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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. On 1/22/2024 at 11:31 AM, Khan said:

    I dunno, I think Mack and Karen coping with a "change of life" pregnancy and the risks that would pose to them might have made for a nice change of pace, lol.

    I think Mack would have been excited to be a father since he didn't have an opportunity to be a father to Paige while Karen would have been a bit in shock over being pregnant since she would have been ready to start the next chapter of her life post raising kids.  And you would have had the reactions of her kids and his kid over this late in life pregnancy.

  2. 5 hours ago, Cat said:

    So free labor? If I was Wendy, I'd say F that. This quote from Vulture makes that point that why would Nneka want to invite Wendy into her new home if she was sooo convinced that Wendy and her mom are engaged in shrine work? Isn't she worried about Wendy putting a curse on the new place? As you say, completely creatively bankrupt.


    I don't know if reunion has filmed yet, but these HWs (with the exception of Karen) need to be put on notice. Because it is all starting to look like S4 RHONY. At least S4 RHONY was highly watchable!

    And we know how S4 RHONY ended -- half the cast was fired. Nneka is the Cindy Barshop of this current enterprise. Gizelle is the Jill. Robyn = Kelly. Poor Wendy may be Alex McCord, I fear, but without the audience love. Ashley is giving 'bare minimum' and should also be on the chopping block. Who is Luann, future FOH? Candiace? Because I'm getting annoyed at her perpetual grumpiness and ultimatums, too. Basically, Bravo needs to break the chokehold that Gizelle and the other two GEBs have over Production because this is what started the downward spiral. As soon as they were able to get rid of Monique (with the help of that female EP who trashed Monique in the Diamonds & Rosé book), they thought they could pull the same trick going forward and get rid of anybody they wanted. 

    Don't insult.season 4 RHONY by comparing it to the current season of Potomac lol

    Maybe production needs to stop with these stupid group gatherings and change how they cast these women.

    Other then Karen, none of the other women are interesting in their individual scenes.

  3. 1 hour ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Agreed; I definitely wanted to see Alex and Camille.  But this will be scrapped for sure. 

    Sutton fainted at he reunion? Oh my, our southern belle is the Beverly Hills gift that keeps on giving. Haters stay pressed. 

    No Alex..No Camille..No Gretchen :(

  4. 17 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    Nice that you drink the cool aid of someone who wants to sound important. Please inform her that I am not a he. smh 
    To keep this GL related, because the board spammer constantly goes off topic, even Pam Long has memory lapses and says incorrect things. As GL was going off the air, she said that she did not write Reva’s postpartum depression storyline. She sure as heck did and later backtracked on her statements. Even headwriters have memory lapses. Ya can’t believe everything they say. Our own Harding Lemay, former GL writer, had his memory lapses too.

    With the amount of scripts written on an ongoing basis, it makes sense for writers to not remember everything.

    Kim Zimmer said in one interview that fans would tell her their favorite scenes and she's like 'Thank you..but I don't remember doing that scene'.  

    So I never dog on someone that worked in the soaps for not remembering every story or scene written or acted. 

  5. Ingmar Bergman movies were huge in the 1960s and 1970s...which focused so much on the psychological make up of characters.

    After Scenes from the marriage became popular, soaps and primetime moved more toward atmosphere and more about what wasn't said vs what was said.

    By the very end of the 70s, this element gave away to action/adventure.  

  6. 3 hours ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Bradley's writing for both Stephanie and Brooke (the two examples in this thread) made them both into caricatures. Their dynamic was dynamite during the first years, but the writing got progressively worse and worse. It was only the fantastic rapport between SF and KKL that kept it going.

    If you watched the first few years of the show, Brooke is very layered as a character.

    She's a straight A student studying chemistry, she gets a well paying job as a chemist, and she loves her family very much.  Even though she dreams of financial security, she's also genuine in her love for Ridge and also in her friendship with Caroline.  


  7. RHOBH

    Rinna leaving RHOBH was a great first step in repairing/restoring the show back it its former luster.   Now Dorit, Kyle, and Ericka need to start preparing for their exits.

