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Big Brother: SON Edition!


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Good mid-morning houseguests!!!

I just want to remind everyone that we will be playing the POV game tonight at 8:00CST/9:00EST

At that time the game and the rules will be posted. Please note you will be going to a certain room within pogo.com to play this game.

Remember houseguests if the POV is put into use, a replacement nominee will be named immediately following and I'll deliver more instructions of what is to come following that.

Thank you houseguests!

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Hello houseguests!!

Houseguests tonight we will be playing for the POWER OF VETO. The winner of this power will have the choice to change the nominations made by the HOH.

Krypton has nominated for eviction: TOUPS and RYAN CHANDLER

Houseguests, you will all compete for the POV.

Now for the game:

You will go to www.pogo.com

From there you will find the game POPIT...click on the link and then go to the following room.

You will all be given specific rooms to compete in, just because it's funner that way.

KrytponMan please go to the room titled: Boomtown

King Reilly please go to the room titled: Gilligan's Identity Crisis

Toups please go to the room titled: Poke and Joke

JuniorZ1 please go to the room titled: Snap, Crackle, and Poppit!

Ryan Chandler please go to the room titled: Hot Air Balloons

Here are the rules. You are encouraged to read the instructions on how to play if you have not ever played:

The cactus will be serving as your host. if you release all prize boxes and/or star from the balloons, you will then be given the chance to win extra points.

However if you run out of move the cactus will say “My friend, you’re out of moves.” The game is over.

However it turns out for you houseguests, you will then take the number of TOKENS you one for the game and PM them to me immediately. The person with highest number will win the POV.

If you pop all the balloons and go into bonus round you will have the chance to earn the jackpot spin. Then they will total that number. TOTAL TOKENS either in the balloon if you win, if you lose take the number in the bottom left hand corner, under the cactus.

Remember only play one time.

Remember to play only once. After you are done, PM your scores to me immediately and the winner of the POV will be announced. The winner once declared should immediately announce their decision!!


Please if you have any questions....PM me immediately.

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