jessie Wallace making a comeback as the Walford’s wild child, despite residents currently believing she is dead. 

    However, she will not be accompanied by husband Alfie Moon, who was last seen fighting for his life in spin-off series ‘Redwater’. 

    Actor Shane Richie admitted he turned down the chance to return, although has insisted his character is still alive


  11. I never knew that Maggie and Steve were a couple. I liked the scenes between Karen and Cricket. LL and SB had a nice sibling chemistry. Ariel and John had great chemistry. it's a real shame Marland  never brought back Ariel. Ariel locking horns with Lucinda would've been awesome. Steve was so annoying. 

  12. I loved Richard Niles as Rico. But i'm really liking Chandler Harben. My girl Penny has already set her sights on yummy Dr. Bellini. It's so funny how both Stacy and Penny have quickly forgotten Andy. Stacy is already obsessed with New Rico. Stacy was an annoying nut. Poor Rico he seems to attract nutty girls. First Julie Forrest now Stacy.  6977492721d1dcfa8ae36e9849a9cbe7.jpg

  13. 1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:

    What I never got was why kill off Monica's daughter in early 1991.. then go through all the trouble of bringing on her biological dad and half-sister?

    I never understood that either. Since the story would've worked way better with Dawn. GM fired everyone that was hired while she was away. I remember 1991 being a mess. 

    1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    Both Tristan and Finola were fed up with Monty and burned out.  They were originally going to work it out to keep her she was planning to leave but had second thoughts.  Then she booked a prime time show on ABC.  Monty told her it was her last day while she was filming and didn’t have her finish out the end of her contract on air because she was mad at her.  They eventually made up.


    Edited because I had some stuff wrong lol.

    I remember during this time Tristan Rogers had a tired look on his face. 

  14. First look at the new Coronation Street set: Weatherfield cobbles are now home to tattoo parlour, Urban Garden and even a Costa Coffee

    The new street also features a memorial bench to Corrie superfan Martyn Hett, and all who lost their lives in the Manchester Arena bomb attack in May last year


    The famous Coronation Street cobbles have been given a thoroughly modern makeover and are now home to an Urban Garden, Costa Coffee and a new police station.

    For years the area surrounding the terraced houses, Rovers Return and Cornershop have existed only in viewers' imaginations.

    But now the extended exterior has been unveiled for the first time in the show's 57 year history, with the residents of Weatherfield being treated to some swanky new developments.

    The new look street boasts a modern retail area complete with a tattoo parlour, snookerhall and even a Weatherfield North tram stop.

    The new look street boasts a brand new police station.
    Weatherfield residents will also have access to a Co-Op supermarket and a Costa Coffee. 
    Victoria Street also has a new Weatherfield North tram stop.
    A tattoo parlour and snookerhall also feature. 
    Speed Dial is a trendy new bar on the cobbles.
    A modern restaurant brings the show bang up to date 
    The cast unveil the new look Street 

    Product placement deals mean for the first time well known retail outlets will be represented in the ITV soap in the form of Costa Coffee and a Co-op supermarket.

    Residents will also be able to visit Tattoo'll Do Nicely for all their inking needs - and pop into trendy new restaurant Speed Daal as a welcome change from Roy's Rolls.

    And no doubt the brand new two story police station will be kept in good use with the sheer amount of crime going on in Weatherfield of late.

    Coronation Street opens new Victoria Street set.
    The colourful new Urban Garden is sure to brighten up the street.
    A memorial bench in the Urban Garden is dedicated to victims of the Manchester Bombing.
    The police station will be put to good use.  
    Residents will be strolling round the streets with their Costa Coffee cups in hand 

    The station will eventually have a reception, cells, corridors and interview rooms.

    Victoria Street, as the new set has been dubbed, also features a memorial bench to Corrie superfan Martyn Hett, and all those who lost their lives in the Manchester Arena bomb in May last year.

    The colourful memorial was unveiled by Series Producer Kate Oates in front of cast members and Martyn's family.

    The famous cobbles have been given a revamp 
    How the Street used to look

    "The Victoria Street extension represents an exciting chapter in Corrie history: an amazing new stage full of dramatic potential," said Oates.

    In a nod to the ITV soap's long-running history, the new set is made from cobbles from the old Quay Street site which was home to the residents from 1982 to 2013.

    'Wider Weatherfield' will be seen on screen for the first time on Friday 20th April.

  15. 39 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I grew to loathe Laura after they had Brooke adopt her - she became so sanctimonious and bitter. I remember when they even had her being bitter toward Santa Claus. It almost felt like a parody by that point. 


    The best thing about her was her sweet chemistry with Shane McDermott's Scott - so of course he was "hunkified" with the bland Daniel Cosgrove. 


    I grew to like Laura more again when she went back to her roots in late 1997 - unfortunately that was just done for the disgusting Jim storyline, and she was carted off.


    I could not stand anything about Bobby. That role was badly miscast. It's a shame they only cast Christian Campbell (who could have been perfect) years later, by which point they only had Bobby on as a filler. 

    Do you know whatever happened to Shane McDermott? I still remember him and SMG from when they were on Swans Crossing. I had given up on AMC by the time CC was playing Bobby. I loved CC in the gay movie Trick. 

  16. They were a pretty good teen set. I loved Kevin and Kelsey's friendship. I wished AMC could've done more with Kevin. Anita was dull as dishwater. I wasn't the biggest fan of Bobby. But i didn't hate them. I liked original recipe Laura. Who years later Jeannie P character assassinated.

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