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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. Currently reading The Sullivanians: Sex, Psychotherapy and the Wild Ride of an American Commune by Alexander Stille and it is quite the odyssey. A commune (aka cult) on the upper west side of Manhattan that began in the late 1950s, right up until the very early 1990s. You really have to read about it in detail to believe it.



  2. I read that article this morning. Nothing these individuals say surprises me. They gave themselves away all during their teardown strategy for affirmative action (to which the same entities that supposedly emerged triumphant are still finding reason to complain about their insecurities).

  3. Just now, kalbir said:

    Y&R reached #1 December 1988. PB debuted November 1989.

    Okay, thanks. It still proves my point that he was the beneficiary of Y&R’s status and clout as the #1 daytime soap.

    I mean, I’m all for a sensitive man who’s not afraid to shed tears but PB’s Jack is downright maudlin.

  4. 5 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    I noticed he was just as affected when speaking as himself on the Y&R 50th anniversary special (where he obnoxiously noted that he'd won an Emmy whereas Lester never had - in my view, that was due to his ABC friends as Y&R's actors did not get much Emmy love during the 80s).

    Also, unless I’m mistaken, PB arrived at Y&R the same year Y&R first ascended to be the #1 daytime soap. He benefited from Y&R’s new status imo.

    The writing for PB’s Jack was an easy layup, it leaned heavily on PB’s ability to turn on the waterworks but imo, the writing became too heavily reliant on PB’s saccharine weepy portrayal of Jack Abbott.

  5. 19 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I can only assume Emerald Fennell is well liked (or has good connections) and it being British means it gets more support than American films along the same lines . 

    You are absolutely correct about this assertion. Promising Young Woman alone built up a reserve of awards goodwill. Hollywood is fickle though, so who knows how long this will last? Today’s Emerald Fennell may very well become tomorrow’s Diablo Cody, who although still doing work, is just no longer a film industry darling. I also think Fennell’s British-ness also tends to automatically elevate her creative ideas in the minds of the industry people.

  6. 8 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I was watching Sinner on plus. Now watching Tsity and Van Assche.

    Add Sasha to the list who could get five years for beating his girlfriend. Although they've said he probably get probation for it.

    Both of his previous girlfriends have accused him of the same crime.

    Oh, he was definitely the one I was referring to as possible jail time but you’re likely correct to say that it will probably be some kind of probation or suspended sentence or some combination of the two. I didn’t see any of the post match interviews but I read that a reporter asked him about the case/allegations and he looked bewildered and caught off guard by the questions. Surely, he had to expect that someone sometime would ask him about this.

  7. On 10/23/2023 at 6:36 AM, DramatistDreamer said:

    Someone will need to talk Hezbollah down, so this war between Israelis and Hamas doesn’t escalate to a regional war.

    I posted my thoughts on what I believed could be the most likely scenario that could expand the war into a regional conflict and I still believe this.

    8 hours ago, Juliajms2 said:

    Good Lord. I guess we can look forward to this if Trump ever ends up in prison.

    Speaking of Pakistan, watching them trade airstrikes with Iran is terrifying. One nuclear power with the other right on the edge. We really are going to be lucky if there isn't a region wide war in the Middle East.

    Pakistan and India, which had conflicts and skirmishes since the partition of the Indian subcontinent are both nuclear armed nations. I could be mistaken but I don’t see Pakistan as being politically cohesive enough to go farther than occasional air strikes (which, to be fair is unnerving enough as it is).

    Iran seems to be spreading its influence very thin these days as they seem to be behind a number of conflicts in the region. Perhaps this will sap some of their focus and military power, who knows?

