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Blog Entries posted by Actor87

  1. Actor87
    Barbara holds a meeting at Threadz to discuss Roxie's departure and to maybe hire someone to fill in for her. Gwen says that she knows a few girls from back home and talks of maybe getting some of them to sumbit smaple sketches. Roman, from the P.R. department, tells Barbara that some people have been asking about a possible runway fashion show. Barbara rules out the diea, citing the problems she's had in the past with such a thing and adjourns the meeting.

    Maddie and Luke enjoy a lunch at Al's and just as they're leaving, encounter a girl named Erin. They ask where she's from and start up a general coversation with the redhead. Maddie asks Erin if she's in school and is curious when the girl asks what she means. Luke gets a clue and takes Maddie aside. He tells Maddie that judging from her clothing, the girl must be poor and not have a home. Luke invites the girl over to his house for supper.

    Craig shows up at the Lakeview and is dismayed when he learns that his suite has already been purchased by a Grant Hamilton. Craig arrives at Grant's door and wants to know how much Grant would like for the suite. Grant refuses to accept Craig's money and later phones Lisa, wondering who Craig Montgomery is. Lisa is floored that Craig is back in town and calls Barbara.

    Meg and Dusty learn from Dr. Schiller that Nicole's white blood cell count is peculiar and they have to run some tests and might need to give Nicole daily regiments of medication, but assures the newlyweds that they can take their daughter home soon. Meg asks where Dusty plans on them living, since he's been staying at the Lakeview. Later, Dusty visits Emma and helps her move back in. Later, at Emma's, Sierra arrives, looking for Holden, and has a heart to heart with Emma regarding Lucy. Sierra is hurt that Lucy would keep such a thing as dropping out of school from her, but Emma suggests the idea that maybe Lucy's recent dramatic heartbreak and family woes were what triggered her decision to leave college.
  2. Actor87
    Craig assures the Walsh clan that he means no harm and was simply coming by the office to tell Lucinda and Sierra of his release from prison. He sees Lucy and talks about how she has grown and how he has missed some very precious time with his family. Everyone seems a little hesitatnt to believe Craig means no harm this time around. Nancy takes Erin to the senior citizen center with her, since the center needs some volunteers for the night's bingo game. Kim seems uneasy about the two going together, but Nancy promises she has everything under control. Once there, Erin seems to have a blast and Nancy thanks her for her companionship. As the two drink some hot cocoa on a bench in the park, Nancy asks Erin about her life. Erin shuts down and manages to hurt Nancy's feelings in the process. Once back home, Nancy shares the details of the night with Kim and the two women wonder what has made Erin so harsh. Roxie receives a cryptic letter, asking for her assistance and asking that she come alone. She debates telling Lisa about the letter, but decides against it when she realizes the address isn't far away from Bob and Kim's. She rationalizes that if she needs help, they're only a doorstep or two away. Once Roxie arrives, she begins having second thoughts, wondering if this is some sick joke played by Barbara. She knocks, but then immediately starts walking away, scolding herself for being so irrational and following the address that the cryptic note left for her. A man's voice says "Well, well, well. I thought you'd never show". It's John Dixon! Emma returns to the Lakeview, to gather her stuff and move back in to the farm. Lisa answers the door and the two trade barbs before Emma finally sees Grant coming from his bedroom...wearing only a towel. Emma asks when Grant was able to get out of his wheelchair and move around like that and Grant says that as the doctor told him, he made a quick recovery. He also attributes his sudden movement capabilities to some TLC from Lisa. Emma says nothing, but inside, her blood boils. Grant calls Emma out on seeming upset, like she has something on her mind. Emma denies, denies, denies..grabs her stuff...and walks out the door. Outside, she asks herself why she's becoming so jealous of Grant and Lisa......which an eavesdropping Grant just "happens" to hear.
  3. Actor87
    John and Roxie sit and talk. John appeals to Roxie, saying that he knows she's got a good heart and everyone plays her for a fool. Roxie pleads her case to John and says that he's the only one that understands her. John makes an interesting proposition, promising Roxie that he can make the ones htat have hurt her...pay, but he has to have her help and he has to have her 'okay'.

    Aaron and Alison return to the Snyder house and start packing their bags. They wonder what is taking so long at the Worldwide party, but are appeased when Holden and Lily return and discuss the drama at the party. Aaron and Alison wonder if Craig's arrival in Oakdale could spell trouble again or if he's really and truly changed. Alison again verbally expresses her interest in helping find Katie. Aaron insists that Katie will pull through and Aaron and Alison say farewell to the Snyders, then proceed to say goodbye to the Stewarts as well.

    Emma returns to the farm and cries tears of joy, saying that she never thought she'd see the day. Meg and Dusty send flowers out to the farm with a car attached that reads "Home is where the heart is. Love you. Meg, Dusty, and little Nicole". Grant arrives, without Lisa, and asks Emma if she needs any help. Emma refuses the idea and claims that she has everything under control. Grant then bluntly asks Emma if she has feelings for him, which absolutely floors Emma!

