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As My World Turns

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laptop's back

My laptop is back and in perfect order, which is fab. For the past two days, I was really hating my life. I can't explain why, and I kind of don't want to delve into it right now. I guess it was because I wasn't taking care of myself. I know that academics are important, especially here, but in the long run, they really aren't if they're going to conflict with my well-being. It's all good now though! Tonight I'm catching up on ATWT and tomorrow we don't have classes (WOO-HOO!), so I'm ve

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

i'm back

I sent my computer in to get fixed because the CD player broke. It's already 10 PM and I haven't accomplished as much homework as I would have liked. All I have to do, though, is History and Economics work (the History is due on Thursday, btw), and then watch a movie for Women's Studies on Sunday. So it's not too bad. I think all this extra work is not going to accomplish anything in the end. I should be happy being a B student, I guess. It's not as if this is an easy school. Bs are good grad

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

more updates

1. I'm staying in the house. at myself for constantly changing my mind. 2. I don't think I commented on seeing the Vagina Monologues on Saturday, so I will now. It was really good...I'm surprised because it was a lot funnier than I thought it would be. The funny parts were REALLY funny and the sad parts were REALLY sad. I felt bad for the men in the audience, though, in one scene (the funniest one I think), the first words the woman says are, "I love vaginas" and the audience starts laughin

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

my choice

So... I'm definitely moving. I think it's for the best. I've been contemplating this for several days, and there are times when I feel like I shouldn't be doing this...but overall I think it's the safer option. And who knows? I might move back senior year. I just think that it will better to live somewhere else and not have to explain to someone why I'm doing certain things. Like I can't even do homework on Fridays and Saturdays in the room because it's just impossible, so I have to go to the

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

i'm a nerd (photos included)

Okay, I woke up at 9.30 today to go to the library to do my homework (and will probably do the same tomorrow). Oh, it gets better. Last night (Friday, mind you) I went to the library at 8 until 11 doing Women's Studies and internship research. I swear, I must be the world's biggest loser because who the hell wastes away her weekend doing school work?? I'm on a procrastination break right now until 1, but I'm hoping to finish my Women's Studies (one more articulo!!) and History by 3.30-4ish so

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


I've been scoping around for internships so that I won't have to return to the simple life during the summer. There were some great opportunities, like this internship with a travel guide company that's in Prague; however, one of the essay questions was what my last travelling experience was and what I learned from it. Thus, that one was scraped very quickly. But then there's one working for P&G in NYC, and I'm definitely going to apply because that would mean working for ATWT! Seriously,

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

I hate boats!

So now my roommate wants to do the semester at sea! Oy vey! It's all fine though...I can live with an open double. But I'm still contemplating a move to the Quad. We'll see what happens. Also, I'm on a mission to steal a punch bowl from the dining room I work in. I'm freaking out about getting caught.

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


Life is good...now at least. Classes are really interesting. I absolutely love my History class, and I'm kind of bummed that I'll only have to take 3 more to get the minor. But I'm sure that it's just because of the material we're covering. It's not like a typical History class, but more like a combination of History and Literature. Today we were watching the Disney movie Pocahontas and I was suprised about how differently I view the movie from when I was a little kid. There are just so many asp

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

you say it's your birthday

My birthday has been fabulous! I'm really happy because I was bugging out about the fact that this is my first b-day away from my family. But it's turned out to be one of my best! Last evening we went out to dinner. We had some pizza at this amazing restaurant. I love the fact that I go to a college that's in an awesome town. There are so many "hidden gems" here that I have yet to experience. Anyway, the girl that I mentioned in the last entry showed up...but I'm glad that she did. I now re

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

tomorrow's my birthday

So tomorrow's my birthday. I'm not looking forward to it. I mean, it's all downhill from here. 18 was a good birthday, but what's so amazing about 19?? NOTHING! And I don't care about 21 either because I don't drink and I don't care about being able to gamble in casinos. I'm going out tonight with a few friends. I'm kind of ashamed of myself, though, because I purposely didn't invite this one girl...maybe I should though. The problem is that she really annoys me, but she's good friends with

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

was in bad mood

I was in a bad mood today. I act like such a bitch sometimes. I'm surprised that my roommate is so nice to me. Oh well...I'm better now. Classes are great, but the work is unbearable! I'm off the art library (with the nice comfy chairs!!!) to do some major Spanish and WS reading. Then I have to go work. Guess what? I only got a measly 4 hours of work study. I'm working Thursdays and Fridays doing dishes, and then Mondays I'm a "runner" which looks daunting. Basically, you just serve the food

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

i'm an idiot

Classes have been good. I have so much homework, though, which is why I cannot update all the time now. I also can't watch my soaps, which is sad...but I'm going to start taping them next week so I won't fall behind. I also have a stomach virus, and it was freaking me out last night. I almost had a nervous breakdown, which is not fun because it's only the 4th day of classes and I can't be stressing myself out about stuff already. That's all.

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

already slacking

Today was the first day of classes, and I'm already slacking off. Nice one Rachel!! My classes today were really good. Women's Studies looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, yet there's a lot of work involved. I'm really excited about the class though. The lecture today made me happy to have a vagina! There was one guy in the class though. I'm definitely not going to get much rest this semester though! There are like 100 people signed up the class, and as usual, there's a bunch of st

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

bring on the heat

I think the heater is working fine now. Our room's kind of warm, which is muy bueno. everyone's back in the house! I'm really happy!! I got a postcard from one girl who went to Japan during J-Term...isn't that insane??? Anyway, the house is back to being a nice big family again. It's great! This semester looks like it's going to be a lot of fun...the beginning's always the best because nobody has to worry about homework and commitments and whatnot. It's the best feeling: being here and bein

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


The heat doesn't work in our room. Stupid piece of crap room! This is one of the downsides of living in a house that hasn't been fully renovated since 1899. Our heater has always been strange. This morning, at 5.30, though, my roomie and I were woken by the heater (and it was supposed to be shut off!!) because water was spouting out of it and it was so loud! And now, it doesn't even work! I'm sure that tomorrow morning it's going to be under 30*. This fricking room is so drafty (and it do

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

I must enter a title longer than 2 characters

Well, I already have a Live Journal, but it's "friends only" and I have a Dead Journal but it's private. So I guess this wil be my totally-public blog. Plus, I'm kind of a non-fan of fan fiction...lol. I mean, I like what other people write, but I suck at writing fiction. So this will be about my real life, and if it's boring...too bad! Isn't that why we all watch soaps anyway?? Anyway... The second semester is starting in 4 days. I'm looking forward to this semester's classes: MWF- Int

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

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