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Blog Entries posted by Actor87

  1. Actor87
    The World of Oakdale is looking to cast two roles in the coming weeks.

    The first is a recast of a minor player. Due to some last minute changes, the name and face of Lucinda's hitman that she ordered on Craig are changing. "Rico Perez" is described as a dark haired, hispanic man in his mid thirties.

    The second role that the show is looking to cast is Dana's mother, Millicent "Milly" Hamilton. Not much is known about the role, but sources say the woman will be quite the opposite of Grant. Though she has a soft, caring side, viewers will definitely be intrigued by her blunt, no-nonsense, comedic attitude.

    And don't forget...tomorrow is the final airdate for Marty West [Jason] and Geneva [Erin].
  2. Actor87
    Barbara escorts Dana into her office and has the young woman take a seat. Dana thanks Barbara for the job opportunity and explains how business has always had more pleasure for her than pleasure itself. Barbara seems intrigued by Dana and offers her a job with B.R.O.'s media relations department. Dana overjoyfully accepts.

    Craig reveals to Lucinda that during his time in jail, he did some things he's not so proud of and eventually got mixed up in one of Illinois's biggest, baddest drug rings. He gave them almost half of Rosanna's Cabot stocks and ended up causing a huge commotion at Cabot Motors and now, someone's following. Craig crumbles and says that it's all gotten very out of control...and now, he fears for her his life.

    Luke refuses to pick up a call from Maddie, furious that she tattled on him to his parents. And in turn, they grounded him. Lily & Holden appear at the door and ask Luke to come with them to the new Chinese restaurant in town. Luke turns them down and after they leave, Will & Gwen ask Luke to come with them to Ice, not knowing that he's grounded. Luke accepts their offer and makes his escape.

    Chris is left breathless when Daniel leaves courtesy of a stressed Tom. Kim arrives and thanks Chris for watching Daniel. The two have a candid observation of what just happened. Chris babysat Daniel, who is not only his nephew, but his ex-girlfriend's child. Chris says that he wasn't really himself when he dated Molly, Emily, Alison, etc. Kim is proud of her son for doing some soul seraching and excuses herself when the phone rings. Chris mumbles..."If only she knew....."
  3. Actor87
    Chris comes downstairs at the Hughes home to find Nancy reading. Nancy can't seem to grasp the idea that Chris left his well-paying job at a well-known hospital to return home to "spend more time with family". Nancy just doesn't buy it, despite what Chris says. Just as Chris is about to tell Nancy all, Emily arrives with Daniel. Nancy tells an inquiring Emily that she hasn't seen Bob or Kim all day, Tom is at an emergency hearing, Margo has her hands full with work, and she, herself, is on the way out to go play bingo with some girlfriends. Nancy suggests Emily drop Daniel off with Chris until Tom can be reached, but neither Chris nor Emily seem impressed with the idea. However, Emily gets a call about a problem at The Enquirer and is left with no choice. An aggravated Emily leaves an eager Daniel with his uneasy Uncle Chris.

    Craig is surprised to see Lucinda come in the door. Lucinda blasts him for making her run late for the telethon the other night with his childish hunch that someone had been following him. Craig apologizes and Lucinda is shocked when he does. Craig tells Lucinda that despite the town-wide assumption otherwise, jail really changed his life. Lucinda still thinks there's something Craig isn't telling her and speaking the way only Ms. Lucinda Walsh can, she eventually gets to him. Craig reveals that he made the biggest mistake of his life in prison, and now he may pay for it with his life.

    Andy and Susan talk over a cup of hot cocoa at Java. Andy tells of Roxie's immature ploy to gain sympathy in the parking lot at the telethon. Susan advises Andy to stay clear of Roxie and John until she can find out more about their connection. Later, Susan arrives at John's house. John seems a little down in the dumps, but is in for a shock when Susan starts to fawn over him. John takes the bait and immediately assumes they'll be spending some time in the bedroom. While John goes to "freshen up", Susan does some snooping and finds among other things: one of Roxie's blouses, some perfume, and an empty pharmacy bag. Susan snatches it all up and begins to head out the door until John appears and asks where she think she's going.

    Dana walks through the lobby of the Lakeview, planning on sneaking back up to her father's suite when she runs right into...her father. Grant holds up Dana's lip gloss and Dana covers, saying that she left that a few days ago, went to his suite to retrieve it, and when someone knocked, she got startled and ran out. Grant falls for it and asks his daughter to join him for lunch. Dana says she has a job interview and leaves. Later, we see Dana walk into an Oakdale business. The setting looks familiar. Dana walks up to the front desk and tells the receptionist, "Dana Hamilton. I have a 2 o'clock interview with Ms. Barbara Ryan."
  4. Actor87
    Katie stops by Mike's room at the Lakeview to hand him some stuff that he left behind at the cottage. Small talk with Mike soon gives Katie a headache...literally. Mike quickly assumes that she must be making a breakthrough and pressures her to remember their love. Instead, Katie has flashbacks of being stranded on an island with Henry and mistakes it for hers and Henry's romantic honeymoon. Outraged that Mike is still trying to get her to come back to him, Katie storms off and goes back home to ask a shocked Henry to take her on a second honeymoon.

    Dana stops by her father's suite at the Lakeview and finds it empty. She calls for him and when he doesn't answer, she starts snooping, obviously looking for something. A woman knocking at the door beside Grant's suite startles Dana enough for her to go flying backwards. Dana quickly flees the room. Later, Grant arrives back at his suite to find a small capsule of lip gloss that he quickly recognizes as his daugher's favorite brand. Alone, he wonders what Dana could have dropped by for.