    Katie continues to be help captive by Panzico. Jack calls Margo who, despite orders otherwise, is headed to the Carolinas with Lyla in hopes of finding Katie on their own. Margo mentions a town's name while reading the map and Lyla trembles, saying that Panzico used to live there and had to leave town (running from the law) after he tried to get her to go along with a big diamond heist on board one of the cruises she was singing on.
  4. Actor87
    Recently, the two lovebirds ran off to Carolinas to escape all the drama in Oakdale..namely Barbara Ryan and Roxie Miller. But the two returned with a secret...and we'll soon find out what it is. And once the secret is exposed, an outside person might just crash the party.

    The latest heart-throb to arrive in Oakdale is Jason Spillers, and we'll soon find that he's not who everyone thinks he is. And we don't mean the movie star. Says West, "He has both romantic and familial ties in Oakdale, but that's all I can say for now."

    Roxie makes a deal with the devil in November. John appeals to her in a way that only Roxie could understand and the two strike up an unlikely partnership. And when all is said and done, Oakdale might never recover.

    Emily's romance with Andy will skyrocket with an interesting proposal slated just in time for Thanksgiving. But what will Emily say? Will she refelct back on the past few months and take it all as a sign that she and Andy are doomed or will Emily Stewart finally make the ultimate commitment to Andy?

    Lately, Emma has grown very fond of Mr. Grant Hamilton and now that she has her farm back, she notices something is missing. Could it be that Emma has a crush on Mr. Hamilton? And why is Grant making flirtacions with Lisa if he knows Emma cares for him. Says Douglas, "It's Grant's coy way of saying 'I love you, too.' "

    The race to find Katie will finally end in late November, but with some interesting side effects. And don't count Mike's portrayer, Mark Collier, out just yet. Says Colombino, "If he doesn't stay, I'm gonna egg his house. [laughs] No, but seriously, I think Dusty [Alford, E.P. and H.W. for The World Of Oakdale] has some plans for his character and I don't see Mark going anywhere anytime soon."

    Craig is definitely a new man this time around and his main focus is his family. He'll also prove to be a very trusty ally for some Oakdale women.

    Spoilers/Rumors for Nov. 2006 through Jan. 2007:

    -Erin's past may soon be revealed.
    -Lucinda becomes ill, forcing Holden to step in as CEO of Worldwide.
    -Luke and Maddie get exciting news.
    -Barbara confronts a past enemy.
    -Jack and Carly find themselves in danger once again.
    -Lily learns that Rose might not be dead after all...or is it another trick that an oh so absent James Stenbeck is playing?
    -Jessica, Tom, Margo, and Ben reunite to help a friend in need
  5. Actor87
    Everyone is in shock when they see Craig Motngomery walk through the doors. Immediately, investors start leaving and party-goers throw in the towel, not wanting to be an innocent bystander in another one of his schemes. Holden runs right up to Craig and immediately wants to know what he wants, and furthermore, how he got released. Craig says he's out on parole and though they may not blieve him, he really is a changed man. Lucinda comes to and starts to faint again once she sees Craig, but Sierra slaps her mother, in hopes of bringing her out...and she does, giving Sierra a mouthful for slapping her own mother. Lily wants to know why Craig had to make such a public entrance and what scheme is he concocting this time. Margo asks Lyla why she returned when she knows that only the police are allowed to interfere in such a case. Lyla tells her daughter, that frankly, she doesn't give a chicken's behind. She tells Margo to grab her stuff right now! They are going to go find her baby sister. Meanwhile, Panzico re-emerges and taunts Katie with a bowl of cereal he's eating. Katie kicks the bowl out of his hands and he congratulates her on getting three more days without food. Katie screams for him to let her go, but he tells her that his plan is almost in motion and leaves. She wonders what plan he has, but then overhears him outside the door, verifying over a cell phone that Lyla has returned to Oakdale and telling his spy to keep following her. Barbara asks Gwen and Will to go toy shopping with her for a late Halloween present to send John Dustin in Paris. They agree to go, but then they learn that Roxie has gotten a job at the toy store. Barbara makes a fuss and publically humiliates Roxie. Will and Gwen flee the scene and go for a funny, cute, romantic dinner at Mabel's. Barbara later tracks them down and boasts about how she got Roxie fired. Will yells at his mother, publically humiliating her and carries Gwen out the door with him. Later, a cryptic letter arrives for Roxie. Henry and Jason return to Oakdale after seeking treatment in the Carolinas for Jason's twice-fractured leg. Jason begs Henry to just go home and let him be, but Henry says that he's staying...to keep an eye on Snickers and to keep an eye on Jason. Jason realizes that Henry doesn't trust him and accepts Henry's plans to stay with him as a way of gaining trust from Henry.
  6. Actor87
    Craig and Lyla Return!

    The World of Oakdale recently dropped two huge casting bombshells on its Halloween episode. The returns of Craig Montgomery and Lyla Peretti were two casting returns that were definitely kept tight under wraps for a while. Says TWOO HW/EP Dusty Alford, "We wanted the readers to be left breathless after the Halloween episode and I think we achieved that with the returns of Craig and Lyla".

