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Blog Entries posted by Actor87

  1. Actor87
    It is with great pleasure, that I bring you the first ever fully scripted episode of The World Of Oakdale. Enjoy it while you can. I won't be doing thse often, for the simple fact that I don't have the time. I would also like to thank you, the readers, for your continued support. Without you, none of this would be possible.



    Scene 1- Mike and Katie's Cottage/Bob & Kim's House
    [Katie makes a call on her cell phone]
    KATIE: Nancy? Hey, it's Katie.
    NANCY: Well hello, Katie. I was just about to call you. I found some of those barstools you were talking about the other day for your kitchen.
    KATIE: Aw, thanks Nancy. Listen. I was wondering if I could maybe meet you at Java.
    NANCY: Is everything alright?
    KATIE: Oh, yeah. I was just wanting to talk to you about some stuff and then maybe I can even get some info on those barstools?
    NANCY: Okay.
    KATIE: Alright, I'll se you in about...15?
    NANCY: Sounds like a winner. Okay. Katie. See you then.

    SCENE 2-Insteenct Offices
    [barbara is looking over some designs and calls Will's cell phone which goes to voice mail]
    BARBARA: Hey, Will. It's Mom. Honey, I know you're still upset and I was just checking up on you. I'm at work right now, but if you need me, just call me or come by or...
    OPERATOR VOICE: I'm sorry. Your message is too long. If you would like to re-reco...[barbara closes the phone and slightly chuckles]
    BARBARA: Hal always did say I try too hard with the kids.
    [Knock at the door. Barbara motions for Roxie to come in.]
    ROXIE: I'm not interrupting anything am I?
    BARBARA: Oh no. Just a little mom stuff. I've been trying to keep an eye out for Will.
    ROXIE: Oh, about the whole accident thing? Yeah. I bet he's having a tough time.
    BARBARA: He is. But enough about my life. Is there anything I can do for you?
    ROXIE: As a matter of fact, no. I think you've done quite enough.

    Scene 3-The Oakdale Mini-Mall
    [Dusty and Meg walk along Oakdale's infamous mini-mall and run into Lucinda]
    DUSTY: Well hello there, Ms. Walsh.
    LUCINDA: Dusty, please. I think I get a little older everytime someone calls me that. So, how are you two doing?
    MEG: Well, after a relaxing trip to the spa...
    [LUCINDA shutters.]
    LUCINDA: Sorry. Bad memories, dahling. Go on.
    [They all chuckle.]
    MEG: We're doing okay. We had a little romantic getaway. Just waiting on the baby to get here and...planning the wedding. We still haven't mailed out invitations and it's almost two weeks away.
    LUCINDA: So it is. Well, Holden and Lily should be back in town Tuesday. They're flying in from San Juan. Holden said the cruise ship was making them all seasick. The captain had some health problems a while back and the assistant captain hasn't had much experience. [chuckles] But they should be back in time for the wedding.
    DUSTY: That's great.
    MEG: Oh, and you'll never guess who else is coming...

    Scene 4-The Lakeview: Suite 45B: Grant Hamilton's Suite
    [Emma wheels Grant into his suite at the Lakeview. While Emma helps Grant into his bed, they lock eyes.]
    EMMA: Well, we're home sweet home at last. [Emma takes the wheelchair into the living room and returns.]
    GRANT: Oh, good. I've been craving some non-hospital air for quite some time.
    EMMA: You sure are in good spirits for someone who just narrowly escape death in an automobile accident.
    GRANT: Automobile? Emma, this is the 21st century. I think they call them "cars" now.
    EMMA: Well, none the less, it's the best comfort you can receive. I'm sorry I wasn't able to accomodate you at the Wagon Wheel.
    GRANT: Well, I think this will do...until we can get your farm back.
    EMMA: Grant, don't start. You're bed-ridden. Don't make promises you can't keep just yet.

    Scene 5-Insteenct Offices
    BARBARA: I've done enough? Pardon me?
    ROXIE: Oh, no. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I don't know how I'll ever repay you.
    BARBARA: For what?
    ROXIE: For standing up to Gwen about trying to steal my designs.
    BARBARA: Well, if you've been in this business long enough like I have, you know that some people will stop at nothng. Although, I really don't see why Gwen would steal your designs. She handed in some pretty good ones at the beginning. I was anxious to see the rest of her ideas for Insteenct, but she said she lost them and by then, the deadline had passed.
    ROXIE: Well, I didn't know how to handle Gwen. And you did. That's the important thing.

    Scene 6-Java Cafe
    [Nancy sits at a table at Java. Katie walks in and the two friends hug.]
    NANCY: Oh here, honey..before I forget...[Hands Katie some papers.] I found them online.
    KATIE: Wow. These are so awesome. Thanks, Nancy.
    NANCY: I guess I've gotten into the internet craze finally. Took me a good two months to learn how to turn the computer on. [They both laugh] Now, what did you need to talk to me about? It sounded pretty important over the phone.
    KATIE: Well, it kind of is. But it might be nothing.
    NANCY: Well, spill it.
    KATIE: I think Mike is up to something.

    Scene 7-Oakdale Mini-Mall
    LUCINDA: Well, I talked with Iva and she has a buisness conforence in Minnesota to attend that she can't get out of. I don't know. Who else is there?
    MEG: Aaron and Alison.
    DUSTY: I didn't even know they were coming.
    LUCINDA: But what about Julie?
    MEG: Well, the doctor gave her a clean bill of health about three weeks ago and Alison said that ever since then, she's unstoppable. They say she might even be re-decorating the house soon.
    LUCINDA: Oh dear.
    MEG: [laughs] Aaron won't get off work until 5:00 on the 9th, so they should be here somewhere around October 10th. I wish Caleb could come, but a friend of his died and the funeral is the day before the wedding, so there's no way for him to come. And I think Julie's going with Caleb.
    LUCINDA: Well, dahlings...I have some work to get done, so I must be off.
    DUSTY: Yeah, when is that meeting with the new clients?
    LUCINDA: Hopefully soon. They're driving me insane.
    [Lucinda walks off]

    Scene 8-Insteenct Offices
    BARBARA: Roxie, I said it was no prob...
    ROXIE: Okay. Okay. I know you have a lot of work to do.
    BARBARA: Unfortunately, I do. I have to go over the numbers for our first day of Insteenct being out on the market.
    ROXIE: Well, call me if you need something.
    BARBARA: I doubt I will.
    [Roxie walks into the receptionist's area and out the door. Venus, the receptionist, walks into Barbara's office.]
    VENUS: Ms. Ryan? May I talk with you for a moment? It's about Roxie Miller.

