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Posts posted by ajsp35801

  1. 7 hours ago, xtr said:

    Nate is already starting to get tired of Abby and her foolishness. He gave multiple looks today that showed he was not with the way she's acted, regarding attacking Summer, which was embarrassing. And how she's been treating him lately, and not valuing him, his feelings. He's already looking like he wants to move with Abby. Elena gave him some advice today about stepping away from her & he's already starting to follow it, by choosing to take Elena home instead of Abby. I believe he may end up falling for Elena and Abby will lose him. I think that he deserves better than they way she has been behaving.







    I also didn't like how she called Summer a nasty little cow today. That's her niece and Summer hasn't really done anything to her. But Abby doesn't treat her like a family member, Summer may as well not claim her with the way she treats her. 


    Also, I liked the scenes with Connor/Adam today. 




    I feel sorry for the Abby character. Writers use her to do Lola's dirty work that they protect Lola from. Or worse, have Lola as the bigger person chastising Abby. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    I tuned from Tennis channel because someone posted there was a possible shooter at a building in McLean (I'm Northern VA) - and there was a special report on.  They didn't have much information at that point but showed people exiting the building.  Later it turned out to be either a false report (someone had seen someone with a gun).  But they cut back to Y&R and before I switched back to Tennis I saw Adam in Sharon's face saying things, "you know you want me!  It's ALWAYS been US!"  I was like Good Lord...from my memories (I didn't watch through most of the other 2 Adams....but the last time around when was it ALWAYS about him and Sharon??? I'm confused....but the station cuts back from a Special Report and as luck would have it...ADAM.  Change channel.


    Whatever floats the current story....terrible. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Not one bit. I took it off the DVR, as I just kept starting episodes  and abandoning them midway. I’m not even monitoring this thread as much as I once did.


    I never enjoyed any of the Adams and the hold they had on this show, but there was usually something else of interest going on. Not 


     I miss you all more than I miss the show. That's why I come here periodically. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    True on the quad. Hilary would be thrown under the bus every chance. If only it could be well written. Sigh.


    They need to get a move on with dumping Goddard. Why do they put up with him? Do they not see what he does? Do they not care? Does he really rate so highly? I can't ...


    Cane is useless! The show has to know that. If they dont pair him with Abby, which I think they will, what does he bring to the show?  

  5. 5 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    He is appealing. I like him a lot. He's perfect for Nate, IMHO. But they're wasting him and giving him pretty much nothing to work with. Just like the last Nate, who was nothing but a random talk to and doctor. It's blatant what they do. I mean, Elena still is vastly underdeveloped. Meanwhile Lola's on just about every day.


    True about Tyler compared to Nate. Good point and one I kind of forget. I feel like they basically slot Nate in where Neil might have be used if Kristoff were still with us.


    And they SHOULD be trying to recapture Malcolm/Dru/Neil/Olivia with Nate/Hilary/Devon/Elena but they aren't yet.


    And without Lily around it was nice that Devon had his sister back. But of course we can't have nice things.


    Brytni would have been a good Lily recast ... but I know they wouldn't have recast Lily with the Neil passing having to be written in. That would be jarring. But I guess Christel is and always will be Lily at this point so it is what it is.


    Nate is written exactly like Neil. Exactly like. Used in the same way.  Agree with you there! 


    I do think they are headed towards that elena/Devon/Hilary/nate story. I can't imagine it being written even halfway decent. You've got 3 "nice" chatacters and Hilary. She's going to be mustache twirling. Instead of being a qaud it'll just be hilary harassing the other 3. They'll do nothing but react to her. 


    We might get a new lily one day. But only AFTER they've gotten rid of DG. 

  6. 22 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    It's really disgusting and blatant racism. Nothing will change. And it's a shame that one token daytime leader only cares about her fellow tokens. Why are we even in a place where it's "one in, one out"? That is SUCH bullshit.


    Griffith is a hack, too, and I've said as much for a long time now.


    I can see why you always say, basically, "just cancel em all" and sadly, I'm there. Nothing gets fixed, things get worse, they all double down on what ISN'T working. They recycle hacks and have been for decades. It's just time to move on.


    Wonder when Sean Dominic gets his walking papers? I mean, it's Redaric Williams all over again.


    And sadly, they kept basic Brytni? Since it's "one in, one out" I'd have keep Loren. Nothing against Brytni but zzzz. But I guess they want a triangle. Is Mishael actually back? I'm sort of confused on that one and I've been a bit out of the loop the last few weeks.


    Mishael isn't back to my knowledge but I have it on good authority that will still happen.  


    I think Sean Dominic is in a better position than Redaric Williams. At this point, due to Neil's death, the show needs a Nate  The show didnt need a Tyler. He was just the first attempt to give Lily a black love interest and center her in that orbit instead of Cane. Abby is just a stop gap for him. Considering the history of the show, we know his main reason for existing is to be Devon's cousin (brother), confidante, and RIVAL all in one. They've given Devon and Elena their love story. I suspect that Nate and elena will now start one. Just cause this is Y&R

  7. 8 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    But the thing is, if 



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    Hilary comes back, it would make sense for Devon to have a family to react to the news, especially with Lily gone and Neil deceased. This all just seems very shortsighted, beyond the other stuff we’ve discussed.