    Lisa and Emma run into each other at Fashions. Lisa tells Emma that Grant has been calling her non-stop and leaving messages on her machine. Something that Lisa says triggers Emma's memory to planting a bug in Grant's suite when Lisa was living with him. Emma tells her newfound ally that she thinks she might have found the straw that broke the camel's back and Emma leaves. Then, in walks Roxie. Lisa seems delighted to see her granddaughter and apologizes for running her off the other night. Roxie then offers Lisa an ultimatum. She'll accept Lisa's apology if Lisa gives her $5,000....ASAP!

    Maddie obsesses over the night at the telethon when she found Luke drinking again. She fears that he might revert back to his old ways and calls Lily in a panic. Lily arrives and calms Maddie's fears about Luke's drinking, all the while, hiding her own fears. Lily soon leaves and runs right into Luke. Though both of them initially tiptoe around the issue, Lily eventually brings up the fact that Maddie caught him drinking on New Year's Eve. In both fear and outrage, Lily orders her son to stop drinking...or else!
  5. Actor87
    Due to some last minute changes, the following episode is the continuation of Episode 256, which aired on Thursday. TWOO was in fact pre-empted on Friday and will be (again) on Monday. Happy New Year, everybody!!

    Kim, Nancy & Barbara take the stage and offer thanks to everyone for watching. Barbara is touched when Gwen appears to sing a song in memory of Hal, and Lily soon joins her on stage for a duet. Throughout the night, Nancy appears to inform viewers of the latest donations and the progress to the financial goal of the night.

    Barbara thanks Gwen for putting their animosity aside and Gwen is taken back when Barbara says it. "There is no hard feelings between us. What are you talking about?" Barbara silently smacks herself for speaking out and makes up some lie. After Gwen walks off, Will kindly tells his mother to back off of his wife or else. The akwardness is soon interrupted when both are called to the stage and share a touching memorial to Hal.

    Andy laughs at Roxie's humorous attempt to make him feel sorry for her, but immediately shifts his attention to Emily when he sees her car pull in. Though Emily runs away from Andy and into the station, Susan appears and tells Andy to let her alone. After all, they need to work together to unmask John and Roxie as the sneaky scoundrels they are.

    Holden thanks Lily for coming with him and Lily realizes what a total amotional basketcase she has been for the past month or two. Holden accepts Lily's apology. Meanwhile, Maddie notices Luke's been gone from his calling station for a while now and goes outside....only to see him turning up the bottle!

    Lisa makes quite the appearance at the telethon...obviously a little intoxicated. Tom scolds his mother and talks of how this is so unlike her. Later, Roxie comes to Lisa for some guidance, but is quickly shooed away by Lisa, who has had enough and barges off to confront a nearby Grant.

    Emma sees Grant enter with Dana and introduces herself. Dana can sense the tension between the two and excuses herself. Emma lets Grant have it for everything she can think of and when she's done, Lisa lets him have an earful, too. Later, Emma comes across an emotional Lisa and the two women make a pact that they'll start the new year off right by kicking Grant to the curb. After all, they've lived this long without a man...who needs one now?

    As the clock strikes twelve, the donation ticker starts blinking due to the goal being reached, and as Barbara sings Auld Lang Synde, we see:

    Holden and Lily dancing and kissing,

    Maddie scolding Luke,

    Bob, Kim, and Nancy toasting to the new year,

    Gwen and Will vowing to never leave each other's side,

    Susan and Andy watching an unsuspecting John and Roxie,

    Emily ripping up a photo of her and Andy,

    Grant and Dana leaving,

    Tom and Margo calling Casey and Adam,

    Mike looking at an old picture of him & Katie,

    Henry looking at the same picture with a sleeping Katie beside him,

    Emma and Lisa shaking hands in agreement to kick Grant to the curb,

    Chris disappointedly watching his family from the sound room,

    and lastly, we see Barbara and Will hugging beneath the background picture of Hal.
  6. Actor87
    It's New Year's Eve in Oakdale. Usually, Metro would be throwing a big bash, but due to some legal matters, the club won't be open anytime soon. And as far as Ice, the newest nightclub in Oakdale...well, all the employees are going home to watch the Hal Munson Memorial Telethon on Channel 9, also widely known as WOAK. Barbara Ryan is co-hosting alongside her aunt, Kim Hughes, and the beloved Nancy Hughes. The event almost exactly coincides with the half year anniversary of Hal's death. And strangely, nobody had planned it that way. In any case, the money raised would be donated to one of Hal's favorite causes, the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

    Will and Gwen enter hand in hand, followed by Luke and Maddie. "Wow, they really have the place set up nice", says Gwen. Will hardly recognizes it, and stops dead in his tracks at the picture of his father in the backgorund of the calling center. "He would have been so pr...", Will struggles to finish but he just can't. Barbara greets them and asks who has volunteered to take calls, as Luke and Maddie take their seats by a phone. Will goes to get a drink of water, leaving Barbara and Gwen alone. Barbara tries to bring up matters of business, but Gwen doesn't care. Soon, Will returns and he and Gwen take their seats in the screening room.

    Holden and Lily arrive and are thrilled to see Luke and Maddie. "I had to drag your father along. He kept trying to come up with exucses", taunted Lily. "No I didn't. I simply said that I think we should take it easy, ya know", Holden replied. "Well, if you think I'm going to just sit on my rump all day at the house watching soaps just because the doctor told me not to overwork myself, then you're wrong, Mr. Snyder. After all, I am singing tonight". Luke heard the frist part of that and thought after thought started racing through his mind. Maddie could notice he was worried. But that's when it was finally said. "Luke doesn't even know I'm pregnant. Do you, honey?" Luke stood in awe. His family had been through so many twists and turns over the past year. He felt as though this was the best thing that could happen....and the worst.