    Scene 9-Grant's Suite
    GRANT: Make promises I can't keep?
    EMMA: You've been promising me that you'd help me get my farm back and nothing has even been done to further your venture.
    GRANT: Well, you haven't been the most accepting..compared to my past clients.
    EMMA: Oh, and I guess they were okay with you hovering their homes and farms above them all day long?
    GRANT: Is that seriosuly whhat you feel like I've been doing?
    EMMA: Well, what would YOU call it?
    GRANT: I call it helping a friend in need.
    EMMA: How can you lay there and say that I'm your friend when I've known you for almost a month?
    [Grant winces in pain and moans]

    Scene 10-Java Cafe
    NANCY: So you think Mike is up to something. How so?
    KATIE: Well, a few days ago, I was going to go get groceries and Mike refused to let me go. He said that food could wait and we needed to focus on us. Then, he fed me some line about me having a broken tail-light and not wanting me to get pulled over.
    NANCY: Katie, I'm sure you're just making a big thing out of nothing. I don't why he would forbid you from going shopping, though.
    KATIE: He's just been acting very strangely lately. And a tail-light? I mean, when I last checked my car about two days ago, it was fine. I just don't know why he's been acting like such an a...
    NANCY: He's probably just nervous about the wedding. [Katie looks at Nancy and Nancy look off]

    Scene 11-Dusty and Meg's House
    [Meg and Dusty arrive back home and find their living room has been filled to the ceiling with flowers.]
    DUSTY: What the...
    MEG: Oh man! I told the florist we had moved the date. I guess she didn't remember or something.
    DUSTY: Great. Just great. What are we going to do with all these flowers?
    MEG: I'll call the florist and you go find a best man.
    DUSTY: Oh yeah. I forgot about that. [laughs] I'm just picking. Gah. Take a joke.
    MEG: Dusty, is that what this all is to you? Just some big joke? Our wedding is two weeks away and all you can think about is what one liner you're going to pitch my way next?
    DUSTY: Hush. I didn't mean anything. You really have a bad case of the nerves, don't you?
    MEG: Well, I'm exactly 7 months pregnant. I have a wedding to plan. I just got back together with my fiancee after nearly calling off the wedding thanks to a one night stand my finacee had with his 23 year old fomer girlfriend that resulted in a baby and subsequently, a miscarriage. Why wouldn't I be just a tad touchy?! [sighs] I'm sorry.
    DUSTY: No, no. It's okay. I deserve it.
    MEG: No, you don't. You've been truly great this last week and I don't know what just got into me.
    DUSTY: Meg, quit making excuses for me. I've a sleaze ball and I deserve every bit of anger, frustration, hatred...whatever you want to give me. But for now, I have to go find a best man. [They kiss, Meg apologizes one more time, and Dusty leaves.]

    Scene 12-Grant's Suite
    [Emma gives Grant some medicine]
    EMMA: Grant, you can't be scaring an old lady like myself like that. Not anymore.
    GRANT: I'm sorry. I just get myself worked up, I suppose.
    EMMA: I apologize. I shouldn't have gone off on you like that. As a matter of fact, I think it's time I told you the reason I called you to the Wagon Wheel the night you had your accident. I had a long talk with Susan Stewart and she finally made me realize that you and the whole rest of my family..[choking back tears]...You're all just trying to help me get my life back.
    GRANT: It took you long enough.
    EMMA: Pardon?
    GRANT: I was just about to leave town when I got your call.
    EMMA: That's a lie. And you know it.

    Scene 13-Java Cafe/Java Cafe Parking Lot
    KATIE: Wedding? What wedding?
    NANCY: [trying to cover it up] Well, you and Mike ARE getting married aren't you?
    KATIE: Well, yes, but not anytime soon, I suppose. Mike has had alot of trouble with the bills lately since this summer was a dead period as far as construction.
    NANCY: Well, he could be worried about that. All the bills he has to pay. The slump in business. He could be nervous about starting a new life with you as soon as you two get married. For all you know, he could be nervous about a potted plant that seems to be dying.
    KATIE: [laughs] The only shrubbery Mike's interested in is trees...that have been cut down, processed, cut, and all that. The only good he sees in trees is in 2x4 form.
    NANCY: Well, like I said, give him some time. He'll come around. I'm almost certain you're over-reacting, dear. I admit, as much as I like you, you DO have a knack for it at times.
    KATIE: Okay, I guess I deserved that. Well, I better get going. You can go on ahead. I have to use the bathroom.
    [Katie goes to the bathroom, Nancy grabs a tire tool out of her car and jams it in Katie's tail-light, breaking it. In a comical scene, she gets a dustpan and brrom out of her car and sweeps up all the debris from the broken tail-light. Then, Nancy slighty chuckles and drives off. Katie comes out and notices her tail-light.]
    KATIE: What the..? When did THAT get there? Hmm...maybe Mike isn't acting so weird after all.

    Scene 14-John Dixon's House
    [Dusty walks up to John's house and rings the doorbell. John answers the door.]
    JOHN: Well hello there, Dusty. What can I do for you?
    DUSTY: You always answer the door in such a demanding voice?
    JOHN: Demanding? Oh no. I'm just reading. Hate to leave a good book. Well, what are you standing out there for? Come in. [Dusty walks in.]
    DUSTY: I won't be long. I just had to ask you a quick question.
    JOHN: As long as you're not selling Girl Scout cookies.
    DUSTY: You know, you never have been good at the whole jokes routine. [They laugh] Anyways, the reason I'm here...It's about mine and Meg's wedding. You know, it's the 18th of October at Luthers Corners Church.
    JOHN: Well, I haven't gotten an invitation.
    DUSTY: [laughs] We haven't gotten that far yet.
    JOHN: Oh?
    DUSTY: Yeah. So, John...tell me. What would you think about being my best man?

