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A place to vent... to seek support about issues... OR just to share your problems. /This is a no way-invitation to revealing personal information. 

Everything can be said quite vaguely and still be helpful. /


Also a place to discuss mental health articles and research. 

My favorite topics as a survivor of a narcissist mother are... you can guess - narcissistic personality disorder and sociopathy.


Also a place where we can TALK about people with clear mental issues like knows serial killers and etc.

I myself love to watch serial killer documentaries. 



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My unhinged parent today decided to tell me my dog should not come before her, because it's just a dog. It was a situation in which I HAD to get the dog to poop... and she wanted to talk on the phone. This is how a narcissist can be jealous of any relationship you have, even with your dog. 

I told her - he is a being that is completely reliant on me... You are not. So, goodbye. The dog WILL NOT WAIT. 

Edited by OpportunisticSlut
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I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I believe it's a story about a very disturbed person, so I will put it in here. Years ago, when I was studying Acting, I bumped into a fellow actress in a bar, next to our Academy. We had never till that point talked to each other, just passed through one another couple of times and we've known each-other's faces. We instantly clicked and it felt like we were friends forever. I just loved how funny and entertaining she was. We exchanged contacts and decided we will hit the bars again the next night. We did this and had so much fun.

Then... one night, I got a message from her, that she was inviting me to her place, if I wanted to go and hang out. For little context, I am a gay guy and there is no romantic engagement here. I thought from... both sides, since I told her about my boyfriend the moment we met.  She seemed like a very put together, beautiful person. And how BEAUTIFUL she was, like a million dollar face. Nothing in her seemed strange or out of the ordinary. I am one to catch warning signs and I move away at the first. I hadn't seen one from this girl... woman... up to the moment I went to her place. It was very late at night, but something a person in the early 20s do. She lived in a HUGE apartment complex, that had like 30-40 floors. It was massive and her apartment was at the top. 

She greeted me in her usual cheery, positive self and before we went to the apartment, we got to a store to buy some food and alcohol. We were going to listen to music, dance and shi-t-talk about past loves, probably. That's what I thought at this moment. Going to that place was a little creepy - the building was new and some of the floors - not finished, so the elevator or the stairs did not have lights on. It was very bizarre to be in that small elevator with her for... what seemed a long time. But when she opened the apartment I was blown away - it was SO beautiful. You could see the whole city. I was screaming of joy and telling her I would love to live some day in a place like this and that I felt like a character from Sex And The City. Fast-forward, she cooked and I helped her... She was sipping wine at that point and I did too, but didn't drink too much, since my throat was killing me.

Couple of minutes in the conversation... while we were sitting in the middle of the living room watching the city lights... drinking and laughing... I noticed how after she started telling me about one of her ex-lovers... something switched in her. And not in the normal, I am so sad or angry type of way, she just seemed empty for a moment and was not responding to what I was saying. Of course I was trying to move away from that topic, since it seemed that it made her feel bad... but she was just not responding. Just staring and in silence for a loong time. I got little creeped out and asked her if she's okay. She started responding, and I thought  - Well she's just an actress, they are kinda crazy.

But yeah, not that level of crazy. She then all of a sudden looked at me and told me I had earlier offended her, when I smiled at something that she was telling me. I didn't even remember me smiling or the thing she was telling me. It was probably a normal reaction of a smile... that had no intention to offend her. I tried to apologize for something I didn't do, but she seemed to get angrier and angrier. Then all of a sudden she started changing topics and told me... BEWARE - that she loves me... that she wants me to move in with her and that I can live there for free. I was really shocked, since I had seen this person just a couple of times, I thought it would be a dance buddy for bars and she was so cheerful. Of course I said - Oh, thank you, but I am fine. I am okay in my place, bla-bla. But she was not receiving it. She started babbling about what our life will be in the apartment, how she will buy me lots of books and have me have a big library. I had previously shared I love reading. She even got one of the books from one of the drawers and gifted it to me, even though I told her I ALREADY have it. It was not just a drunk person... It was disturbing me and I could not recognize her from before. Her face seemed empty and then angry and then empty again. 

I tried to get out of the situation... and I started faking that someone wrote to me and I had to leave... Of course. You know the drill, we've all done it. But NO - I was not leaving her - she fell into a meltdown... hugging me and begging me to stay there just for the night. It was very late... like 3-4 in the morning and I was thinking how a taxi will destroy my budget... But I wanted to leave and was scared she will again tell me I had offended her with something... and start hitting me or something, since her body language was very OFF and my whole body felt threatened. I told her I had to go ASAP... and just stood up and went to get my coat and leave. The door was locked.

She was now playing it off like she is joking and having fun with me not able to open the door. I was soooooooooooooo scared. She looked like a maniac at this point. The mood swings... her red mouth from wine... she looked like the Joker...  Here I was - 80 kg male and I was scared of her - probably 50 kg woman. I ALSO had a huge problem - my battery died just seconds before I went to the door. No kidding. I had no battery and didn't want her to know that... since all kinds of stuff went through my head. I then proceeded to play it off like I would stay and just ask her to leave the key in and that there is no reason for her to hide it.

I managed to make her believe I am staying... with me even faking that I will sleep in the next room and she making my bed and telling me how she wants US TOGETHER to BUY a PET DOG. Let me remind you -  I have seen her 3-4 times before that. She was acting like I was THE LOVE OF HER LIFE. 

When I saw that the key was back in the door, I just waited for her to go to her room, thank god she did... and jumped for MY LIFE... basically, since I was horrified at this point... Opened the door... like I am in some kind of low budget thriller movie and started running away. NOW... A BIG BIG.. TWIST... - the elevator was NOT F-CKING WORKING. I started hitting the button and nothing happening. It may have been downstairs and just going up... but I heard her come after me.

Then I proceeded to run and jump 30 something floor of stairs while hearing her scream in the dark, running after me - how WHY am I leaving... WHERE AM I going... AM I serious... ALL OF THE FLOOR STAIRS were only illuminated from the windows and the city. I nearly [!@#$%^&*] my pants. I managed to escape and hid between two buildings... then I got into a taxi and went home.

As soon as I charged and opened my phone I had like... 10202039 messages from her. She was saying BIZARRE things and how my mother should die because what an awful person I am. I blocked her completely and she tried to write to me with fake profiles and ... the last of it was when I received a message that has left roses to say sorry in front of where I lived. Thankfully I moved out due to other reasons... and moved away... That was just when I was finishing my education and NEVER saw her again.

From time to time I see her acting in some commercial and even a small role in a tv series. I hope she has taken some meds and cared of her mental situation. But yeah... if you see her - she looks like a complete catch - beautiful, successful, witty and normal... What I saw that night forever made me KNOW to never judge a book by it's cover.  And I'm a gay guy that's been to some fishy places with men before... and nothing is compared to the horror I experienced that night with this girl. 


Edited by Althea Davis
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My narcissistic mother has this annoying habit of hating anything that I like...

If I share something with her for example... tell her I have tried a new type of pasta... and loved it... she will immediately tell me how bad it is for me and how something in it makes her sick.

If another person tells her about that pasta and she doesn't realize I am hearing... she will probably tell him how much she loves it too.

It's incredibly unnerving to have this in your personal life.

That's how I was raised... with everything I liked or wanted for myself... always put down, laughed at or forbidden.

But I have found a way to turn this against her and start telling her how much I love something I SEE HER clearly enjoying. If she is watching a movie and liking it... I will tell her- OMG this movie is so amazing... She doesn't know what to do in this situation but NEVER fails to find a fault - she will tell me - you are too EXCITED about... it's just a movie. It's not healthy to be so excited about movies.



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