    Lucinda grabs her coat and begins to walk out the door until Matthew comes rushing in, perhaps to warn Ms. Walsh of an intruder approaching. Indeed, he was. "Some gangly man outside. Said he has some news to deliver to you, Ms. Walsh. Quite a rude young man, I might add. Kept on..." Lucinda stopped him. This was twice in a week and she couldn't handle it anymore! "Craig" she muttered.

    Chris was making some last minute changes to the equipment at the station. His mother had give him a little side project to keep him busy during the telethon. "Chris? Chris Hughes?" It was a voice that Chris knew all too well. Susan ran up to Chris and though hesitant for a moment after recalling the way Chris seemed to have chewed upand spit out both her daughters, Susan shook his hand anyway. After a brief catching up session, Chris felt the need to apologize just one last time. "You know, Susan, I just wanted to say that I'm sor..." Susan stopped him by raising her right hand high in the air, aimed at his face. "Hush, hush. No time for apologies. So I assume you're going to be rejoining us at Memorial?" But what she didn't know was the reason beind Chris's move to Oakdale was the absence of a job he once had. He had, sadly, come close to losing his medical license, but he had yet to find the courage to tell anyone...not even his family. So he just lied.

    Andy isn't one for big parties, but he feels he has to go. He ows it to Hal. However, he isn't so sure how Emily will handle him being at the telethon being held in her ex-husband's memory. Either way, he doesn't seem to care. He pulls into a parking spot and notices a young blonde in a red car, the same car Emily drives. She has her head rested in between her hands and seems to be draining her tear ducts of all available moisture. Maybe she's upset about the break-up. I knew she'd finally realize the truth. I didn't sleep with Roxie. Maybe if I just tap on this window and offer her some sort of condolence, she'll listen..he thought. Tap. Tap. "Hey, you seemed upset. I was just gonna check. See if you're okay.," said Andy. No reply. Just crying. Tap. Tap. Tap. "Hey..are you okay? I mean, we can talk if you want. Or not. I can just go on about my business". Right as the "s" escapes his mouth, the blonde turns amd looks with eyes full of tears. "Roxie? What the hell's the matter?" Or does he even want to know, he inwardly chuckled.


    Episode 257 will air tomorrow, despite As The World Turns's pre-emption.
  7. Actor87
    According to the latest issue of Oakdale Digest, a final decision has been made regarding the upcoming maternity leave of The World of Oakdale's Maura West and a fresh, new, controversial storyline featuring West that the headwriter was said to be writing soon.

    Headwriter Dusty Alford had planned to pen a special storyline this spring which would heavily feature Maura West, who plays the role of Carly Snyder, but due to West's maternity leave, some changes had to be made. Alford felt that the storyline was really special and was debating whether or not to continue his plan of writing the story with or without Maura West.

    Fans were left with the opportunity to decide whether or not West should be recast and ultimately, whether or not the story would take place. But in the end, Alford decided to write an exit for West and wait until her return to pen the storyline. "I just can't see anybody else in the role of 'Carly' and I want to wait a while", says Alford. "I ask that the fans please be patient and know that once West returns, The World of Oakdale will kick off one of its most controversial storyline's ever".

    West has definitely been a mainstay on the Oakdale backburner over the past few months, since her return from three month hiatus in 2006. Some nay-sayers may be prompted to believe that this exact situation may be repeated when West returns, but Alford promises otherwise. "I really want the fans to trust me on this one. They won't regret it". West's last airdate is January 16th.

    In other casting news: Marty West [Jason] and CBS InTurn finalist Geneva [Erin] have left Oakdale a little sooner than expected. Their last airdate is January 5th.
    Rumors of the return of Andy Dixon and Denise Maynard's interracial daughter, Hope have been laid to rest. "Ther aren't any plans to bring her back", says Alford.
    Jesse Soffer [Will] and Jennifer Landon [Gwen] are in some rather heated contract talks. While some say that Landon would like to pursue her music career, others say that Soffer doesn't feel like being on the backburner much longer.
  8. Actor87
    Emma starts taking down Christmas decorations and is surprised when Grant stops by. Neither of them feel like discussing what happened between them in the closet, but Emma assures Grant that nothing of the kind will happen again. She informs Grant that she's moving in with her daughter Iva.

    Craig arrives from a brief visit to Montega to see Sierra and Lucy and teases Lucinda for not getting him anything. Lucinda aasks Craig what he wants and he cuts right to the chase, asking who exactly has been following him for the past month. Lucinda has no idea, but Craig warns her not to do anything she might regret.

    Lily sits in shock at the news that she's pregnant. Dr. Bader arrives and gives Lily some advice. If she wants to avoid a stressful pregnancy like the last one she had with Natalie, then she needs to stay off her feet. Lily begins to cry and tells the good doctor of her husband's new job and her new status as stay-at-home mom. Dr. Bader assures her that everything will work out for the better.

    Katie and Mike run into each other at Java and Mike wants to discuss their Christmas kiss. Katie tells Mike to back off. After all, she is a married woman. Mike asks what it would take to make Katie realize that he loves her. Katie tells him that if he were to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge, she might begin to believe it. She then takes her coffee and walks off, leaving a devastated Mike behind. But outside, Katie hesitates.
  9. Actor87
    Craig tells his sister of someone following him and asks Margo to look into it. Later, Craig gets the heebie jeebies when he notices a shadow behind his on the way to his suite at the Lakeview.

    Mike finds Henry at the Metro bar and makes sure Henry knows what a pickle he's found himself in. Henry advises Mike to get a hold of himself. He tells Mike that nobody has control over what part of Katie's past she reverted back to when she hit her head. As Henry gets ready to leave, Mike gets an idea.