    Scene 15-Grant's Suite
    EMMA: I heard from Jack that you were over there pelading your case and telling him not to lose faith in me.
    GRANT: Okay, you caught me. I wasn't leaving town. But I hope you know. I have been very seriosuly thinking about it.
    EMMA: Well, I hope you know that you're not able to do that now.
    GRANT: [examining himself] I guess not. I AM paralyzed, even if it's temporary.
    EMMA: That's what you keep saying, but when we left, Ben told you that your spinal cord and nerves weren't hurt as bad as they thought they were. He said you'd have trouble gaining sensation at first, but you should be fine in a week or so.
    GRANT: Sensation, eh? Why don't you check my lips. They seem a little tingly.
    EMMA: I declare!
    GRANT: [chuckles] Listen. Sooner or later, we going to have to talk about...
    EMMA: I know. I've been pondering that mistake in my head ever since that night.
    GRANT: So you think our love making that night was all a big mistake?
    EMMA: Grant, I've been alone for quite some time now. Not even the mailman has shown me the slighest hint of affection. When you kissed me, it was a flood of emotions. I was overwhlemed. I couldn't think clearly.
    GRANT: Well, I for one, enjoyed every second of it. And there's nothing you could do to change that.

    Scene 16-Insteenct Offices
    BARBARA: Come in, Venus. What's troubling you about Roxie?
    VENUS: [shuts door behind her] Well, I just think you should know that she's not all she makes herself out to be.
    BARBARA: You're being very vague, Venus. Is there something I should know?
    VENUS: Well, I was told that I should keep my mouth shut but it's been killing me lately.
    BARBARA: Who told you to keep quiet? And what about?
    VENUS: I really shouldn't say, Ms. Ryan. I don't want my friend to be even more hurt than she already is.
    BARBARA: Well, if you're going to talk, then do so. If you're not, then quit wasting my tim...
    VENUS: Gwen. Gwen Norbeck. She's been my best friend since...practically birth. She told me that Roxie did her wrong.
    BARBARA: How so?
    VENUS: Okay. I'll tell you. You know those designs that Roxie gave you some time back..for the very first line of Insteenct?
    BARBARA: Yes.
    VENUS: You didn't hear it from me, but...those designs were Gwen's. Roxie stole Gwen's designs.
    [Freeze on Barbara's shocked, yet confused expression]

  2. Actor87
    Dusty returns and tells Meg of how John has agreed to be his best man. Meg tells Dusty of Roxie coming over and having so many problems of her own. She debates asking Emma to be her maid of honor since she doesn't really know Roxie all that well yet.

    Roxie stops by Will's house and finds that Gwen has left for a few hours. When Gwen returns, she finds Roxie outside waiting for her. Roxie screams and yells and blames Gwen for all the problems she has in her life. Gwen takes it, but then b**ch-slaps Roxie.

    Emma tells Grant that she needs his help in getting her farm back and Grant agrees to help her after he's fully recovered. Later, Emma gets a visit from Meg, who asks her mother to be her maid of honr in her wedding. Emma accepts and goes to meet Holden and Lily at the airport, and so do Lucinda, Luke, Faith, and Natalie.

    Henry breaks free from Margarita when he notices something familar about her. Margarita, spooked, flees the scene and unknowingly leads Henry to the room where Jason is. Once inside, Henry sets Jason free and the two set out to find the girls.
  3. Actor87
    Roxie comes into the Insteenct offices and finds a furious Barbara awaiting her. Roxie challenges Carly and Venus's claims that Roxie stole Gwen's designs and asks Barbara to present her with proof. When Barbara is unable to, Roxie exits, all the while reveling in her own victory. Jason meets up with Henry at Ice and they decide to take a break from the wedding planning and have a little fun. Jason gets hit on by a hooker, while Henry turns his attention to a woman named Margarita. While Henry gets too drunk to talk right, Jason is apalled when his rendevous with a hooker named Cherry leaves him bound and gagged (and also robbed) in a back room. Emma continues to tend to Grant, who tells Emma that what they share is special. He also re-iterates his recent thoughts of leaving town, which Emma puts to a halt by saying that he can't...because he's helping her get her farm back. Erin finds comfort in the Hughes home but when she spots a broach lying on Kim's dresser, she takes off with it...unbeknownts to a slumbering Bob, Kim, and Nancy.
  4. Actor87
    Carly runs by the Insteenct offices and arrives just in time to support Venus's claims that Roxie stole Gwen's designs. Barbara flashes back to seeing a "GN" on some of the designs and calls Roxie to the office. Meanwhile, John accepts Dusty's offer to be his best man and the two share a lengthly conevrsation about Dusty's childhood and John being as close to a father as he ever had. Roxie arrives at Meg's to vent about Gwen but her selfishness turns Meg off. Across town, a runaway named Erin finds shelter in Bob and Kim's tool shed. Bob finds her, starved and cold, and offers to let her stay the night at their house.
  5. Actor87
    Meg thanks Dusty for the relaxing trip to the spa, and the two begin recalling their happier childhood years. Meg feels the baby kick and lets Dusty feel for himself. Emma explains that she's the reason Grant came to town in the first place and she's going to take care of him. Emma gets Gran'ts approval to move in with him at the Lakeview to take care of him. Emily is touched by Andy's purchase of Metro for her and the two go to Metro and make re-decorating plans. Katie and Mike get into a heated argument over his refusing to let her go grocery shopping. Instead, he volunteers and makes sure Maddie, Henry, and Jason know what's going on. They leave, just as Katie comes into the garage but luckily, she doesn't spot them leaving. Mike apologizes for his earlier behavior and the two make up.
  6. Actor87
    Meg and Dusty continue to discuss their trust issues and Meg says that though she loves Dusty, she's beginning to have doubts about the wedding. She explains that she's just had so much on her shoulders and plus, she's 8 months pregnant with their first child. Dusty whisks Meg away to a luxurious spa for the day, and the two end up making out in the sauna. The two lovebrids both agree that they wouldn't be any happier with other people and continue making wedding plans, now that Meg's fears have subsided.

    Gwen, who has tracked Carly down to the hospital, explains that she had her designs stolen, but in order to keep Barbara from rejecting her again, she kept her mouth shut and now Roxie is accusing her of stealing her designs, which aren't really hers. Carly tells Gwen that she needs to either call Roxie out or Roxie will continue stepping all over her. Gwen continues the pity party and reluctantly agrees when Gwen makes her promise not to tell Barbara. However, as soon as Gwen leaves, she begins thinking of ways to step around her promise but is interrupted when Ben emerges with news for them about Grant.

    Ben tells Carly and Jack that Grant has some serious physical trauma from the accident and due to some nerves being strained, he may be paralyzed temporarily and need constant, supervised medical care. Ben asks if the three of them know of any family or friends that Grant may have that can take care of him. However, Carly says that the only family that Grant has is her...but she's so far down the line that her family considered him more of a family friend than a relative. Ben tells Carly, Jack, and Emma that one of them is going to have to step up and take care of Grant. Carly and Jack are shocked when Emma volunteers.