  8. I agree with those who think the plaque with Sharon Newman was a bit weird. It makes Nick look especially presumptuous gifting it to her and I realize that wasn’t the intention but logically, it makes Nick look rather presumptuous.
    Most of the greater GC area would know Sharon already so she wouldn’t need to affix the Newman name/brand to her new company, especially considering the fact that the last time Sharon Newman was in charge at a high powered corporation (i.e. Newman) it was as Mrs. Victor Newman, ranting and raving around the Newman boardroom. I would think they’d want to shed Sharon of that Newman association based on that alone and allow her to begin anew.
    The subtext of Nick gifting Sharon that plaque with “Newman”, not Rosales or at least Collins as her identity, makes him look territorial, like he’s staking his claim. I can see why some viewers are jumping to conclusions regarding a possible reunion between the two.

  9. 9 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I was watching on the Australian Open website.






    This is exactly how it looked on YouTube. I clicked on late, so I missed most of the draw unveiling but I am glad because, I wouldn’t have been able to stand watching this for 30-45 minutes, it’s headache inducing.

  10. 9 hours ago, Khan said:

    At this point, I just assume that Doris passed away, off-screen.

    If Richard Dean Anderson were up to returning to soaps - and yes, I know, he isn't - he'd be a good candidate to play "Roger Collins."  (I don't think they ever said Sharon's father's name, so I'm just naming him "Roger," lol).

    They need to say something, if this is the case. It’s negligent, akin to a storytelling dereliction of duty to leave this point of a major long-running character’s story hanging like this.

  11. 6 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    So true. Sadly many of those same people who could have used this clip (some of whom went on to write for soaps themselves) would likely say that failed camp and ludicrous plots are what soaps should be.

    I am not a fan of most social media platforms these days but there is something about the inherent nature of the public forum that can make people reconsider their views when confronted by the actual words on video, even if it doesn’t get them to eat their words.

  12. Is anyone watching the draw ceremony? I am watching the Australian Open livestream on YouTube and people are complaining about the screen resolution, with some asking in a mocking tone whether it’s being livestreamed in 360p.

    The names on the draw board are impossible to read. 

    Maybe those watching on a network are getting closeups.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I really like @Paul Raven's idea of introducing a long-lost, shady half-brother for Sharon.  Someone who could stir up serious trouble and get this show moving again.

    But I'd also love to explore what really happened to Sharon's dad.  Who knows?  Maybe Sharon killed him accidentally when she was a teenager (before she and Doris moved to GC) and has blocked it out all these years.

    Or maybe he abandoned her. It could actually help repair the relationship with Victor who had his own abandonment issues growing up. It still doesn’t sit right with me that we never heard about what happened to Sharon’s mother. 

  14. Thanks @Soapsudsthat was truly a joy to watch. Excellent find.
    Seeing the set pieces made me a little misty-eyed. It was also great to see a great conversation between actors and the head writer- they genuinely seemed to enjoy sitting down and talking about their show. And yes, that clip of Marland talking about daytime soaps acting ashamed of their roots seems especially relevant like @DRW50 said. Someone needs to send a clip of that discussion, especially that snippet across social media and to every soap vlogger out there.

    2 hours ago, Vee said:

    i've always heard he was and assumed that was part of what he'd long been dealing with. But I'm hesitant to make assumptions about a personal history that was so troubled with someone who passed away under such tragic circumstances.

    Wasn’t Hendrickson also a caregiver to two family members who were gravely ill? As someone who was a caregiver to loved one who passed away less than a year ago, I can tell you that it can leave a deep and painful impact that you struggle with, it can also be depressing and if you don’t get help, devastating, I would imagine.

  15. 4 hours ago, Vee said:

    I remember seeing a few instances of that. How long/often did they play Andy (DeFreitas or otherwise) with his grandparents before Chris died? I'm assuming Andy was not seen much at all before Wagner and McLaughlin first left pre-Marland/Horgan in '81, so was it only over the course of the prior year or two before McLaughlin's death?

    Only a couple of years at most and the chess matches were sprinkled throughout the last year or so, which is enough to establish a bond between characters. It’s the reason why I think when soap fans make excuses for these writers who can’t even write a decent story that sees family members interact on a regular basis, I always see them as being full of sh*t. It doesn’t take a superbowl budget to write a handful of mini scenes and sprinkle them in on occasion. Yes, you have to plan them but it’s not rocket science.