    The show can being Lily back to react. They'd need to anyway. 



  8. Bottomline here is...#Blackbudget.


    The show has decided that Devon, Nate, and Elena need another black female to play some insular quad. The show refuses to spend more money on the black cast than what's allotted, so Ana must go cause she can't have sex with Nate AND Devon. They are freeing up money to bring back Mishael Morgan. Expect that announcement by weeks end. If it falls through, expect some other unconnected black female to come through. 

  9. 2 hours ago, detroitpiston said:

    Josh has never written much for black characters so I'm not surprised Mattie & Charlie were done away with and Devon & Co pop up every two weeks to burn through most of their stories offscreen. I hope if/when Mishael gets back they get more material but if she's playing a doppleganger expect the same ole same ole. Mal's reign was the only time she was ever given the highlighting as a leading lady that she deserved, I doubt the good ole boy regime is going to want to showcase a black actress like that again regardless of popularity, probably the main reason she wouldn't be back as Hilary.


    Josh wrote for Tyler and leslie. One of the reasons I thought he'd write for elena and Jett. 

  10. 2 hours ago, xtr said:


    I think they may turn Theo into a bad guy and that they have dropped the storyline with him mentoring Ana. They are using him as angst for Kyle/Lola and had Kyle tell him that he's dead to him and not to hurt Summer. Plus they are having him work with Phyllis and Summer is uncomfortable with that. Which leads me to wonder if something will happen between him and Phyllis. If they really wanted to they could have still had him mentor Ana instead of having him work for Phyllis. In addition to using him as "angst" for Kyle/Lola. But Josh has no interest in writing for Ana or giving her any type of love interest. He never has. Ana should have been interacting more with the twenty something set.


    I wonder if they will make Theo bad and write him off. Especially since it looks like Chance is returning. Josh doesn't seem to care a lot for Theo, though he's getting some airtime. Josh doesn't care a whole lot for Tessa/Mariah either. He gave Mariah a good job, and her and Tessa are happy together. But they are rarely shown. And when they are they are largely propping Lola. They have been shown like maybe 3 times in three weeks. Josh only really seems to care about Kyle/Lola and somewhat Summer. He really doesn't care much about the other young people and doesn't care about Ana at all.


    As far as Devon/Nate/Elena/goes, I don't think he cares a ton about them either. There is finally some movement with Nate/Abby. But they just started to spend more time together. And Devon and Elena get a little bit of story here and there, but Elena is still underdeveloped.




    Angelica cares about Kyle and Lola. Mostly lola. They could do both. Have the way theo hurts summer be falling for Ana. But then that gives folks an opportunity to root for theo. The show makes everything with Kyle and lola heavy handed. 

  11. I haven't been watching it plugged into the show in weeks. I see I haven't kissed much. 


    But @xtr , it's clear to me that the Devon, Elena, Nate, Ana orbit will remain uninteresting to the writers until Mishael comes back. They have no idea what to do with them. And even when they come up with something decent, they drop it cause their white counterparts will always take priority. Kyle having a rival is more important than Ana having a romance. And in the writers world, Kyle and Ana couldn't possibly move in the same circle that'd allow for a character to be both. 

  12. 14 hours ago, ChitHappens said:


    This!  I'll add, not even on paper does Cane/Traci make sense.  Cane is a well established white male who would not look at Traci twice (let's be honest). If Cane were still a con man, he would have a legit reason to be into Traci.  Super happy the farce is over and the next step is to get rid of Cane.  He's simply not needed on the show at this time.  Why TIIC tripping over themselves to keep Goddard employed is truly mind boggling. 


    If all these  young and youngish women can want Jack and victor then Cane can want Tracy.  He's always been a user and a con anyway. I've put every relationship he's had down to that anyway.  

    11 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    Goddard has outlived his usefulness, especially since he doesn’t want to play shady, or apparently a storyline with Traci that is romantic.  So his last two major attempts at relevancy outside of Lilly.  Who is not on the show.


    I hope TPTB recognize an audience exists for Traci and they give her story going forward.  Give her Goddard’s contract and write her into something great.







    That same story they are telling with Cane wouod be even better with Jett. She can get a daughter and niece to play mother figure to out of the deal. 


    As for cane going forward, I'm surprised they didnt pair him with Abby. 

  13. 9 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I guess we'll at least give him credit for tuning in just a little bit - given that the show has consistently been hitting all-time lows in the ratings for several weeks now. Something about the show clearly isn't resonating with its audience, and more so than the usual "daytime is dying anyway" sentiment. 


    This is the farthest away from the show I've ever been. I come here maybe once a week to read opinions and see thats happening. Nothing I see is making me want to watch. I definitely think it's at an all time low and the ratings reflect that. 

  14. Chelsea and Nick are clearly only together to prolong and give angst to her reunion with Adam. Just too quick with nick.


    That the show forgot about Abby and Nate tells us that they arent and won't be anything special. I still say he's in s holding pattern until Mishael shows up to pop off that quad. 

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