    Block, who left the role of Craig back in 2005, was more than happy to return to the show. While Alford contemplated bringing current Craig Montgomery on "ATWT" aboard (Jeffrey Meek), it was Block's indescribale talents that made the decision a rather easy one. However, don't expect for Craig to be kidnapping his daughter or switching babies so that he can raise his biological child from a one night stand with his ex-stepdaughter any time soon. "While I love Hogan, I think the biggest mistake he made was making Craig a villain," says Alford. "I mean, yes, he is a force to be reckoned with, but nothing like they protrayed him on 'ATWT' ".

    As for Sward, the actress hasn't been on the show since 2000 when she tried to convince her youngest daughter to end her marriage to Simon Frasier. Since then, Sward has been relaxing. But when TPTB came calling, Sward was immediately all ears. "I just loved the story and I adore Terri [Colombino, "Katie"] and Ellen [Dolan, "Margo"], so it feels right to be back," says Sward.

    While Block has inked a contract with the show, Sward will only be recurring...for now.
  7. Actor87
    Dr. Schiller finds Dusty in the hospital hall. She tells him that after some major complications during surgery, they were finally able to bring Meg back and perform a C-section. She then tells him that the baby is going through some tests, but she assures him that a nurse will be by later to let him see his new daughter! Emma overhears and thanks Dr. Schiller for all her hard work and then runs up to Dusty, congratulating him on the birth of his and Meg's baby girl! Dusty, happier than ever, bursts into tears. Jack arrives at a shopping mall in the Carolinas to take over Margo's spot in the search for Katie. Margo caution Jack not to let his hatred for Panzico regarding the death of his rookie partner earlier in the year cloud his ability to find her baby sister. Jack promises to do no such thing and Margo hops on a jet, headed straight for Oakdale. After a briefing from Mike, they resume the search, unaware that they passed up the warehouse that Katie is being held captive in. Meanwhile, Margo returns home and finds her mother, Lyla Peretti at her front door, wanting to help in the search for Katie!! Margo asks her mother how she knew and Tom emerges, saying that he called her after he returned from aiding in the search a few days ago. Margo thanks her mother for showing concern, but promises that they have everything under control. Lyla says "Like hell you do! That sick psycho, Panzico has my baby girl and I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back!" Lucinda greets the investors and board members as they enter the party, announcing Worlwide's re-introduction. Maddie tells Luke that she doesn't feel so good and Luke decides to take her home. Meanwhile, Sierra overhears Lucy on the phone, telling a former college friend that she's been keeping something from her mother. She dropped out of Williams more than three months ago. Sierra is stunned and angrily confronts her daughter. Back in Lucinda's office, Lily goes over some last minute details for the party and finds Holden at the door. Holden begs Lily to forget the party and come home with him, but Lily says that she and Sierra have way too much work to do and that her mother is making an announcement regarding the vice presidency of the company tonight. Holden understands and says that he got a family friend to babysit the girls until Luke comes home from taking Maddie home, saying that Luke is going to take them trick-or-treating. Holden then asks if Lily would be so kind as to let him escort her to the party. Dusty watches as Meg awakens and tries to revover from the anesthesia. Meg jokes that she'll have a nasty scar now for swimsuit season and tells Dusty of her talk with her father. Dusty can't believe that she was so near death, that she almost left him. Meg declares that she could never leave him. Just then, Nurse Sarah comes by and brings the baby in. She also brings a doting Emma along with her, saying that she's already been acquainted with the little one when she met the nurse in the hallway. The three briefly talk about what a ruckus Josh made at the wedding, but are soon taken off the subject when they realize that they haven't picked a baby name yet and Luke never brought the baby books by. Dusty likes the name "Nicole" for his mother, and Meg likes the name "Emma" for her mother. They decide on the name Emma Nicole Snyder Donovan. Lucinda asks everyone to take their seats. Sierra rails her daughter for being so careless and Lucy says that she missed her family too much and plans on enrolling at Oakdale U. in the spring. The two women take a seat, promising to resume their chat later, and Lily and Holden arrive. Holden gets a phone call about Meg and the baby and soon spreads the news with Lily, Sierra, Lucy, and Lucinda. Lucinda calls the party to order and thanks everyone for coming tonight. She unveils the new logo for the company and announces that Worldwide will never be defeated and will always prevail. She thanks her daughters, her granddaughter, and her son in law for helping her realize that. In a shocking scene, Lucinda announces that in no way could she choose between her two daughters for Vice President of the company...and announces Holden as the new Vice President! Everyone is in an uproar. Lily congratulates her husband, but soon finds that she's just a tad jealous of her husband's new position. Sierra thanks her mother for relieving her of yet another high position, since she might have to return to Montega soon. The room soon becomes quiet, though, when the door opens. Lucinda faints and Lily and Sierra rush to her side. The person standing at the door is revealed to be....

