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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No nex you're not the only one who noticed.


What I want to see re: the spoilers

I want to see the conversations between Tracy and Edward when she finds out what he is doing,the talks between Luke and Robert...what will he say to Robert,and how will Robert react?

Will Robert accuse Luke of being in love with his wife?

The conversations between Edward and Robert,Edward and Luke.

The conversations between Luke/Tracy and Tracy/Robert.

What will Edward do if/when Robert refuses to force Luke out of the Q's house?

Will Edward give up,and that's the end of plot point 1,000? Will Robert refuse to work for Edward and yet refuse to move out?


Should be interesting.

spoiler talk over

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YOOOOOO!! What's up!! It's only been like three days and i missed this place so much! I pm'd all of the people (minerva, Ms.Q, ILoveTracyQ) who pm'd me. Thanks so much guys! :D Also, I was gonna pm you, marland, and i think i still might, but one of my largest pet peeves is when someone offends you in the light but tries to apologize in the drak, behind closed doors. That's not me. in retrospect, i realize that i flew off the handle just a bit there with the whole "desperate" thing. (I also, now, hate the word "desperate" :lol: ) Anyway, i want to apologize. I don't like confrontation and i'm really sorry if i offended you (which i obviously did) Oh, and Holly isn't that bad, i don't know her character, though, seeing as how i'm only seventeen and was probably not even thought of when she was on the show last. You can understand, then, how i wouldn't like her or respond well to her given that the last few weeks were all i saw of her ( oh yeah and the whole withholding the antidote which always makes me feel warm and fuzzy) when i've seen alot more of tracy's character. I dunno. To each his own and i had no right to say some of the things i did. nuff said. :)

Now jsince this is a TRACY Q LUUURRVEFEST, let's get on to the Tracy lurvin'!! I woke my butt up at FIVE O FREAKING CLOCK just to see Fridays eppy on soapnet! I can barely get to school on time n a good day, even though i live right down the street from my school, b/c i'm always sooo tired and i still woke up because i had to see what you guys were talking about with the whole breaking down thing. yeah, not sure if i would have wanted to see her break down then because of the fact that the scene was, at least partly, played for laughs. I did like lukes defense of her though and i did like that he wasn't really trying to blackmail her into a divorce. oh, and the "scrumptuous" line wasn't lost on me either. lol. i want the best fro tracy. i want her to be in an equal relationship, one where she loves and, in turn, is loved in return i just really want that guy to be luke. after all this time, i really want something to come of this realationship. the chemistry between JE and TG is just so uncommonly awesome, especially in the guza-fied wor'd of GH where random characters are just thrown together at random haphazarty (if that's even a word. If it isn't, i'm a genius cuz i just made up a word :lol: ) I just really want them together. I want a scene where Tracy does want a relationship and asks why luke doesn't want her, why mooone wants her, why her whole life has been an endless cycle of girl finds love, boy runs away with floozy. and then i want luke, yes luke, to break down, just a little bit. and say how much he wants her, he wants a meaningful realtionship, he is, just as our astute minerva said, just afraid of getting old, of losing the youth he idntified himself with his whole life, and then, in the heat of the moment, they make passionate love and live happily ever after (okay, maybe not :) ) I just want value and seriousness, just for once!

Whoa, this was a long post, just had a lot bottled up that i need to say. Glad to be back!

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MinervaFan, I loved "Welcome to the Blue Door!" It was very fun!

ILoveTracyQ, all right, it wasn't that bad. I'm melodramatic sometimes, LOL. And while I did adore the kiss and the "Happy Anniversary," I guess I just expected more...but at least it got a mention, right?

tracyluver, good to have you back!

nex4evr, good to see you posting again!






ILoveTracyQ, I too am hoping for genuine emotions. Please oh please oh please. And if that spoiler about Robert setting up a romantic dinner for our girl is true, I hope it's more because he's starting to admire her and not because he's working for Edward.

Spumor from SoapDish: Luke gets jealous of Roberts growing fascination with Tracy, which Tracy realizes & takes full advantage of.

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I'm going to enjoy Tracy/Jane while I have her.

Sure the story might not always be desirable or good.

But at least we get to see her.

I read the spumors/spoilers and thought the worst,and of course the writing is already not the best.

But she'll be ON !! LOL

And really that's the main thing I care about,even if the story is bad.

I'd rather see her in something good,but NO ONE on canvas IMO is getting a good story.

So.....Tracy in a subpar story is better than no Tracy at all,I say.


That also relates to the spumors.

I feel Tracy's above the childish "let's make ______ jealous."

But....I'd rather see her do that than nothing at all.

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Excellent points, ILoveTracyQ. In fact, I might have posted something similar forever ago, something about enjoying what I can, when I can...but how much do I hope that TIIC let JE renew her contract in November? (provided JE wants to re-sign) 3 years seemed so long. I can't believe it's almost up. :o

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Hey, folks. :( No TQ today, but who's counting right? Grrrr.....

Actually, as a little side quest (and big favor for my girlfriend), would you guys mind giving me some of your all-time favorite quotes? Her new GH site has a random quote generator, and it's woefully short on Tracyisms. She was hoping maybe a bunch of rabid Tracyphiles like us could help her fill in the blanks.

Any takers???

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Tracy to Monica in 93: "Daddy banished me from the castle."

Tracy to Monica,same scene: "Sometimes I just hate being me."

Tracy to AJ,forget the year: "Despite what they tell you in AA,self esteem isn't for everyone."

To Luke Spencer: "There isn't enough alcohol in the world to make me marry you."

