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And people who talk sh-t about others behind their back... like hardcore hate and then in front of Me I see them kissing their ass and acting like they are besties... In this moment I KNOW they are talking the same type of hate against me to other people.

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When singers sing, play their most famous songs in these new strange variants and arrangements where the song is basically unrecognizable and people are trying to sing, but also cringing in the audience. 

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There is this woman who has such a strong bad odor - she smells of a man who does not use deodorant. It's so shocking and off-putting when I catch her at the stairs... sometimes I gasp and even make a shocked sound in front of her... not caring if she sees me. I kinda even want to show her it's not normal and that I do sense it, I also make a face and put my fingers on my nose clearly showing I am in distress from something I have smelled... Then I have to open the whole building public windows after her.

She is a mid-age woman that looks good, is not poor or sick from what I see. It feels like she just doesn't think she needs deodorant... and at this point doesn't sense her own smell, because her brain is used to it.

So yeah, people who don't look after their body odor and stink up indoor public places - huge pet peeve. 

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I was reminded this today... people who leave their garbage in front of their door on the public corridor. I have no idea why and even if it's just for couple of minutes or an hour, because you were busy - IT IS stinking up the corridor. I too photos and will send them to the building manager. Thanks. 

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People who come into my house and break things. I've had a "friend" come and deliberately break a very expensive glass out of sheer jealousy. She was fixated on the glass earlier and when she broke it, I just knew she did it on purpose - she laughed about it and had a sinister look on her face. I hate when someone disrespects my belongings. 


Edited by Maxim
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People who don't wash vegetables and fruit well enough and expect me to eat them when I am visiting them or around them.

This has happened so many times... I've been sitting at a table and noticing a dirty leaf of lettuce... or a friend literally opening a sealed bag of fruit and just putting them on a plate without washing first. Disgusting.

And thank God I always look carefully. But even if I look, sometimes I just say No, because I don't trust them.

Just recently I was out with a friend and she bought some cherries from the store, started eating them while we were walking and asked me if I wanted one. Of course not! And I told her how she is risking her health not washing them.  One of my neighbors' ate unwashed fruit and got a horrible case of worm infestation, which nearly killed him.  He survived after multiple surgeries! 

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When people don't get the hint that I don't want to communicate. These type of parasitic, never-ending messaging types, that you have to in the end tell STRAIGHT leave me alone till they get the point.


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