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Paris Hilton to magazine: I'm celibate


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She gets paid 500K to show up to places? The stuff she says doesn't make any sense. She's comparing herself to Princess Di? At least Diana did something with her life, as opposed to this girl who only got so popular b/c she had sex and videotaped it.

This is obviously another publicity stunt. I don't believe that she's slept with only 2 people. The girl's a walking STD. If that's the case, then I guess I'm a slut too.

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I think she was making the Princess Diana compairison only in regards to papparazzi and, in her defense in this case, I can see the corralation. She really can't go anywhere without gaggilion photographers on her tail, photographing her every move. Granted, I think much of that is her own doing and I think she does revel in it to a certain degree, but I would suspect that even the most publicity obsessed camera hog would want some downtime and to be alone, on occaision, which I'm not sure is afforded to Ms. Hilton (nor to anyone of her caliber of celebrity).

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Well, I'm buying it. You can act skanky and make yourself look like a "walking STD" without being one. Are any of you Paris' doctors? How would you know? Or have any of you personally had sex with her? I buy what she's saying, and why SHOULDN'T we believe she won't have sex for a year? After all, we ALL know how much she's hounded by photogs. If she had sex, we would ALL know about it, and she would look like a hypocrite. So yeah, I'm buying it. Although I don't see why she's saying just a year. Why not longer? Why not until marriage? REALLY show us, Paris! I'd be intrigued.

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I seriously don't think with all the boyfriends she's had that she didn't have sex with most of them. And I do think that waiting until marriage or a while can be done. Lately she was photographed here in Canada(Toronto) leaving a hotel with a very famous married hockey Goalie(Josee Theodore), and they even caught them kissing.

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No, I'm not that gullible.

Maybe the problem is you and Ryan (yes, I saw that yawn!) aren't thinking this through.

She is one of the most photographed and buzzed about celebs in the country. IF she broke her vow of celibacy, we would ALL know about it. It would be on all the gossip blogs and everyone would know, and she would look like a liar.

And I don't care who it is she would screw. IT WOULD get out. Don't you see that?

So why would she say this if she didn't intend to keep her word? I'm not gullible, photogs and celebrity gossip bloggers are just going to FORCE her to keep her word.

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Bloggers, Photographers and gossip mags can't force her to keep her word. She's gonna do what she wants, when she wants and if she does break her "vow" it'll just give her more press.

I bet you believed Britney Spears when she said that she was going to remain a virgin until she got married......

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