  8. Actor87
    Will and Gwen return to Oakdale and are tipped off with a phone call from Carly about all the havoc at the wedding. Luke arrives, wondering if Gwen still has some baby name books from when she had Billy, saying that Dusty and Meg haven't even picked out a name yet and Dusty sent him. Gwen can't seem to find the courage to give up the books. Will tells Luke to give them some time alone. Gwen admits to Will that though it's impossible, she still holds hope that her baby will return one day. Will holds her as she cries and Luke comes back. Gwen finally gives Luke the baby books after a heart to heart with Will. Dr. Schiller asks Dusty is he would like to participate in the delivery. After Dusty leaves, Emma watches on, praying for the safety and health of her daughter and her not yet born grandchild. Grant takes a minute from flirting with Lisa to comfort her, but Emma barks back that Grant should stay with "that black widow" and "let me be". Mike and Henry rush to Jason and Margo calls an ambulance. Jason, upset that he might have broken his leg, apologizes to Mike for letting him down. Mike tells him that he's not accepting his apology...because there's none to be given. Jason has really proven himself to be a good friend and a good human being and Mike tells him that they will find Katie. He tells Jason to worry about that. Panzico throws Katie off of him and congratulates her on getting herself three days without food. Katie screams, asking why he's doing this to her. Panzico tells her that she could have easily gotten herself out of all of this, had she not been born to that "overrated slut you call a mother...Lyla Peretti". Grant becomes curious of what Emma's ill will twoards Lisa is, but then realizes that as much as she doesn't want to admit it, Emma has feelings for him and feels threatened by Lisa. Grant vows to never bother her again and tells her that thanks to him, effective next week, she has her "precious farm" back.
  9. Actor87
    Halloween arrives in Oakdale. Dusty wakes up and finds that he fell asleep in the chapel. He goes to check on his wife, but finds Lucy at the door. She jokes at him for falling asleep in church, but then notices Dusty's odd behavior and asks what is wrong. Dusty tells her that Dr. Schiller announced she was doing an emergency C-section about three hours ago and he fell asleep, praying to God that He would spare Meg and the baby. Lucy urges him to go check on his wife and baby. Dr. Schiller announces to her surgical team that Meg is fading. She prompts them to speed up their work, though they've been their through the wee hours of the morning. Meanwhile, Howard tells Meg that he is very proud of the way that she turned out, even though she is at times, more stubborn than her mother. Meg tells of the recent events with her mother and Howard jokes that nothing much has changed since Emma's still stubborn as anything. Then, Meg hears a loud whispering sound and sees her father quickly fade back into the light, as the light vanishes. Barbara wakes up and thanks Will and Gwen for staying with her. She tells them how Will knows just how spooked she gets around Halloween. They recall a drunken Roxie coming and crashing their reunion and how Barbara had her removed from the premises.
  10. Actor87
    Barbara is relieved to find that Will and Gwen are back from their vacation and asks how everything went. Barbara notices the akward pause and asks what's going on. However, a drunken Roxie soon breaks up the air by calling Gwen a "slut" and accusing Barbara of being a not so pretty five letter word. Meg continues to move towards the white light. She asks her father what's going on and why is she dead. Howard laughs and says that Meg isn't dead. She's in between life and death. Meg says that she can't leave. She has a brand new baby waiting to be born and a gorgeous, loving husband waiting for her. Lily and Sierra are shocked that Lucinda is having the party so soon and they also make mention of how late it is. Lucinda tells them to all go to bed and she will see them bright and early Tuesday. Jack tells Margo that there's something else, but Margo knows what it is and tells Mike that due to a conflict of interest and with her family involved, she has no choice but to drop out of the case and tells Mike that Jack is on his way to resume the search in her place.
  11. Actor87
    Katie begs Panzico to let her go, but he won't budge. She tells him that Lyla will never give him the money and when her friends and family, Panzico will be the one not paying, but spending...avery long time in bars. Panzico laughs and slams the door in Katie's face, then locking it. Jack tells Margo that he did a little background on Panzico to see where all he could be hiding Katie, judging from his past hideouts. He then tells Margo to sit down. Margo tells him that she's in the middle of the Carolinas, looking for her sister. She has no time to sit down. Jack informs Margo that Panzico was set to pull off a major diamond theft on The Blue Lady II. Margo grimaces at the name, saying that her mother once worked as a night performer on the ship. As Dr. Schiller tries to bring Meg and the baby back from the brink of death, Meg envisions a strong white light. She hears a familiar voice and recoginzes it as her father's voice. Meanwhile, Dusty arrives at the chapel, praying to God to save Meg and the baby. Lucinda calls a board meeting at Worldwide and announces that her choice for Vice President will be held at the re-introduction party for Worldwide. However, due to some scheduling conflicts, the only night for the party is Tuesday night...Halloween.
  12. Actor87
    Emma stops dead in her tracks when she hears Grant say that he made a deal with the bank and they've agreed to abandon all foreclosure proceedings. Emma asks how she'll ever re-pay him, but Grant says that all of that has already been taken care of by her friends and family. Dusty asks Dr. Schiller why Meg seems so pale. She attributes it to her steady drop in blood pressure and tells Dusty that they may have to make a decision soon. Meg or the baby. Katie asks Panzico what her mother ever did to him. Panzico tells of a time when he was on one of the cruise ships that Lyla was singing on. She promised to help him pull off a colossal diamond heist, but instead, she tipped everyone off and Panzico had to dive overboard. Katie asks why Panzico has a sudden interest in her and Panzico says that he hopes that by capturing Katie, Lyla will come running to the rescue and when she does, Panzico will make her pay...literally. $50,000 in unmarked bills. Lisa finds Roxie outside the hospital in a tizzy. She tells her grandmother how the walls have been closing in on her ever since she came to town. She asks Lisa for some money to get out of town, but Lisa tells Roxie that she currently has her money tied up in a secret business deal. Roxie...hurt, angry, bitter, confused...runs away, leaving Lisa to worry for her granddaughter's safety. Dusty barks at Dr. Schiller that she will be saving both the baby and Meg! Dr. Schiller is finally able to get Meg stabilized, but then grimaces when she takes a look at how the baby is breaching. Dusty asks what's wrong and how come nobody will tell him anything. Dr. Schiller explains that the baby is in a peculia position. The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck and due to that, it can't breathe. She tells Dusty they're going to have to do an emergency caeserian section.
  13. Actor87
    Everyone gathers around Meg as they wheel her in to Memorial. Susan learns that Meg isn't far away from delivery and pages Dr. Schiller. Dusty orders Susan to postpone the delivery since the baby will be up to one month premature, but Susan retorts that the labor is too far along and this baby is coming now. Panzico steps into Katie's damper little holding cell and explains that Katie is as far away from help as she can get. He taunts her that no-one is looking for her and no missing person reports have been filed. Katie, knowing that ehr family is out looking for her, tells Panzico to set her free, or he'll suffer the consequences. Panzico says he can manage himself, just as Katie attacks him, kicking and scratching. Margo clears the premises and they all wonder where Katie really is. Jason goes on his own, claiming to have been in this warehouse when shooting the movie "Snakepits of Hell". Just as Jason thinks he's found something, the old wooden floor gives way and Jason goes plummeting through the ground. Lily finds Lucinda and tells her that according to some people at the wedding, Josh left without a sound right before Meg screamed out in pain. Lily wonders why Josh continues avoiding Oakdale and especially her. Lucinda assures her that one day, whether it's tomorrow, or fifty years down the road, Josh will finally realize how much his family means to him and return to Oakdale. Lily breaks down and wonders why her own father wants nothing to do with her. Back at Oakdale Memorial, Dr. Schiller arrives and is curious about something in Meg's charts. Dusty pesters Dr. Schiller until she tells him that Meg is losing alot of blood. Dusty lashes out at Dr. Schiller for not knowing what she's talking about, lashes out at Josh for causing such havoc and then hightailing it out of town, and even blames himself for not being there for Meg. Emma tells Dusty that he did all he could do. Now, they just have to wait.
  14. Actor87
    Episode 215Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part III