    Emily and Andy trace the root of their problems back to The Enquirer story that Emily did on Jason and Katie. Emily finally tells Andy that she has decided to sale the paper after getting it back from Craig a few months before the whole baby swapping occurred. Andy respects and admires Emily's wise choice. When Emily begins to question what she'll do for a living now, Andy presents Emily with some keys. Emily asks what they're for and Andy reveals that he bought Metro for her.
  7. Actor87
    Gwen gets Venus's text message and goes to the door, revealing an eavesdropping Roxie. Venus barges in and demands Barbara let her call security. Roxie retorts that she was just making sure that Barbara wasn't falling for Gwen's lies and was going to make sure that Barbara sought full justice for Gwen trying to steal Roxie's designs. Gwen runs out in tears and while Barbara scratches her head, Gwen confides in Carly that she's quitting fashion design..permanently.

    Lucinda briefs the paramedics on what info she has regarding Grant. She tells them that her daughter's cousin-in-law's wife called him into town to help her daughter's adoptive grandmother/mother-in-law get her farm back. The paramedics are baffled. They rush Grant to the hospital while Lucinda notifies Emma and Susan, Carly, and Jack. Once at the hospital, the nurses take control and begin working on Grant due to the fact that he had severe physical trauma as a result of the wreck. Emma, Jack, and Carly all wait anxiously, clinging to their breath, awaiting news of Grant's condition.

    Maddie almost knocks on the door of Mike and Katie's cottage but is clued in to Henry's whereabouts when she hears him and Jason laughing in the garage. Henry and Jason invite Maddie in and to pick out bridal portraits for Katie, explaining that they need a woman's opinion. Menwahile, Katie becomes extremely curious when Mike refuses to let her go get groceries.

    Andy thanks his mom for being so supportive and Kim and Bob wish them the best of luck. As Andy and Emily leave to go get Emily's stuff from Susan's and move it back in, Will comes in. Bob and Will talk about Will not going to school this semester. Kim changes the subject and addresses the black cloud lingering over Will's head. Bob gets called out, leaving Will and Kim alone to talk. In a touching scene, Kim comforts Will as he finally breaks down regarding Elaine's death.
  8. Actor87
    Barbara and Gwen continue to talk and Gwen is finally able to convince Barbara to let her stay on board at Insteenct, all the while dodging telling Barbara the truth..that Roxie stole her designs. Barbara's assistant Venus taps an eavesdropping Roxie on the shoulder and sarcastically asks her if there's anything she can do for her. Roxie makes up a lie as to why she's listening and thinks Venus bought it. However, she's unaware of the fact that Gwen and Venus used to be childhood friends and that Venus is texting Gwen, telling her to walk to the door and expose an eavesdropping Roxie..or she will.

    Andy and Emily lay in post-coaital bliss, talking out their problems. Emily finally realizes that her mother is right and she needs to finally settle down and find happiness with Andy. Andy gets up and makes her breakfast in bed. He then gives her a key to his apartment and asks her to move in with him. He's shocked and surprised when she says yes. The two then head over to Bob and Kim's where Andy rejoices in the fact that he and Emily are moving in together. Emily is shocked when Kim gives her approval.

    Will and Maddie talk about what an effect Elaine's accident had on Will. Will says that now that he remembers most of what happened that night and now that Sam is behind bars, he can finally get some peace. Maddie talks of her brother Henry and how she misses being close with him while Will talks about Jennifer and how much he misses her..even when she calls him almost every day. The two friend continue to bond and Maddie leaves Will alone at Java as she goes to meet up with Henry.

    Lucinda and Sierra watch Lucy sleep and share memories of when Lucy was just a baby. They talk about Lucy's miscarriage and how it has changed Lucy. Lucinda fears it's made her granddaughter a sorrowful person, while Sierra argues that it's all made her a stronger woman. Lucy awakens and finally tells the two women that she will wait and leave town after Worldwide's re-introduction party. Lucinda gets a call about some business across town and goes to take care of it. Along the way, she stumbles upon a wreck and finds that the man inside is Grant Hamilton. She drags him away from the car and dials 911.
  9. Actor87
    Rain begins to pour all over Oakdale.

    Mike keeps Katie occupied for the night by making love, while Jason and Henry are in the garage still working out wedding details. They overcome a big hurdle when they book LeAnn Rimes to sing at the wedding, due to an old friend of Jason's who used to be a back-up dancer for her.

    Barbara calls Gwen into the office and begins lecturing to her about what hers is hers and what's not hers should be left alone. Gwen quickly realizes that Barbara is talking about the designs for Insteenct that Roxie stole from her. She's shocked however when Barbara fires her on the spot. They both continue to talk, unaware that Roxie is listening to every word.

    Grant continues to try and convince Jack that give some time, Emma will come around.

    Meanwhile, Andy heads out the door of his apartment to go to Kim and Bob's but is taken back when he sees Emily. In a touching scene, both Andy and Emily stand out in the rain as Emily tells Andy that she wants to grow old with him, that she wants him to be her one and only, that she wants children with him, that she wants happiness and a sense of stability. Andy scoops her up and returns the feelings by taking her back into the apartment and making love to her.

    Back at the Wagon Wheel motel, Susan and Emma continue to talk about the farm. Susan tells her that she should keep her money and take Mr. Hamitlon's help. Emma remains comfused as to why everyone is telling her to trust Grant....but after a long speech from Susan, finally begins to realize that Susan is right. Everyone is right.

