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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. 26 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Eduardo should've never existed was the point I was making. Nicholas Coster should've been brought back as John Eldridge. They should've never killed John off previous years to introduce Scott. He should've just lived and then moved to Oakdale with Scott and gradually won back Lisa. 


    While I didn't get to see Shannon before her original run, as it was a bit before my time, I hated her when I started watching. It p*ssed me off to see the Black woman get shafted, honestly. I hated how Jessica had to accept this gracefully as Shannon destroyed her family unit. At times, I wanted Jessica to clock Duncan and Shannon upside the head. I didn't care for Duncan's short return under Sheffer either b/c I still wanted Jessica to chew his a** out even though she had moved on. Duncan left his wife and child for Shannon and still didn't end up with Shannon. 

    I started watching ATWT during the tail end of Shannon's run. I never liked her much. I really liked Duncan and Jess. I guess Shannon was resurrect to give them a story. But the way the story was executed it did more harm than good.  Tamara Tunie is awesome in this episode.  


  2. 2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    While ATWT was on a downturn about this time, I am glad that episodes from '94 is popping up. I started watching around this time as a young child and I didn't find the show to be bad. 


    Seeing as Coster was John Eldridge on Our Private World and Scott popped up a few years back, it would've made so much sense had they not killed John and just brought Coster back in that role. I never cared for Eduardo and felt it was a waste of Coster's talent. Does anyone know if Coster opted to leave the show or if it was a writer's choice? If it was a writer's choice, I always felt that was stupid as Coster was a solid actor, and Lisa desperately needed a companion in the later years of her life. 


    Duke is a character that this show should've brought back. He had that dry sense of humor that John possessed, and we could never have too many doctors on this show. Plus, no one could get under Lucinda's skin like Duke did. Would've been interesting to see how she took to him had he returned in the last decade or so. 


    Poor Jessica. Shannon's return always p*ssed me off as Jessica got shafted for her. On so many levels, I found that to be jacked up. 

    Even though ATWT wasn't terrible it felt off to me during this time. I agree with you that Eduardo shouldn't have been killed. Yet Eduardo's murder by Orlena, provided one of the best post Marland stories for Lisa and John. Even causing conflict with in the tight knit  Hughes family. I hated how dismissive Shannon was of Duncan and Jessica's marriage.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Edward Skylover said:

    The thing is she has been re-cast now, so I think it's worth trying to keep making it work. I think it could go either way, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was axed. What's the point in axing her when it's been done, the re-cast can't really be erased from history.

    This Michelle doesn't work at all. Neither the actress or the writers are capable of capturing Michelle's true essence. The Michelle i watched in the 1990's on PBS. Would never ram her car through her cousin Ian's chippy shop.

  4. 12 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:


    One of my former supervisors first heard the name Kelsey while watching AW one day when pregnant with her first child. That's the name she ended up giving her baby girl just weeks later.

    That's a cute story. Kelsey is a nice name. Kelsey was ranked among the top 100 names for girls born in Scotland in 2007. It was also among the top 100 names for girls born in England and Wales in the late 1990's. Kelsey was the 201st most popular name for girls born in the United States in 2007.

  5. 15 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Over the past few days, I was thinking that when I was a kid,  how this time of year, in particular, was usually a great time for ATWT. 

    Their autumn storylines, leading right through the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays were usually some of the best stories, in the '80s especially.

    There were even some really entertaining Halloween episodes back then.


    This time of year, I tend to really remember how good and comforting and entertaining it could be to watch this show.


    I've seen that July '85 episode before on You Tube, maybe this is a re-upload?

    I wish the actual costume ball episodes that came after were posted too (fingers crossed). I would love to see Lucinda's reaction to being undone with the costumes switches (and by Lisa, no less!)

    Those scenes between Bob and Frannie were special. 


    All soaps back then knew how to celebrate the holidays. Like you said even Halloween was fun. That warmth is long gone from today's soaps. I would love to see the costume ball as well. I would love to see all the ladies at the ball dressed up as Cleopatra:lol: I must say ATWT was in nice shape before DM. The more i see of SBH's run the more i like it. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, adrnyc said:

    OMG - I completely forgot about Kelsey!!!  Our group in college that watched Another World hated her, HATED HER!!  We were also mean kids at the time - there was someone in our department who we didn't much care for, and we would call her "Kelsey".  I'm still back in 1989 of my re-watch of the series but I can't wait to get to 1992 now!  Also....LORNA!!!