    Susan wakes up Emily and tells her that they have a long day ahead of them. Emily wants to know what's going on and Susan informs her that good friend of hers that works in the Oakdale pharmacy recognized Roxie as the woman who came in a week or so ago and got a sleep-inducing drug.

    Bob watches as Kim runs around the house, not sure what outfit to wear or what make-up to put on. Bob assures her that the telethon is going to be a big hit and Kim begins worrying about some last minute details. Pretty soon, Nancy comes downstairs and Barbara arrives. Before the women leave, Chris makes mention of how stunning all three women look and tells them all goodbye as he walks out the door. Outside, he makes a phone call, requesting to see Andy ASAP.
  10. Actor87
    The World Of Oakdale is making way for 2007. Cast changes have been coming left and right. New characters, old characters recast, departures, and maternity leaves have left the casting department with one of the busiest weeks this year.

    For starters, fans of the classic NBC sitcom "Wings" will be pleased to learn that Crystal Bernard has landed the role of "Dana Hamilton". Dana comes to town right after learning of her father's impending engagement to Oakdale socialite Lisa Grimaldi. According to Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford, fans will be surprised with what he has planned for Dana. "There's more to her than meets the eye. I won't go into detail, but Dana certainly has a very deep, dark secret that will present itself in an explosive way come February Sweeps."

    Also joining the cast is Brennan Elliott. Elliott is probably best known for his role on "Strong Medicine" where he played a doctor. In a surprising twist, he will also be playing a doctor on The World of Oakdale as well. Dr. Chris Hughes, that is. That's right. The World of Oakdale has cast the young stud as Bob and Kim Hughes's son, Chris. Fans may remember seeing him making a brief appearance as the same character during the Thanksgiving holiday a month ago. And according to Alford, fans can definitely expect Chris to put a kink in Andy and Emily's ever-so-complicated romance.

    Sadly, The World of Oakdale has chosen to dismiss Guiding Light alum Marty West, as well as his on-screen sister portrayed by InTurn finalist Geneva. Their last airdate is scheduled for sometime in early January. "We wish them both the best," says Alford.

    And lastly, Maura West will be going on maternity leave sometime in mid-January. Details of West's exit aren't known quite yet, because of Alford's inability to decide whether or not to recast the role of Carly during Ms. West's maternity leave. Alford supposedly had a big storyline planned for Jack and Carly to begin sometime in the early months of 2007, but due to West's upcoming maternity leave, he isn't so sure he wants to pursue the dramatic storyline without West.

    So he's calling on the fans to make a decision for him. You may write to him either though commenting this blog entry or provate messaging him. Like in any case, feedback is greatly appreciated.
  11. Actor87
    Mike is snapped out of his dream when Lyla and Margo come knocking at the door. Margo tells him about the happenings at the engagement party and Lyla makes mention of Holden and Lily's big fight. Mike flashes back to their kiss and then to his dream. As he wonders what's wrong with him, Lyla states the obvious. She says that the longer he estranges himself from Katie, the longer she'll be caught up in this amenesiac world of still being married to Henry. Margo invites Mike to enjoy Christmas dinner with her, Carig, Lyla, Lisa, and Tom. Mike asks if Katie will be there and Margo promises that she knows what she's doing. Katie almost runs out of the room when she sees Mike come in. Meanwhile, Margo follows her mother's advice and has a heart to heart with Craig. She truly begins to understand what she has heard people say in the past about prison changing people for the better. But then again, doubts soon find their way back in her mind and she silently thinks..."Or for the worse".

    Lisa has a heart to heart with Tom and she tells him that she doesn't know why she never listened to him about Grant. Tom grabs Lisa by the hand and she rests her head on his shoulder. She cries that she doesn't know why she can't just find happiness and voices her fears aloud of dying a lonely old woman.

    Lily dodges Holden the whole next day, hoping to avoid any questions of where she went last night. Though she knows it was only a kiss that she and Mike shared, she's scared at what damage it could do to her and Holden...no matter how stable or un-stable they are. Lucinda comes by to bring Holden a holiday bonus. Holden arrives and asks Lucinda if she saw Erin anywhere earlier. Holden gets worried and calls Kim, who's making last minute plans for the Hal Munson Memorial Telethon to be held on Yew Year's. Kim says that Erin hasn't been feeling well, but promises to send her by later.

    Jason sits at a lonely table inside Metro. A waitress tells him that they're closing for the holidays and to go be with his family. Jason says that he has none, but then thinks back to seeing Erin that time in the WOAK offices. Just then, a hand touches his shoulder. It's Erin and the two are ecstatic to see each other since they were seperated at birth. They catch up and Erin invites her big brother to dine with her at the Hughes home.

    Emma, Holden, Carly, Jack, Lucinda, Lily, Lucinda, Maddie, Luke, and all the kids settle down for a nice holiday dinner. Meg and Dusty are unable to attend due to some last minute emergency but everyone is thrilled when Iva arrives. Iva learns of Josh's outrageous interruption at Dusty and Meg's wedding and then hears the latest gossip (from Lucinda) on Grant and Emma.

    Meanwhile, Grant is still beaming from seeing his daughter, Dana. Dana says that her visist is only temporary. She explains how a friend from UCLA saw an internet article on Grant's upcoming wedding and after they told her, she just had to come see him one last time. Grant wonders why it's "one last time" but doesn't say anything. They agree to have Christmas by themselves at the Lakeview.

    Emma refelcts back on the night of the party and Iva notices. Emma attributes her foul mood to Grant and Iva begs her mother to leave Jack and Carly with the farm and come live with her for a while. Emma promises to give it some thought and the two sit down for yet another Snyder Christmas dinner.

