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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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Kevin and Lucy are on! Yay! (Watching now)

Ron, is is really necessary to have this poor barely legal kid half naked? He probably feels like he's been raped.

This episode started off with awkward character interactions that seemed like they were halfway through. I thought I missed an episode for a second.

EDIT: Never mind! I started with part two :lol:

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I'm sure the actor is of age (right?) and yeah teens' bodies are often exploited on tv, but it seemed like vintage FV to have that slow pan over Rafe's naked torso (and I'm sorry--when *i* shower at a friends' house, I towel off and get changed--I mean at least put some pants on--IN THEIR BATHROOM, not in their own room when they could be back any minute). And yeah Molly basically trusts Rafe--but leaving him to watch her newphew? Can't she just stroller the guy over to the kitchen while she makes her "prize winning peanut butter toast" (what a chef!).

Wow a Llanview U mention--who'd have thunk they had a professor of the occult on staff! Too bad Caleb somehow found him, even though he woulda had no idea--he seems able to find people by vampire sense when its convenient and not at all other times. (And boo to the director when Caleb grabbed Heather--we see her kinda slowly moonwalk/stumble into a hidden pile of crates right in front of him and then act like she's hiding?)

Britt can change medical documents quicker and easier than even Heather!

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I reminds me of Jackie Zeman's We Love Soaps interview where she panned the storyline with Lucy and Damian placing a bet to see if he could have sex with Bobbie. She felt that the storyline undermined Bobbie and women as a whole. I feel the same way about this story. It undermines professional women as a whole. Britt's this caught up on having Patrick's penis that she's willing to "destroy" another woman's life and career over it? This is what Ron thinks women want to see? An intelligent, degree'd professional woman smirking, plotting and giggling over destroying another woman and her career... over a man?

To me, this seems like overkill. However, America's Favorite Soap Writer doesn't COMPREHEND that you don't need to do this! To your point, Eric, the Britt character, in and of itself, is enough to make the Sabrina character insecure. The Sabrina character, in turn, is enough to make Britt insecure. Why? Because they both clearly possess qualities the other does not. We don't need a choir of angels singing on Sabrina's shoulder every day. We don't need a chorus line of devils high kicking on Britt's.

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Yeah, it was done over the summer. TJ was changing into his swim trunks to go swimming in the lake.

And, you can still blame Ron. The scene still has to be written in order for it to be staged and directed.

Honey, I'm almost 34. I can't take that boy to a bar and get him drunk, therefore he's certainly BARELY LEGAL!

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As for the "barely legal" thing Frequent Soaps--I know that in porn (don't ask) you can be called on kiddie porn if you represent the porn star as being underaged, even if they aren't. Of course this isn't the same thing, and ators who are teens or pretending to be teens are shown in swimsuits, etc, all the time, but it just seems a tad too much when they do body pans, etc. Call me a prude.

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