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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. Jodie Whittaker was trying way too hard. I think she will be fine once she eases into the role. I like the new companions. The story was something we have seen before. But i was ok with that. Since it was the backdrop to introducing the new status quo.   


  2. 4 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I think it was Dr. Stephen Haver?  Something to do with mommy issues?  And I think Rae helped him confess.


    Thanks, Vee, I know I would never have been able to find it myself.

    Khan Dr. Haver was the killer in the godawful Music Box nonsense. I will never forgive OLTL for killing Gabrielle Medina:angry:

  3. 46 minutes ago, JarrodMFiresofLove said:


    Thanks for the info. Did Stuart work with Gerald Gordon on GH? I'm guessing they went to GH because of the Pollocks, right?


    I would imagine viewers in September '76 were caught off guard by Toni's abrupt departure from TD. There was no foreshadowing at all. Her mother hadn't been mentioned in a long time. It all seemed to come up out of the blue...but I guess Marland didn't have advance notice and did the best he could.


    Carolee Campbell's exit was strange. The way they wrote Carolee off was deplorable. And then keeping her in the credits from March to August was just bizarre, like they expected her to come back.

    Anna and Gerald played siblings Mark and Gina Dante on GH

  4.  On the Sept 16, 1976 (9-24-18)  episode Virginia revealed that Luke is Lew's name. On the Sept 17, 1976  (9-24-18) episode during the hospital board meeting Mona mentioned the towns name Madison. I think this is the first time the name of the New England town the soap is set in is mentioned.  


  5. 10 hours ago, Chris B said:

    The Pollocks were very plot driven with Dynasty and The Colbys (although not as much) so that doesn’t surprise me. Knowing them from those shows and knowing how different The Doctors is, it’ll be interesting to see how this works. 


    Now a question for those watching the current episodes, any early thoughts on Jada Rowland as Carolee? I’ve seen one or two episodes with her and visually she seems fine, but more like a traditional heroine. Carolee Campbell was a unique find so that doesn’t surprise me, but she seems like she’ll be fine. I do commend Carolee Campbell for creating such a unique and interesting character from a day player role. Because the show was canceled in the 80s she doesn’t get the credit she deserves for being a daytime great. I especially love her now that her mom has been introduced. They should’ve brought her mom back later, unless they killed her off. I’m not sure how she’s written off. 




    Theyve wrapped up the story of Julie’s death and seem to be setting up their new stories, namely Althea’s return. I was happy to see her go despite Virginia Vestoff’s fantastic performances, but just a few episodes in and I’m sick of her again. No flashbacks yet, but the majority of her scenes are fantasies or dream sequences which bore me to death. It does nothing to move the story forward or make me look forward to her return to Madison. I wish they had cast an actor to work with her in the out of town scenes so we could learn her perspective on things in a more organic way than this. 


    So far these Pollocks are getting a side eye from me. 


    Althea will have endless flashbacks of her time with John aboard the cruise ship.


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