    Kim and Bob are thrilled to see that Erin has brought her "friend" to dinner, though Kim pulls aside Erin and tells her that she's known longer than Erin that Jason, her brother, was back in town. Bob starts off the evening by presenting Erin with a toast. Nancy follows suit by toasting to the city of Oakdale in 2007. Erin asks if Andy will be joining them and Kim wonders where he is.

    Andy sits on the sidewalk outside a liquor store with a fresh bottle of boose. A stranger comes and helps Andy up. It's Susan. She tells him that she knows what John and Roxie are doing and asks for his help in unmasking them as the assailants behind his and Emily's troubles. Andy agrees, scolds himself for imamaturely thinking of turning to alcohol for comfort, and then he crashes the bottle of boose against the ground.

    Emily listens to the fourht message Andy has left her for the day. She hangs up her cell and Daniel asks where Grandma wnet. Emily assures Daniel that she'll be right back. She was just going to get something she forgot for dinner. Then, in walks Susan. Emily and Daniel welcome her home and start to close the door, but Susan tells them that she has a surprise. In walks Andy.

    Will, Gwen, and Barbara are saddened to learn that Johnny has a cold and neither he nor Nick nor Jennifer will be coming this holiday. Will announces to Gwen that he knows what she did. As Gwen flashes back to stealing all of Jason's stuff when she was younger and then seeing him at Ice, Will soothes her fears when he says that he saw her wrapping his present. Gwen gives Will his present and Will gives Barbara one and so on. And surprisingly, Barbara sits and just smiles at Will and Gwen. For the first time in a year...no name-calling, no threats, no black-mailing, no guilt trips. Just smiling, food, and presents.

    Maddie is able to get a hold of her sisters and her other two brothers and wish them a happy holiday. Katie walks by and teases Maddie for her having so many siblings. They both laugh and Katie goes on and on about how Mike tricked her into loving him and how she has found true love with Henry. Henry comes outside and Katie goes in. Maddie asks her brother how much longer this is going to go on, with Henry and everyone lying to her. Henry explains that the last thing they want is to confuse Katie right now. He explains that the doctors say it might worsen her amnesia.

    Little do they know that Margo has called Katie in one direction of the house and Lyla has called Mike in the other direction. Pretty soon, they meet right underneath the mistle-toe, leading to a kiss.

    Nancy arrives at the Sndyer home and reads the Christmas story to Faith, Natalie, Parker, J.J., and Sage. While all this is going on, Lily starts to feel sick and heads upstairs. Holden follows her and enters the bathroom in just enough time for him to see Lily holding a positive pregnancy test! Bob and Kim arrive, saying that they have a present for Nancy. Everyone, including the Snyders, are happy to see Chris home for the holidays again. No, Chris tells them, not just for the holidays. For good.

    As the camera makes a sweep across Oakdale and all the families enjoying dinner, the kids soon rush to the windows to discover that outside, it's snowing!! As they run outside to make snow angels, the camera pans above.

    The picture fades and Helen Wagner appears, saying "From our family to yours...Merry Christmas! And may God bless you!"
  12. Actor87
    Sorry for the delay, guys. I just didn't get as much of a respomse as what I had hoped for. If I used part of your synopses, congratulations! If not, it's nothing personal, I promise. I would also like to take this time to thank everyone who has shown support and intrigue for this blog for the past year. I have truly had such a great time writing this and I really would not be able to continue on if it weren't for you. Thank you!!

    Emma steps down from the stage and Grant asks her to help him go back to the house and get Lisa's present. While fiddling with the door, it becomes jammed and both become trapped inside.

    Andy is surprised to see Emily at the engagement party. He begs for her forgiveness but she goes on about how she opened up to him. She tells him how she actually trusted him and he's made a total fool of her. After all the trouble she's had with men over the years, she thought she'd finally found someone she could depend on. But sleeping with Roxie erases all of that for her. She returns his ring, leaving Andy speechless, Kim grinning, and Susan giving Kim the look of death. Meanwhile, John fakes sick with Roxie to allow him to leave the party without Roxie throwing a fit about how he isn't holding up his end of their agreement.

    Lisa gets worried when Grant turns up missing during the Engagement Party and even more stressed when Holden claims Emma has disappeared. Meanwhile, Grant & Emma end up locked in the room together and cannot deny their feelings. While Tom, Margo, Lisa, Nancy, Holden, Lily, Barbara, Jack, and Carly all look for them. Jack finally finds the tricky door and Lisa is humiliated when they all together find Emma & Grant adjusting their clothes. Just when it seems like Lisa is going to go after Emma, she surprisingly attacks Grant instead. Nancy suggests they all get a hold of themselves while Lisa spews insults at Grant. Emma backs Grant up when he says nothing happened, though both know otherwise. Grant presents Lisa with her engagement present, but she throws it back at him and leaves the party in a rage.

    Lucinda reminds Lily that she has always hated business things and resisted her attempts to lure Lily in to her world. She should be thankful her husband is taking an interest in the company. Holden overhears and tells Lily that he's finally doing something that he never thought he could do. He asks for Lily's support and she agrees. Lily tries to relax and enjoy the party with her husband. However, Lucinda gets an emergency phone call and pulls Holden away to deal with it. Jack and Carly try to keep her entertained, but she ends up blowing up at them, then leaving in a huff.

    Margo continues to wonder if her little brother has truly changed and Lyla tells Margo to look at Craig through the eyes of a sister and not the eyes of a hardened cop.

    Mike checks in to the Lakeview, then hits the bar. Lily appears at the Lakeview bar, and starts commiserating with Mike. She gets one of the staff to help her help Mike to his room. Once they're alone, Mike confides that he has no hope of reuniting with Katie. Lily impulsively kisses him, and Mike doesn't object.

