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The Chandler Massey Lovefest

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No, I barely downloaded the app last night. You have to sign up for Twitch to talk to other members. It was fun. He chatted with the people in his chat. He mentioned something about Canada. I stepped out of the room and missed it. I don't know if he's going to vacation there soon or doing another movie for Hallmark. He smiled a lot.  He kept messing with his ears...lol. Someone asked how he has such great hair. He said it was the lighting. Then a cockroach got on his arm. He said he has lots of them in his place.  Everyone kept telling him call an ex terminator. He laughed and said it was where he lived. Viewers kept doing the Golden Girls redux...call an exterminator.  Oh and he was putting personal information on the screen and viewers could see. He closed the window. He's so sweet though. He said I doubt you all would use it. 

It was fun!  He said he was probably doing another one next Saturday night but this time three hours instead of two. He'd post it on his Twitter account.

Edited by Soapsuds
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