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AMC & OLTL August 19 Previews

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Go Jesse. Tell David to go to you-know-where! Let the citizens of Pine Valley know who the real homewrecker David Hayward really is. BTW Why is Angie at the gala but not Jesse? Is Angie a no-good wife that she would go to something without her own husband? Dixie is right about David leaving the Hubbard family alone and minding his own business and stay out.

Will Angie throw away her bible, her beliefs, her convictions and lose her religion over this mess with David? Will Dr. Joe, her mentor, push the hospital board to forcing Angie to resign as Chief of Staff due to her personal problems and issues with compromising her upstanding reputation that would come into question due to this mess with David? Will Dixie be up in Angie's face day and night due to this mess with David and tell Angie that Tad would be disgusted with her and that Tad supports Jesse over Angie. Would the PV citizens run Angie out of town due to this mess with David? Will Frankie come in and tell his mother off and walk out once again and not speak to her due to his mess with David? Would Natalia enter and tell Angie that her mother Rebecca would never treat Jesse the way Angie is and remind Angie that she should be grateful that Jesse married her because her mother never got that from Jesse, ever?? How much respect would Angie lose from her children, to include Cassandra over this mess with David? The mental costs, the emotional price tag coming down hard on Angie. Would the writers make Angie weak and not the religious God fearing, goody two shoes uppity better than everyone else, pushing the character of Angie down a few notches due to this mess with David?

If Tad came back, he would be all over Angie because of this mess with David. Greenlee would tell Angie that she would be selling her own soul over David and remind Angie that although she sees some good in David ,she would never forgive everything that he did and ask Angie where did she leave out boundary lines and limits and tell Angie that she is not the smartest person she used to be or that she thought she was. Krystal reminding Angie that David drugged her and tried to take AJ away from JR and ruined her marriage to Tad and just like Tad, Dixie she would be in Angie's face day and night relentlessly.

Would Angie end up in Oakhaven with her own breakdown over everything and everyone, including this mess with David? Joe, kicking her out of the Chief of Staff and asking her to resign from the hospital, her marriage, loss of respect of her children, Cassandra going back to Paris once again to live with her father Jacob, Frankie walking out on her, and all for selling her soul to David. David would have already succeeded in using Angie to get his license back to practice medicine, and restoring him at the hospital. David walking in and Angie getting kicked out. Ah, so many potential twists and turns and ways to go about this.

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Getting laid never solves all problems of life. Still gotta get out of that bed and face ALL of life regardless. All getting laid does is compound problems and worsens everything. Angie would be destroying herself and fall from grace in sin, shame, and disgrace. End up a complete failure. Jesse getting back his good street smarts to outsmart David, using his connections and help from Dixie and Tad and even Billy Clyde Tuggle maybe. David might have book smarts but he is stupid and dumb in life, especially with relationships. Strong Jesse is about to come to the surface and good for him.

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