    Emma calls Grant and tells him to meet her at the Wagon Wheel, but on his way there, Grant loses control of his car and goes off the road.
  10. Actor87
    Roxie meets up with Barbara and tells her that she thinks Gwen is trying to sabtoge "her designs". Barbara vows to talk to Gwen about it, but is taken back when Roxie forbids her from doing such. Andy arrives back at his apartment and gets a call from his friend Jamie, inviting Andy to come over and party with them to get his mind off of things with Emily. Andy considers it, but tells him no thanks and begins to walk out. Across town, Emma hatches her own plan to get her farm back. She tells Susan that Harry left enough money for her in case of an emergency and with that money, she can get caught up on the farm payments, though she was initially going to use the money to help Holden and Lily with the kids' college tuition. Lucy explains to Lucinda and Sierra that staying in Oakdale will do nothing but remind her of the love she once had with Dusty and the utter truth that he's now happily engaged and expecting a child with Meg, something that she failed to give him. Lucinda suggests Lucy stay in Oakdale until the Worldwide re-introduction party.
  11. Actor87
    Will and Gwen meet up with Luke and Maddie. Gwen goes into detail about the situation with Roxie and Luke suggests she talk to Barbara, no matter what the outcome may be. Susan runs into Emily, fresh off a fight with Andy about calling Carly in hopes of her reaching out to Emily while they were split. Susan tells her daughter that she needs to make up ehr mind. Continue living a life of non-committal relationships or find love and stability with Andy. Meg and Dusty have a cute little coverstaion, that soon turns serious. Meg and Dusty bond and continue to work out their trust issues. Meanwhile, Lucy tells her mother and grandmother that she's ready to go back to Williams.
  12. Actor87
    Andy is shocked and yet pleased when Emily arrives at his apartment for acting so estranged towards him. Andy excuses it and apologizes for his actions. Both agree that they need to have a heart to heart and later do so. They go to grab some donuts at Java and run into John, who tells them that he's leaving Oakdale soon for a business meeting. They turn around and run into Carly, who offers her congratulations on them getting back together. Emily wonders how Carly knew they had split up.

    Meg meets up with Jack at Al's Diner and the two cousins talk about Meg's life..and Jack's life. Then, they turn their attention to Mr. Hamilton and his unsuccessful attempt to help Emma get her farm back. They agree that they need to enlist the help of Luke, Lucy, Natalie, Faith, Meg, Dusty,...and Lily and Holden once they return. Together, the two cousins finalize their plans to make Emma see that they're all there for her and to try and convince Emma to enlist Grant's help in getting her farm back.

    Roxie panics when she can't find the designs but soon spots them on a nearby dresser in the Insteenct offices. Roxie angrily calls in Barbara's assistant, Venus, and chews her out for fooling around with Roxie's designs. Venus snaps back that she hasn't seen anyone on the office since Ms. Norbeck left earlier and then proceeds to chew Roxie out for all she's worth. Roxie immediately barges out of the office, afraid that Gwen will spill all to Barbara and upset with Gwen for ruining her perfect dream.

    Nancy comes over to Mike and Katie's, after agreeing to spy on the guys for Katie. Nancy walks in to a house filled with chaos. Mike is on the phone with the tailor, Jason is writing addresses for invitations, and Henry is making plans for holding the wedding at St. Luther's, which turns out to be quite a funny scene. Nancy whistles and all stand at attention to Mrs. Hughes. After some badgering from the old lady, Henry finally reveals that Mike is surprising Katie with the dream wedding of a lifetime...and begs Nancy to help them out. Nancy agrees and retruns to tell Katie that when she arrived at the house, Mike was working out, Jason was talking on the phone with some Hollywood friends, and Henry was somewhere in the kitchen. Nancy tells an upset Katie that Mike isn't planning anything special. And Katie buys it.
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    Emma returns to the Wagon Wheel and finds Meg has returned to town. The two talk about the wedding and how Meg and Dusty are still going ahead with the wedding, despite any problems they may have. Meg says that she knows that Dusty and her will always have problems. As for Lucy, Meg tells her mother that she and Lucy came to an understanding and she knows that Dusty truly feels remorse for sleeping with her. Emma shares her latest news about getting the farm back on her own, and though Meg seems supportive, she later calls Jack.

    Grant enters the Lakeview and sits down...only to be joined by Lucinda. He announces to Lucinda that he has called her in because he knows that she and Emma have a past and that with her help, he thinks Emma may finally see things his way. Lucinda tells him that she has a lot on her plate, but promises to think it over. After Lucinda has left, Grant makes another cryptic phone call, saying that he might have an answer to their problem after all. It turns out that the person on the other end of the phone is Carly.

    Gwen tells Will that she thinks Roxie stole her designs. Will immediately tells Gwen she should tell Barbara. Gwen counters that though that looks to be the best solution, it's not. She laments that Barbara just recently accepted her and she's not willing to risk that over a few designs. Meanwhile, Roxie rejoices in the fact that she has fooled Gwen but when she goes to get the designs from under the couch, they're not there.

    Emily grabs Daniel up and sets him in her lap. She explains that she and Mr. Andy had a fight, but Susan reminds him that when you have a fight with someone, if you love them, you'll apologize to them and put all your problems with them in the past. Once Daniel is gone, Emily scorns her mother for preaching to her in front of Daniel and leaves......headed straight to Andy's.
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    Dusty and Meg agree that they need to postpone the wedding justa bit longer so they can work things out between them. Dusty suggests December, but Meg says no and suggests October 18. Dusty agrees and the two are soon joined by Roxie, who came over to return something Meg had lent her. Meg asks Roxie to be her maid of honor and a physically touched Roxie says yes.

    Lucinda informs Luke, Lucy, and Sierra that Lily and Holden are wrapping up their cruise and should be hope around the first of October. Luke leaves to meet up with Will, Maddie, and Gwen at the Oakdale hot spot, Ice. After a few drinks, Maddie carries an embarassed, but flattered Luke out on to the dance floor. Meanwhile, Gwen tells Will that she has something that she needs his advice on.

    Jason and Henry arrive at Mike and Katie's and tell Mike the bad news about Jason not being able to get a big name wedding planner to surprise Katie. Mike almost throws in the towel on the whole project, but Jason conivnces him that as a team, all three of them can plan the surprise wedding of a lifetime for Katie. Meanwhile, Katie asks Nancy is she's heard Mike say anything about their wedding and vents her frustration that he's been very shady lately.

    Andy tells his mother all about the fiasco in Chicago and how Emily won't even talk to him now. Kim says that as much as she dislikes Emily, she can tell that Andy is really in love and happy. Kim suggests Andy give Emily a little space and she'll eventually come around. Meanwhile, Susan tells Emily that she needs to understand that all men are a little touchy when it comes to endangering ones they love. Emily says she doesn't care and that she'd be happy if she never saw Andy again. The converstaion is soon interrupted by Daniel, who asks why Emily doesn't love Mr. Andy anymore.
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    Gwen can't imagine why Roxie would steal her designs and take credit for them. She contemplates telling Barbara, but cites that Barbara's feelings towards her are a still a bit rocky and accusing Roxie of stealing her designs might be the last straw. Depressed, she returns to find Barbara and Will bonding over Will's recent circumstances. Barbara tells Will that he has nothing to fear and that he has her..and Gwen..to confide in.