    Jason recalls how he came home one night and found out from a friend that Gwen had been there earlier looking for him and to pick something up she had left behind. When he went back to his room, almost everything of substantial value had been stolen and Gwen had left a note saying how sorry she was and how she hated to do this to him. He never heard anything from her after that. Maddie just stands there in disbelief.

    Meanwhile, Barbara appears at Will and Gwen's table and asks Will to give her and Gwen some alone time. Once alone, Barbara tells a shocked Gwen that Insteenct is on its last leg and asks Gwen's thoughts on just cutting ties with the company, all the while slightly insinuating to Gwen that this has all been her fault. She encourages Gwen to do so or B.R.O. will suffer right along with it. Gwen agrees.

    As the party draws to a close and everyone goes home, Lucinda wonders where Lily is at. At the same time, Lily is returning home, immediately guilt stricken about her kiss with Mike. Mike, meanwhile, is dreaming of what life would have been like if he and Katie had just eloped like they once considered, but his dream is cut short when Lily appears to him in a very revealing outfit (obviously another dream) and in the dream, the two begin to make love.

    A mysterious woman lurks outside the party and spies Grant and Emma talking. The woman takes off her shawl and heads right for Grant. Grant turns and is shocked to see....his daughter!!
  13. Actor87
    Until firther notice, the blog has announced that the anniversary show will be postponed. According to Executive Producer/Headwriter Dusty Alford, the fan reaction wasn't as significant as what he imagined. Three synopses were sent in by long time viewers, but that was it. "I know some people have projects with their own blogs, some are out of town, some haven't replied yet, etc. so until I can get more input from the fans, the show is on hiatus and the anniversary show is being postponed".

    Sumbissions have been received from:

  14. Actor87
    Viewers have one more day to send in what they would like to see happen in Episode 250, A.K.A. The World Of Oakdale's 1 Year Anniversary Show.

    As of 1:27 AM on Monday, December 18, 2006...not one thing has been sent in.

    Everyone who even skims through the blog is urged to participate. If there is not enough participation, the powers that be will definitely have to call the blog's future into question.

    Again, all you have to do is read "Episode 249" and P.M. Actor87 ( me ) a brief, yet descriptive summary of what you would like to see happen in "Episode 250".

    The anniversary episode ("Episode 250") will be produced from a compilation of different viewers' submissions.
  15. Actor87
    It's the night of the engagement party. Everyone who is anyone in Oakdale's social and financial society is in attendance. However, the setting for the event is not the most glamorous. After all, it's being held in the Snyder barn.

    Holden counsels his mother that even if Grant is toying with her and Lisa, she shouldn't fight fire with fire. He warns her that someone might get burnt. Emma changes the subject, wanting to know where Lily is. Holden calims that she'll be here any minute.

    Lily talks with Lucinda on the way to the party and Lily vents her frustration. Lucinda is horrified that Lily is feeling the way she is, and suggests counseling.

    Margo, Lyla, Henry, Katie, Craig, Jason, Maddie, and Mike all arrive back in Oakdale. While Henry stalls Katie with a lunch at Al's, Mike tearfully gathers his stuff and begins moving out.

    Margo and Lyla briefly discuss Craig's heroic actions the other day in saving the boy and the two women wonder if jail truly changed Craig. Later, the ladies decided to attend Lisa's engagement party.

    Maddie begs Jason to tell her more information about Gwen. Jason simply says that he loved her more than anything. He planned to make her his wife. Until one night, he learned something troubling about Gwen...

    Tom takes his mother off to the side and cautions her to not let her romance with Grant cloud her judgement. He makes notice that nearly every man she's been with has tried to harm her in the past, but Lisa turns a deaf ear to it all.

    Barbara takes a break from talking with Kim to talk with Will. Will asks his mother to not work Gwen so hard, as they are still trying to adjust to newlywed lfie at home. Barbara questions whether Gwen talked her husband into talking to her, but Will denied it.

    Luke, just returning from a trip, shifts his eyes towards Jason and Maddie. Panicked, he worries that Jason is making a move on Maddie.

    Carly and Jack discuss Parker's bad behavior in school and the two say that it might just be him acting out after his father's death earlier this past summer.

    Andy, with no success, tries to call Emily. Meanwhile, a broken hearted Emily is prompted by Susan to quit moping around and attend the party. John and Roxie arrive and everyone stares, wondering what the two are planning. Roxie demands to know what he plans to do to hold up his ened of their bargain. What is he going to do to make everyone that has wronged her pay? Or is he even going to hold up his end of their agreement?

    Everyone arrives and Emma takes the stage, welcoming everyone to Grant and Lisa's engagement party, saying that it's going to be one heck of a night...


    You now have until Monday night at 11:59 PM Central/Standard Time to P.M. me or e-mail me your synopses for TWOO's 1 year anniversary episode.
  16. Actor87
    First, there was news of a strictly fan-written anniversary episode.

    Now comes word that The World of Oakdale is turning to the fans yet again.

    This time, the powers that be are hoping for fans' assistance in choosing the 1 year anniversary logo.

    Three images have qualified for the choosing process and those three are:

    Logo Choice #1

    Logo Choice #2

    Logo Choice #3

    Now that you have seen all three images, make your choice by stating which logo you would like to see commemorating the one year anniversary of the blog.

    Deadline for submitting your choice (either by comment or P.M.) is Friday, December 16th at 11:59 P.M. Central Time.
  17. Actor87
    It's exactly one week later in Oakdale. Though the rain has slacked off today, yesterday was a downpour. And this whole past week has just been plain ugly.