    And now...the shocking conclusion of Dusty and Meg's wedding.....

    The wedding continues but the air is tense and emotions are high. Meg's emotions are in a whirlwind...not able to fully process what just happened at her wedding..Meg comes to a pause during the "I do"s. But knowing that her love for Dusty is all that matters now, she sweetly confesses "I do". As the preacher begins to pronounce them man and wife, Meg lets out a yell. Everyone jumps to their feet, as Meg screams in agony..."The baby's coming!" Dusty, confused, asks Meg what's going on and she tells Dusty to get an ambulance!

    ...She's in labor!

    In Idaho, an unconcious Katie falls to the ground while her family and friends continue to look for her. Margo gets an anonymous tip on an abandoned dairy farm in the outskirts and the team runs off to rescue Katie. Meanwhile, Katie starts coming to and hears footsteps. She thinks it's her captors, bringing her food..or possibly seeing what the noise was, but hears three or four sets of footprints and realizes it's not them. Margo, Tom, Mike, Henry, and Jason enter the abandoned building and begin walking around, looking for Katie. Katie hears the footsteps and calls out for help. The door opens.

    ...And Panzico DeMossi rears his ugly head, telling Katie..."Help? Help?! Oh, you're far from help, sweetheart. I gurantee it."
  15. Actor87
    Episode 214Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part II

    Josh* tells everyone that he can't let Meg go through with the wedding, not until she hears what he has to say. Holden holds a furious Dusty back, as he swears he won't let the bastard ruin his wedding. Meg tells Josh that he doesn't have to explain anything. They had grown so distant because of her supposedly not being able to have kids and because of Josh not wanting to adopt. She then goes on to say that by the time that it was revealed that she could have children, it was too late. The damage was already done. Meg becomes overwhelmed and Emma steps up to the plate, telling Josh that he has caused enough problems for one day. Lily speaks out and wonders aloud why Josh is just now telling Meg this...and in such an inappropriate setting. Josh explains that he didn't mean to hurt Meg, but once he heard that Meg was getting married, he didn't think she could fully move on with her life until he said what he had to say. Dusty tells him that he must have been wrong, but Meg says that Dusty's the one wrong. She tells of the heartbreak she suffered when Josh filed for divorce, but not wanting to spoil her return for her or her family, she looked for Dusty as a way of keeping her mind off of it. Dusty takes it like Meg got him on the rebound. Josh explains to Dusty that Meg has never fallen out of love with him. He admits to finding Meg alone one night, crying. He tells of how he later went into the room once Meg had left and found an old picture of Dusty and Meg from when they were teenagers. He tells an emotional Meg that he knew she had never completely been his, because half of her heart still was with Dusty. Dusty is touched and invites Josh to sit down and enjoy the wedding, but only for Meg's sake. The wedding continues...as everyone gives Josh the evil eye.