    Dusty is ecstatic, but Meg suggests they still need to talk things over and says that they have a long way to go before her trust in him is completely restored. Dusty notes that they had set their wedding for September 29th, but due to their temporary break-up, things have gotten sidetracked. Meg agrees they should set a new date for the wedding.

    Lucinda and Sierra continue to make plans for Worldwide's comeback celebration. Sierra says that the crisis with James has actually increased the investor's confidence in Worldwide, leading to bigger numbers and more established clientele. Luke and Lucy come home from grabbing some donuts at Java and they talk with Lucinda and Sierra. A phone call for Lucinda leaves Sierra and Luke alone with Lucy. They tell her that they're very proud of the way she's been handling the whole catastrophe with Dusty. Lucinda returns with some good news.

    Carly and Jack are surprised to get a hone call from Emma, asking them to meet her at the Lakeview. Once there, they learn that she has talked Lisa into letting her borrow a suite for a few weeks until she can move back into the farm. Emma then goes on to tell them that she has made up ehr mind and is going to fight for the farm with some of Harry's life insurance. She says it's not alot, but it's enough to get her caught up on payments. Though Carly and Jack are disappointed that Emma won't be needing Grant's help, Emma seems relieved. Meanwhile, Grant makes a cryptic phone call and tells someone that everything is going according to plan.
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    Barbara arrives at Will and Gwen's apartment that they recently bought and in true Barbara style, lectures to Will that she would rather he and Gwen be married before moving in together. Will tells her that he's not in the mood for her constant nagging and Barbara quickly apologizes, yearning for Will to use her shoulder to cry on...regarding his recent dilemna surrounding Elaine's hit and run death. Meanwhile, Roxie comes up with a lie for Gwen, saying that Barbara took the designs with her. But after Roxie leaves, Gwen finds her missing designs under the couch and immediatly knows who has had them.

    Jason asks Henry for his help. Henry says that he and Mike don't exactly get along, but Jason says that they don't either. But Mike has laid all differences aside for Katie's benefit. Jason explains that all his Hollywood contacts have gone to other clients and won't hear Jason out, so he can't get a Hollywood wedding planner. Henry jokes that he's not one and wonders aloud where Jason thinks he's going to get help for planning Katie's wedding. Jason enlightens Henry that that is where they come in.

    Back in Chicago, Andy calls Susan to come and get Emily. On the way home, Susan tries to calm Emily down but then finds out what Andy did to Frank. Susan can't believe it either but attributes Andy's irrational behavior to him being afraid and wanting to protect Emily. For the first time, Emily begins to see Andy and Susan's side to the argument but still is completely shocked by how violent Andy turned. She tells her mother that she's never seen that side of Andy before...and quite frankly, she's scared of him.

    Meg returns to Oakdale and makes a b-line straight for Dusty. She tells him that after spending some time at her friend's guest house in McKinley, she has come to a final conclusion about them. However, she wants to talk to Lucy first. Meg sets off to find Lucy and she does. The two women share a heart to heart and for the first time ever, the two share some common ground. Meg wishes her well, but also tells her that she and Dusty have a future together outside of Lucy. Lucy understands and Meg returns to tell Dusty that yes, the wedding is still on.
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    Emma orders Carly and Grant out of her room. Emma informs them that she can get the farm back...she just needs time. Grant leaves, but Carly stays and lectures Emma on being so stubborn when all her family and friends are trying to do is help her. She says that Mr. Hamilton is her best option and advises Emma to re-think her decision that she doesn't need Grant's help.

    Katie is confused who Jason should be contacting, but Jason covers it up and leaves. With some alone time on their hands, Katie begins talking of how she can't wait to be Mrs. Michael Kasnoff. The two make love and afterward, talk about their future together. Mike calls Jason to get an update on whether or not he was able to get a Hollywood wedding planner. Meanwhile, Jason appraoches Henry and asks for help.

    Gwen arrives at Barbara's suite at the Lakeview to find her and Roxie looking over designs. Roxie makes it discreet, but secrtly tucks away the sketches. Gwen fills Barbara in on what's going on with Will and urges her to go be with her son. Barbara does just that, but not before mentioning Roxie's fabulous new designs for Insteenct. After Barbara leaves, Gwen asks to see some of Roxie's work but is confused when Roxie refuses.

    Andy scolds Emily for letting Frank get to her, while Emily scolds Andy for being so brutal. She remarks that she's never seen that side of him and Andy remarks that it's the type of thing he does when someone he loves is in peril. Emily retorts that she wasn't in peril and doesn't see why he hit Frank like that. While Emily tends to Frank, Andy calls paramedics. Once the paramedics arrive, they escort Frank to a nearby hospital. Andy informs the police that neither he nor Emily will be pressing charges. After the dust settles, Andy offers Emily a ride home if she's too shaken to drive. Emily whips back that she'd rather walk through burning coals.
  18. Actor87
    'InTurn's "World" Starts Turning!

    Fans know her as Geneva, the fiesty, emotional redhead from the CBS streaming video channel Innertube's original series 'InTurn'. Cast members and crew at "The World of Oakdale" began knowing her as "Erin" this week. While real life winner Alex will begin staking his claim on the real show sometime in late September, Geneva will be the one appearing in a 13-week contract on the "As The World Turns" fan fiction, "The World Of Oakdale".

    Geneva will be portraying the role of runaway "Erin Spillers" starting October 2. Erin's arrival into Oakdale can be noted as anything but calm. "She definitely brings chaos with her wherever she goes," chuckles Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford. "Erin is a good kid, but she just does what she can to support herself and if that means stabbing someone in the back and then running away with their wallet, [laughs] then she'll do it."

    Fans may be wondering why TPTB are bringing a newbie on board...making this the fourth or fifth new character to debut since the birth of 'TWOO'. Well, evidently, they have an aswer for us. "When I first thought of bringing Geneva aboard as 'Erin', I attributed the character to a female version of 'Henry'," says Alford. "But the more I thought about it, the more I began to think 'There's so much more we can add to this character...so why not have some family ties in Oakdale to keep her here for as long as possible.' "

    Alford declined to comment when asked who exactly Erin's family is or what relationship there are to her.