    Emily found Andy and Roxie in bed together. Though Andy denied anything happened, Emily ran off while Roxie and John reveled in their victory. However, Roxie soon learned not to trust John Dixon. Jason revealed to Maddie that he was Gwen's first love back home and that they had almost been married, but he called off the wedding when he learned something troubling about Gwen. Margo, Lyla, Katie, Henry, Jason, Craig, and Maddie all watched as Mike exploded after learning he had to move out and let Henry move in with Katie. Meanwhile, Emma called out Grant and asked if his engagement was all just a sham to make her jealous. Lisa overheard the argument and told Emma to back off. Holden and Lily seemed okay on the outside, but inside, Lily's blood boiled at the thought of her new occupation as full-time housewife and Holden's new occupation as vice president of her mother's company. Craig amazed everyone when he saved a seven year old boy from walking in front of a bus. Though they knew that no human would be subject to watching such a horrific thing, they all thought Craig no more of a man than to save the boy. Over at Insteenct, Barbara called Gwen in a panic, saying that they were going to need to pull some all nighter's to get the designs done before the holidays. Gwen suspected Barbara of deliberately ruining the designs, but was later rewarded for her troubles with a hefty check.
  18. Actor87
    Just a reminder...
    The World of Oakdale will be pre-empted all this week due to personal reasons, but expect a new episode to be posted on Saturday.

    After that episode is posted, you have 48 hours to submit what you think should happen in the 1 year anniversary episode (scheduled for December 19th).

    I hope all readers participate
  19. Actor87
    Looks like we have our first official tie this week in The World of Oakdale's "Viewer" of The Week feature!

    This week, the title goes to both oakdalelover and SteveFrame with 6 comments each!
    Congrats, guys!!

    We also had alot of runners-up...

    Josh: 2 comments
    Roman: 1 comment
    juniorz1: 1 comment
    DrewHamilton: 1 comment

    I want to personally thank each one of my readers for continuing to support me. Even if you don't comment, you help more than you know! Without all of you, this blog would not be possible!

    And lastly, a reminder that The World of Oakdale will be pre-empted all this week due to my upcoming oral surgery. Any thoughts and/or prayers on my behalf are greatly appreciated!!

    Again, thanks to all who continue to read/comment/support/etc. my blog....(I don't care how low we get in the ratings!! )
  20. Actor87
    Bob and Kim thank Erin for totally turning herself around and Erin seems to be proud of herself, too. She admits that she never got a chance to really know her family and thanks the two of them for being that family she never had. Once Erin leaves the room, Kim informs Bob that the Hollywood heartthrob that has been living with Mike and Katie is Erin's brother. An eavesdropping Erin stands in disbelief.

    Maddie asks Jason why he seems so inquisitive of Will and Gwen and tells him that they are happily married. Jason says that the Gwen he knew would have never married, leaving Maddie to ask the question..What Gwen do you know?

    Carly helps Gwen finish up some designs to give Barbara, who is returning from a coffee run. She's astonished at how much work Gwen has gotten done and though she knows that Carly helped, thanks Gwen for all her hard work. After Gwen and Carly leave, Barbara lays all the designs out on the table and in a comical scene, (on purpose) spills her coffee all over them, saying "Woopsies!"

    Lily wonders where Holden's been and he tells her that he dropped by to visit Jack. Faith comes in coughing and sneezing. After Holden takes her temperature and realizes she's got fever, Lily offers to go and get some medicine from Walgreen's. As she prepares to leave, Lucinda comes barging in with news of an immediate business emergency at Worldwide, telling Holden that she needs him. As Holden and Lucinda rush out the door, Lily grimaces at the fact that her husband, the new vice president of her mother's company, is out for the night doing business and she's stuck at the house with a sick child and a meddling toddler.

    Katie asks Henry to stay the night with her in her hospital bed, but the doctor stops him short of answering. The doctor gathers everyone around and tells them that Katie is fine to go home, where she will regain more memory that staying in a North Carolina hospital bed. He advises them to not confuse Katie and suggests to an unwilling Henry that he move back in with her, so as to not confuse her. When Mike returns, it's up to Margo and Lyla to break the news to him that he has to move out.
  21. Actor87
    Katie asks for Henry and has a serious, emotional talk with him about how she's never been happier married to her best friend. Henry, overcome with his own conflicting emotions, vows to stay by Katie for as long as she needs him. Meanwhile, Maddie gets curious when Jason starts questioning her about Will and Gwen's relationship.

    Emily goes to leave and finds that "she left the interior light on in her car" and hence, her battery is now dead. John offers to drive her back to Andy's place. At Andy's place, Roxie struggles, carrying a very heavily drugged Andy into the bed. She takes pleasure in removing his clothes and then places him in bed. She then takes her clothes off and gets in bed with Andy, waiting for John to text her that they're on their way back to Andy's.

    Emma meets with Grant and Lisa to discuss plans for the engagement party. Lisa says that a mariachi band from Houston is using the Lakeview the night of the party and is less than thrilled when Emma offers to host the party in her newly remodeled barn, saying that she already has some design ideas in mind for the party decor. While Lisa goes to powder her nose, Emma tells Grant to save himself the trouble and just come clean with her...Is he staging this whole engagement business with Lisa just to make her jealous?

