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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I thought she looked great, too. The "matronly" comment really ticked me off, especially since we know the ageist and sexist mindset of the ptbs at the rat network. Oh, well. On my screen Tracy looked about 10 years younger than the "legend" who walked in at the end. His comment made me really wish that Tracy would show up at The Haunted Star opening with a man who is *not* Edward.

Funny how female vets are matrons and male vets are legends. Why is that?

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Just finished watching today's GH. I agree it was very well acted. A nice episode. But one question; when did they recast the role of Lucky with George Michael (from the 80's no less) Seriously what was up with that look GV?

Gonna go check out SOC and got to bed. I'm beat!

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Today's epi was tragically sad. They couldn't just soras Michael or send him to boarding school or prison?!?! wtf?!?!

Good news is: they've got Luke/Tracy/Claudia Z on slow boil.. it's going to be so fun to watch this simmer, and then boil over. So fun! I love that TIIC has mixed Tracy in with Claudia... they are so yummy together.

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Hey lainey! Guess Claudia is good for something--gave edward and Tracy some scenes!

She is going to be mixing it up with Nik I think and Patrick tomorrow of later this week. I think Friday is when Diane sleeps with Max and Alexis gets an eyeful or something like that.


Edited by hookedongh
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Here are the breakdowns for the next two days from GHH2 which has been spot on this week

4/10 Kate wants to know why Sonny is staying away from Michael.

Diane admits to Alexis that she has unpure thoughts about Coleman.

Nik is surprised to learn that Nadine is quite handy.

Emily's presence intrudes on a moment between Nik and Nadine.

Claudia buys Patrick a drink.

Jason brings Monica up to date.

Carly lays into Sonny, no holds barred.

Luke walks in on Tracy and Claudia' meeting.

Carly lives in the land of denial,

Two galpals discuss the badboys in their lives.

4/11 Dianne and Max get steamy.

Claudia apologizes to a comatose Michael.

Nadine is tripped up after a disagreement with Nik

and suffers a minor injury.

Monica and Jason have a heart to heart where they discuss

the concept of forgiving oneself.

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I think so, Halee. Sounds like it from hooked's spoilers, and there was another Tracy spoiler for the same day. There hasn't been anything that I know of spoiled for next week. She's on the 21st and 22nd, though, and both days of The Haunted Star opening.

As for GV...I love him, but he looked like he fell into a vat of Miracle Grow.

Edited by QueenTracy
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You know, after watching the clips of today's episode i have more than a few questions:

Mainly, when is Tracy gonna have to stop being the man in her relationship with Luke? seriously? she still has to run up behind his sorry butt and clean up his messes ala the Markaam islands, or when she offered to marry him again to get him out of trouble and he stood her up at the alter, and today, with the trying to buy claudia out....

Is this what what we waited and waited and waited for him to agree to the heart surgery for? Because to me, right now, he's not being very "legendary" or badass at all... he's being a jack ass

And do NOT get me started on little miss snatchy Claudia....MATRONLY??? seriously? AGH, again, i really wish that a show that is fortunate enough to still have actual talent on the canvas via the vets that they treat deplorably would value and respect them and treat them like the true gems they are...Jane, LC, Stuart....GH is lucky to have them, not the other way around...

Guza is sick in the head. and so is anyone else who thinks that devaluing the sparce real talent they have on set, turning a daytime soap that used to have substance and demensions into one big hand-me-down generic second cousin to the "Sopranos", and shooting children in the head is entertainment? "like a romance in wartime"? is sick

[/End rant]

Oh yeah, and she was smokin' today...the lighter colors on her make her cut seem much less severe, while retaining her edge...

ETA: Halee, thank you so much for the clips. I really appreciate it

Edited by tracyluver
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Mornin', just bumping the thread. Another day of cleaning and Guide work for me.

There is a decided lack of LuNacy spoilers. I'm hoping that this means we're in store for some really good stuff - considering the best LuNacy we've ever had wasn't spoiled. *think positive, think positive*

I was watching the clips on youtube from yesterday, and Tracy looks as un-matronly as she can get. Claudia is trying so hard to push all her buttons and Tracy isn't having it. I hope Luke is worth while today and doesn't tear down Tracy for her concern. At any rate, I'll be around to recap again.

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Yeah Tracy has stood by luke so many times through the whole laura trial, her kidnapping, his heart attack, it is about time the jack ass stands up for her. There was some spoiler that he was not taking kindly to her meeting with Claudia and one that he reassures his wife, so I guess we will see what happens.

I would like Luke to point out to Tracy that he has never taken his ring off, even though she has. If he didn't want to be married to her, then why would he bother keeping it on for everyone to see? Then he needs to put hers back on her finger!

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Actually tl, Luke *IS* being the man in the relationship because for the most part what Tracy is doing is what a woman does, run around cleaning up after their messes. Luke is a legendary cry baby (running from funny1 - eek) especially lately.

Don't get me started on Claudia again... She has some chutzpah calling Tracy matronly when she looks like a man in drag! SERIOUSLY!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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