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personal fan fic all my own

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#50 Friday, June 8

Colleen worries that Lily is changing for all the wrong reasons Lauren's day at Fenmore's was busy one. Three customers came in to pick up their alternated outfits, while another customer kept her busy with various questions on some of the clothing that she had displayed. Scratching her head, she almost wished she hadn't given Lily the day off. As she's straightening the racks of clothes, and checking to see if the fragrance bar was stocked, she didn't notice that Gloria walked in. Gloria ap



#49 Thursday, June 7

Lily contemplates getting a little added enhancement Drucilla and Sharon meet up for breakfast. As the two are awaiting their orders, Sharon asks Dru how she's liking working with Phyllis. Dru surprises Sharon, as well as herself, when she tells her that Phyllis has been easy to work with. Sharon, not able to hold back her feelings on the situation, tells Dru that the main reason why she was hired. Dru asks what she could be possibly talking about. Sharon points out that she had words wi



#48 Wednesday, June 6

Nikki may not move in but opts to spend the night with Victor Amanda is all set for her date with JT. As she walks into the athletic club, she makes her way towards the bar, hoping that JT would arrive shortly. She's preparing to order a drink when she her cell phone chimes. Looking at the caller id, she smiles when it's JT. Her smile soon turns into a small frown when he explains that he can't make it to dinner after all due to a sudden assignment he was given. Amanda quickly tells JT



#47 Tuesday, June 5

Lauren takes her anger about Michael out on Lily At Fenmore’s, Lauren is agitated at the fact that Michael chose his mother over rebuilding his relationship with her. The door to the boutique opens and she’s shocked to see Lily coming in wearing a min-skirt and a tight fitting shirt. Lily greets Lauren, but instead of getting a warm greeting she’s used to, Lily instead gets told about her choice in clothing. Blinking a little, Lily is hurt that Lauren is judging her on how she looks. Ji



#46 Monday, June 4

Jill is floored to learn Ji Min has been fired At the Abbott estate, Jack is finishing up breakfast when he hears the doorbell ring. Checking his watch, he quickly makes his way to the door and frowns upon seeing Brad on the other end. Jack tells Brad he has no time to talk to him, since he is heading off to work. Smirking a little, Brad tells Jack that now that he's working at Jabot, maybe they can carpool together. Jack tells Brad that the day he accepts a ride from him is the day hell



#45 Friday, June 1

A party at the Newman's stirs up romance as well as trouble for those in attendance At Jabot, Jack, who is still on the warpath at all those who have betrayed him, sets his sights on Ji Min. Dialing his office phone, he instructs Ji Min to come into his office. When Ji Min comes into the office, Jack sets up a conversation about trust, and asks what Ji Min would do if an employee of his broke that trust. Not understanding, JiMin questions what is going on. Jack tells JiMin that he knows t



#44 Thursday, May 31

Nick could be cooking up a recipe for disaster Devon is taken back when Drucilla appears so adament against his trip with Amber to L.A. Devon tells Dru that he feels this is good for him, to experiance a new big city. Dru tells him that he'll have plenty of time to do that, after college and certainly with people better than Amber. Neil tells Dru to cool it and again thinks this is a great idea. H esays Devon has had a rough year and this may do him some good and he is an adult and should be



#43 Wednesday, May 30

Devon's good news hits a sour note for Dru Stepping off of the elevator, Jack Abbott was in no mood for conversation or stares. After being humiliated by the likes of Randall Bates, with the help of Victor Newman, he wanted to make a new start on his life; and the first order of business is t o let it be known to every Jabot employee is that Jack Abbott is BACK! Grabbing her purse and keys, Lily is all set for her shopping excursion with Colleen. Colleen smiles at her best friend, asking



#42 Tuesday, May 29

As the walls close in, Michael may have to step back from his family At the Newman ranch, Victor is hanging up the phone, when Nikki walks into the archway of his study. Victor immediately tells Nikki that they have some celebrating to do. Nikki, still not on the up and up with their strained relationship, tells Victor that he might have to celebrate solo. Once Kevin has left the athletic club, JT notices Amanda’s frustration. She tells him that she can’t believe Kevin’s gall in approachi



#41 Monday, May 28

Dru's 'true love' finds it's way back into her heart As the media rushes to capture the stunning scene around them, Sharon watches in horror, as Jack’s debate comes unraveled. Not knowing what to do, she stands still, keeping her eyes on the ashen face of Jack. Jack, not knowing what was happening, couldn’t muster a word; despite the swirl of reporters demanding to know what he had to say for himself. Kevin didn’t think is evening could get any worse; not only did he have to deal with



#40 Friday, May 25

Jack's world publically spins out of control for all to witness Time is ticking for Jack, as he plans for his first political debate with Randall. As he’s going over his notes, Sharon walks in the door. Looking up, he can tell that she’s still upset at Nikki’s decision to fire her from NVP. Putting his notes down, he goes over to her and suggests that she go along with him to get her mind off of what has happened. Sharon tells him that she will be there by his side, just as he has been b



#39 Thursday, May 24

With NVP back in her control, Nikki tosses out the trash A distraught Lauren, who is with Katherine, can’t believe that Michael has taken their child from her. Katherine tells her that she needs to rest, but Lauren argues that she can’t rest until she knows that her son is fine. In tears, she requests that Katherine makes a phone call to Paul. Kevin, who has been given the responsibility of taking care of the remains of Jana, is contacting the morgue to come in to visualize the body.