    4 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Unfortunately, finding a lot of that time frame is spotty. 

    I've been impressed with what I have seen of how Hank was handled, especially given the era and P&G's conservative views and audience. We see explicit homophobia, but not done in a cartoonish manner, and they don't try to do what, say, AMC later did with Michael Delaney and make sure we know that he's a macho sports loving broski - through his run he remains closest to characters like Iva and Barbara, and on the outskirts of Oakdale. 

    I do think it might have been more interesting if Hal had been homophobic (initially, anyway) instead of having him as accepting mostly to generate conflict between Paul and Hal.

    I do think Marland may have been trying to write against type, go against the expected route. Hal would have been the expected choice-beer loving, bowling and avid sports fan, a blue collar cop who openly was unrefined and often felt awkward about fitting into Barbara’s world. I think that’s why Paul was probably made the homophobic one in the piece. No one would really expect the son of a fashion designer, especially one so young (with the assumption that his youth and milieu would make him more socially progressive). I also think, Marland probably realized that because Paul was so callow, he could more easily reform Paul’s prejudices without permanent damage to the character, whereas with Hal, who knows? I think that the Kirk Anderson character was able to reform from his homophobia but he was a jerk at that time, he wasn’t supposed to be seen as the kind of guy that Hal was.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Mitch64 said:

    Agreed...Sheffer's cartoon Babs was pathetic compared to how Marland wrote her. I remember a scene after Chris died..Babs was on the outs with the family since she lied about screwing Tom, etc, but of course, she is included during the grieving and she quietly goes over to Andy, who was close to Chris and having a hard time and tells him, "Its okay to cry." Made things more real and you could really get into it when she pulled a bitch move, as opposed to her silly antics later on. 

    I remember that. I appreciated and liked that the storytelling made space for showing the multi-layered personality of Barbara, she could be more than one thing at a time, she could show different parts of herself. Still another side came out when she began to date Hal Munson. I also loved that the writing made space to develop a relationship between Andy and Bob’s parents by the time of Chris’ passing, Andy’s grief felt genuine. They used to show Andy on his way to play chess with Chris (and sometimes even Steve), so those characters bonded. I really miss when characters had that type of communal connection. In todays soaps, so many characters are siloed.

    42 minutes ago, MarlandFan said:

    I clearly remember that scene when Hank confided to Barbara that he was gay.  She was very loving and accepting and inferred that she had already guessed his sexuality, stating that being in the fashion industry she was no stranger to gay men.  Doug Marland always kept his characters 3-dimensional: Barbara was capable of being a major b!tch but was also capable of great kindness and sensitivity.  I've looked for that episode on YT but have never found it.  :(

    Did Hank come out to Barbara on one of their trips to NYC? It’s not clear in my mind but I feel like I saw some episode years ago. Unfortunately there are a number of episodes that got pulled over the years, for one reason or another.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Mitch64 said:

    He was all pissy as he had to work with HBS (nothing against her, she just wasn't Colin) which is another example of his self indulgence...  

    HBS said as much a few years ago, without explicitly saying so. She seemed to take it in stride with good humor but even through her diplomatic words, he seemed to act a bit like a petulant jerk to her in her earliest days in the role. It seemed like she was hazed too. They probably didn’t take hazing as seriously back then but what she described as a playful prank by Deas definitely comes off as hazing by today’s standards.

    13 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    At the 41:41 mark...how many times did I hear Dan Region say it...furs by the Christie Brothers.😊😁



  18. 20 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    If you are a woman of a certain age and status in Oakdale you WILL wear a fur coat.

    There was a YouTube channel (don’t know if it’s still active) that was filled with videos of women wearing fur coats. the ATWT ladies featured prominently on that channel.

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