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  19. Actor87
    Jason asks Mike how he can help Mike plan the perfect surprise for Katie. Mike elaborates that Katie has always been a sucker for romance, so he is hoping that Jason can contact some of his people and hire a wedding planner for them. Mike re-assures Jason that he'll pay for the wedding planner, but he just needs Jason to contact someone good. Katie walks in just as he finishes the sentence and asks who Jason is supposed to be contacting.

    Luke, Maddie, Jack, and a newly arrived Will and Gwen listen to Sam tell his story. He tells them that he had a beer or two, but saw that Will was worse off than he was, probably from the spiked punch bowl. He offered him a ride home. Elaine didn't stop at the stop sign at the corner of Fifth and Maple and not wanting to hit her, Sam swerved...but Elaine swerved the same driection. Sam tearfully confesses that he never meant to hurt anyone. He tells that after the wreck, he made Will get out of the car for fear of him getting in trouble if anyone caught Sam escaping the crime scene. Maddie, Luke, Gwen, and Will all watch as Jack escorts Sam to the police station...glad that the mystery has finally been solved.

    Emily and Frank bond as Frank tells Emily of how much he reminds her of his little girl, Jasmine, who died in a boating accident. Emily convinces Frank to let her go, just as Andy busts the door open. Frank gets panicky and grabs Emily, but Emily is schoked to see that Andy has a gun. She frantically tries to keep the two men from killing each other and finally gets through to them both. But at the last minute, Andy knocks Frank to the floor with the butt of his gun. Emily screams out at Andy to stop.

    Emma finds a note from Meg in their room at The Wagon Wheel saying that she has left town. Emma prays for her safety and the safety of her unborn child and prays that Dusty and Meg will realize how lucky they are to have one another and stop the constant fighting. Grant arrives to go over some proposals with Emma but it's all spoiled when Carly shows up. Emma immediately flashes back to Carly being the reason why Grant came to Oakdale in the first place, probably (she assumes) because Carly and Jack pity the "old maid", and she grows furious. She then orders both of them out of her room...now!
  20. Actor87
    Autumn is a season of change. So much can also be said about The World Of Oakdale. After this autumn, nothing will ever be the same.

    The World Of Oakdale: 2006 Fall Previews

    The Hughes Family:
    This family has definitely taken a backburner in the past few months. But this fall, the Hughes family will soon find their household in chaos thanks to a runaway teen. And that's not all. That same runaway teen has familial connections to someone living in Oakdale.

    Andy and Emily have come through alot, but after this next stunt, Emily may not want a relationship with Andy...ever. "She's certainly apalled by Andy's actions. She's never seen that side of him before," laments Scott DeFreitas [Andy]. What exactly does Andy do that's so unforgiveable? Stay tuned.

    This storyline has really taken a backburner, too. But with Holden and Lily's return from their cruise and with Lucinda announcing the re-launch of her company, Worldwide....things get a bit complicated. Holden finds himself in the middle of a battle that could end in heartbreak. How will he handle it? And a surprise return at the re-launch party causes even more havoc.

    This storyline will soon be wrapping up...and in a shocking way. Will the marriage ever happen? Of course. "They love each other terribly," says Meg Wilson [Meg]. "But they have alot to overcome before they can get married." Plus, a surprise return at the wedding just might stop it from even happening.

    The Teen Scene:
    As this storyline wraps up, look for the teens to take a back seat for a while, so the show can focus on more stories. One couple will face the ultimate test of love when an intruder causes chaos in their love life...forming what we in the soap community would like to call "a love triangle".

    Yet another love triangle. While Emma battles her feelings for Grant and tries to identify just what kind of feelings they are, Grant will soon catch the eye of Oakdale's resident Liz Taylor, Lisa Miller Grimaldi. Also expect Susan to join the fold of ladies lusting after Mr. Hamilton in late Autumn. "Suffice to say that Mr. Hamilton is quite the ladies' man," chuckles Jerry Douglas [Grant]. Also, expect a resolution to the story of Emma losing her farm.

    Gwen finally realizes who has her designs. But she won't be getting revenge anytime soon. "She knows. But for fear of losing her job, doesn't say anything," says Jennifer Landon [Gwen]. However, Barbara soon realizes that Roxie didn't do those designs. And that is when the claws will come out.

    This couple was promised a meaty storyline upon return from their hiatus, but fans will just have to wait a bit longer. "I have so many stories going on that I don't have the time or the effort to write this story. Not as much as I would like," laments Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford. "Look for their story to jump start sometime at the beginning of the year." As for now, Carly will continue being a shoulder to lean on for her sister Gwen and Jack will continue hutning down bad guys.

    This is a love story that's never been told before. Mike recruits some of Katie's closet friends to help him plan the perfect surprise wedding for his bride-to-be. But don't expect Katie to just sit there and wonder what's going on behind her back. Mark Collier [Mike] laughs, "Katie will be snooping around every corner, wanting to find out what they're doing. After all, snooping is what Katie does best."



    Look for two actors to leave the show in early October.

    Is there any chance Jessica Dunphy [Alison] and Agim Kaba [Aaron] will stick around town? According to sources, their short-term return could turn into a contract if the fans react well.

    Wedding bells will soon be ringing. And sources say the writers are pulling out all the stops to make this the most memorable wedding that Oakdale has ever seen.

    Any rumors about Spencer Grammer coming abaord the show have finally been put to rest. "Spencer is a very talented actress, but there's simply no room for her on the canvas right now," explains Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford. "Maybe sometime in the future we might bring her on, but not for the forseeable future.

    And lastly, online speculation says that Episode 200 will be a scripted show.


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  21. Actor87
    Due to personal reasons, The World Of Oakdale will be pre-empted today.

    The show will also be pre-empted tomorrow due to the pre-emption of As The World Turns.

    The blog will return with a brand new episode on Monday, September 11th.

  22. Actor87
    Jason arrives at Mike and Katie's upon Mike's reuqest. Jason apologizes for the whole tabloid fiasco with Katie and Mike says that he is the one at fault for blaming Jason and Katie for something they had no control over. Jason laments that he was just trying to help with the wedding, wile Mike tells a confused Jason that he has the perfect way that Jason can help him...regarding the wedding.

    While Susan informs Bob and Kim that Emily has gone missing and Andy is on his way to rescue her, Andy arrives at Frank's trailer park where he comes across a bitter old lady named Mildred who informs him that she saw Frank arguing with his "bimbo of the week" earlier that evening. Little does he know that after Emily has come to and given Frank a mouthful, the two have actually started bonding.