About Jax/Courtney: "The blond leading the blond."

To Ned about his father Lord Larry: "Your father was so sweet,the first six months we were married,I wanted to eat him with a spoon. After that I was sorry I didn't."(not sure of the exact quote)

To Jenny after the hit and run: "I am not a monster."

To Scott after he dumped her: "We don't start fresh. You hurt me very deeply."

I'll think of more later I hope. :)

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ILoveTracyQ, those are wonderful! (I especially loved the one about Lord Larry; don't know why.....) Am going through old LuNacy scripts, trying to cull the best of the best.

BTW, Ms.Q, it's been about ten seconds since I told you how incredible you are. Sorry I've been slacking. Am downloading like a madwoman, trying to get all that stuff you uploaded before the Sendspace and YouSendIts expire. AM TOTALLY DROOLING over this stuff--just amazing. I tell you, you're going to have your own little corner of the Tracy site, Content Pusher that you are.

Oh, and I can see why Dillon is so gorgeous--Tracy and Paul were a stunning couple. I mean, just physically beautiful together. Almost makes me wish he hadn't been evil incarnate, so that they could have made more babies together.....

Oh, and that young B&W headshot--oh, my gawd. Fey was halfway across the room, reading her CSS book, and she stopped to stare at that photo. Dayum. Dayum, dayum, dayum. Her parents must have rigged the genetics lottery, because she is freaking gorgeous. Put that picture against any woman on soaps today, and there's nobody who can say she didn't have it totally going on. (Personally, I think she still has it going on, but hey--what can I say? I'm a fan of older women.....)

Okay, so I've been blathering too long. Just saying thanks again for uploading all that wonderful stuff. It'll take me a few days to get it all, but it'll be sooooo worth it.

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I forgot to post this,SID had a little article called "Frenemies,"and Luke/Tracy are one pair in it.

It has that great shot of them together that was taken when they did one of their joint interviews last year,with Jane and the blue jacket and Tony in the gray shirt.

Basically says there isn't much Tracy/Luke don't know about each other,and even less they like.

Talks about their marriage.

Why they can't get enough: As Luke sets out to tame his shrew,Luke's verbal sparring wtih nasty Tracy wreaks of foreplay because they're obviously hot for each other. Says they like hearing Luke call Tracy "my precious pink popsicle".

Also has two pics with blurbs,says Nothing gets under Tracy's skin like seeing Luke under her roof and that Tracy insists she doesn't care if Luke still loves Skye but they think she protests too much.

More TQ quotes:

Alan and Tracy fighting over the TV remote:

Alan wants to watch the football game,Tracy says" I want to watch "Love is a Many Splendored Thing",they're fighting over the remote and Alan finally says,"Oh go ahead and watch it,it's the closest you'll ever get to it !"

Tracy to Marco on JE's last airdate in 93: "Marco,I don't travel with people who carry Lenny's Gym bags."(or something to that effect).

Heather has passed out. Tracy says,"Wave a couple of fifties under her nose,that'll perk her right up."

Tracy is the one who coined Lucy Coe's nickname "Juicy Lucy."

Tracy to Lois in 95: "I can tell English isn't your first language."

*crosses fingers for TQ today*

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Hello, all! No TQ yesterday! Well, i can't say i'm surprised. i hope she's on today, it gets me thru the day at school hoping she's on when i get home.

Okay, I know I've asked for this like eight-billion times already, but i just figured out, Ms.Q, what you meant when you said go to edit avatar settings ( i thought you meant on my computer, not on my control thingy) and I was wondering if you could please post the directions for putting up an icon one more time please????!!! :):):):):) That would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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Go to My Controls

In the left-hand menu bar, select edit Avatar Settings

Enter the URL for the Avatar you want to use and click update Avatar.

If you'd like to browse some Tracy-related Avatars I've made, you can go here. Anyone here is free to use any of these icons. They're all formatted to fit both LiveJournal and BB standards.

*toddling off to change my avatar...just cuz I can*

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*steps in quickly*

MinervaFan, I'm glad that all that stuff will be put to good use, LOL.

Can I add the first part of the quote? "Where are you from, dear? I can see (tell?) that English isn't your first language." :lol: And I loved Tracy's line to Dillon in Kelly's: "Do not gesticulate with your cutlery." I don't have much time at the moment, but I'll hopefully add some more later.

tracyluver, MinervaFan beat me to posting the directions.

ILoveTracyQ, so we've seen the photo before? Sounds like a cute article. Thanks for sharing! :)

*steps out quickly*

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*sneeks in and Waves to ILoveTracyQ *

I was a little hesitant to see the Tracy in bed with Robert scene, I think that Gap handled it better. :) I think if they had done it the same way first time I wouldn't have been so upset.

Thanks Ms Q for the clips & Pics.












I remember their being a rumor about a year ago saying that Tracy had a daughter and I was Sam, I wonder if that's true, because I remember seeing at a soap spoiler website before the Storyline started that hinted that Alexis wasn't Sam's mom but her cousin. Has anyone herd anything about either spoiler being true?

* sneeks off to read Welcome to the Blue Door *

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You're welcome, coolkid. :)

Fanfiction Update: Chapter 28 (It's a short one.)

Edit: For those video experts (smirks, MinervaFan, kenna...;)) Question! How come when the song plays in Windows Media Player, it's about 3 minutes, but when I import it into Windows Movie Maker, its 5 and half minutes? And is there a way to fix that?

*waves to Keith*






From ABC123 of SoapDish~

Tracy: So many geezers, so little time.

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