    Kelsey always came across as a bland and underdeveloped character to me. Pairing her with the last Jamie and later with John didn't help. Lorna was a force of nature. Until she was declawed.

  7. Coronation Street's Pat Phelan murders Andy after he shoots Vinny in shocking scenes 'too dark and violent for pre-watershed'

    Andy finally did evil Pat's bidding and killed Vinny, but he was then shot dead by the builder




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    Coronation Street aired potentially it's darkest ever scenes tonight as Pat Phelan murdered Andy Carver.

    In some sinister scenes, Phelan finally revealed his bloody revenge plan for Vinny Ashford, but it was too much for some viewers.


    Phelan wasn't planning to get his own hands dirty, telling Andy to kill his nemesis in order to secure his freedom, so he brutally shot an unconscious Vinny dead.

    Then in another grim scene, a gun shot was heard with only the abandoned paper factory on-screen, before viewers got a glimpse of Andy's lifeless body.

    Pat Phelan revealed his sinster plan on Corrie 
    Phelan, Andy and Vinny were in an abandoned paper factory 
    He shot dead Andy Carver, who had killed Vinny just moments before 

    During tonight's double-bill, Phelan armed himself with a shotgun as he began to carry out his revenge plan against Vinny.

    A manipulative Phelan convinced a terrified Andy that he would be set free, so long as he murdered Vinny.

    As Vinny lied unconscious and bloody on the ground, a frantic Andy stood to the side with a gun.

    Andy is told that he will obtain freedom if he kills Vinny 
    But after doing the evil deed he turned the gun on Pat 

    Phelan pressured Andy to shoot Vinny, so he shockingly obliged, before turning the gun on his captor.

    There was then another gunshot, by viewers didn't know whether Andy or Pat had been killed.

    It turned out that Pat had murdered Andy because he couldn't be trusted to keep quiet.

    Andy used to be such a kind character 
    Vinny lies unconscious on the floor 

    Before praying to god, Phelan said: "I'm really sorry kid. I had to.

    "You wouldn't have been able to live with yourself."

    His next move was equally shocking, as he dropped the bodies in a river, then planted some evidence in the solicitor's office.

    He then casually went to the Rovers to have a well-earned pint.

    Phelan tried to manipulate Andy into killing Vinny 
    Pat decided he couldn't keep Andy alive any longer 

    Vinny (Ian Kelsey) disappeared from the cobbles over a year ago - leaving Phelan (Connor McIntyre) to deal with the fallout from their scam and with no money to show for it.

    Having escaped to Hawaii, Vinny thought he was all in the clear. But little did he know that Phelan would discover his real identity, Harvey McArdle, and his poor elderly mum Flora.

    And sending a thug around to finish off Phelan appeared to be the last straw. The seething builder used his mum to blackmail him to give him money - but when the conman came up with the goods, Phelan ended up knocking him out and took him captive.

    Has Phelan become too dark? 

    Corrie viewers took to Twitter after witnessing the distressing scenes.

    One viewer said: "#corrie. Tonight's episode is far too dark and violent for pre-watershed."

    Another added: "This is actually too much, it's a soap not The Wire or something. This plot is disgusting and way too dark #corrie"

    A third said: "Seriously #corrie... far too early in the evening for two violent murders. Follow @MirrorTV


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    Thanks for that DM. I really look forward to watching the omnibus Saturday. ...now I don't have to  ! Derrrr
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    Sack the producers!!!.. This has hit an all time low!... Ridiculous story lines, drawn out for months on end. Full of characters you care nothing about and a complete waste of some talented actors. Phelan could have been around for years!.. Great actor but multiple murderer!!.. Garbage!... Some of the younger cast lack experience and come across as wooden and not likeable.... I could not care less if i see this episode!!!! SACK THE PRODUCERS ASAP!!!!
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    I really can't be bothered with Corrie much anymore. Have watched it since the 60s as a child but now the storylines are ridiculously over the top, violent, unbelievable, and there is very little humour to be seen now in it.  The beauty of Corrie was the humour, yes there was a bit of drama but it was more short lived and relationship drama i.e. Affairs or other things but if I wanted to see a black murderous drama I would watch one. Corrie is 7.30 pm way before the watershed but yet we had cocaine being snorted the other week and now this violence.  Bye bye Corrie it was nice while it lasted. 
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    Totally agree... Sack the producers before the viewing figures hit a record low!!..  @Madeinnz 
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