    Luke tells Jack that he caught everything Sam told them about the night of the accident..on tape recorder. Sam is outraged and tells Jack that all of this is unlawful and he wants a lawyer. But after some slight manipulating from Jack, Sam finally agrees to come clean about the night he found Will at the party and offered him a ride home.

    Dusty corners Lucy and the two begin to work out their problems. Dusty apologizes for leading her on the night they made love and Lucy accepts his apology, but tells him that it all could have been stopped by her..if she had just said something..but she didn't. And she apologizes for that. She tells Dusty that she doesn't want to be a burden for him, while Dusty enlightens Lucy that she's not. He will always think of the great times they had together. Little do they know that while they're having this secret heart to heart..it's not so secret after all. Sierra is eavesdropping on everything.
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    Will has another flashback. He sees a male with blonde hair picking him up and setting him down in a car. A relieved yet determined Will tells Gwen what he remembers, but says he can't make out the face. Will tells Gwen that he now knows that he isn't the one who hit Elaine...but he has to find out who he rode with because whoever they are, they are the one who ran into Elaine. Meanwhile, Luke and Maddie are asked to step out while Jack questions Sam. Sam denies ever going to the party, but Luke busts in and says that he's lying and he and Maddie can prove it.

    Dusty asks Meg what she has to tell him that's so urgent about the wedding. Meg says that she promises not to be long, but she has to leave town for a while to clear her head. She says that she still can't quite forgive Dusty for getting Lucy pregnant as soon as he found out that she, herself, was pregnant. Dusty asks Meg if she still plans on them getting married and Meg says she doesn't know, but promises to call in a day or so and tell Dusty her answer. Later, Meg arrives at a bed and breakfast and counsels herself on what to do regarding Dusty. Meanwhile, Lucy is discharged and tries to avoid Dusty. Dusty, however, corners her and tells her that they have to talk.

    Carly tells Grant to go back to his suite at the Lakeview and keep her posted regarding Emma. Later, Emma is pleased when Grant returns. Grant and Emma talk about what happened between them earlier. Emma tells Grant that she's an old maid now and doesn't need a mad in her life. Grant insists that she re-think her statement. Emma concludes that their love making earlier was nothing but a poor case in judgement and apologizes for leading Grant on. Grant understands and hopes that Emma will realize what chemistry they have. Emma tells him that the only chemistry they should have is that of a businessman helping an old maid getting her farm back. Grant leaves and vows to call Emma with some proposals and hopefully some good news tomorrow.

    Andy arrives at the convenience store that Emily tipped him off to, but Emily is nowhere in sight. Andy disguises himself as a private investigator and finds out that Emily was headed to a trailer park on the other side of town. Meanwhile, Emily and Frank arrive at Frank's house and after a comical debate of whether Emily should get out and come in with him or risk losing a limb, Emily finally agrees to come in with Frank and "see his crazy butt to bed". But befors she knows it, Frank emerges from behind her with a needle and drags an unconcious Emily into his trailer house.
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    Meg gets confused whenDusty wants Lucy to stay. Dusty claims that he doesn't want to be the reason Lucy leaves Oakdale. Lucy explains that she needs to get her life back on track and plunge herself back into school. She wishes Dusty and Meg all the happiness in the world, especially with the imoending arrival of their new baby and their steadily approaching wedding. Later, Meg tells Dusty that they need to talk. It's about the wedding.

    Luke and Maddie decide that they need to check with their friend who said he found Will passed out at the bus station, Sam. Sam [played by InTurn's Ian] confesses that he never found Will at the bus stop. He explains that he came to the party, but didn't touch any alcohol and once he saw Will highly intoxicated, he offered him a ride home and Will told him to drop him off at the Lakeview. Luke asks Sam if he minds being questioned and though hesitant at first, Sam finally agrees. Meanwhile, Will has another flashback of a male screaming out him to get out.

    Andy tells Susan that he doesn't care where Emily is. Susan explains that Emily left hours ago following Andy. She also tells him how Emily's phone seems to be on silent. As Frank and Emily continue to argue over Emily getting out of the car, Emily secretly calls Andy on her cell phone and tips him off to where they're at and where they're headed over the phone. Frank sees her had besid the seat and asks her what she thinks she's doing.

    Emma goes off on Grant for hovering her farm above her. Grant quickly apologizes and the two leave together. At Jack and Carly's...the two sit down to have a romantic dinner together. However, Jack gets a call from Luke about a lead in the hit and run case and Carly is left alone. Time passes by and Grant appears at the door. Carly comments how late it is, but Grant tells her that Emma has agreed to Grant helping her get her farm back. While Carly wonders aloud what might have changed Emma's mind...we see a bedsheet-clad Emma crawling out of bed at the Lakeview, leading the viewers to believe that Emma and Grant did a little "negotiating" of their own.

    SPECIAL NOTE: In accordance with the pre-emption of As The World Turns on Monday, September 3...The World Of Oakdale will also be pre-empted.
  25. Actor87
    Lucy asks for Dusty and is surprised when Meg comes in with him. She breaks down and starts crying, explaining that she never meant to come between Dusty and Meg. It all seems to be a bit too much for Meg, who leaves the room. Lucy explains to Dusty that she’s going back to college now to get her life back on track and promises never to bug Dusty again. Meg returns to the room just as Dusty begs Lucy not to go.

    Emma and Grant settle down for lunch and Grant can tell Emma is smitten by him. Once he starts talking legal terms, Emma gets nervous and tells Grant that she doesn’t need his help after all. Grant begs her to sit down and hear him out. He tells a surprised Emma that if he wanted to, he could get her the farm back today.

    Luke and Maddie take their cue and asks Lisa if they can accompany her. When Lisa starts to ask questions, they just lie and Lisa agrees. Once in the woman’s room, Luke and Maddie notice the portrait of a sunset on the wall and realize that the friend that they talked to, who told them they found Will at the bus station, was lying. They head back to Java to re-meet with Will and Gwen, while Gwen is reassuring Will that she’s there for him and that she knows he could never do such a terrible thing, unlike the person who really hit Elaine.

    Emily refuses to budge and tells the man, Frank [played by Peter Falk], that she is not going anywhere. She does, however, promise him a ride to the police station. Frank becomes infuriated and pulls out a knife, telling Emily to get out of the car and give him everything she has of value…or else. Meanwhile, Susan contacts Andy and asks if he’s seen Emily.

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