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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Are you freaking blind? This has happened before and no one has gotten 2nd challenges. I could understand them doing another challenge from where Howie was eliminated. Janelle had no right to be in that 2nd HoH challenge. Erika won the 1st challenge fair and square.

And if you think BB doesn't rig then we should vote for you as most gullible.

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BB does rig things. Look at the PoV George won. That was MADE for him. And when Janie won last week's PoV. Totally in her favor.

I don't see how people are whining and bitching that it's rigged for Janelle to win. WTF? Everyone had a chance to compete again. It was fucked up the first time. Howie could of won but was out due to a faulty buzzer. Boogie and Marcellas also had problems. How was the second comp rigged for Janelle to win? I don't get that. Anyone could have won. I do think Erika should of been kept as HoH and there be a double HOH, but then Erika could just disagree with Janelle and both go on the block with Janelle being evicted, so...

Just because they didn't fix these problems in past seasons doesn't mean it's rigged. They realized they made a mistake, it wasn't because Janelle or Howie didn't win, as much as people want to believe that. CBS would face a ton of lawsuits if it came out it was rigged. If anything, the coup d'etat will be rigged ... and IMO, the producers came up with it to save Janelle. That's JMO. It was MADE for her. I do agree with that.

And if Janelle hadn't won the re-do, you wouldn't hear Janie fans bitching up a storm. It's done, it's over with, and Janelle is Head of Household.

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I had accepted the fact that Janey was out the door this week.

I don't think the POV's were rigged because anyone could have won those if they wanted it enough or had the balls to. I am not just saying that because Janey won either. When James was accusing BB of rigging it in George's favor, I also thought it was ridiculous. The challenges were just designed for who wants it the most. The latter challenge was really designed for who is the greediest slash who could click in the fastest.

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She shouldn't of even had a chance. She was eliminated due to a wrong answer. The others who were wrong shouldn't of gotten a 2nd chance either. It should of been from where Howie got eliminated on.

And when Janelle is eliminated fair & square in the first hoh & Erika wins fair & square in the first HoH. Seems a bit unfair that after all is said and done Janelle is HoH and Erika is about to be nominated.

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I don't really think CBS/BB loves Janelle as much people think they do. I actually think they've been trying to paint her in a negative light. I mean the editing of the episodes totally looked like Will manipulated Janelle into not nominating Chilltown. When, we all know she wanted to put up a floater before she even won.

They knew if she won the POV, she'd come away looking like a selfish !@#$%^&*] for doing bad things to the house.

They've made sure to ask every evictee about Janelle during the post-interview - kind of making it seem like Janelle was solely responsible for ALL of their evictions.

And the Amy interview which I think they wanted people to side with Amy on.

Also, Julie talked negatively about her this morning on The Early Show and talked like she was a psycho.

So, I think the show is trying to get America not to love Janelle as much so when she gets kicked off, it's not so bad, butttttt it's just not working.

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Well since we are talking about rigged HOH comptitions. What about the one a few weeks ago when Janelle, won HOH for the second time.

Um...hello BB set that one up so that someone from Season 6 wouldn't win. Buzz in and eliminate!! That in my opinion was a HUGE setup if there ever was one!!! I'm exicted about Janie's HOH, I just wish she woudln't nominate Erika is all, because I do love Ericka too.

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Good point, Josh. Not to mention, the hanging competition was designed for Erika.

Did you guys catch that the Prom King and Queen will have an advantage at the next HOH challenge???? I totally missed that.

Howie's gotta get King.

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THe whole CDE, I think its made for Will to be handed the power. You know eventually CT will be up together and this will be the perfect time to get them off. I will be very surprised if Janie gets it, I think either Will or Boogie gets it

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Go Janie!! i HATED the way they treated Kaysar!! GGGRRR!! he always gets kicked in the teeth! i am so glad they had a do over Howie was so obviously robbed. now i'm concerned about this stupid coup crap. i think that sucks.

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