    Meanwhile, all the commotion over Dusty clearly upsets Lucy and Sierra goes chasing after her. Lucy cries to her mother that no matter how hard she tries, she can't shake Dusty from her system. Sierra tells her daughter to be strong and go back into the church. She tells Lucy that she knows it's hard but she has to do it, if she ever wants to completely get Dusty out of her system.

    In a Boise, Idaho warehouse, Katie begins looking for a way out and vows revenge on her captors, saying that no one can lock Katie Peretti up and get away with it. However, the beam that Katie tries to knock down ends up crashing down on her head, knocking her unconcious. Meanwhile...Mike, Tom, Margo, Henry, and Jason all arrive in Boise, Idaho...looking for Katie.

    *The part of Josh Snyder is being played by William Fichtner. Fichtner bgan reprising the role of Josh Snyder on Wednesday, October 18th, 2006 and his brief return ends Friday, October 20th, 2006.
  16. Actor87
    Episode 213Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part I

    While Alison talks with Nancy, Aaron talks with Ben and finds out that Curtis went back to college and that he and Jessica had some problems a few months back. Bne then takes time to make sure that Araon knows just how sorry he is about being on pills when he did Aaron's surgery. Aaron knows he's sorry, but says that he lost alot of confidence and alot of time with his friends and family because of that nearly fatal mistake. They both accept each other's apologies and turn aorund to enjoy the wedding.

    Tom tells Alison all that he knows about Katie's kidnapping and tells of how Jason Summers, the famous Hollywood actor, found his way to Oakdale. Tom excuses himself when he gets a phone call and Alison debates whether or not she should skip the wedding to go and find Katie. Tom returns and tells Alison that he has to leave because Margo just got a lead on Katie. Alison tells him she's going with him. However, after a short debate with Aaron, Alison ends up staying.

    Andy and Emily arrive late. So does Susan. Andy asks why she even came, if she knew she was going to be late and especially since she and Meg aren't exactly known as best friends. Emily says that she knew Dusty from when they were younger and she got an invitation, so she's here.

    Lily, Sierra, and Lucinda all sit down with Luke, Maddie, and the girls. Lucinda makes a comment about how she wishes Lucy were here so she could conquer her feelings for Dusty once and for all. Quitely, Lucy steps into the pew and sits down with them all.

    Roxie snakes in and finds a spot near the back of the church. Grant makes small talk with Lisa and the two sit down next to each other. Maddie makes a comment about how she wishes Will and Gwen were here. Meanwhile, we see the couple heading up to a door that says "Justice Of The Peace". Barbara finds a seat with Kim, Bob, Nancy, and Erin and she is astounded by how much Erin resembles Frannie and Sabrina.

    Emma gives Meg her boquet and Holden steps up to take her hand. Holden mentions that he just got off the phone with Cal, whose flight has been cancelled due to severe weather. He also gives Meg a card that Iva sent for Meg to open on the day of her wedding. Emma presents Meg with a card from Caleb and Julie, as well. An ancy Meg asks her mother if this is the way she felt when she married her father. Emma says to take what Meg's feeling, multiply it times twenty and that was only a smidgen of how nervous she was. In a touching scene, Emma, Holden, and Meg all pray to God and Harry that the wedding goes smoothly and that Meg makes Harry proud of his little girl...and grandchild.

    Meg walks down the aisle with her brother at her side. John is at Dusty's side and Emma stands waiting at Meg's side. The preacher begins to speak and asks if anyone knows why these two should not be married.

    Someone speaks up.

    It's Josh Snyder!!

  17. Actor87
    Lily, Holden, Luke, Faith, Natalie, and Maddie all arive at the church and find Lucinda outside talking with Sierra. While Holden goes in to prep for the wedding, lily tells Luke and Maddie to take the girls inside. Sierra informs Lily that she couldn't get Lucy to come to the wedding. Lily tells her sister that maybe that's better since Lucy has never really gotten over Dusty yet.

    Nancy is shocked to find that Erin is all cleaned up and actually looks presentable. Bob tells of his talk he had with her the other night and how Erin is promising to shape up. Later, Kim confides in Nancy that she doesn't believe that Erin is going to shape up...now or ever.

    Meg and Dusty continue to talk through a closed door about their wedding. Dusty hears Meg grimace in pain and busts down the door to help Meg. Meg chuckles that it must have been the sushi she had for lunch, but then realizes that Dusty has seen her in her wedding gown and breaks down, saying that their marriage will never work now. Dusty assures Meg that their love goes way beyond superstition.

    Emma catches Grant looking at Lisa and tells him that eh can feel free to after her, but be warned. He might get swallowed up like every other man she's been with. Grant laughs at Emma's childlike attempt to keep him away from Lisa and goes over to talk to her. Emma looks at her watch and rushes to go get Meg's boquet.

