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Our pet peeves


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I have so many.

Let's start. 

  • I don't like men on bicycles. Don't ask why.
  • Children that act like grown ups. 
  • When someone is eating crackers near me - I can go into a mental breakdown from the noise.
  • Women who laugh hysterically to draw attention to themselves. I mean... really. It's not that funny. You are just trying to get that guy to like you. Cringe.
  • People who talk really slow. Like really really slow. I find myself trying to finish their sentences.
  • I hate strong smells in the bedroom - a deodorant can wake me up and make me not be able to fall asleep.
  • Drilling noises nearby. I have called police for this.
  • Neighbors who always want to talk, even when I clearly... with body language and attitude... am saying - Not now.
  • When people forgive their enemies after dragging me into their fight... and in the end everyone hates me. LOL.
  • Smell of BLEACH can make me go crazy if I sense it near me and I will not go into public toilets that smell of bleach.
  • People who don't take care of their dogs make me angry. Like literally saying to me - my girl doesn't need a trim, she's beautiful like that - Well No - she needs a trim. I can't even see your dog's eyes from so much fur.
  • Bananas that look ripe, but are NOT.
  • People who talk with a loud speaking voice - Girl, Bye.

I can go on and on and on.


What are your pet peeves?



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I can't think of serious pet peeves. I can only think of silly ones. Here's some. 

What Is RAS? The abbreviation stands for “Redundant Acronym Syndrome”

ATM machine → Automated Teller Machine machine

DC Comics → Detective Comics Comics

FBI investigation → Federal Bureau of Investigation investigation

GRE exam → Graduate Record Examination exam

HIV virus → Human Immunodeficiency Virus virus

IRA account → Individual Retirement Account account

ISBN number → International Standard Book Number number

LCD display → Liquid Crystal Display display

NPR radio → National Public Radio radio

OPEC countries → Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries countries

PDF format → Portable Document Format format

PIN number → Personal Identification Number number 

Please register in order to view this content

Please RSVP → Please Répondez S'il Vous Plaît (plaît being French for “please”) 

SAT test → Scholastic Aptitude Test test

UPC Code → Universal Product Code code 

VIN number → Vehicle Identification Number number 


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Let me add another one - My biggest pet peeve, but it's actually a type of person is the man that is fake overly macho, like OVER THE TOP, fake-deep voice talking, mansplaining, coming to fix your gym-gear when you don't need him to do that, coming in your presence to give tips and his POV without you wanting it - JERK. I swear there is a woman version of this and this is the gossip-girl-aunt that cries if you are not married by 30 and tells you you will die alone and eaten by cats.

Another one - people who laugh at dumb comedies aka someone farting for 1,5 hours and this is a comedy... wow. I have relatives like that in my family and I have left the cinema multiple times, because I can't take the stupidity and farting and talking about excrements. 

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Well, excuse me, but what are you doing in that movie in the first place?!! Aren't you just buying trouble?


I guess my biggest pet peeves are either about words or about dogs. 

Grammatical errors, like the misuse of I or me. But with typos & autocorrects I also can have a sense of humor. It's not a surprise to me that these things bug me. I used to be employed as a proofreader, a copy editor, a technical writer, etc. 

People who don't clean up after their dogs. People who let their dogs roam off leash in area where it's not appropriate & usually not safe. People who get a dog & then tie it or chain it out back & then ignore it. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Well people don't always know what is in a movie before watching it. Also when a relative tells me let's see a nice comedy I sometimes say yes. There is no way for me to know the movie will be so disgusting. 

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People who ask me something on messenger or viber and when I respond, they only give an emotion reaction to it. B-tch I took the time to write a freaking sentence to you, BECAUSE you ASKED ME SOMETHING - now you gonna just put a smiley face on or a heart emoji - I put your ass in the no notification folder right away. BYE.

Edited by Maxim
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