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A General Hospital fan fic featuring GH characters.

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This is the second night in a row that I haven't been able to sleep. During this time I've worked out (though in pain) and have set up my Sony PSP to be the "end all, be all" media system. I am now podcasting Guiding Light, CBS Soap Box & Rockland County Soap on my PSP. This god damn thing is so freaking cool. Wi-Fi internet where ever I go, I just tap into another internet connection. Actual internet, I can visit the SON webpage too. Eh, I guess I'll play some Guiding Light episodes until I



I'm So Happy

For the first time in a few months I am very, very, very happy. My aunts returned home from the middle east (not for war) yesterday and I was able to see them today. I don't know how long they are here for, but to be able to see them after 7 months puts me in a very good mood. I'm very close to my aunts and I miss talking with them everyday. On top of that, my uncle is back from Iraq. It was a special Chandler family reunion. I'll be going back to my grandparents house tomorrow (don't know wh



Just an update....Hurt Again?

Based on the title you'd think it was about my ex, but no. I injured myself while working out. I hit my lower back on one of the weights that was behind me as I was doing curls. Ugh, I'm so clumsy sometimes. I don't know how much longer I can damn continue to be cold at work. There is no damn reason for my office to be 27 degrees when I come into work in the morning. No reason. Being single kicks ass! It's fun not being tied down, but still keeping the door open for a serious relationship.



Man I love Rockland County Soap!

Wow, I just got new lines for Rockland County and my character finally, finally gets to interact with Arden and Dante (the previous interaction was very short). Roger Newcomb (a member of SON), who's the creator of both Scripts & Scruples as well as Rockland County has done a great job with both shows. I was a little hesitant at first about doing this, but as the weeks go by, I become more and more comfortable. If you've been following the show, Elijah and Dante don't really get along. No



Sometimes It's Better If You Leave Stuff Alone...

What a week it's been for me. Some good, some bad. But really bad on the boards. I got myself into a little bit of trouble this past week and while I won't go into it, I feel really bad. I took part in some things that were unneccessary and ended up making things worse. This just hasn't been a good week for me on SON. To those who may have been offended, I apologize. That was not my intention. Sometimes even the best of intentions come back and bite you on the ass as it did with me. You know



Baby It's Cold Outside

I have always said that I preferred being cold than hot, but my goodness, this is unbearable. Living near (damn near on) the beach is fun, but not when it's cold. The wind chill factor here was like 14 degrees. That's nothing compared to when I was in PA and the wind chill was 5-10 below zero, but still. For NY/NJ to have a pretty moderate winter last year, this is the complete opposite. I wish it would already go ahead and snow. We know it's coming, we just don't know exactly when. Oh, and o



Pissed off, very pissed off

Enter The...oh the hell with it. I'm not gonna rant for long. I'll make this short and sweet. All of my plans for this week of been ruined. I was supposed to go down to Super Soap Weekend and enjoy myself. But no, Ryan can't be happy for too long can he? God damn it, my job decided today to exercise my "on call" clause in my contract due to me being the interim office administrator. Dude, I'm a freakin Executive Assistant, I don't want to run the office. The funny thing is though, tomorrow



My Ex and The Decision I Have Made About Us

Enter The Chandler Zone Ever hear a song and it reminds you of something that is going on in your life or makes you re-evaluate how you handled a certain situation. Well, that happened to me today. I'm here listening to Carrie Underwood's new album and came across a song called "Starts With Goodbye". Here are the lyrics below. That song made me so think about my relationship with my ex girlfriend. Obviously I'm still hung up on her because we've been broken up since February 2004 and I



Working on my soap concept again

Enter The Chandler Zone Once again it's time for me to talk. And oh how I like to talk, lol. My main reason for posting is because I find myself to interested in the websoap that I participate in. Normally I would just call in my lines and listen to my part only, but man are things picking up. My character Elijah is involved in a hit and run accident...or is he? Listeners just found out that Elijah was not the one driving his car the day Caroline Hart was run down, he was in class taking fina



Random Stuff

Enter The Chandler Zone Thank god I am done with my damn paper. It was fun but jesus christ it took for freaking ever to write. It was on the steps leading up to a relationship...the courtship if you must give it a name. It was what do women look for in the steps leading up for a full blown relationship. After speaking with some close female friends of mine (who were great sources) I also decided that I will be working on an advice column with my best friend. Dunno how it'll work yet but I'm



Confessions Of a Strained Relationship

Maybe it could be the fact that I have a mild hangover, but I've been thinking about my father alot today. He and I don't have a great relationship and haven't had one for years. A friend of mine heard a song called "Confessions of a Broken Heart" by Lindsay Lohan and sent it to me. I could totally connect with the words. Anyways, I thought I'd post the lyrics to the song (which were edited to reflect me being the son) Confessions of a Broken Heart I wait for the postman to bring me a let



Song Stuck In My Head

I don't know what it is with me lately, but I swear I am liking county music more and more. It's quite ridiculous how the same songs play over and over on contemporary radio, so I occasionally switch to the country station. Now, I've always liked certain songs, but I'm starting to like more and more. There's this one song that I can personally relate to. Now the lyrics aren't that great, but I just like the song in general. It's Josh Gracin's "Stay With Me" "Stay With Me" Baby, the cl



My Boss Is Hot!

Enter The Chandler Zone I had a really, really good day at work. I met my new boss. She's freaking hot!!!!! Oh my god, I mean I went speechless when I saw her. I have to find a way to take some pictures of her to post on my blog. Work is gonna be really interesting starting October 3rd. I think I should turn on the SCC....the "Smooth Chandler Charm". Oh yeah, I think I've come up with my newest project...to make my boss....mine. She's 25, I'm 19. That's too big of a stretch. Chandler Out



Work Tomorrow and other ramblings

Enter The Chandler Zone I sooooooooo don't want to go to work tomorrow. It's not that I hate my job, it's just that there is nothing for me to do until our new director starts. It's the ideal job for someone who likes to be bored, but I can't deal with it for much longer. Yeah I have a great view of the ocean, and yeah the boardwalk is right outside of our gate, but it's been too damn hot for me to be out there. Plus the humidity messes up my hair. If I spike it in the morning, it'll complet



My Weekend (Short Version)

Today is my first offical day returning to SON. After about two weeks of dealing with some family issues and my own personal problems, it's nice to be able to get back online and just do nothing, lol. I celebrated my 19th birthday on Saturday, September 24. My roomates took me out for my birthday. I really enjoyed it. The club was really awesome, I plan on going back in a few weeks. Saturday started off pretty late. My roomates and I stayed up until like 3 on Friday just hanging out with som



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