    Soon, everyone starts to find their places as the music begins to play.
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    Fans may be worried about the absence of Ben and Jessica and Jack and Carly. A few may even have concerns about Tom and Margo. But have no fear. All the actors are still on contract status and should begin resurfacing by the end of the month.

    Though Peyton List was only supposed to reprise the role of Lucy on a short-term basis, the powers that be are re-thinking the tenure of List's stay.

    Rumor has it that the fan fiction has two top secret returns to the show. "Top secret?", you may ask. Well, think of it like the bombshell surprise return of Hunter Tylo to B&B back in 2005. It's kind of like that.

    Two actors are going home sometime in November. These two actors' departure dates have been set back time and time again, but this time, the decision is final.

    Agim Kaba and Jessica Dunphy ride off into the sunset again on October 26, but don't rule out any future returns just yet. Perhaps the next return could be a little more lengthly.

    A name for Dusty and Meg's baby has been chosen. At least, that's what insiders are saying. And also according to them, the name is a nice tribute to ATWT history.

    Setside sources are saying that more new characters are coming, but other sources say that half of the new characters that have been brought onto the show since its creation in December of 2005 might be out the door by year's end.
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    It's a new day in Oakdale as everyone gathers at Luthers Corners Church to celebrate Dusty and Meg's wedding.

    Grant continues to bring up the night he and Emma slept together, but Emma tells him that the only way she wants him is his help in getting her farm back. He's floored when he notices an elegantly dressed, sophistiacted woman walk in the church. It's obvious his mind is somewhere else. Meanwhile, Lisa has no idea she is being "checked out" by a doe-eyed Grant.

    Barbara tells Roxie that she doesn't have time for this and tells Roxie to get a life...even after Barbara told her to get lost last night. Roxie chases after her and begs Barbara for another chance. Barbara explains that Roxie has no idea what she's in for when she starts messing with Barbara Ryan. Roxie seethes as Barbara drives off.

    Aaron and Alison get a warm reception from all the Oakdaleians that they haven't seen in a while. Alison gets word from Nancy that Katie is missing and Alison worries for her friend's safety. Later, Nancy is flabbergasted when Bob and Kim bring Erin to the wedding.

    Meg has a heart to heart with Dusty...through a closed door, of course...at a superstitious Meg's request. Meg tells of how she got word from a doctor back home that she and Josh could have children and that there must have been some medical mix up for the doctor to tell her she could never have children. Dusty realizes that this baby is a miracle and calms Meg's anciness about getting married, though he has some nerves of his own.

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    Kim and Bob are apalled to find Erin trying to sleep on their porch and when push comes to shove, they end up letting her stay in the guest house. Thinking they're asleep, Erin steals a few things and starts to run off but is startled by Bob.

    Katie comes to and examines her surroundings. She tries to remember what happened, but her head hurts too much. Her captors slide food through a miniscule crack in the door. Meanwhile, Jason, Henry, Mike, Margo, and Tom all do their best to try and find some clue as to where Katie is and who, if anyone, has kidnapped her.

    Susan can't believe that after such a rocky period in Andy and Emily's romance, Andy is making such a large investment and bying Metro so Emily can run it. Andy assures her everything is fine. In the living room, Alison worries about Emily and how she's been. Emily tells Alison that there is nothing to worry about. She is happier now than she has ever been.

    Barbara runs into Dusty and tells him that though Jennifer wishes to come, she's doing well in Europe and she and Nick can't egt away from the business long enough. Dusty sees right through Barbara and calls her out on how she hurt she must be that things didn't work out between he and Jennifer. Barbara excuses herself and makes mention that she'll see him at the wedding. On her way out, though, she runs into Roxie.
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    Henry and Jason go for some coffee at Java and find Katie's car in the parking lot. They think they've finally found her, but they haven't. They ask the cashier if she's seen anyone fitting Katie's description, but she hasn't. They phone Mike, who's there within five minutes. They re-trace the steps from Katie's car to Java and find her drivers license. Meanwhile, an unconcious Katie comes to as someone hovers over her in an abandoned warehouse.

    Kim returns from work at WOAK and frets to Bob about how she has so much work to be done now that Katie is missing and Henry is on the lookout for her. Bob assures her that everything will turn out okay and that they just need to pray. They're shaken by a noise outside and when they go outside, they find Erin making a makeshift bed on their porch.

    Lucinda refuses Lily's idea, saying that she couldn't possibly pick someone from the family. Sierra urges her sister to drop it and let Lucinda pick a qualified applicant. Lily goes on and on about hers and Sierra's capapbilities, but is soon shut up when Lucinda says that the Worldwide budget only has room for one V.P. Lily still insists that her mother choose either her, Lucy, or Sierra. Lucy immediately refuses her aunt's nomination. Holden arrives to break the stiff air by telling everyone that they need to start getting ready for Dusty and Meg's wedding on the 18th. Lucinda puts off her final decision for a V.P. until after the wedding.