    I kind of wonder if Kyle subjected Flopmarie/Try Hard Marie onto the public as a way to ensure her job is safe and/or a passive aggressive way to ensure Invisible Teddi is invited back as a main housewife.  


    I have a theory as to why Monica went bye bye vs Heather.  It's because Monica is outing the behind the scenes going ons and she isn't 'sorry' for what she's done.

    Some years back, Bravo had a special on season 8 of RHOC and the producers said the main reason Gretchen was let go was because she refused to take accountability for anything.  

    I also think Heather and Lisa might have had Jen Shah as an investor in their companies.  It could explain why both were so quick to cover for her back in season 1/2.


    Kiki is funny, but she's too thirsty.  If women are going to clutch their pearls over other women being objectified.. then they need to reign in their tendencies to objectify men.

    Julia provided the bone about the Larsa article and Kiki happily carried that bone over to Geurdy.   

    I question Geurdy going on the trip because one needs to eliminate stress/toxicity while deal with cancer.. and the girls trip is always a hotbed of toxicity.


    Meanwhile.. Gina manages to stay employed even though she has brought nothing to the show in 5+ years.  

  8. RHOBH:

    Try Hard Marie goes up to bat and strikes out as usual.  Since Sutton wasn't up to feuding with  her, I guess Crystal is next on the list.

    Why call someone a child bride when they got married at 24?  I know people are delaying marriage, but 24 is well into adulthood.


    Larsa is taking up space on the show.  

  9. 17 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    It seemed like Andy actually didn’t like her to me.

    Andy gave her first chair at the reunion, let her railroad over everyone, and let her dominate/bully every conversation that didn't involve her.  Those are usually signs that Andy likes someone  (case in point, Brandi Glanville).

    @Taoboi I know your love for Lisa is growing dimmer and dimmer.. but I will say that Lisa always seems to perform well at reunions.  She isn't #1 when performing at reunions, but she's always consistent.

    She was the only one that was on Heather's ass during the season 3 reunion over the black eye and how damaging her non-answer was toward production.  She also helped with the Bad weather term for Heather/Whitney, and her hot mic moment was the big attraction for the season 2 reunion.

    I do agree with everyone that some further cast modifications are needed.  Heather can also leave because she withheld information about who caused the black eye and I think that should result in a nice long 'pause'.   

    If there is a season 5, we definitely need someone that is intelligent, logical, and can call out BS without also being guilty of that same BS.  

    Lastly... I want a bit more focus on individual scenes.. and less 1:1 scenes or group events.  

  10. 20 hours ago, Cheap21 said:



    Now paging Dr. Tiffany. Dr. Nicole. Dr. Wendy. Annemarie, Jennifer, Nneka, Heather. MARIAH. What if they used this as the premise for an upcoming RHUGT season? Take women across the franchise that are connected to medicine either working in the field or married to someone that is? Here's my cast and reasoning

    1. Dr. Nicole, RHOM - She's a fan favorite and has existing drama with Annemarie
    2. Dr. Tiffany Moon, RHOD - Another fan favorite with Annemarie drama. She deserves another chance onscreen after RHOD was cancelled under her
    3. Dr. Wendy Osefo, RHOP - Its a stretch bc her PhD isnt in medicine BUT I'll allow it
    4. Nneka Ihim, RHOP - At first I didnt want her but she is actually married to medicine. I think it would be interesting to see her outside of the GEB's grip and if she and Wendy can actually connect under a different setting
    5. Jennifer Aydin, RHONJ - Also married to medicine. She's such a ditz and will be the comic relief
    6. Heather Dubrow, RHOC - Married to medicine. She uses her wealth and position as a source of power on the RHOC but I dont think that will fly with these women. Like Kyle, I think she will come across different alone and not in her city
    7. Annemarie Wiley CRNA, RHOBH - Cant stand her but every show needs a villian and someone we hate. She fits the bill and Im here for Nicole clearing her to her face
    8. Mariah Huq, M2M - She IS Married to Medicine. If Bravo can put Phaedra on M2M, then I dont see why they cant it Mariah on here especially since she came up with the concept. This would be a good way to pay homage to her

    It's an intriguing lineup.. but I'm not into drama on vacations.

    Season 1 and 4 were great because they looked like they  had fun and had a little drama mixed in.