    At Lucinda's, the hitman arrives for payment and she refuses to pay him for a job that was cancelled. The hitman, Marco Rodriguez, leaves in a tizzy and gets back in his car. He recalls his girlfriend Ruby's death in a bus accident leaving Oakdale that, according to Marco, would have never happened had it not been for Mr. Motgomery.
  22. Actor87
    John invites Emily over to the house to help decorate for Christmas, citing that he's old and feeble, that Roxie is out of town visiting her best friend from high school, and that he needs a woman's input on good Christmas decorating. Meanwhile, Andy goes into Java and orders a coffee to go. He flashes back to Roxie pulling him into a kiss and then flashes back to see that Roxie has bumped right into him, knocking hot coffee everywhere. Meanwhile, while Emily decorates lights in the house, John goes outside and turns on Emily's interior light in her car. And back across town...while Andy bends down to wipe up his coffee, Roxie slips something in his new cup.

    Margo assures Craig that nobody is in the car, but admits that it is parked kind of funny and almost out of sight. The two go back in, as we see the hitman [portrayed by NBC's Heroes star Sendhil Ramamurthy]. He admits that Ms. Walsh might have called off the hit, but he hasn't. He then holds up this picture and vows revenge on Craig for her death.

    Gwen finds Insteenct a total and chaotic wreck. At first, she fears vandals have wrecked the place, but then notices a snoozing Barbara under all the sketches. Gwen wakes Barbara and Barbara kicks herself for falling asleep, saying that due to some last minute deadlines, she's trying her best to wrap up the holiday dress collection that was supposed to be on newsstands months ago! While Barbara goes outside to take a phone call (a fake one at that), Gwen panics and calls Carly.

    Holden drops off Erin at the Hughes home and has a quick talk with Kim about how he feels that Erin has really started to learn something valuable. Kim asks Holden what his plans are for New Years and asks him to have Lily call her, concerning a telethon at WOAK. Later, Holden stops by Jack and Carly's. Carly steps out saying that Gwen called and promises to come home soon. Jack has a candid talk with Holden about Lily and the two cousins discuss her inward jealousy of Holden.
  23. Actor87
    An Anniversary Outta This 'World'!

    Can you believe it?! It's been a whole year (almost) since the creation of the blog and I am planning the biggest anniversary celebration ever!

    The blog will feature all brand-new episodes this week, but unfortunately, will be on hiatus all next week due to my upcoming surgery. (Don't worry...it's nothing major! I promise...)

    Then... on Saturday, December 16th, I will post "Episode 249", the episode before the anniversary special. It will include almost every member of the cast as they gather at Grant and Lisa's engagment party hosted by Emma. While the event might not be the most glamorous in the world...(the event is taking place in the Snyder barn...decorated to suit, of course)...the night will definitely feature plenty of fireworks.

    Immediately after I post "Episode 249", it's up to you (the fans) what happens next. Send me a brief (or detailed) synopses of what you feel should happen in "Episode 250" via private messenger.

    And on Tuesday, December 19th..I will post the anniversary episode ("Episode 250"), a conglomeration of all your different snyopses that you all have sent in.

    If you plan to participate in this "once-in-a-lifetime" event...then comment below (even if you have agreed to do such via private messenger).

    And now....we return you to your regular broadcast programming.
  24. Actor87
    Lucinda's loyal maid Gertrude arrives with the day's mail and Lucinda immediately opens a letter from Lucy, who just arrived home in Montega. The letter praises Lucinda for being such a wonderful grandmother, and then touches on some family memories. Lucinda quickly realizes that if Lucy ever found out the truth that Craig was killed at Luicnda's hands, she'd never forgive her. Lucinda rushes to stop the hitman before it's too late.

    In the hospital parking garage, The hitman's cell phone goes off and Craig quickly hides. Mike rushes out the door to go for a drive and relieve his anger. Margo finally catches up with him and begs him to stay and that Katie needs him now. Mike rebutts that Katie needs Henry, not him. Margo watches as Mike drives off and then notices a black SUV in the shadows. Craig appears and tells her that he thinks someone's in there.

    Lily and Holden relax for a quite evening at the house and are relieved when Emma decides to take the kids for the afternoon. Lily starts busying herself with house work and Holden calls Erin over to clean out stalls. It's obvious that something is amiss in the Snyer household, but no-one seems to care to address it.

    Roxie meets with John in an alley behind an abandoned bakery. The two discuss almost getting caught, and John asks if she has "it". Roxie slyly pulls out the pharmacy bag to show John and tucks it back into her purse. John tells her that the second part of their plan starts tonight.
  25. Actor87
    While cleaning out the horse stalls, Erin tells Holden of what she overheard Grant saying the night before, but Holden just dismisses it as another lie. Later, Holden tells Emma of what occurred last night between himself and Lily and he seems optimistic. He asks when Emma plans on hosting Grant and Lisa's engagement party and Emma says that December 19th sounds good.

    Susan and Andy meet up at Java an await John to come, after calling him in to ask him what's going on with him and Roxie. Elsewhere, Emily catches Roxie doing some Christmas shopping and sees a pharmacy bag, which Roxie quickly tucks away. John arrives and tells Andy and Susan that his sex life is none of their concern. After John leaves, Andy seems to have accepted John's excuse, but Susan admits that she's still skeptical.

    Barbara arrives at work and finds a letter from Jennifer and a card from Paul. She's touched that her children are finally "coming around". She's taken back for a bit, though, when she spots a Christmas card from Will and Gwen. Gwen arrives, pleased to see that Barbara got their card. She soon picks up on Barbara's fesity move and leaves. Later, Barbara makes a statement that (as an old saying goes) once you marry a man, you marry his mother as well.

    Everyone is shocked at what is going on before their very eyes. Henry plays along with Katie, but when she starts making out with him, he has to pull away. Mike storms off, as Margo chases after him. Henry exits and Craig enters to see his baby sister. Craig has a heart to heart with his little sister, and as he leaves, promises to keep in touch and see how Katie is doing. As he walks into the hospital parking garage, we see Craig walking right into the cross-hairs of someone's gun.
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