#38 Wednesday, May 23

Michael finds himself taking off with Fen Devon and Lily are discussing some of the key points that took place at the music producer seminar. Smiling, Lily expresses gratitude to Devon for getting her out of the house. He tells her that he just wants her to have a good time. A young man comes up to them and announces that they have refreshments and appetizers if they are interested. Both stand up and head in that direction. Daniel contacts Amber and asks her if she has any ideas on way



#37 Tuesday, May 22

JT's back in Genoa City and has some parting words for Colleen Brad can't believe that Victor and the rest of the Newman family want him to step down from the Newman board position. Staring at Victoria, he asks her if she truly wants it to be this way between them. Before she can answer, Nick tells Brad that his free ride on the Newman train is over. Breaking up the heated exchange, Victor bellows that Brad either step down from his board seat or experience a fight he will never be able to



#36 Monday, May 21

Brad finds himself in shark infested waters with the Newmans Jill makes her arrival to Jabot a few minutes early. Once on her floor, she notices the door to Cane’s office open. Upon walking in, she sees him placing his belongings in a box. Knocking on the door, she startles the young man. Cane tells Jill that he didn’t expect to see her so early. She replies back that she didn’t expect to see him packing up all of belongings either, and wonders what is going on. At the Newman ranch, bo



WEEKLY PROMO: Week of May 21st

ANNOUNCER: Victor has Jack’s number… (Victor is talking to Randall.) VICTOR: Jack Abbott is going down, and hard. ANNOUNCER: This week, Jack’s world begins to crumble. (Victor is talking to Jack.) VICTOR: I know that you own Jabot, and I know that you tricked your father. JACK: Take NVP. Take anything you want, Victor. Don’t ruin my campaign. I’ve put a lot into this. (Victor is talking to Randall.) VICTOR: Jack Abbott’s downfall begins at the senator debate. ANN



#35 Friday, May 18

Victor has the ammunition to crumble Jack Mamie Johnson standing in the doorway, smiles as Victor approaches her with a hearty hug. As she steps in, Victor closes the door behind them, for complete privacy. Offering her a drink, Victor asks her if she has the information that he is looking for. Mamie assures him that once he sees what she has, he'll be as surprised as she was. Phyllis, still rubbing the cheek that was slapped, looks on as Nick slumps into a chair. She immediately tell



#34 Thursday, May 17

Victoria slaps Phyllis into shape for her actions Cane is walking to his office when he is attacked by the media. They want to know if this latest Jabot scandal has had any affect on his growing relationship with his biological mother, Jill. Cane doesn’t feel comfortable with the press and rushes into his office. Nikki walks down the stairs to find Victor in the living room. Victor asks his wife if Victoria is still sleeping. Nikki says that their daughter decided to head into the office



#33 Wednesday, May 16

Phyllis airs Sharon's dirty deeds for the whole world to see Phyllis is in the Newman break room sipping on some coffee and looking over some reports and she can hear commotion outside. Sharon and Brad get off the elevator to find a swarm of media. They swarm to Brad and ask him some questions regarding the Jabot scandal since he was a former employee of the company as was Sharon. Both decline to comment and go into the break room and shut the door. Brad demands to know why she suddenly decid



#32 Tuesday, May 15

Jill publicly gives Gloria her walking papers The town of Genoa City is in a buzz the following morning, as news hits about the arrest of Gloria Fisher Abbott. The minute Jill steps off the elevator of Jabot; she is immediately swarmed by reporters demanding to know what Jabot plans to do in regards to Gloria. Trying her best to shoo them away, she is rescued by Ji Min, who announces to the reporters that they will discuss everything in a press conference. Once inside her office, Jill tel



#31 Monday, May 14

Victoria walks out on Brad, while Gloria gets the cuffs slapped on her.... Lily is questioning as to why Daniel and Devon are so wrapped up in Amber. Devon tries to explain to Lily that Amber has no place to stay, but Lily, realizing where the conversation is leading, becomes furious at Devon for even thinking about letting the troublemaking girl stay. Before she can continue on her conversation, she sees Amber bounding down the stairs. Looking at Devon and Daniel, Lily is angry that they



#30 Friday, May 11

Devon's houseguest has Daniel seeing red Sharon walks into the Newman break room to see Phyllis pouring a cup of coffee. Sharon informs Phyllis that Noah talked to her about the arguments that he’s witnessed between she and Nick, and voices concern about his being caught in the middle. Phyllis tells Sharon that all children see parents arguing from time to time. Sharon reminds Phyllis that she is his mother, and as a parent, she wants to make sure her son doesn’t have to endure hearing or



#29 Thursday, May 10

Sharon talks to Nick about Noah Brad and Victoria are at home, alone having a candle light dinner celebrating their 1 year anniversary. Victoria comments to Brad that she is so happy and in such a good place right now. She tells Brad that everything feels so right and she can't wait until their 2nd anniversary at which time they will have a third person to celebrate with, their baby. Brad joeks with Victoria and asks her if she is just hoping for a 2nd? He tells her he hopes for many many mor



#28 Wednesday, May 9

Michael is the bearer of bad news for Gloria In Los Angeles, Jill and Gloria are going over ideas on how to answer questions about Extreme Catwalk when the press arrives. Gloria is on a natural high in regards to being the center of attention, telling Jill this is the life she's always wanted to live. Jill r eminds her that even the slightest bit of fame can be dangerous. Waving the notion off, Gloria grabs a pair of sunglasses and tells Jill she's going out to see the 'sights'. As she is



#27 Tuesday, May 8

Dru's meddling gets her into trouble with Lily Sharon and Noah are returning from his stay with Phyllis and Nick. He heads upstairs to take his backpack and other things to his room. While Sharon is going through the mail, she thinks about how tense Jack became during their romantic night together. Shaking it off as typical business, she calls Noah down to ask him about his time spent with Nick and Phyllis. When he bounds down the stairs, he quickly fills her in on how Phyllis and Nick



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