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Does anyone know about Freud and the ego/superego/id?? I need help!!


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A few semesters ago I was in a psychology class and the professor was an arrogant snob. He was not old he was actually about 30. Anyway, the way he acted, talked, treated others, and handle certain situations is the exact way I would handle them if I where raised slightly differently. I did not stalk him or anything to figure out the above he just told a lot of interesting stories to the class. Most people found him arrogant but I found him refreshing yet so familiar. He is not a man crush. It just seems like he is a direct opposite of my conscience mind. I made this conclusion after I took his class during the winter break. I am just know getting around to talk about it.

Could it be possible that I found someone that resembles my ID? Like I said he is a direct opposite but at the same time he is not a "Man Crush" or a sexual attraction. I do not even find him heroic.

Thanks in advance for the responses.

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IIRC (from my old psychology classes 2 decades ago), the id is the unconscious, immediate gratification part we have since birth, right? In which case, I think the id is pretty much the same/similar among all of us to one another. This seems to be more about the guy's ego, how he's decided in life to get what he wants. He can't be a representation of just id, because he's more than just instinct and need--he's got life experiences that shaped how he behaves, treats people. Like you said, it potentially could have been you if you had been raised differently. Maybe his superego isn't as strong as yours, to where he doesn't have the same level of moral code or sense of right and wrong as you do. Not saying either one of you is at extremes, just saying it seems his behavior has more to do with conscious experiences and choices. Like I said, I think all of our ids pretty much resemble each other because it's human beings at our most basic level.

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