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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. 36 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    Scary thought...close to the end TPTB were considering making Jeffery a Bauer...kill two birds with one stone...("he's a Bauer so he is important and look, we are rebuilding the family") and that token heavy girl was going to be Rick's when he donated his sperm in college or some such crap.

    Oh gross! they were going to make Jeffery and Ashley Bauer's. Thank god GL was cancelled before that could happened. It's a real shame how the Bauer's were treated. 



  2. 3 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Saw the last month's of 1984...and I think Sheldon wrote some great episodes....not anything like slesar..but the show was pretty good still.


    I would have loved to have seen the Alice in wonderland inspired mystery that kicked off the final episode...since I l9ve me some Alice in wonderland....and would have been interested to see how Mike's daughter Laurie would have adjusted to not being held captive 8n a hospital.

    I'm not the biggest fan of Lee Sheldon's EON run. But their were elements i liked. I liked a broke Sky & Raven investigating Nicole's awful murder via poisoned makeup. Which leads directly to the mind control plot. The mind control story wasn't the right story for EON. Yet it had a beginning,middle and ending. Preacher and Robbie fighting at the Video Disco as Sky stormed in through the window of the Isis building for his final battle with Louis Van Dine was fun. Other stories were a horrible messes. Spencer  Varney's return. The Native American land right story with Marty and his grandfather Standing Elk.  Logan Swift's return and murder mystery. Even through i did like the twist of Geraldine accidentally killing Logan. Who was like a son to her.  The murders going on in Jodie's college. Lee did introduced many interesting characters like Alicia Van Dine, Beth & Liz Corell, Chris Egan. Del Emerson,  Shelley Franklyn, Jeremy Rhodes  and Marty But none of these characters lived up to their potential. 

  3. Entertainment

    Coronation Street star Bruno Langley blames ‘stress’ of playing gay character for sexual assaults

    Television actor Bruno Langley arrives at Manchester Magistrates Court where he is facing sexual assault charges on November 28, 2017 in Manchester, England. Langley, who appeared in the soap opera Coronation Street, is charged  with sexually assaulting two women at a Manchester music venue.  (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
    Television actor Bruno Langley arrives at Manchester Magistrates Court where he is facing sexual assault charges on November 28, 2017 in Manchester, England. Langley, who appeared in the soap opera Coronation Street, is charged with sexually assaulting two women at a Manchester music venue. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

    Coronation Street actor Bruno Langley has claimed that the stress of playing gay character Todd Grimshaw led to him sexually assaulting women.

    The disgraced soap star, who was abruptly written out of Coronation Street last month in the wake of sex assault allegations, pleaded guilty to two sex assault charges in Manchester Magistrates’ Court this week. 



    Langley had played Todd Grimshaw, who was one of the show’s first gay characters and had a number of on-screening same-sex romances with different men.

    Mitigating in court, Langley’s solicitor claimed the stress of playing the character led Langley to assault women in a music venue on October 1.


    Bruno Langley at Manchester Pride (Photo by Nathan Cox/Getty Images)

    He said: “It was completely out of character. Something happened that night, most possibly in relation to the character he was playing.

    “These two offences happened within one evening but are linked to alcohol. The result was despicable behaviour.”



    A source close to the actor told The Sun: “Bruno played a high-profile gay character for 16 years…. he sometimes feels he needs to act more of a lad than he is to stop assumptions about his sexuality.”

    The claims led to anger from LGBT people, who criticised Langley for using gay people as an excuse.

    Langley escaped a custodial sentence, but was hit with a 12 month community order, placed on the sex offenders’ register, and ordered to pay his victims £250 each.


    District Judge Mark Hadfield told him: “On that evening your conduct was quite disgraceful and degrading.

    “Both of the victims would have been extremely shocked and upset as a result of your conduct.

    “The fact that you were heavily intoxicated is not mitigation, it is a further aggravating feature.

    “The consequences are serious for all concerned, the two victims but also for you.

    “You have lost your good name and I know nothing of showbusiness but I imagine in the current climate I suspect it may be very difficult for you to gain employment in that industry in the future.”



    In a statement, Langley said: “I sincerely apologise to the people involved and affected by my disgraceful behaviour on the evening of 30th September.

    “I have absolutely no memory of what happened because of excessive alcohol consumption and it was for this reason that I behaved completely out of character.

    “However, I take full responsibility for my actions that night.

    “Since this incident I have been dealing with, and confronting some personal issues that I have never addressed, and I am also getting help for an alcohol problem, so that this does not ever happen again.”

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