    Alison arrives at her mother's house and is shocked to discover that Emily has been dating Andy Dixon, and even more shocked to discover that she has moved in with him. Susan calls Emily and Emily soon arrives..delighted to see her baby sister. Alison chuckles at the very claim, which would have upset her some time ago when it was revealed that Emily was her real biological mother. Soon, Andy arrives and unknowingly says something about the re-opening of Metro, which Susan is not happy about.
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    Meg finds Holden at home and asks Holden if he will walk her down the aisle. Holden is delighted, but is concerned with all the last minute wedding planning. Meg assures him that all is well and is ecstatic when Aaron and Alison return from unpacking their bags. Aaron gives an update on all the family in Chicago and Alison asks for an update on Emily and especially Susan, since Emily called her to tell her of Hal's death. Determined to check up on her family, she leaves.

    Grant and Emma settle in at the Lakeview. Emma tells Grant that whatever non-business is happening between them must stop. Grant says that he doesn't want to stop having feelings for Emma, but Emma fears that it may put her farm in jeopardy. Grant says that he's finally glad that she was able to accept his offer to help her get her farm back...even though it took him being temporarily paralyzed to get through to her. Emma excuses herself when she gets word from Holden that Aaron and Alison have arrived from Chicago. As soon as she leaves, Grant gets up out of his wheelchair, walks around a bit, and applauds himself...saying that his plan has worked.

    Mike stops by the police station and asks Margo if she has seen Katie and Margo says that she hasn't. Mike sees that the station is hectic and asks if there was an accident or something. Margo explains that Panzico DeMossi, who has been on the run for quite a few months, was spotted in downtown Braceville, Illionis. She cites that everyone from the FBI to the Oakdale Police Department is on the lookout for him as they suspect he is headed back to Oakdale. Mike secretly wonders if Katie's mysterious disappearance has any connection to Panzico.

    Barbara stops by Will and Gwen's house and finds that they are nowehere to be found. Maddie comes by to check on the house and tells Barbara of their trip to the Carolinas. Menawhile, Will and Gwen arrive in Burleigh and find themselves in love with the beautiful landscape. All of it brings back memories from when they ran away with "Billy" and Gwen is touched when Will gives her a picture of John Dustin that Jennifer sent him in the mail a few days ago.
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    Mike worries when Katie doesn't answer her phone. He calls Margo, who got called into the station about a day ago and hasn't left since. Mike realizes that the note Katie found from Margo asking her to run some errands for her...was a hoax.

    Across town, Luke tells Holden of Hal's death, Will's accident, and Barbara's recent decision to go back into the fashion business. A knock at the door startles the two men, but they open the door to find Aaron and Alison. Meanwhile, Lily suggests that Lucinda pick someone from the family to be Vice President..much like she once did with Rose.

    Nancy returns to the Hughes home and finds Erin outside. She sends Erin away, urging the teen to not make anymore problems for her or her family. Nancy returns Kims broach to her as Erin look on.

    At the Lakeview, Emma introduces Dusty and Meg to Grant and says that since the wedding is only a week away, they will be doing some serious wedding planning. Grant suggests that Meg be thinking of someone to walk her down the aisle...and she realizes the perfect person.
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    Lily and Holden return to town and hear from Luke about what happened with Hal. They are overcome with grief and rush to comfort Barbara, but Luke tells them that Barbara has problems of her own.

    Meanwhile, Roxie runs into Meg. Roxie plays the victim but Meg sees right through it. She tells Roxie that she found a new maid of honor and Roxie is irate. Hurt, she determines to make Oakdale pay.

    Lucinda, Sierra, and Lucy all brainstorm about the re-invention party for Worldwide. They are thrilled when Lily comes through the doors. But then Lucinda gets a disturbing phone call and breaks the news that since Mr. Wilson (the call on the phone) has vacated his spot as Vice President, she has no choice to put plans for the party on hold. Lily suggests that all of that may not be necessary.

    Nancy approaches the thugs on the street that bought the boarch from Erin and passes herslef off as a granny with a habit...a gambling habit. Relieved that she got Kim's borach back for her, she returns to the Hugheses home.
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    Lily and Holden are welcomed home with open arms. Lucinda fills them in on the situation with Emma and they all agree that she needs to quit being so stubborn and accept all the help she can get. Emma surprises them all by saying that she is going to finally accept Mr. Hamilton's help.

    Roxie and Gwen get into an all-out scuffle, which is soon broken up by Will. Barbara comes by, checking on Will, and finds her name being tortured by Roxie. She calls out Roxie and fires her on the spot. Later, Roxie vows to get revenge on Roxie and Barbara.

    Mike finds Katie all alone in the garage and she finds a wedding catering business card. Mike throws her off the trail and they are soon interrupted by Jason and Henry, who tell them of their little rendezvous with danger. Katie leaves to go run an errand for Margo, but outside Java, she is kidnapped.

    Erin runs into a furious Kim, who accuses her of stealing her broach, which was a family heirloom. Erin insists that she doesn't have it but later, sells it on the street..unknowingly being watched by Nancy.

    Will and Gwen decide to take romantic trip to the Carolinas and suggest Luke and Maddie come along. When they learn that Luke and Maddie are with Luke's family, they make plans to meet up with them later in the week.
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