    Season 2 and 3 were just too drama heavy and not enough fun.

    If you're going to have Mariah, who provides fun shade.. then we don't need Try Hard Marie there.  

    I also think you could add Cary D from Dallas.. whose a nurse and has said she was open to doing a RHUGT season.

  11. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    A damning indictment from Flopmarie's profession. She thought (and i use that word loosely) she could flap her gums about a medical condition which takes Google seconds to corroborate. She has single-handedly destroyed her career on national television. 8.5 must refer to the number of braincells she holds.

    Which part? Kyle forcing her way into Sutton's fridge? Baiting Mauricio in the car? Casually pointing out Morgan's shoes tucked in her wardrobe?

    Honestly, I find Mauricio lowkey awful this year. Maybe it's the new chompers. Maybe it's the video of him spraying down a Mexican popstar with champs in Aspen. He gives off the impression that Kyle exclusively has the brains in that couple. She is clearly so furious at him. She was already over the constant pot-smoking, I think. But he must have done something really bad because she can barely stand to look at him. And by bad, i mean cheating. It feels a lot more personal than "We grew apart."

    Honestly... I find both Kyle and Mauricio to be vile.  

    I still remember in season 1 how Kyle would joke about how much money she spent, how she would manipulate him, etc... and I thought to myself 'He should really divorce you, but he'll take the cowards way out and cheat'.

    Quite frankly, I don't blame him for cheating and being stoned all the time... she's a lot to take and I imagine whoever dates Kyle next would probably be checked out as well

  12. RHOP:

    I am seeing some on social media actually start to miss Diana and Rinna...and wish they were there instead of Try Hard Marie.

    Only upside is people still dislike Teddi more....a low bar, but still proves Try Hard hasnt reached the depths of unlikability.

    It's funny Kyle always accused LVP of being Bobby Fischer when she's being that way now.  It's too bad LVP didnt teach her how to have likable moments to balance it out


    Why do people keep going for Dr Nicole?  Sounds like Try Hard Marie should have watched Miami so she would have seen that it would have been a waste of time doing so.

    We got some good backstory on Kiki...perhaps a test for a promotion to full time next season?

  13. 19 hours ago, Khan said:

    Well, I must admit, the Hannibal Lecter mask and faux Jamaican accent were a bit much, lol.

    I did like that he used his father's name as an alias, and considering the way that the Dobson's and Marland wrote him out... there wasn't a believable way to bring him back from the dead.

    He couldn't just breeze into town and pretend nothing happened.

    The only thing I wish Long/Calhoun had done differently was having had Holly marry someone that had previously been on the canvas.  For instance, instead of Mr Lindsay.. maybe Holly could have married Kyle Sampson.  Just from the brief descriptions of Mr Lindsay, it sounded a lot like Kyle.

  14. 1 hour ago, Mitch64 said:



    I think Roger's return was more Curlee...but I don't think she was that into gothic either.

    From what I understood, it was Curlee's idea to bring Roger back and had convinced Pam Long to bring him back... but from what I understand, it was Pam Long that came up with how he would come back (after sending a long time watching the Santa Domingo fall scene in order to see if there were indications he hit the ground).   

    Curlee had said in the Locher Room interview that she didn't like how the Roger return story was written.

  15. Bauer and Spaulding places were close-by...at least in 1991.

    And Amanda was fired by Kobe despite Pam Long clearly setting up story for her.  Long/kobe wanted to move the show away from the Gothic tone of the Dobsons/Marland...which was a mistake.

    Oddly...Long had the potential to write Gothic.  The way she wrote Lesley Ann's death was eerie and something I could have seen the Dobson's and Marland write...and Roger's 'phantom of the opera' return as Adam had gothic undertones (and I assume Long wrote that).

  16. Cassie was propped by the writers and Paul Rauch.  I likes her better when she was the hard ridden stripper determined to get her kid back.

    I liked that she was bought onto the show and Springfield in the same way Reva was.  Alan found both Reva and Cassie and used them both to serve a selfish need of his.. and in both cases, both did evetually turn against him.

    She was a good contrast to Reva at first and I wish they had been antagonistic with one another much longer..


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